Chapter 1+2

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Chapter 1: About That Night

On Saturday morning. On a sunny day off for a lazy young man like me who usually gets out of bed at almost noon, also only after when my mother wakes me up. But today, the symptoms are very unusual. Body ache and pains, lumps around the low abdomen for unknown reasons causing discomfort to the point ,making me feel so uncomfortable that I have to get up. Despite knowing that this time the sun probably hasn't risen yet to greet the world.

I blinked several times to adjust my focus, then winced when all I saw was the ceiling of a room that had no familiarity with my cerebellum's memory system.

My eyes continued to gaze along the walls of the room, seeing the hanging furniture lined up, further emphasized the fact that this was definitely not my room, certainly not a million percent, and most importantly, it's not even my close friend's bedroom . Or other friend's I used to sleep over at.

What the fuck!

And where am I now?

I remember last night celebrating my pathetic defeat of competing for the student council president's chair with my teammates. I drank a glass of beer, and then I didn't know what happened to us until I found myself lying in an unfamiliar place.

"Ugh." a low-pitched voice complained from the side. And all the distracting thoughts in my head stopped. It stalled until there was almost a creaking sound like when tapping the brakes of a car.

Person or Ghost? My brain perceives and interprets the results at the speed of light. My eyes widened in panic at the situation at hand of voice I heard.

This made me start to think, what I'm experiencing must be a supernatural power or simply it was the sound of ghost ? The sound of the blanket which then reveals strands of hair.

Even though I'm scared, I didn't run and scream for others to help me and I still have time to sleep thinking of fantasy as a story that I have to live.

I was hit by a widow ghost and it dragged me to sleep in an abandoned house, then the ghost casted a spell to make it look like this room looks luxurious even though it's actually an abandoned room.

Then the corpse was buried under the bed, and the spirits roared under the blanket, refusing to emerge.

However, before going any further, something that is The mystery of the state of existence hidden under the blanket slowly moved. Then I quickly slide to the edge of the bed and glanced looking nervous to confirm if what I saw was really a ghost?

When the blanket was removed to reveal what was hidden under, I widened my eyes in utter shock. Shock, shock, a hundred times more shocking than meeting a ghost

"Already up?" A tall human that had been familiar to my eyes all week, shifting his gaze to me while working through his tousled hair.


"Um, Tinaphop Jirawatanakul."

You don't need to tell me. I know you well. Handsome, smart, cool, and the new student council president. The one who made me lose so I have to drink alcohol then get drunk and lie in bed with you now you bastard!

"Looking for a story? "Tin turned over and lay on his side. put his hand on his head and spoke to me in a irritated tone and stirring the heels as much as possible.

"What are you doing here?"

"You did well last night." He said as he was mocking me, like a bad character in a play, which made me angry.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I sat down to try to fight it, but then instead I found out some facts.

Hey! I'm not wearing clothes! And when I opened the blanket it made me pound even more. WHAT? Why do I have to be naked?

"You were so hot last night," the handsome man whispered softly and raised his eyebrows tactically.

"Damn Tin!" my anger has peaked and scolded the person in front of me loudly What are you talking about? I'm not as smart as you, I do not understand.

"Evidence is on the floor." This tall person's eyes and tone were serious and cunning. I swear that he's not the same person, known to the world as the outstanding student, Academic Olympiad representative, and student council president who got the most votes in history. Really historical.

I looked at the floor, there was another shock that almost gave me a heart attack. Clothes scattered in various directions on the floor. Tear clothes indicates the rudeness of the offender. It's a familiar color. Needless to say whose it is... it's mine. Hah! Moreover, nearby was a black box that could be seen from a hundred meters away.

Condom box.

"Three packs are all gone, but there's still some left. If you're interested again." he licked his lips and rubbed his chin, like a psychopathic thief hiding in an old telephone booth waiting for his chance to take a girl away.

I'm sure this is a dream. Wake up. Wake up. Get up, hey you bastard! "You are no longer dreaming."

"It's a dream," I argued the other person back and kept repeating to myself that it was all a dream. I'm really dreaming, trying to pinch my arms, my

face, my legs over and over again. But damn. it hurts!

"Does it hurt enough?" "Not yet!"

"Come. I'll hurt you again." The tall boy bent down and whispered near

my ear. His hoarse voice tainted its charm inviting goosebumps from head to toe.

"If you don't want to break your head, step away," I hissed like a cobra. attacked by enemies while picking up the closest object as a weapon to deal with and fight which is torn condom pack.

Shit. can't you give me a weapon that looks brutal and intimidating to the

enemy? Holy Lord in the world!!!'

"The weapon is not likely to break your head, but probably to do something more than that." Ai Tin smiled wryly before turning to grab something from the bedside drawer and turned around with something that was completely unfamiliar to me.

"Here, let me help you."

"What's this?" I frowned, took it from his hand and then focusing on reading Lubricant Gel (lubricant gel) !

"Damn you, Tin!" "Call me often"

"I'm scolding you, buffalo."

"I'm not saying it because it's okay." Suddenly, the student council president also adjusts his glib tone to a smooth tone . Like when doing Campaigning and creating images at school, which sounds terrifying. I doubt it would be offending to call him a buffalo. So I'm going to ask for a change. Let's insult politely instead.

"I'm raving about you, buffalo," and I giggled heartily."I'm going to have a long argument soon."

"What's my-" soon to finish speaking The person with a longer body grabbed me and dragged me down. Lie down on the bed and then he jumped on top of me, detaining me in every possible way so that I could not escape.

