Chapter two (Lucy's P.O.V)

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I woke up to my personal maid tugging on my blanket.

"What Virgo?" I asked

"The master would like to talk to you in his office." She replied.
I nodded my head and sleepily got dressed and walked to my father's office. I had a bad feeling about this but like any other decision , it's not mine to make. I lightly knocked on the door and waited for my invitation to enter the room.

"Come in" I was slow to open the door, I then walked all the way to in front of my father's desk.

"You wanted me?"

"Yes, have a seat first." Taking the invitation I sat down in the chair right in front of his desk.

"I have noticed that you are still stuck in your depression state, so I thought I would get you a friend: hopefully to make you happy again."

"Father! I am perfectly fine just the way I am. Why do I even need a friend?" I pouted.

"Well, pout all you like but you are meeting this friend: tonight." He said

"Fine!" I exclaimed and stomped out of the office and outside to the garden. This is the only place I can be alone and think. This is the garden my mother took me to to calm down. She planted all these vibrant flowers herself: just for me. I looked up to the sky enjoying the chirping of the free birds flying around to their hearts' content. I wish I could be like that- I was pulled back to reality when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"You scarred me!" I said looking at the intruder.

"Sorry." He said innocently. Unruly pink hair... Onyx green eyes... I know him!

"Aren't you Natsu?" I asked angered

"The one and only" he answered proudly.

"What are you doing here!?!?" I asked coldly.

"Um....uh that's a good question.." He said while nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Just answer the question." I said losing my patience

"Your ..uh dad asked me to be your friend." So he was the one.. The one that my dad is forcing me to hang with.

"Well you can leave now, because I have no use for a friend." I said with a smug look.

"You say one thing, but your eyes say another." I was shocked! He was the first person ever to see through me. He can read my eyes, the only other person who could do that was my mother. I must of let some tears fall because Natsu was on stand by wiping my tears away.

"Are you OK?" He asked with eyes full of concern.

"Honestly, no. I'm really in the need of a hug-" I was instantly pulled into a warm, firm embrace.

"Thank you." I said snuggling into the curve of his neck.

"No thank you" he replied

"What are you thanking me for?" I asked full of curiosity

"First you opened up to me, and second for giving me a chance for your friendship!" He said with his bright smile. I giggle into his neck and hug him tighter. When we drew back from the embrace I was smiling, something I thought I had lost for ever was finally returned to me: my precious bright smile, inherited from my late mother.

"Thanks again." I said looking shyly at the ground rubbing my left arm with my right hand up and down.

"Seriously what for?" He said with smile

"For bringing back my smile. I thought I lost it." I said looking back up as Natsu lifts my Chin up with his thumb and fore finger.

"You never lost it, it was just hiding somewhere deep inside you." I giggle and tackle him with another hug, causing the both of us to tumble to the ground laughing. While the two were laughing they were unaware of the servants and Lucy's father peering at them through the window while chuckling.

"There's my Lucy." Jude mumbled to himself.

*time skip (next day at school)*

I'm so happy I met Natsu! I know we have only been friends for like a day, but it feels like for ever. We exchanged phone numbers shortly before we both retired for the night, him returning to his house a crossed the street while I to my deep midnight blue room.
(A/N : for anyone who knows black butler , the shade of blue is like Ceil's hair and eyes! For those of you who don't know the anime it will be in the media! OK thanks and sorry for interrupting , continue on.) I continue to walk in my "lovely" high school hallways on my way to my first hour until I bump into a warm firm chest. I fall to the ground landing on my butt while the deep childish voice chuckles at my state.
"You OK Luce?" Natsu asks between laughs while offering a hand to help me to my feet.
"Yes thank you" I said with a smile. He didn't let go of my hand as we continued the rest of the way to first hour. I was writing down the notes for chemical reactions when I felt my phone vibrate .
One message received :
From Natsu: "hey Luce, wanna hang out at your place after school today?"
I thought before I replied
To Natsu: "sure, why the hell not. Want to meet up by my locker so we can walk together to my house?" Natsu replied instantly
From Natsu: "sure, what do you wanna do while we hang?"
I smiled down at my phone and started typing
To Natsu: "idc , as long as we are together I'm fine with anything! ☺" I set my phone down for a bit to catch up with the notes.
From Natsu: " aww thanks. Well as long as I get to choose, how about we cuddle together while watching a movie?" I almost dropped my phone with a bright red blush present on my face. I slowly look up at Natsu to see him smirking proudly at me. I grab my phone again and message him back
To Natsu: "sure I would like that, but we have to watch a Disney movie. And I would just love to have cheese cake involved with this!" I look up to see him smiling and blushing slightly. He nodded and set his phone down.
*time skip, end of the day*

I was at my locker waiting for my pink haired best friend. I saw him running over to me with a smile.

"Hey Luce, ready to go?" I nodded and we held hands walking to the cake shop a few blocks away from the school.

"One cheese cake please." I ordered from a familiar scarlet haired teen my age.

"Sure thing Lucy." She said running to the back to get my regular order.

"So you come a lot I'm guessing?" Natsu asked

"Yup I'm one of the regular customers!" I said smiling

"Her is your strawberry cheese cake." Erza my favorite red head said

"Thanks!" I said and paid for the cake. I was walking back out of the shop when I saw Erza talking to Natsu.

#with Natsu and Erza#

"Hey before you leave with Lucy I want to talk to you." Erza said to Natsu.

"Sure what about?"

"Thank you for bringing back the Lucy I know. She has been a emotionless zombie for a long time, thank you for making her smile again." She said with a smile to express her gratitude.

" um... Your welcome. To be honest I didn't really do anything. " he said looking at the retreating Lucy heading towards the door.

"By the way I'm Erza , Lucy's childhood friend."

"I'm Natsu, Lucy's neighbor and best friend."

"It was nice to meet you." She said while sticking her hand out for a hand shake.

"Like wise." Natsu said while taking Erza's hand and giving it a firm shake.

"Well I better go, Luce and I are going to cuddle watching a Disney movie."
Erza squealed at the news

"Aww! I ship it! Just wait until Mira hears about this!!!!" She said jumping around. Natsu just slowly backed away and ran out the door to the shop.

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