31)Arshi's anger

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Every one turned towards the door to see who is here,They were surprised to see Rudra here...He was looking very tensed and was very scared about something..

"Rudra,What are you doing here?and how you got to know that we all are here?"Aman asked suspiciously.

Arnav didn't give much attention to him as he was lost in his thoughts...He can't believe what he heard...His family was murdered by someone..And they are behind him now..

"I...I want to tell something."He said and stopped..

"Rudra,we are talking about something serious here... please Say what you want fast."Payal said looking at Khushi's condition.

Arnav was trying to absorb what he got to know...He was feeling very heavy in his heart...He wasted all this years of his life...He should have punished his family's murderer but he was busy in his own problems..

He tried to walk out of the room avoiding everyone but Rudra held his hand on the way..

"Arnav, please listen to me...this thing is very crucial..I can't take this burden anymore..I want to tell you the truth."Rudra said freed his hand from his hold..

He looked at everyone...They were watching him with confusion...he stepped forward towards Khushi.

"My father Vijay Pratap singh was behind your attack Khushi.."Rudra said in a single breath.

"What...!"Arnav exclaimed.

Khushi ,Payal and were shocked as well...They have never thought that Vijay uncle would be behind this mess.

Arnav reacted first ,he ran towards him and held his collar With anger..He was boiling in anger.

"How dare you to do this?Just because she refused to marry you..You Tried to kill her."Arnav shouted at him furiously.

"Arnav,I didn't..... Please listen....to me.."Rudra said in his bad situation , stuttering.

He was scared seeing Arnav like this..

At the end Arnav left him with a punch when Aman pulled him from behind..

"Rudra,Why did he tried to kill me?Is it because I broke your heart or the reason is something else?"Khushi asked him stepping forward.

"Because he wants Arnav's property....He know that if you will die..Arnav Would go back to his dark days and his company would go into losses...He is planning to take it over then."Rudra answered.

"This won't happen ever"Arnav yelled..and went to Khushi and held her face in his hands...He side hugged her..He was scared..hell scared..as he got a view to his life if something would have happened to Khushi from Rudra's words..

"I won't let something happen to you Khushi.. nothing will happen to you...you will be with me, Right?"Arnav said looking at her.

Khushi nodded and tried to console him..She held him with herself as he was losing his peace...

"Rudra,just say what do you want to say...our life is getting spoiled because of this things..we are not able to live peacefully.."Aman said emotionally seeing Arnav's condition.

"I am sorry... please forgive us..All this problems which are in you life are because of my Dad...He is responsible for all."Rudra said weeping..

He was shivering looking at Arnav..He had suffered so much in his life..He had seen Arnav from childhood..Arnav was always a strong boy but his love for his family became his weakness..He couldn't handle himself after his family's death and became like this..

Sometimes, Loneliness works as a destroyer..it can destroy your whole life...People who can't live alone and still have to be alone gave rise to problems..

"My Dad has done many bad things in his life to reach where he is today...I never knew about this things..I was in London from many years..But when I came back two years ago ... suddenly my father Asked me get close to Arnav...I thought he is asking me because you have lost your family...but slowly he said that he like Khushi and wants her to be My wife.. I also liked Khushi so I didn't deny."

All heard this and were feeling disgusted with Vijay that he wanted to use Rudra to take Khushi away from Arnav.

"I got to know this things some days ago when I heard him talking to your Doctor Arnav...He and your Doctor were talking about your present condition and how Khushi has almost took you out of depression..Dad was asking him to make your condition bad by doing something..That's when I confronted him..He told me that he tried to kill you some months Ago..but Khushi got injured..."

"What! That Dr. is involved with him... it's good that Arnav left taking those tablets .."Payal said with frightened.

"How much trouble he has given us Rudra?He has tried to kill my Khushi ..I am not going to leave him."Arnav threatened coming back to his senses.

"I know Arnav he had done more severe crimes and I am not going to hide them..today I came here to tell you all the truths..And I will help you trap him.. Because a person who killed his own daughter for the money hasn't have the right to live in this world."Rudra said with anger and pain..

"His daughter...but he don't have any daughter.."Khushi asked.

