Chapter 17

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Pisces's POV

I told him everything. From beginning to the end. I told him how I thought Ryan was the one for me and how we spent time together. I told him about the night he first raped me and how he almost got me pregnant. If it weren't for those condoms I snuck in that night, I would've been cursed with his child in my belly. I then told him about the night where I ran away and pushed him off a bridge. But still, he should be dead. There's no way he lived. At least not without a scar.

I bite back the tears that want to come out. "So yeah. That's how I ended up here. No one knows about this but you and me. Not even my own mother." I said as I choked up a bit of my sadness. Scorpio could see that I was hurting. "Pisces, you did what you had to do. You defend yourself."

"But what if someone found him. What if he told someone that I was the maniac that almost killed him. I could be charged. I don't want this to happen. I never wanted this to happen. If only I was still with my mother you would be-"

"Sitting in my room wondering why the hell I'm in this world waiting to die." Scorpio interrupted me as I turned sharply at him. "What?"

"The reason why I stay in my room all the time is because people at school think I'm a monster. So they stay away from me because I wear a hoodie and jeans." Scorpio looked away from me for a while. We were silent until I decided to speak. "Scorpio, I don't think that about you."

"You did before." Scorpio replied back. It was half true. Yes, I thought he was just an emo type of guy, but I never thought of him as a monster. Just, emotionless. "Scor-"

"Hey Pisces." I looked at the door expecting Gemini but instead it's Libra. She noticed us holding each other as me and Scorpio quickly scattered apart. "Um...look, I don't know...what I saw, but Aries wants us down for dinner, so if you're gonna have to save...that for later." Libra managed to say as she finally left us alone. "Well,...that was-"


"Yep." I said as I looked at Scorpio as we both started to laugh. "So, should we head down for dinner?"


Dinner turned out to be quiet a success. Libra actually knows how to cook, and cooked us some corn bread along with some barbecue from Leo and Virgo. It was delicious. I could eat the whole thing if I wanted to.

However, not all of us liked it sense Gemini would usually push her food away like a child. "C'mon Gem. I promise to get you two corn breads if you eat it."

"No way. I'm sorry, but I don't like it." Gemini replied as she looked away from the table. "I got this." Taurus said as he went over to the kitchen and grabbed a lollipop. "Taurus, those are only for emergency."

"This is an emergency. One of us is about to starve." That got him a chuckled from the others. Including me. "Gemini."


"If you eat the meal I'll give you my very last lollipop." Taurus said in a teasing voice. "That's not gonna work on my Taurus." Gemini said as she huffed and turned her head. "Fine, I guess I'll have to eat the lollipop all by myself." Before he knew it, Gemini flung herself to Taurus and grabbed the lollipop out of his hand and popped the whole thing in her mouth. "Mmm, lime." Gemini said as her eyes started to go wide.

She felt herself sweating like a pig. Her face was hot and red and she was now breathing heavily. "Gemini, are you alright?" Aries asked as Gemini shook her head. "I'm not sure. It's super hot." Gemini replied as she then started to pant like a dog. "What exactly was in that lollipop?" Aries asked to Taurus as he smirked a bit. "I covered it with hot sauce."

"WHAT!?" Gemini said as she quickly went to drink some milk. "I can't believe you! She could've been killed."

"Correction. Hot sauce doesn't kill you. It burns you, but it doesn't kill you." Taurus explained as Gemini slapped him upside the head. "It still burned like crazy." Gemini said as she sat down and went to eat her food. "Hey, at least you're eating your food."



After dinner, Gemini walked into her room and shut us all out. And there was only one person to blame. Taurus. We all gave Taurus a strong glare. "What?"

"Gemini's hurt. You should apologize." I said, my eyes filled with rage and sadness for my friend. "It was just hot sauce. She use to do it to me all the time when we were little."

"Yeah, but it still hurt her."

"Taurus, what's gotten into you. You're never this hurtful." Aries asked worried for her friend. Taurus only rolled his eyes. "Nothing. Just a little fun with Gemini. She knew I was kidding." Taurus said with a prideful look on his face. Something is up with me. He was just a tall boy and a nice guy to hang out with. Now, he's acting like a whole different person. "Taurus...I think you need to go back to the therapist again."

"What?! No! I'm fine!" Taurus exclaimed as he backed up a bit. "I've seen you act like this before. Maybe next week I'll-"

"No! I told you I'm healthy. I'm not going back there. Not for a very long time." Taurus then stormed out of the living room and was now out of sight. "Taurus! Taurus!" Aries called out to him but he was already gone. "Aries?" Libra started to say. "Are you-"

"Please go."


"Just go!" Aries yelled as Libra stepped back a bit but left her alone. The others decided to leave her alone too. Including me.

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