Chapter 3+ 4

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Chapter 3: Blood faced President

In the afternoon the Student Council held a meeting with the club leaders to discuss each club's budget for their use. I, as head of the Universal Music club, am forced to attend this meeting. I don't want to meet him, the overbearing student council president.

When I entered, all the back seats were taken, so I sat in the front desk with the sewing and crochet club president.

Then the student council entered the room and took their respective seats.Then handsome guy walked in last like a scene from a drama debut. The protagonist who is a wealthy businessman or something like that, narrows his eyes, looks at me and smiles at the corners of his mouth.

Botox has expired or are you smiling like this? I turned around pretending to talk to the knitting club president next to me who was crocheting her creations.

"Today, we called upon all of you to clarify the budget that will be allocated to each club. We will consider it by making a list of club names who least helped to build reputation for the school." -said one of the student council members, taking out a microphone, which everyone heard clearly and thoroughly.

"What do you mean?" asked the library club president, raising doubts along with the others, and so did I.

"Which club has created the most reputation for the school in the past 3 years will receive the most budget allocation and in descending order."

When they finished, the chairman of the Grand Garden Club stood up and scoffed at the dissent. I could only smile with satisfaction. At least there are people who can take advantage of the power.

"Or do you not need a budget?"

That exclamation caused silence in the middle of the commotion from the club leaders.

"Up to you."

Really, many disagree, but they can't say much. They fear the budget will be cut to the point that they don't contribute to the club.

"This is a breakdown of the budget allocated to the thirty clubs." said the same spokesperson to everyone before turning on the projector to show it on the screen.

1. GENIUS Club: 50,000 Baht

2. Academic Olympic Club: 50,000 Baht

3. Super Math Club: 10,000 Baht








30. Universal Music Club: 2000 Baht

I rubbed my eyes twice. Isn't this a bad eye? Number 30, the International Music club received a budget of 2000 baht? Not US dollars, but baht. Hey where's enough! I was about to get up protesting and yelling at this injustice, but the council The clear-headed person immediately realized it and hurriedly spoke up.

"If there are any problems please talk to the student council president after the meeting."

Hearing that, I hurried to find them to attack the bastard. The bloody council that has given me a small amount of money to manage the club, but no matter where you turn, there are no people who will join the ideology, not even two people on the side.

I looked at the student council president. He raised his eyebrows and smiled at me. He knew and believed I would be mad at him.

Hey! I won't give up anyway. It must be clear to know the story because if standing back and telling the members that they received a budget of two thousand I'll probably get wiped out for sure.

After the meeting was over, everyone gradually left the room, leaving only me, the handsome bastard, and one of his assistants. before the fish-faced assistant turned around to look at me and then Followed the others away, leaving me and the handsome bastard now, just the two of us.

"You're mocking me, huh?" I said to his face without bending over. The other party looked away from the document and looked up and gave a crooked smile.

"Why am I mocking you?" Hah? Why mock?

"Yeah... maybe you're jealous that I'm more handsome."

That's all I can think of for some ridiculous reason. I didn't eat cereal with milk this morning, so my brain is a bit weird that handsome guy laughs and still looks at me.

"You're kidding."

"I'm stuck. Every word filtered out from Glomerulus very well." I argued lopsidedly, and the handsome man let out a pitying sound.

(Remark : Glomerulus means a group of capillaries around the kidney served to filter waste from the blood)

"Dull brain"

"Who do you think is brainless?"

"Two people together I guess it's me." With that said, he stood up. and was about to walk away So I rushed to run and get in the way.Don't think you'll be able to escape from me.

"I haven't finished talking yet."

The tall man sighed like he was tired, though it should have been me that had to do that.

"Say it", Handsome president added.

I pointed at the handsome president's face, his face taut, he didn't say anything. but pushed the tongue into the cheek It was as if he had really lost his mind before he stepped closer and chased me. He stepped even closer to me until my back hit the door . Then he put his hand on the door above my head to lock the escape route.

I looked at the chairman with a tense face, and he didn't say anything. "Take a good look at my mouth."

I'm watching, isn't it? You stand so close that you will possess me like this.