"Silence, why are you still talking?" "I'm hot in my mouth, my mouth hurts"

Um... this is why an idiot like me would do it. You already know that, right? Damn you! buffalo.

Chapter 2 : Hot Guy

After the school got the most famous new student council president in history since its founding, starting from academic activities, sports, that guy also caught the attention of all the girls. The whole town is even talking about this, except for my close friends who have set themselves up as rivals for the student council president. We were defeated in a very humiliating way.

"Don't talk about that bastard." I shouted at those who started the conversation.

Damn it! You are like on his side.

"Oh, is it because you lost, you bastard?" you are too cruel, really.

"I just don't want to hear his name." I dodged. Who will admit defeat? My heart is starting to burn.

"Get used to it. You will be hearing that name for a long time."

I'm getting annoyed, so I decide to drop out of class, but where will I go next?

Hmm? Looking left and right, there was no one passing by so I looked back to reconcile with them.

"Where are you guys going tonight?" "I want to learn."

"I want to eat at home." "I am sleepy."

"I want to go to bed."

Po, Win, Pat and Yo spoke in turns.

Fuck each of them. was planning to leave me all alone. Already in the sea,


"Yeah, well, leave me alone." I faked a sad face, hoping for compassion but in fact they just shrugged and actually walked away. Disloyal friends!

"I can go play basketball with Dek Silpa," I muttered to myself. Still, I still have a friend from another class to lean on. I called my friend to meet on the basketball court. In the meantime, I walked to the gym's bathroom to change into my sports uniform.

"P Tin"

I heard the girl's voice coming from the men's locker room. Plus the name that I hear if it's not distorted. Then it must be my latest adversary, the spirit of choice and the knowledge of the villagers. Seeing all the events, of course, who would be foolish to walk away? Caught together so I slowly headed for the source of the sound.

"I like you P Tin."

I secretly watched while imitating the voice of a high school girl. Guessing I don't think she's a schoolgirl here. The gir was pretty with thin lips, small nose and fair skinned. As for Ai Tin, he's so damn damaged. .He took off his shirt and I can see white skin with six pack. But did I see it that night?.

Hey! Why are you thinking about that night ? I shook my head and shook off the thought as fast as I could.

"Please accept this flower." said the girl who was on her knees. Shit! Super investment. Look at you, you should look at it. Too many Korean series?

Then the handsome man quickly pulled the girl to stand up. What's the result? It's a little too strong. Enter the plot of a Thai drama after the news

that is so watery that you want to vomit. The hero then pulls the heroine up. The heroine's legs are weak, leaning on the protagonist .

"I want to vomit." "Who is there?"

Damn it! What should I do? Thinking for reasons. I looked at my hands. Ah! Mobile!

"Hello, Mom, I'll be back late as I'm playing basketball." I pretended like I'm on the phone. The handsome guy wouldn't know because he's not that smart.

"Are you okay? The phone is upside down." The tall man who knows since when has been beside me then smiled at me.

I slowly lowered my phone and checked it. Damn it! Usually call with the cell phone upside down. You stupid 12th graders, Gun!

"Normally talking like this, it feels good."

Where should I hide my face? The handsome man even laughed until the girl approached him.

"P Tin, what are you laughing at?"

Tin turned to smile at the girl then again looked back at me smiling holding back his laughter.

"Laugh at the crazy person around here."

Crazy ? You bastards! You bastard deceived and scolded me. I can only resent in my heart. I want to pull his body in and punch the handsome face. But now,due to his rank and popularity he has too many people with him. If I throw a punch at him , I would get hit back again. More than ten thousand shoes in the whole school would kick me off on the ground. The first two pairs should have started from the beautiful girl in front me but I still want to punch his face. But I do not because there is a beautiful girl in front of me.

"Are there some crazy people around here? " Do not repeat. I'm hurt to hear that.

"Yes," Tin still smiled. Smile like this life has just met the way of happiness.

"Oh the flowers, I'll take them." he continued.

"Thank you very much P Tin." the girl jumped for joy.

"Study hard, huh." said the handsome boy while stroking the top of the girl's head with a smile.

"Yes. Can we take a photo together?" "Sure."

Then the lady took out the cartoon phone case. out of the skirt then turned to look at my face, I hurriedly took my hand to inspect my face to see if there was something strange stuck on my face or not, but eh, it's not there.

Oh, you will let me join the frame. Well, it's still good they see me exist. So I moved closer to the handsome guy and the youngest back. She had confused face and started to frown.

"I'm ready," I told her with a sweet smile.

"I mean, you still haven't picked up my phone and taken a picture for me with P Tin."

Turns out the girl gave me her cell phone to take a picture of the two of them.

Pleng! The sound of my own face slammed. Please call the janitor. Clean up and then call 1669 to pick up the injured person as well.

Evil mother-in-law

"Oh, um, okay." Then I had to take on the role of the eye. So, I moved to position myself in front of them. Immediately I gave the signal for them to pose. After that I gave the phone back to the owner.. The beautiful girl looks at the picture. and then make a jing sound in the throat as if dissatisfied.

"Not good here, the shot." You're so mean to me.

"P Tin, let's take a selfie."

Two people release the shutter letting me be the man the world has forgotten again, as before.

Finally, I had to turn around and walk out of there, quietly. Is my life at this point of failure?

Bang!! Ugh..walking into the door again, life is going to be so bad. "See you at the basketball court."

"I'm not playing anymore," I said to my friend with whom I had made an appointment before walking over to get on the bus home.

I'm going to make merit!


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