30) Khushi and Arnav's own confessions

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On other side

Arnav was very Angry...Aman was not able to handle him and at last left him..

"Aman,Why did you not let me talk to Khushi?How can she hide That Samrat whatever his name is proposed her?"Arnav said angrily shouting..

"Shut up Arnav...whatever is her reason is doesn't matter....Why are you overreacting?...and by the way that was the time before your Marriage...Now stop getting angry and Meet her with peace..."Aman said..he was very frustrated with Arnav's behavior..

"Aman,but...."Arnav was going to say something but stopped and thought "let it be ...I will talk to her about this some time later."

"But Aman...Why payal was behaving like that?it hurted me seeing her saying those things.."Arnav asked him suddenly.

"Arnav,I don't know what suddenly happened to her...but the thing I know is she never considered you worthy of Khushi...She accepted you in her life just because of Khushi's stubbornness..."Aman said finally telling about Payal's view About their relationship..

"What!But why ....I never felt like that...She was happy Seeing us together.."Arnav asked with shocked with this thing.

"She was happy but Seeing Khushi still struggling to get your love and you always making her upset She was very angry at Khushi for still forgiving you Everytime."Aman said.

Arnav said nothing and be quiet..

"Arnav,Just think from her point of view once..Khushi is like her sister and She has seen her suffering all the time...She has the right to be angry and Thinking of you being not worthy of Khushi."Aman said.

"Am I this much bad,Aman?"Arnav asked gulping .

"Arnav,You have not cared for Khushi ever..Now also ...she is weak and you were going to fight with her for not telling you about Samrat...What if she didn't tell you?You were not a couple that time."Aman said Consoling him.

"It hurts Aman...thinking that She would be with someone else..She is my wife...how can I bear this thought.."Arnav said finally expressing his jealousy.

"So,You are jealous..And You say you don't love her...You know Arnav ,I have seen all the feelings in your eyes,In your behavior that you are in love with her...But you never considered her as your life...You have never expressed your love for her...Why can't you express this feelings in words..Just express it and all the things will get Well..Your relation will become angelic"Aman said .

"Aman...I don't .."He was again going to say his crap but Aman who was already frustrated With him interrupted him..he had enough of his tantrums..

"Just Accept that you love him, coward...I know You Don't want to tell her about your love for him..Then let her go...for God's sake let her live her life...We can't see her suffering everyday...just divorce her,Arnav..."Aman shouted..

"YES...I love her...I love my Khushi...So what if I don't say it to her....And I am not going to divorce her....Why will I Let her go?"Arnav yelled in anger.

"But why can't you tell her...she is yearning for it Arnav...Don't do this with her...You should tell your feelings to your loved ones...What if something happens and you regret for it....and if you still don't want to...then Don't bind her in this Marriage...She has the right to Think about herself."Aman Screamed...His throat was paining by shouting and yelling...

Arnav didn't say anything anymore and went away from there...

Here, In Khushi's room

"But Khushi,Why did you lie?Why did you say that I didn't push you?We both know that I pushed you that time.."Preeto asked confusingly..

"What!she really pushed you...Why did you lie Khushi?Are you trying to save her?"Payal asked her in tension.

"Preeto,can you leave us alone, please..?"Khushi requested Preeto...

Preeto was off course very confused but didn't interfere and nodded..

After she got out of the room..Khushi looked at Payal with the dissatisfaction..

"Payu,Why are you behaving like this today?That time also you were talking weirdly.."Khushi asked her...She was little disappointed with payal today..

"So,What should I do khush...You are getting hurt again and again in this marriage...I am not able to take it anymore..you won't believe but when I was in Shimla with Aman ..there was not a moment when I was not tensed about you.."Payal wept over it and said..

"Payu,what if Aman would be like this...would you have left him?"Khushi asked her..

"If Aman would be like Arnav Bhai...and I was suffering in my marriage ...would you have tolerated all this?"payal asked her in counter..

"Payu,I am just trying to save my marriage and my love...but The day.. He will cross his limits...I will Cross mine..I will leave him ...and he won't be able to Stop me...He has to control his anger..and realize what he is doing with his life."Khushi said ,being hell serious..

"If it is like this Khushi,Promise me...promise me today..that you won't let him hurt you ..you will be strong....and you will do exactly what you said now if he will Cross his limits."Payal said in a dominating tone..

