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Shivaay was walking towards the village with Anika in his arms.

S- Anika. Please wake up.

Few villagers were looking at him worriedly. His feet were almost injured by walking such a huge distance.

An older lady who saw them, rudhed towards them.

O- What happened, beta?

S- Please help us. Some goons attacked us and has shot her. She's not waking up.

Shivaay said as few tears escaped from his eyes.

O- You come with me. My name is kusum. My husband, Dev is a vaidya. He will definitely help you both.

Shivaay nodded delightfully and followed the old lady to her house.

K- Come.

They entered the house and saw an old man sitting on a chair and reading newspaper.

K- We've an emergency. This girl got shot and is unconscious.

D- Ok. Make her lie on the bed.

Shivaay nodded and took Anika towards the bedroom.

The man checked the wound on Anika's shoulder.

S- Is it something serious.

D- No. This girl was lucky. The bullet has just passed through the skin and didn't penetrated deeper. I'll go and prepare the herbal paste. The wound will get healed in a week but she has to take proper rest.

Shivaay nodded his head in relief.

K- Beta, you're also injured.

The woman said pointing at his elbow which was bleeding.

S- It's okay. It's not much.

K- But you've to treat it otherwise it might get infected then how will you take care of your Wife?

Shivaay's eyes widened in shock.

S- Wife?

K- Yes. She's your wife right. I saw the pain and fear in your eyes when you were carrying her in your arms. I can sense it. Don't worry she'll be fine soon.

S- Look....

Shivaay was interrupted when Dev entered the room with a green paste.

He forwarded the paste to kusum.

D- Apply the paste on her wound and tie it with the cotton cloth.

K- Okay. I'll change her clothes also.

D- Beta, you come with me. I'll treat your wound and give you clothes to change.

Shivaay nodded his head and followed Dev. Shivaay changed his clothes and got his wound treated.

He went inside the room and looked at Anika who was still unconscious and her dress was changed into a lehenga choli.

He sat beside her and held her hand in his.

It was a perfect chance for him to run away and get freed from the prison of Mafia but his heart didn't allow him to leave. To leave Anika.

S- Hey! Wake up now. Don't trouble me. See you're not doing your duty well. I might run away as well. You're still sleeping. Looking I'm running away.

He said but Anika didn't respond.

Kusum came into the room.

K- Beta, you should eat something. You must be hungry. She won't get conscious this soon. It might take few hours as the bullet may not have penetrated the body but still the wound is deep.

S- No. I'm fine. I'll sit here till she gets conscious.

K- are you sure?

Shivaay nodded his head. He was continuously sitting beside her while holding her hand.

It was almost midnight and Shivaay was almost sleepy. He drifted into sleep while resting his head on her bare stomach and holding her hand.

It was almost 7 in the morning when Anika started getting back her conscious. She felt A shooting pain in her shoulder and hissed in pain. She then felt A weight on her stomach and bondage on her hands.

For A moment she thought that she was captivated by her rivals but when she opened her eyes, she was spellbound with the scene in front of her eyes. She saw Shivaay sleeping peacefully as his head rested on her stomach. Unknowingly, her fingers grazed his face. She immediately came out of her thoughts and noticed the change in her and his clothes and A frown formed on her face.

Shivaay stirred in sleep on feeling someone's touch. On seeing him stirring, Anika immediately closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious.

Shivaay looked at Anika and an expression of worry covered his face as he thought that Anika was still unconscious.

S- Please wake up Anika. You know that I still have a chance to run away from here.

A- And I'm still a mafia even if I don't have a gun now.

Anika said with her eyes closed. A wide smile covered Shivaay's face.

S- Oh My God! You're awake. Thank God. How are you feeling?

A- Fine. Just A little pain. Where are we?

S- We're in the nearby village. An old couple helped us.

A- Hmm. Why didn't you run away? You had such a great chance.

S- I don't know. Maybe I don't want to leave the world of Loyals and go to the world of Traiters.

Shivaay said with A small smile and A different expression covered Anika's face which she covered with A stern face in no time.

She sat on the bed with the help of Shivaay.

S- Do you want anything?

Anika shook her head in negative.

At the same time, Kusum and Dev entered the bedroom.

K- How are you beta?

A- I'm fine. Thank you for helping us.

K- It's okay beta. Anyways, you've got a such a loving husband.

Anika's eyes widened in horror and she shouted-

A- Husband?

Anika said while shooting glares at Shivaay and he gulped in nervousness.

Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter. 😁😁

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Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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