12)You won't go

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On the other side..

Khushi had ran to her cabin after taking the decision ..It was very hard for her to say that she will go away from him knowing herself that she is in madly in love with him and after staying with him her now she cant even think how will she survive without seeing him..

But after seeing his condition Now ,she thought her going out of his life will be good for Now.. He need a break from this and needs time to think about where his life is going.

she didn't know that Aman had heard their conversation and was satisfied with her decision.. he was also disturbed with Arnav's behaviour with Khushi and was angry at him.

Khushi wiped her tears and thought what had led her to confess her love to Arnav suddenly and forced him to marry her using Sheetal.


It was the night when Arnav had told her that he want's her to marry Rudra.. Khushi had ran away to her room crying.. She was very upset..She was thinking how to deny for this marriage.. She knew if she said no to this marriage he will come with another in future.

"I will go and somehow make him understand that I don't want to marry that soon" She said to herself not having any other option.

But when She went to his room.. She stopped at the door hearing his voice and she saw something which disturbed her and also surprised her..

Arnav was sitting on his bed and was talking to himself..

"How I will live without her...But I can't stop her.. Rudra is a nice guy he will keep her happy..I had to live alone, Again" He said stressing the last words..

He looked up and asked," Are you happy Sheetal I am going to fulfill my promise..your sister will be happy."

But Thinking something he said," But she is happy with me here too..then why she had to leave me."

Holding his head he said ," I think I should sleep now and stop thinking about her..she has to go and I have to accept it..she can't stay with me forever"

Thinking this he tried to sleep but couldn't...Not having another choice he slept taking sleeping pills.

Khushi was seeing all this and tears were flowing from her eyes..she kept her hand on her mouth to control herself and went back to her room.

She sat on her bed with thud and cried harder..Her emotions were very high it was paining her thinking about Arnav's condition.

"I thought it doesn't matter him if I am here or not but i was wrong ...his condition is more worse than me...He is scared of me living him alone after I got married."She said to herself.

Again crying louder she said," He had again started taking sleeping pills..if just thinking about my marriage his condition is like this what will happen if i really go away."

Arnav had stopped taking those pills as he was coming back to normal after Khushi came into his life..They had became great friends..Aman..Arnav and Khushi used to enjoy everything..Aman was very happy seeing his old Arnav back.

Meanwhile,Aman saw Khushi's care for Arnav and he got to know that she had started loving him..When he asked her she told him the truth that she loves him from the time she had seen him at her college..Listening this Aman had decided that he will make Arnav marry Khushi.Aman had many times hinted him to marry Khushi but Arnav always think that Aman is asking him to get Khushi marry someone soon.

Seeing Arnav going back to sleeping pills sleep leaving natural sleep..Imagining his condition when he will be alone, She got up and she shouted,"NO!"

"I can't let him go to that condition again from where me and Aman had get him out."

"If I denied for this marriage..he will be relieved for sometime but be always scared that I can't live with him..I had to do something so that I can live with him forever..Like him I also can't live without him..I have to do something."

Back to present

"That day I was disturbed seeing his condition and that time Marriage is the only thing that came to my mind...That's why I suddenly confessed my love after hiding it inside me for two years."

"I had not thought that I will have to use Sheetal Di's name to make him ready for marriage but it came out of that situation."

"I know that it was my mistake to force him ..I should have waited for sometime before taking this decision..but seeing him taking sleeping pills again...it had pained me very much."

"He was angry at me for forcing him..but suddenly his behaviour turned very much rude towards me..I was hurt..very much hurt."

She was thinking all this when her phone rang...Seeing the caller,She wiped her tears..composing himself she received it.

That time at Arnav's cabin

Arnav remembered how his mother was used to pray for his happiness always..She used to say," My happiness is with your happiness beta..so if you want to keep me happy ..you also have to happy."

Tears started pouring down from his eyes remembering his mother..He was a full mumma's son..He always stayed glued to his mother.

He realized what he had done in this past years and yelled at himself," What i have done..I was pushing myself into pain knowing that it will pain mom..How can't I realize this before..My destiny keeps on giving me chances to be happy but I always ignored it and again try to go to my past which has only pain."

Arnav was finally being sane and was thinking in the right track..he was thinking,I know that I can't live without Khushi..she had become a very important part of my lifeWho made my house a home again..i tried to throw her out of that home..She was the one who made me go to home where i didn't want to go as i was scared of those memories..She gave me that homely feeling in that house for which I have always craved since my family left me..I was happy that finally I have someone who wait for me when i get late from office."

"Aman was right about all the things he said and I being a stupid person didnt listen to him..He was right that I dont love Sheetal I was in pain after her death just because I was left alone again and her accident triggered my family's accident..She was my mother's choice to be her bahu that's why I had decided to marry her."

"From the time I started accepting Khushi in my life..I have always fear that she will marry someone and go away..that she is not going to stay with me forever..And at point of time when Rudra asked her hand,I was suffocating thinking My house will again became deserted..I don't know what this feeling is but I can't be without her and Now I will think about my happiness nothing else matter to me" He thought in his mind.

He looked up and said," Thanks Mom..For making me understand my mistake..if Khushi would have gone out of my life I don't know what would have done."

He smiled thinking about Khushi..he closed his eyes peacefully after a long time sitting on his chair... Many things were running in his mind...but the most important was his heart was telling him to be with her...now he again started thinking of having his own family.. he closed his eyes...and Khushi's face came into his mind...she was running behind a girl with the milk glass...like his mother used to run after his sister chutki in their house where he spent his childhood..

He opened his eyes with door opening sound and saw Khushi coming..Getting up he moved towards her..Khushi was looking at her phone waiting for something.

He asked her being confused,"Khushi,what happened?

Khushi looked up and said,"I am going to delhi and waiting for ticket confirmation."

Listening this,Arnav small smile turned into fear...He was going to say but her phone rang with the ticket confirmation message .

She said," ticket got confirm..I was coming to say this to you that I am going delhi as...."

Arnav held her shoulders and said cutting her," Why are you going delhi?I won't let you go"

Seeing her looking at him with silence he added,"I know Khushi how I behaved with was totally rude but please don't go ..I can't be without you"

Khushi smiled looking at him and said,"You are thinking..I am going To delhi leaving you forever."

Arnav nodded confused expressions.

"Arnavji I am going to delhi because Payu needs my help..you know, finally she is thinking of settling down here with us..and don't think I will let you enjoying here alone..when I said that i will go away..it means I was giving you sometime alone to think about everything for a month or two not more than that because I can't be without you."She said controlling her happiness.

She was happiest that Arnav realized his feelings for her..he don't know till now that is it love or not but atleast he know that he needs her.

Arnav was happy that she is not going..He held her closer to him and said,"Why didn't you tell everything before I was scared..I actually thought that I will lose you."

"You won't lose me ever as I won't let you do it..Arnavji,You don't know how much happy I am seeing you behaving normally with me..Your rude behaviour had hurted me very much."She said smiling after a long time.

Arnav held his ear cutely and said,"I am sorry Khushi..I don't know what have happened to me..I was not thinking clearly..i was lost in my past, because of it i was ignoring my present."

Khushi smiled and held his hand making him leave his hand..he left her realizing their postion.

She smiled and said,"Its ok Arnavji,Lets be friends Again...And You don't have to feel awkward and hesitate for anything like you were Now.We are friends right and Friends can hug each other."She said and hug him.

Next update available at Inkitt

"I always complaint her when he hurt me" said Khushi 

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