2. Khushi's love

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″Your fault is that you fell in love with your sister's love″.He said shouting leaving her shoulders with the jerk..

" I didn't love my sister's love,I didn't set my eyes on her love,why I will do this with my own sister Arnavji. I just ‴Arnav cut her point off by saying "Why are you ruining both of our lives with your stubbornness,khushi?"

"Arnavji ,I am deeply in love with you, then how can my life ruin by marrying you?You know what ,Life becomes beautiful by marrying the person you love".She said with smiling.

"Yes,Life become beautiful when you marry a person you love but that person should also love you,if he don't love you,and you literally force him to be with you then their life would ruin only and our case is like that only here ′I don't love you′ .″ He said loudly stressing the end part,her smile vanished by hearing his rude reply.

Not waiting for her further to say something more , he moved towards the couch and lied their covering his face with blanket.As couch was little small,he was lying their uncomfortably with his legs slightly out of the couch.

Khushi was just standing their watching him like this,she let out a sigh,feeling heaviness building in her heart.She went to the bed and sat their,her eyes not leaving his figure,the moment she closed her face with his palms,tears gather up in her eyes even after she forced herself to be strong.

She gave herself strength internally to bear the pain of her pure love,it was very difficult for her to bear his hatred ,somehow she calmed herself down and removed her palms from her face.Her gaze directly went to the sleeping figure of her husband,he was actually very uncomfortable while trying to sleep there.

She thought to ask him to sleep on bed and she will sleep on the couch,if he don't like to share same bed with her,if he will sleep uncomfortably ,he will definitely experience back pain tomorrow

"Arnavji! ″She called him.

"Now..What Khushi..at least let me sleep peacefully″.He taunted her.

"Nothing″she said ,sighed not having any energy to argue with him again.

She drank the water from the jug kept on the side table and lied on the left side of the bed as she knew that Arnav always sleep on the right side,she thought what if will be not able to sleep on the couch and come on the bed to sleep.

She covered herself with blanket and closed her eyes to sleep but sleep was far away from her.What she was all doing was to remember each word of him to her which was full of hatred.His taunt to her saying that she set her eyes on her own sisters's love broke her .

"He don't know that i love him from the time i didn't even know that my sister loves him and they were going to marry each other."she said with tears flowing from her eyes.

Her thoughts went towards the time when she had fallen for this man who is her husband now.


It was 3rd year of khushi in her fashion designing degree,she was studying in Lucknow only,with her friends,that time sheetal used to stay at the rented room and was searching the job and khushi was staying at hostel in her Institute,all the expenses of her degree were on her scholarship on which she was studying in the famous and expensive Institute .

"What a Sir?"A girl said looking at their young new sir,who was looking extremely handsome .

"What are you saying Preeto,Are you made that you are talking to yourself."Other girl who was passing by her,asked her when she saw her talking to herself.

"Khushi,look at him,he is a guest lecturer came for only today,but he is looking very young ,right?May be 2 to 3 years elder to us,He is too hot yaar,i fell in love with him ". Preeto said staring at him with her flirty smile.

Preeto was a flirty girl,she flirts with every boy and fell in love with someone everyday ,but someone was there who has really fell in love with him at first sight.

Khushi followed her gaze to look at him and she stood agape there staring at him lovingly,her heart started beating fast looking at him who was asking something from the peon. That was the moment when Khushi Gupta felt something in her heart for him.

She was all lost in him when one of their classmate tapped their shoulders from behind making them look behind, making Khushi come to reality.

"Don't even think about him my friends, He is The Arnav Singh Raizada , Owner of A.R Design."she said to them ,herself staring at him.

″Arnavji″Khushi whispered to herself,smiling happily.

"You r stopping us from thinking about him and herself staring at him like he is yours."preeto said to her hitting her.

"Since he had come here many girls are trying to get his attention but he is not even glancing at them,then how can he be mine,preeto?"She said with little annoyance.

Khushi smiled hearing them, she took a step to go towards him when suddenly he started rushing towards somewhere hurriedly.

″Where are he going ,now?″She asked to her friends with tension and curiousness evident in her voice.

" I think he is going to our class only as he especially came for third year students,she answered thinkingly.

Suddenly realizing something,she said″oh,no I don't want to got late for his class,it will create bad impression. "

She moved towards the class,praying he won't reach before her.

″What! ″ Khushi exclaimed with tension, staring at him she forgot that she was getting late for her class.

Both Preeto and she moved towards their classes, but suddenly Khushi's phone started ringing..

They stopped, she saw it was from her friend, she attended it, gesturing preeto to go to class.


″Madam, I found this phone with girl who met with an accident. Now, we are taking her to City Hospital. Please, come there.″

″What!How all this happened?Is she OK?'' She asked worriedly.

″Madam, you please come to City hospital, now″

″I am coming″

So,As her friend had met with an accident, and she had to go to her. Due to this she was not able to him meet him that day.

After this, she started following him from the distance just to steal a glance of him. She also many times went to his office to just look at him to her heart's content.She tried to meet him also but as he introvert ,he don't meet other then his business works.But still, she fell in love with him.

When she got internship in AR, She thought that she will work under him and will be able to know more about him, then she will tell her feelings to him .But for her misfortune she got the internship in the branch of AR where he rarely goes.

That's why he didn't see her before Sheetal's death and don't know that she had seen him before and had fallen in love with him.


"I love you Arnavji." She whispered under breath.

Sleep over taking her due to the tiredness with the mind full of past memories and she slept.

Next update available on inkitt app-

''Sorry Uncle, Did you get hurt?''He asked Arnav innocently.

Arnav smiled at his innocence,and patted his cheeks.


Can you notice little improvement in the story?

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