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The rain had gone. School corridors were pleasant than ever. More than anything what excited Sanskar was now they could play every evening in the school ground which was made for three schools. Their school got the time slot of 3 to 4 pm and that was the time when all the children of the school were left to play. Sanskar was really excited about the games period.

He found Ruhan walk towards his desk with a smile. The topper was a very humble kid. Even the other topper Pari too was very humble. They both were only good at studies. Nothing else.

Their section was famously known as book worms. Arav was the only guy who ever participated in any cultural activity. There was one more girl Kavya who always got the fourth place who was interested in Bharata Natyam. Hence she used to participate in few competitions too. That's all they had actually.

Jayant was new. He was only good at some sports and drawings. He was interested in acting too. But being a new kid he was hesitant to participate in any activities.

Ruhan instead of sitting beside Sanskar sat beside Ragini who looked engrossed in something.

She was startled when Ruhan called her name and she looked up. She was scared to look at him. She actually was scared of everyone in the class. No friends at all. Till he had seen Ragini, Sanskar never knew you could live a life without talking to others.

Yes he was an introvert too but he would at least talk to people in lunch and games period. But Ragini would just sit by herself all the time. She wouldn't even speak to her brother who was in the same class just a bench across her.

Ruhan was explaining her some math concept probably that's what Mrs. Helen told him during second period to help Ragini in some math concept as she was busy with some cultural program arrangement and Pari was also absent.

"It looks easy a bit" Ragini said looking up at Ruhan and giving him a soft smile. His smile widened.

"Try this exercise at home okay. If you find it difficult tomorrow morning just tell me I will help you alright?" He asked and she nodded her head.

Sanskar couldn't stop his own smile when he saw that innocent soft smile on Ragini's face which was the first she ever had from the time she had arrived to this new school.

And it became a common sight that Ruhan always asked her first in the morning if she was able to finish her math homework. And she would nod with a soft smile back or she would ask him some doubts.

Not only Ruhan but Pari also started to help Ragini. She would teach her to read as soon as they got some time. Looked like both the toppers had taken a pity on her.

Arav never the less didn't wanted to fall behind . He tried to make her learn to draw but Ragini disliked any form of art. She had some problem with her motor nerves which made her hand to move in calculated speed impossible . So she always struggled with artistic work.

Kavya too tried to get her into dancing field but Ragini gave her a horrifying look and said she is too plump to move like a dancer.

Ragini was very conscious about herself from a very young age. She always thought people hate her for her weight that's why they don't want to be her friends. But she was proved wrong by all her classmates.

"Fast tortoise" Jayant hissed when Ragini was still packing her bag. "I am doing as fast as possible" she replied glaring her twin. This was the only other expression Sanskar had seen her give.

"Why are you in a hurry dude? Anyways you go by auto right?" Sanskar asked his best friend who sighed.

"And that auto is waiting outside. All thanks to her that we all have to wait" he rolled his eyes. "That's not true at all. It's because Priya didi's class leaves late" Ruhan interjected them.

"You are my friend or hers dude. Decide first" Jayant said annoyed. "I am friend to both of you okay. So stop this melodrama and get going. She can come on her own" Ruhan said a bit serious this time.

"Whatever " Jayant walked from there rolling his eyes. "Such a baby he is. How do you people live under the same roof?" Ruhan asked and Sanskar chuckled hearing it.

"I was there with him for 9 months in the same womb. You don't know that's worse trust me" she said huffing and that cracked both Sanskar and Ruhan.

Sanskar bid them bye at the gate and walked on his way where as Ruhan waited for Ragini to get inside the auto and then waited for his sister to arrive who always had an extra class as she was in the last year of the middle school.

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