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Fifth standard was stressing Sanskar. Two new languages they have to learn and the books were more heavy and more in number. They had given a 4 lined book and a 2 lined book for copy writing of the new languages.

Now their class was beside the two other sections 5th B and 5th C. Each section had 30 students who were unique and had a similarity according to their own sections.

Like the topper of the 5th B, Aditi all the students of 5th B were a bit arrogant yet sweet once you know them. She was the queen bee of the class who was good at everything not just studies. 

Some of them were average where as 5th A section was all about distinction students except of course one black sheep.  Well she didn't wanted to be away from her brother so the head mistress had no option but to keep her in A section as she had cried on the day of admission and her father being school friend of the head mistress requested her to put the girl in A section.

That was how Ragini ended up in 4th A section where all were distinction students which stressed her more. But eventually she got along with them and now looked like enjoying her school life finally.

Then at the far end of the corridor was the 5th C section which was like their topper Abir pakka local. They were the most creative batch of the school. Any competition 5th C would participate and win. They were good at dance, drama, sports, singing art everything. But studies not that much. Only Abir and one more girl Pranita was good at studies. Where Abir could give good competition to A section and B section toppers Pranita was just average. She was second topper because all others were below average in their class.

5th standard was the time when they had activities together and all mingled with each other. The annual day preparation started at the beginning of second term. Everyone was busy participating in one or the other activity. And there were some competitions too.

The new rule of the school was that every kid has to participate in the competition and once the class teacher selects the best one after the first round they would compete with others.

This actually stressed the introvert students who hated standing in front of their class. And it added more stress to Sanskar. He just wanted to pass his school without being noticed by anyone.

"Hey Sanskar" the new girl Priya was as annoying as always. She wanted to talk to everyone. Such a social butterfly. He weakly smiled at her unwillingly.  "What did you do in midterm holidays?" She asked and he internally groaned as he didn't wanted to extend the talk.

"Priya Shankar sir is coming get back here" Ragini called from the front row and Sanskar thanked her in his heart.

Everyone feared Shankar sir who was very strict and also excellent teacher. He would throw the chalk piece exactly pointing at his target and it would hit hard. But that's how you needed to control the class.

This year unlike in 4th standard they had different teachers for different subjects. They dearly missed their Helen Miss who now was taking only English for them. Where as Shankar sir was their home room teacher.

"Okay. Now we have the topper who will be awarded at the annual function. Remember this is based on your annual exam which you wrote in 4th standard. It is solely based on the final exam marks" Shankar sir announced at the end of the class.

Some were saying Ruhan that he was going to get the prize this time as Pari had gotten the prize in 3rd standard annual day function. It was funny that one year Pari will be the topper and next year Ruhan would be. And the pattern followed in class and unit tests too. And Arav was reserved at 3rd place and Kavya at 4th. Where as the other two sections had single toppers.

"Ragini Murthy has got the first place in final examination beating Ruhan Sindhya by 10 marks and also you have got first place in handwriting competition dear. Congratulations" Shankar sir spoke sweetly smiling down at Ragini.

She was in utter shock. Not only her but everyone in the class. She had her hands covering her mouth. Pari and Ruhan started to clap and so did everyone.

Could anyone tell that this girl was the dumbest girl of the class 4th A section just previous year? She was the same girl whose handwriting nobody could understand, who was all by herself hating the school life and wanted to run back home in between the day multiple times.

Probably nobody had seen this coming.

Ruhan congratulated her by shaking her hand where as Pari hugged her tight while Ragini cried with her overwhelming emotions.

Finally school was bearable. "You won't congratulate your sister?" Sanskar asked his best friend who was frowning. "How did she become a smart twin? " he wondered. Sanskar chuckled and pushed him towards his twin sister.

"I am so proud of you tortoise" Jayant finally hugged his sister who hit him on his shoulder for calling her the name she hated. She was no more a tortoise. May be she was . Just like the hare and the tortoise story.

She looked at Sanskar with the same smile. He mouthed her a congratulation and she nodded appreciating his gesture.

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