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Sanskar had waited for the school reopening. Definitely not for this reason. He lazily moved his hands.

"Ouch" Kavya cried in pain and Sanskar landed back to present and looked worried at his classmates whom he had hit with the prop in his hand.

"I'm so so sorry Kavi" he apologized reaching her while she was on the ground trying to hold back the pain. Her eyes had started to water and Sanskar realised his mistake.

"I told you I can't dance. Didn't I ?" He asked concerned looking at Kavya. "Then what will you do in the program Sanskar? Other than this there is no option for you" Pari came there and scolded him.

"I will just be at home instead of making myself and the group a laughing stock" he said lowering his head.

Ruhan nodded his head and neared him. "We don't have time to back off now. This week is our chance to present the program and it's the matter of our class reputation. You know the other batch if they even jump across like monkeys on the stage people will still call it creative and enjoy it. But us? We already have a bad reputation of being book worms. I would like to break that stereotype" he said like a true leader.

Ruhan could become a great leader. There was no doubt in that. But he didn't contest for the head boy position and Abir had won it without competition of course.

"I'll try more" that's all Sanskar could say. He didn't really like the idea of being on the stage.

"What's happening?" They all turned hearing Ragini's voice who was at the door of the classroom. She saw Kavya wincing in pain and rushed to her without thinking.

"Kavi. What happened?" She asked with her big wide eyes. Kavya looked at Sanskar who was feeling more guilty now. "I just hurt myself while practising" she gave Ragini a weak smile.

"You should have been careful right?" Ragini said concerned. But Kavya just gave her a thankful smile in return. "Did you people finish with practice?" Ragini asked Pari who nodded her head with a heavy sigh.

"Can I help?" She asked cutely and Pari smiled at her gesture. "For the time being just help them" Pari pointed at the dance group and Ragini sat on the bench at the front and waited for the performance to start.

Even though she knew they were doing it terribly she tried to encourage them. Ruhan seemed like he was losing focus some time staring at Ragini. Pari found it amusing. She signed him to watch Ragini and they will discuss later. Ruhan flushed embarassed and caressed his neck and then his eyes moved to Ragini. As the dance ended she gave them positive feedback first.

"But still need a good work on coordination. Don't be conscious about yourself. That will make you people miss the beat." She said to all.

Then she made some changes in the positions and looked at them happy. "Don't think who is watching you. Dance like nobody is watching and you are alone and you are doing it for yourself not for anyone" she smiled at them. "Practice more guys. You are doing good." She gave a thumbs up and walked to Pari and Ruhan who was struggling with presentation part.

Ragini gave them too some suggestions and wrote down some phrases for them to use it and told them to use the gestures while they speak and it would be interesting if they do it like a conversation.

Ruhan smiled at her when she was explaining them what to do. Pari hugged her thankful and Ragini returned the hug. She squealed a bit in the hug and Sanskar found it cute. He caressed his neck looking at her.

Then his eyes moved to Ruhan. The emotions in his eyes had not even reduced by an inch also after so many days. Same soft fondness in his eyes was the evidence that Ragini was still special to him. May be more than earlier.

"I thought you people forgot about the games period so came to call you. Sorry if I interrupted. Practice more and you will do it I know. Bye guys" she waved at everyone and walked out of the class and Ruhan just looked down with the same soft smile. And Sanskar couldn't help but smile too.

He looked at the front now and kept all things Ragini told in mind and practised more. Lucky for him Ragini had put him in a position where he barely could see the audience but the audience could see him. She knew his struggles of being at the spotlight. He smiled at her gesture.

Evening while they walked Ragini came beside Ruhan for first time. She was discussing with him about the program. The smile on Ruhan's face was brighter than the brightest star that day. Abir felt uneasy seeing this. Ragini freely joked with Ruhan and he smiled at her.

Sanskar smiled looking at her. How he had wished she will be the old Ragini she was. And he got a glance of old Ragini today and he was happy about it.

Abir went to her and dragged her with him. She rolled her eyes looking at him. "Why,?" She asked him annoyed. "I need to discuss that project" he struggled to find an excuse. "That project you are doing with Azhar. Not me. Do I look like Azar to you now?" She asked and all laughed hearing her.

Abir was embarassed. He let go of her hand. She then walked to Sunita and Ashwini and spoke to them. She was walking backward when she stumbled and was about to fall but Abir caught her and dragged her very near to himself while all had moved front. She was left alone with Abir.

Sanskar who was laughing for the story Jayant told turned back searching for Ragini. She was looking at Abir who was watching her worried.

"Are you okay?" He cupped her face concerned. Ragini looked at his hands and then at him. "Thank God" Abir dragged her and hugged her. She was still shocked with the things happening so fast. Sanskar felt something breaking within him.

Ragini was lost in her own world all the way. She was surely troubled. Something in her emotions had triggered. It was evident with her red cheeks and ears.

"Are you having a fever or what?" Sunita asked concerned and Ragini just kept her head on Sunita's shoulder and continued to walk. Abir had left them some distance ago but Ragini looked he was still in her thoughts. Her heart was beating fast and she could feel her breathing increasing suddenly.

Sanskar just kept watching her while they diverted and he had to go on his way. Though time was passing he felt he was stuck there.

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