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Ragini clicked her tongue annoyed and glared at Abir who gave her a wide grin in return. He was continuously poking her and she was just not liking it.

They were all outside waiting for the bell to ring so that they can get inside the class to write the mid term exam.

Sanskar couldn't concentrate due to the continuous annoyed reaction Ragini was giving to Abir. "What's your problem?" She asked annoyed again and got a grin in return again.

When Abir did it again Ragini couldn't control her anger. She pushed Abir with all the strength she had. Abir stumbled a bit but then stood straight and walked back to Ragini to annoy her more.

"I get it you want to top the class. But this is not fair how you are disturbing and not letting her revise dude" Aditi spoke rolling her eyes.

Abir felt angry for her comment. "Think you have done such things to get ahead huh?" Abir mocked her and Aditi fumed and glared him.

He rolled his eyes and turned to find Ragini was not standing there. He searched for her and found her near Sanskar who was asking her some doubts.

"Really I didn't understand in the class. Thanks Ragini" Sanskar said leaving out a breath of relaxation and smiled at Ragini widely who gave him equally big cute smile.

She was about to say something but suddenly stopped. Sanskar looked up from his book and found Ragini being dragged by Abir who was holding her wrist.

"Why are you so annoying?" Ragini whined as she got her wrist out of Abir's hold who tried to calm himself. "I am not understanding this concept. Teach me" he demanded and Ragini rolled her eyes.

"Where is the magic word?" She asked crossing her arms. "Please" he met her gaze with pleading eyes and Ragini smiled. She forgot in an instance how Abir dragged her along just some minutes ago.

She then explained Abir who was all smiles while he watched Ragini explaining the concept to him. Sanskar had never seen Abir give that kind of smile to anyone.

As soon as they got out of the class after finishing the exam they were told to assemble in the ground as HM wanted to give them some information. Ragini was standing beside Aditi but Sanskar saw Abir pull her to his side holding her elbow.

She glared him annoyed but he only smirked in return. HM maam told them that there will be more cultural activities in the second half and they have to organize a full fledged program on any one theme every Saturday. It was compulsory for every class and everyone sighed.

"Why do you keep getting on her nerves dude?" Azar one of their classmate asked Abir who chuckled listening to it and looked at Ragini. "Because she is cute" he just shrugged his shoulders.

Azar looked at Sanskar and then neared his friend a bit angry. "Do you know what you are talking about? If Jayant came to know? Do want to die? Sanskar tell him man" Azar turned to Sanskar who was in his own thoughts after Abir said Ragini was cute.

"Have you seen her when she smiles with her eyes disappearing? Do you know she has single dimple on the left cheek? Do you know she snorts so cutely" Abir said dreamily.

"Now you are inviting trouble Abir. She is Jayant's sister. You know it's our code. We don't talk about the sister's of our buddies" Azar said irritated. "Weren't you trying your luck on her last year?" Abir mocked Azar who just rolled his eyes.

"I was then somethings changed and I stopped" Azar said crossing his arms. He clearly was recalling what had happened last year.

"Why you got scared?" Abir laughed. Azar looked at Sanskar who didn't mind what they were taking.

"She is so cute. How did you resist yourself,? " Abir asked with his boggled out eyes.

"You know when she talks and moves her hands gesturing she just sounds so happy. When she had worn new dress and glass bangles on her wrist and everytime she moved them the mellow sound of it, When she is so near and you look down at her baby like face you won't be able to control certain kind of excitement building within. When she twirls and her hair moves with her head and she looks like the Barbie doll in my sister's collection. Her baby like voice and whiny cry are so cute. What should I do she just makes me behave like this forgetting everything else. "Abir said dreamily. Azar looked back at Sanskar who was giving a puzzled look now.

Sanskar neared them. "it's not about how you feel. If she gets any more troubled because of you I am warning you it won't be good for you" Sanskar threatened Abir who was looking at him puzzled.

"You will tell the same if she liked me back?" Abir smirked and Azar rolled his eyes knowing he was inviting trouble.

Sanskar gave him a smug look. "If she. Let us see" Sanskar challenged.

"Have you both gone out of your mind? Have you both thought if Jayant came to know about this what will happen?" Azar asked them in disbelief.

"What more can happen? Abir will be with broken bones and of course broken heart when Ragini will reject him" Sanskar smirked and Azar looked at him in disbelief.

"You are challenging me now dude. And you know I have never lost any challenge in my life" Abir said with attitude.

"Let's see then" Sanskar shrugged his shoulders.

They both turned to look at Ragini who was talking to Aditi something about cultural program and smiling. She turned to look at both of them. Her confused face broke into a huge smile when she met Sanskar's soft gaze. He waved her lightly and she did the same in return.

Abir didn't like it the way their interaction went on. While she was still smiling at Sanskar .Abir dragged her holding her wrist and they reached their class.

"Abir let go of me" she said annoyed and Abir let her hand go and turned to her with a sigh. "Why is that you always smile at others but only look at me annoyed?" He asked pouting.

"Because you annoy me. The way you drag me like I am some rag doll is what makes me more angry on you" she said rolling her eyes.

"Why are you so cute Ragini..." Abir exclaimed and Ragini looked at him puzzled. He neared her while she looked up at him as he was taller than her and he pinched her nose and she opened her mouth shocked.

"I will miss you. Why don't you come to our home next Monday. It's Savita Di's birthday. " he said and she nodded her head.

"I have other plans. I am going to the church fair with Aditi and Pari" she said not looking up to see how Abir was admiring her cute face.

"Okay fine. You enjoy your holidays and we will meet after that" he said with the smile. She looked at him and then turned to the door where Sanskar was standing.

"All are waiting. Shall we leave ?" He asked her and she took her bag and neared Sanskar. He forwarded his hand and Ragini looked at it a bit puzzled but grabbed it anyway and Sanskar smiled and walked out with her holding her hand in his.

There was this new kind of sensation in his blood veins today. He looked back at Ragini whose hand was in his and just walked behind him while adjusting the strap of her bag.

"She is so cute" Abir's voice was coming back to his memory again and again. He also felt proud when he remembered Abir's angry jealous face while Ragini held his hand or when she gave him a big smile.

His eyes again drifted to their hands. A smile graced his lips which didn't wanted to leave. 'So perfect' he thought to himself and squeezed her hand a bit.

Ragini didn't realise it and was busy in her own world. 'she is not just cute. Her cuteness crosses all the limits' Sanskar smiled looking at her innocent oblivion face.

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