Movie "Date"

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I was still outside the cake shop still waiting for Natsu. I was lost in thought again; wondering what Erza wanted from Natsu. I heard the cake shop door slam shut and felt someone running into me causing us both to fall. The box with the cheese cake landing softly to the side. I open up my eyes to see him. Natsu was hovering over me straddling my waist with both legs while both of his hands on either side of my head. I look back up into his eyes and blush.

"Uh... N-Natsu." Natsu came back to reality blushing beyond compared, quickly jumping to his feet while pulling me up too.

"I'm so sorry, I was trying to get away from your ... Um .. Friend." He leaned down picking up the box.

"No.. Um.. Its fine" I replied blushing even deeper if possible. He smiles , grabs my hand and we continue our way back to my house.

*time skip*
I sat on the couch with a big bowel of popcorn , and two plates with cheesecake on the coffee table. I got comfortable while Natsu put in beauty and the beast, one of my all time favorite Disney movies. Natsu quickly sat down next to me putting his arm around my waist pulling me closer. I gently leaned my head on his shoulder and got lost into the movie.

"Hey Luce."

"Yea?" I looked into his eyes.

"Your spilling the popcorn." He blushed a bit.

"Huh.. I am?" I looked down and saw popcorn on his lap and all around.

"I'm so sorry!" I said ,Starting to pick up the mess I made. I gently brushed his thigh making him blush even more.

"There." I said announcing that I finished cleaning.
When I looked back up we were both blushing. I'm not really aware of what the name of these feelings is, but I like them. Butterflies in my stomach and heat racing to my blushing cheeks. I wonder why only Natsu makes me feel this way.... I sit back in my spot and cuddle into Natsu. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

*time skip*
I must have fallen asleep, but its really warm in here all of a sudden. I open my eyes to see me laying right on top of Natsu, while he holds my waist and I'm hugging his torso. Heat raised to my face instantly. I tried wiggling out from his arms, Natsu held me tighter as the outcome. I desired this embrace, but what would he think if he woke up? I decided to ignore that thought and snuggled back into his chest and fell back asleep.

My dream was filled of a valley filled with different kinds of flowers in pastel colors. The sky was a creamy haze with adorable bunnies hopping all around.  I walked around some more gathering in-tell on this extraordinary landscape. I stopped in my tracks when the wind picked up and swirled cherry blossoms around me and drifting off into a nearby stream. It was really peaceful here, but some thing is missing. I feel sort of empty,I'm in a utopia without my freedom. I walked over to the babbling brook and sat down looking at my reflection. I saw exotic fish swimming around in its habitat and mingling around with other critters of all shapes and sizes. I was mesmerized with the beauty of the rivulet, until a color caught my eyes. I turned my gaze to a fish that took on the hue of something familiar. Natsu! That's right! This must be a dream, for some reason I can't imagine a world without Natsu, but why? I guess I will just have to figure that out later. Now, how do I get out of here? I could always do Dorthy's trick, but will that work? I decided to give it a shot, cause I mean this is a dream , right? I concentrate on thinking of ruby red slippers on my feet, I saw a glow happen. It worked! Now all that's left.

"There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home." 

(End of Dream)

I slowly sat up and looked around for any indication that I'm no longer in a dream. I was soon answered when Natsu came around the bend from the kitchen helping a maid bring breakfast, mhhmm the smell of my favorite strawberry pancakes. 

"Hey Luce! Did you sleep well?" he asked with a tremendous smile.

"Yea, I actually did. How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby! But anyways, here is breakfast, I was told it's your favorite." He plopped down next to me on the couch and handed me my plate and picked up his. 

"Thanks!"  I smiled at the plate and began taking small portions of the pancakes.  I saw Natsu out of the corner of my eye eating like his life depended on it. I soon started laughing. 

"What's funny Luce?" He looked over at me with confusion. 

"nothing, just witnessed something cute." He pondered on what I could mean for a few seconds but gave up and shrugged and continued eating. 

Soon after Natsu and I went walking around the square in town to get a bit of fresh air. 

"I was meaning to ask this earlier, but what did Erza talk to you about?" I inquire hoping he would answer instead of dodging the question.  He stopped walking and looked at me. 

"She thanked me for something unnecessary." He smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked oblivious to what he was getting at.

"She thanked me for bring back the smiley old you." I was stunned, I knew Natsu brought back my smile, but I just noticed he did bring back my personality. 

"Thank you." I smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"You're welcome." and we continued to walk for a bit longer. 

After an hour or so we walked back to my house to say goodbye. 

"Goodbye Luce, thanks for hanging out with me." he stepped down from the front steps of my manor. 

"No thank you Natsu, goodbye, see you tomorrow." I waved while he crossed the street and entered his own home.  I smiled to myself and walked to my room, Something tells me my life is going to get way better than this.

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