"Oh, your lips are red."Did Ta Uthaithip come?

(*I have no idea what it means and I didn't even found its meaning on the internet so if anyone knows its meaning please kindly do share it . ☺☺☺

��� ������)

Is it time to play right now? I secretly scolded myself in the mouth which is always faster than the brain. And it has a negative effect on life to meet with happiness all along.The handsome man frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with that. I pretended to play around. Which I am very happy to see it in this mode. But after a while, it transformed into an evil smile and then he licked his lips.

Shit! I got goosebumps when I saw it.

"As for your lips , it's pink." he leaned closer to me than before until he was a dangerous distance.

"I didn't steal your mom's lipstick. My lips are already like this, naturally pink."

I hurriedly blocked the way. You'll think that I'm secretly wearing lipstick as a transvestite again.

"I didn't say anything."

"Well, you were about to say, I know, I'm smart."We argue again.

"This is you," the handsome man pressed his voice low as if he was tired of me. I know, I can feel it because I'm smart.

"What is it? "

"It should, it should..." The handsome man moved closer, he looked at my lips and licked his own lips again. But this time, it seemed deliberate, to do it slowly, in order to clearly see his movements.

In a second, I began to realize that I'm not safe anymore, so I want to withdraw myself, but I'm caught in the place where the handsome guy knows and traps me with the other hand.

"What do you want?"

"What are you doing? A wise man would know, wouldn't he?"

"Actually, I'm a fool. I don't know much about anything. You don't mind." I hurriedly survived in a level way. Wisdom will filter it now. The handsome man raised his eyebrows but still stood still.

Are you going to spare me, student council president?

"You're good at diverting."

"Is that a compliment or a mockery?" I winced.

"Think by yourself." he ended the conversation and touched my lips like a jerk before pulling me out of blocking door and then he opened the door and walked away. Shit, it hurts. I wanted to scream as loud as I can after leaving there but damn it! fans of all gender and age are flocking to swarm the handsome bastard. if I speak up and insult him then I hope I will die under their shoes .

"Then what am I going to do?" I scratched my head, thinking anxiously.

As I said, standing back with two thousand baht, I must have hit the rest of the members who were waiting for hope. From a single club leader stomping and taking the corpse. Buried in a hole before waving concrete over it to cover up the case.

What should I do????


Fan corner

Well , some parts of the novel and events are modified in the series... But even though those plots are modified the series is damn good. God!!!!

Gemini's (Tin) facial expression in this series is so damn good. Those eyes that looks at Fourth ( Gun) ���������, it's full of love and make me fall for him even harder.... He's so so so cute... ���������

Just imagining him looking at me like this will be enough to give me a heart attack coz it's too cute that my heart can't handle. ☺���������

Chapter 4: Raising Funds

There are no secrets in this world.

I didn't tell the music club members about the budget. It seems the universe doesn't allow it. And at this point, the point that I stepped into the club

,Several pairs of angry eyes stared at me as if they were wanting to slice my body and throw it to a baby crocodile. I'm sweating so badly.

"Hi" I waved to everyone with a smile, but none of them smiled back. There is only silence and a savage aura spread throughout the room. Ask hara-kiri for a knife. Can you seize yourself right now?

"Sit here." asked Pat, the drummer, told me to sit in the middle of them.

"You guys already know?" I said in a low voice.I said in a soft voice, so weak that I almost had to find a sign language translator to communicate instead. Why is it so lonely and haunting? Come on, it's a music club, not a Buddhist club.

"I knew from the minute the council announced it," Ai Yo said.

"Ai Tam, the head of the Mainline documentary club, came to say that the club got a budget of 2 thousand," said Ai Pat, sighing exhaustedly.

"I can't believe it." said the backup guitarist in a sad tone.

"Well, I can't believe it, but that's all I can say." I tried to negotiate with the handsome guy by quarrelling and insulting him, but it didn't work. That bastard is stone hearted human being who lacks mercy, kindness, compassion, equanimity to fellow human beings in the world.

"So what are we going to do next?" Ai Yo asked the question and turned to the other members for their opinion.

