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Anika disconnected the call with a worried expression.

S- What happened?

A- Someone has attacked the mansion.

Shivaay's eyes widened in horror.


Shivaay said while pleading to her. Anika just rolled her eyes and went towards her cupboard.

She took out two guns and some bullets and tucked it on her waist.

A- Let's go.

S- What? Where? Can't we stay in here? It will be safer for me... I mean us.

A- Don't be stupid. If we stay in here, then they would easily locate us and then kill us. Come on.

Shivaay just nodded his head and followed her.

Suddenly Anika stopped in her tracks and looked at him.

A- One more thing. Just stay behind me. In this fight, I'll be your armor. If you try to ditch me then I'm sorry, I won't be responsible for you.

Shivaay simply nodded his head. They came out of the room sneakingly.

Loud sounds of gun shots were heard with some shouts. Shivaay was sweating due to fear and nervousness. Anika turned to look at him and noticed his behavior.

A- Don't worry. I won't let anyone harm you. Trust me. It's Mafia's tongue which will never lie.

Shivaay looked at her in shock because in this type of situation, everyone first save themselves and then think about others but here she's guaranteeing him for his life.

A- Come. Let's go. We'll get out from the back door and go to my hideout.

Shivaay nodded and followed her.

On their way, Anika dodged some bullets and shot some bullets. When they almost got out of the mansion, they immediately settled in Anika's car.

Anika immediately ignited the car and ran the car in full speed. Some black cars started following them.

A- Sh*t!

They were continuously firing on the car. Anika was also firing continuously while driving the car simultaneously. Shivaay bend down on his seat to dodge the gun shots.

S- Oh God! Where am I stuck?

Suddenly a gun shot directly hit Anika's car wheel and the car disbalanced and hit the tree.

A- Dammit. Get out of the car fast.

Anika fired two more bullets on them and her bullets ended. Anika groaned in frustration.

S- What happened? Why aren't you shooting anymore?

A- I'm out of bullets.

Shivaay started fake crying.

S- Oh My God! Now we'll finally be dead.

A- Just run along with me. We'll hide in this jungle. There's a village few kms away and we have to go to that village.

Shivaay nodded his head and they started running inside the forest. Those goons also started following them. When Anika realised that the goons were too close, she signed Shivaay to hide behind the tree. They hid behind the tree. When all the activities stopped and they realised that they went away.

Shivaay was the first one to step out of the hiding area and Anika followed him.

Anika turned to look at him and her eyes widened when she saw a man was about to shoot Shivaay from far.


Shivaay looked at her in confusion.

S- What?

The man almost shot the gun. Anika ran towards Shivaay and pushed him away. At the same time, the man shot the bullet and it hit Anika's shoulder. Anika cried in pain and fell on the ground. The man was about to shoot Shivaay when Anika hugged Shivaay and they rolled down the cliff.

The men left from there.

Anika was almost dizzy. Shivaay got hell worried and patted her cheeks.

S- Anika, get up. What did you do? Why did you save me?

Anika opened her eyes a little and groaned in pain.

A- I... I... Tol... Told... Yo... You th... That I... I... Won't..... Let any.... Anything... Happ..... Happened to..
You. No... W.... Ru... Run.. Lea... Ve... Me... Here.....Run.

Shivaay was crying. He took her in his arms.

S- I won't go without you. Don't close your eyes. Please. Anika. Oh No! Your wound is bleeding so much.

He patted her cheeks. Anika was losing consciousness.

S- No... No..

He picked her up in his arms and ran towards the village.

Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter. 😁😁

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Love you all. 😘😘

Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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