Khushi nodded...and got lost in her thoughts for a moment..

Khushi has always wished for Arnav's love but what she got was humiliation,his anger and his accusations..She knows that he cares for her...loves her but She is tired of all this Blaming things...she wanted a normal life with him..but his own life is a mess ...and in this mess he is ruining Her life..Sometimes she feels that why did she fell in love with him...She remembers how she got angry at her and was going to fight with her here, Because She didn't tell her about Her past...she always expect Arnav to understand her how she understands him..

She even rejected her own family for him..just to stay with him..if she wanted she would have been living happily with her brother who loves her like everything..

Suddenly,A thought came into her mind...

"Payu,Preeto pushed me and I fell into the swimming pool because We both saw a man pointing gun towards me.."Khushi told her..

"What...who are they Khushi..why are they behind you..Aman also don't tell me anything...why are you guys are being secretive like this.."Payal said being sacred and angry..

"We ourselves don't know who is behind this...but Now I think that Kapoor's can do this..because those attackers would not aim me but Arnavji "Khushi said with suspicion..

"But Khushi they are your family why will they attack you?"Payal asked..

"They can do anything for their benefit...According to my brother's wish ...fifty percent of all the property is on my name...they will do anything to get that."Khushi said with out any emotions..

"But Khushi,Why did you lied in front of Arnav bhai.... Someone is behind both of you..wants to kill you...and even attacked you today and you are here still keeping him unaware..please Khushi just tell him everything ...and let us get out of this mess...our life has become hell because of it..."payal said yelling...

And unexpectedly...Arnav who was standing outside the room for sometime,entered the room with his eyes red..

Seeing him,payal and Khushi both got startled and looked at each other..

"I also want to ask Khushi,why did you lied?"Arnav asked keeping his calm..

Khushi gulped and asked,"About what Arnavji?"

"Don't lie Khushi, someone tried to kill you today and you lied to me...Why the hell are you like this Khushi ..you expect that I understand you and you hide things from me...If there is no transparency between us about these matters then how can we stay happy in this marriage..."Arnav said getting Angry..

He can't believe what he heard... They have kept these secrets within themselves and behaved like nothing happened in front of him..

"You even have your own family...How many things have you hidden from me Khushi?...you know what Khushi I came here to tell you that I love you...finally I realized my feelings my mistakes ...I was regreting for all the moments I got angry at you.... I was very excited to see your happy face hearing my confession but here...I got your unexpected confession of your lies.."Arnav said tears pouring down from his eyes..

He was feeling a betrayal...it was pain like hell..He had never thought that his closed ones were cheating on him..and was making him fool..

Khushi heard that he was going to say those three words for which she had waited very long...She was feeling guilty and angry ....She was cursing herself for this situation..How she wanted her life to be normal but more she wanted it to be normal more life got messed up...one by one in this two years she got to know the biggest truths..and she hided those truths form Arnav...She knew that this is wrong...he has all the right to get to know that but She didn't have the courage to tell him..she was scared..

Khushi stood up from the bed and tried to step forward towards Arnav but He stopped her from coming close to him...Payal who was seeing his anger and pain felt guilty ..

"Arnavji please,it's not like this.."Khushi was saying but he interrupted.."You thought that I am not able to save us..you thought I am a fool who can't do anything...I am a weak Arnav Singh Raizada who couldn't take it."

Aman also entered the room and analysing the situation he understood that Arnav somehow get to know the truth..

"Arnav,first listen to us...We never wanted to hide this things but we got to know this things when Khushi's accident happened and you were not in the condition to bear the truth."Aman said touching his shoulder..

"If it is that so..then tell me the whole truth now..and then I will decide if I can bear it or not."Arnav said jerking Aman's hand from his shoulder.

"Arnavji you can't behave like this with Aman...i did all the things and bound him to not tell you the truth...I am the problem not him..and If you want to hear the truth Arnavji...then listen..Your family was murdered ..it was not a accident...and Those were the same people who wanted to kill you with the car accident but I got trapped in it...that accident was meant for you not me.And there are many more truths Arnavji...many people are here who want to destroy us.."

"I want to tell something to all of you"A voice came from the person standing at the door..


The truth has started unfolding now...let's see what happens..

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