"Khushi, He threw his daughter,my sister into the orphanage because his business suffered a big loss after her birth...As everyone thought of her as bad omen..My sister have to live alone in the orphanage all because of that man.."

"I tried to look for her since my earliest memory but I couldn't as didn't knew where he left her...I found her but after her death...She was none other than Sheetal..Sheetal was my sister...I don't know why he killed her but he himself accepted it...When I asked him about her death."

"What!" Everyone's reaction was like this..This thing is totally unbelievable...Sheetal is Vijay's daughter..And Vijay killed her was more shocking..

Khushi got emotional after hearing this..Her Di got murdered by her own father...How can that beast do this to his own blood?

"Khushi,It means your are also that vijay's daughter."Arnav asked her...

"NO"Khushi yelled looking Furious.

"That beast can't be my Father."Khushi cursed him saying this.

"Sheetal is not Khushi's real sister."Aman said in between.

"After my accident,I was trying to console Arnav...That time some people approached me...They said that they are from my family...I was delighted that finally me and my sister got family..She was not alive but she will get that name..But they shocked me saying that They had only one daughter..That's when I got to know that we were not blood sister's..Just because the people who left us had the same surname...we assumed in our childhood that we are sister's..That's what orphanage papers say."Khushi unfolded.

Arnav was silently listening to everything...His mind was weak and tired...He was literally trying to understand all the things..

"He is staying in this hotel from yesterday to trap you Khushi...When I came to know this ,I hurriedly came behind him...I tried to stop him but he said he wants to take revenge..I don't know about which Revenge he was talking about."

"I have never thought in my life that Vijay unc...He will Do this with my life...How can he stoop so low for my Property."This came out of Arnav's mouth.

"I don't know what is happening with our life...I am also very depressed about him ... I have never thought that he will be like this...I want you to help me throw him behind the bars...I want my sister to get Justice."Rudra said with anger.

"But why did he killed Sheetal?I mean she was not interfering in his life...She was Not asking anything...She didn't even knew that she is not my sister."Khushi asked.

"Anything can be a reason Khushi,he would have done it because Arnav was going to marry her or because I was searching for her...But we have to collect evidences... other wise he will Do something against us again."Rudra said thinking seriously.

"Rudra,We were talking about Raizada's accident... listening to this things,Do you think he would have hand in That accident?"Aman asked thinking logically.

All were startled to hear this...that were lost in the thing revealed now that they didn't think about this possibility.

Arnav and Khushi were sitting together...they shivered hearing this...How can someone be this cruel?

"He will rot in hell"Both thought in their own mind with anger.

This death revelation had made Khushi's heart determined to make his life hell ...Arnav tried to cheer himself up for the sake of His parents and Sheetal..He wants to give Justice to Sheetal...

I ne...never thought about this Aman... But this can also be possible...I won't be surprised if he had done that crime also..."He chuckled sadly with pain.

Rudra's feelings were very bitter..the feeling of being a murderer's son was killing him from inside...He had gathered a lot of courage to come here and confess his father's crimes..

The day he got to know that Sheetal kapoor is his long lost Sister...he was very happy and went to that orphanage only to know that she is dead..He was broken...If this was not enough he got to know that his own father kill her..

On the other side,

"What the hell happened there?How is she all well resting in her room?"Vijay Pratap Singh yelled at a Man.

"Sir,Her friend pushed her at that time...But you don't worry we will get another chance."That man said shivering.

"How will you get that chance ?They would have got Alert... you have lost golden opportunity to do your work.."He again yelled at him.

"I can remember how My brother counted his last breaths in my arms..Just because of those Raizada's I lost my brother whom I used to worship...My Brother asked me in his last time to take revenge...he asked me to erase there name from this world."

"In this,I lost my daughter...I indirectly killed my child just because of that Arnav..He is responsible for her death.."

"I asked her to trap Arnav in her love but she instead herself fell in love with him..I didn't have any option left and I decided to kidnap her..But The people I hired to kidnap her accidentally crashed on her as he was drunk... They were going to pull her inside the car but just because of that drunk driver My daughter got killed..."


I am trying my best to complete the this story as soon as possible..

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