Everyone was silent, unable to think of anything now. Me as the club president, replacing the one who was on an exchange program in France, even though I'm a bit smart and wise, I proposed something I've been thinking about since leaving the meeting room.

"We need to raise funds."

"Hmm?" everyone in the room exclaimed and frowned in unison. I had to clarify the statement to them so they could know my intentions.

"When the allocated money is not enough, we have to get more."

"How to?" asked Pat, looking into my eyes doubtfully, as he didn't understand.

"Well... Sing at a bar or enter a band contest."

"Hmm...that's good too." Yo nodded in agreement. As for the rest of us, well, followed along because now we have only a few options and this is probably the best one. There is no other interesting and likely way to make money faster.

Had a sale from the club, but. who would buy it?

So what's the plan?" asked Sound, the keyboardist, who had been sitting quietly the whole time.

"We have twenty members. I think we split into two teams, one of which goes to sing at the liquor store. As for the other one, find a band contest to participate that ends in one day with judging ." I explained briefly.

Seriously, I'm just thinking about it. If you guys ask me, I'll be stuck. Amen. Don't wash me. Sound.

"Who agrees?" Yo asked the others.

Phew! Everyone raised their hands. I saw it and was delighted and tears began to flow. At least my words seemed to have value, somehow. It was wrong to negotiate with the overbearing student council to the point where my words were desperate and useless.

"Then... Let's do this," I said to everyone, before discussing the method.

The first thing we do is to draw lots for the teams. I got a second team that needs to find a band contest within its judging short period of at least a day. Then the first team is to find a party and get a tavern that will play music starting tonight. Yo and Pat looked so nice I could leave it to them. As for me and the other members, we are still sitting frantically with the sad expressions on our faces because this contest is rare. Beyond this,there are many more conditions.

I want to faint!

"Hey Gun, this event is very interesting." the M.5 underclassman showed me the iPhone screen.

"Let me see."

Youth Band Contest

Interesting, but far away in Khon Kaen where we didn't have much time to get our band together for the contest. And there are many other things that everyone is looking for, but with so many restrictions, until now, we still couldn't find one at eight o'clock.

"I think this event is interesting, brother," said the new student in class M 4, before handing out the phone to everyone to look at at the same time.

Phatthasima Luk Nimit Tying Ceremony Singing Contest

How did it get to this point, the point where everyone is rushing to see the details of the Wat Pidthong Temple?

���Dancing stars, early middle school children, poor people, peasants, beg the eyes of the people in front of the stage, don't be naughty. If the eyes are stubborn, beg your hands, don't be distracted. The middle school girls will be deducted by the teacher. Dancing stars, early middle school .���

[Playing Dow Ten Mor.Ton song by Tai Orathai ]

"Are you sure brother?" the M.4 underclassmen turned to the M.5 students with a nervous expression. I, as a vocalist, thought I wanted to kill myself, but I couldn't back down when I touched the steps on the stage waiting for the next performance. The show must go on.

"It's come this far, we should be prepared." I turned to encourage. "Really,hey."

"Come on, guys. Let's take this opportunity." I said gesturing to them and we stepped on stage together.

[Playing the song แวน


> from JSPKK]

We sang and danced . We could see the audience from below the stage dancing and having fun together with us. We couldn't stop smiling.

Who would believe it ? But let me tell you that we took second place and got 10,000 baht in prize money, five times more than the budget given by the Joker Student Council. Even though it's not our genre of music, one thing we could feel is that everyone in front of the stage really enjoyed our performance. It was so much fun that ten people had to come and drag us off the stage because they were afraid of rioting.

Damn ! It is a brutal experience!

Before we returned, the host invited us to take a commemorative photo and said that they would give us framed photo to put it on the wall of the house..

"Ok! Everyone smile at the same time," the senior spokesman told everyone standing on stage .I turned to look at the band members and gave them a thumbs up before turning to look at the camera. The smile I know better than that it's true happiness.

Impulsive in the middle of the crowd of local fans who cheered for their support. As the fireworks were being celebrated backstage, I secretly smiled in satisfaction.

Hey! I'll be loud tomorrow....

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