Chapter 19

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(Alright guys I'm back! Here's a funny video for all or you to see

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I hoped you enjoyed that. Now, onto the story)

Pisces's POV

I looked at him straight in the eye as he held the woman's hair in his hand. His eyes were so cold and rotten. Just like I remembered when I pushed him off that bridge. Ryan gave me a cold stare as he tossed the woman aside like a rag doll. "Hello my little puppy. I missed you so much."

I immediately got into a fighting stance. "Don't you dare come any closer." I said with fire in my eyes. It was the first time I looked independent around him. "I'll kill you I swear it!" I shouted as Ryan came up to me with his hands up. "Then by all means, finish the job." Ryan replied as I was ready to strike him.

I decided to lay a punch to his disgusting excuse for a face. But I was a fool for thinking that I was gonna make that hit. My first collided with his hand as he twisted it hard and fast. I almost cried out in pain as I remembered that night when he first hit me.

Ryan went to my ear and whispered softly. "If you run away from me again, you'll go down with me." With that, I kicked his left ankle which earned a grunt from his mouth. Ryan returned with a grab to my knee and picked me up and threw me down hard to the ground.

Before I could get up, he grabbed me by my turtle neck and held me in the air with one hand. He punched me repeatedly in the stomach. I cried as I remembered the pain, the suffering, the hurt that I had to go through. The reason why I had to run. I wanted to fight. Wanted to stand. But I'm afraid. Of him. And I always will be. I'll never be free.

Ryan smiles cruelly as he saw my face. "Giving up already little puppy? I thought you were stronger than that." Ryan then punched me in the face and my glasses were on the floor. "I always loved those glasses." He said as I tried to kicked free. But it was no use. I was caught in his trap again.

"Now then, I believe you and I have some unfinished busi-ARGH!" Before he could finished his sentence, I was immediately brought to the ground. I heard two men fighting. I quickly put on my glasses saw that one of them was...Scorpio.

Scorpio was more pissed than I ever saw. He heard Ryan coughing and punched him repeatedly in the face. "Don't! You! Touch! Her!" Ryan put up a fight too as he tried to pick up Scorpio just like he did me. But Scorpio was too quick for him and he grabbed one of Ryan's knives and stabbed him in the gut. It caused Ryan to finally stop and fall over. "You asshole!" Ryan said before he finally lose consciousness.

Scorpio had blood all over his body. Both his and Ryan's. "S-Scorpio." I said as he rushed to me in a  flash and picked me up bridal style. "Are you alright?" I tried to speak as I suddenly coughed up blood. Scorpio took my mask off so I could breathe. "Oh was horrible." I said as I held onto him tightly. Scorpio held me tighter as well. "Shhh it's okay it's okay."

"I-I...w-wanna go h-home." I said quietly as Scorpio gave me a soft kiss on my forehead and pulled out to phone to call 911.

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