11)Khushi's blackmailing

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" My thing is different Khushi..." he was saying when Khushi cut him saying," I Love You" and Arnav was like ,″What!"

Arnav was shocked..but composing himself he asked her,″ See Khushi you don't have to lie or joke just because you dont want to do this marriage?"

"I am not lying Arnavji ..I really love you..and I wont marry anyone..This is my final decision." she said and stepped forward to go like nothing happened.

Arnav got angry and stop her holding her by her shoulders,Asked angrily," How dare you,how can you love me..I am your sister's love,dam it?"

Khushi was hurt hearing this and said,"I love you and it's the truth...I can't change it thinking about Sheetal di."

Arnav became numb hearing this from her..he was shocked thinking how can Khushi say this..she is a girl who can never cheat anyone but she here is cheating her own sister by confessing her love to him.

He loosened his hold on her shoulders and stepped backward lost in his thoughts..Khushi had tears in her eyes..she had not planned to confess him but something had made her do this.

Arnav looked up at her.. running his hand in his hair ..he was feeling complicated and frustated.

He said,"Forget everything Khushi..this is good, for you and me..Tomorrow Rudra is coming and you have to marry him"

Khushi got angry at his marriage with rudra thing and said,"I said that I won't marry him..why he...I won't marry you anyone other than you..Arnavji if you want to see me married than you have to marry me...I won't marry anyone as your wish."

Hearing this Arnav's anger crossed the limits and yelled at her,"You can cheat Sheetal but I can't..You are only my responsibility whom she gave me... and I don't see you like that.″

Khushi emotions overtook her ..tears started rolling down her eyes.., she was very sad and was angry on her fate.The man whom she love, doesn't love her and even wanted her to marry her off with someone, because she is his responsibility.

″Responsibility is the word which have ruined my life.″She thought in her mind.

″You think that I am your responsibility, right?″ She asked ,he nodded looking at her.

″ OK ,then I am setting you free from it,today. I am myself allowing you to break the promise you made to my sister.″ She said frustrated with his responsibility chanting.

″You can't set me free ,My responsibility will get over when I will marry off u to someone suitable for u and I won't break my promise at any cost.″He said to her declaring to make her marry someone else.

″Why!Why are you doing this with me? I said I don't want to marry someone else.I love you,Why can't you understand me and my feelings?Either you have to marry me or I am not going to stay here and marry with your choice.″She said to him shouting ,Indirectly threatening him that she is not going stay here with him if he won't marry her.

But he was not at all effected by her threat.He was determind not to listen to her pleadings.Seeing him like that,

″Please don't force me marry someone else, I will never ask you for anything else but let me be with you ..I will never ask you to love me, but don't do this to me″.she said to him requesting... falling weak with continuous crying and screaming taking support from the back wall.

″I won't listen anything...Now my friend and his family are coming to meet you for marriage and you have to marry him″.He declared ,ignoring her pleading and tears.

″Don't you get this that i will not marry anyone other than you.″She shouted surprised with his stubbornness to make her marry that boy.

″And i will not marry you at any cost.″He said to her also shouting losing his control.

″If you can't marry me then I also can't marry that boy,and if you will force me then I don't have any other option left. ″She said looking down and trying to take something.

He watched her taking the knife from the table and shouted,"NOOOO...!"

He stepped forward towards her and snatched that knife from her hand and yelled at her," Have you gone mad or what? What were you doing?

"Yes I have gone mad in your love and I can't live without you.." She said hugging him crying.

Arnav jerk her apart from him and shouted at her," I won't let you die..I can't break my promise.

"If di would have been with me today..she would have fulfilled my wish." She said and Lift her face and looking up and said," Look di what Arnavji is doing..you have took promise from him that he will fulfill my everywish with my responsibility but Today he backed out from it di..Today he backed out"

Arnav was looking at her unbelievebly..He was shocked to see that she is trying to blackmail him using Sheetal.

She added looking up"He is forcing me to marry against my wish di..he is not doing good with me di why did you gave my reponsibility to such a person who can't even fulfill his promise given to you..I know you love me more than him if today you would have been alive ..you would have fulfilled my every wish..without caring about yourself."

Arnav shouted at her losing his control," What the hell are you saying all this,Khushi?"

"I am saying true Arnavji..How Sheetal di would be feeling now seeing that I don't want to live because you are not fulfilling my wish..she loves me very much and you know this..She would be not happy seeing me crying."Khushi said all the these apologising to Sheetal in her mind.

Arnav punched the wall beside him hearing this.. Khushi Got scared and can feel his pain but didn't do anything..Arnav was feeling angry but controlling himself he called Rudra...

"Rudra,don't come here tomorrow."

"Khushi don't want to marry you"

Rudra was shocked hearing this..he started blabbering about how much he love her and his family was happy about this marriage.

Arnav got frustated hearing this and shouted angrily at him looking at Khushi," Rudra..I said that she don't want to marry you.. Can't you understand this.. if not than put this thing in your mind that I am marrying her.. She loves me."

Cutting the call,He looked at Khushi who was happily looking at him ..he said angrily," Just because of you I have to Do this..I have to break Rudra's heart.. He loves you very much."

Hearing this Khushi chuckled but didn't that much loudly so that Arnav can hear.

Arnav added ,seeing her smiling" I am marrying you just beacause of Sheetal but don't expect anything more from me and Today ,What you have done Khushi like blackmailing me using Sheetal .I won't forgive you for this ever Khushi,ever."

Saying all this Arnav went away angrily.

Khushi signed in relieve.

Reaching his room..Arnav break all the things in anger..He was somewhere feeling helpless that he had to marry her.

He sat Keeping his hand on his forehead thinking all the things said by Khushi.

Back to Present

"I said yes to marry you because I wanted to fulfill my promise and I can't let you die..But It is all the truth that internally I was happy that You won't go away from me..My house won't be deserted like before."Arnav said looking at Khushi's photo.

"I was angry at you for blackmailing me but After saying yes for marriage I remembered about my mother's wish..I thought I was cheating her by marrying someone else ..as she wants me to be with Sheetal and I got more angry at you thinking this."

He was sitting on his chair ..proping up with backrest..He closed his eyes tired of all the things in his life..All the things were flashing in his mind..

His family moments..Time spent with Sheetal..with Khushi..

His mind stopped at a particular memory of him with his mother..He tightly closed her eyes..

"Chote,I always wants to see you happy,I be with you or not..If you will be unhappy, my heart will pain."

Arnav opened his eyes with a jerk..heavily breathing.

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