Chapter 5+6

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Chapter 5: Last night

I walked into the school as normal as every day. But today, the eyes of dozens of students in the school were staring at me made everything look strange.

Some saw me smiling, some laughing, some clapping, the more I walked into the school as normal as every day, but today, the eyes of dozens of students in the school were Staring at me made everything look different, some saw me smiling, some laughing, some clapping, some screaming even more seductively.

What the hell is going on ? Did something get stuck on my pant? I looked down at my pants, I couldn't see anything. The further I walked, the more eyes stared at me.

Damn it! I finally ran to my four friends in the usual place, but when they saw me, they laughed out loud.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Am I handsome, Win?" said Po, brushing a hand through his silky hair. Meanwhile Yo and Pat got up and danced with the child's posture.

"So handsome, man." Win finished answering and then made another strange movement to follow me. I gave him a confused and stupid look.

"What the hell is going on?" I raised my voice to let him know that I wasn't happy. I wasn't happy that you guys slapped a joke on me. I didn't get it.

Damn it.

"Oh, the handsome young man is here." Yo looked at me then turned around and laughed with the rest of the bastards

I was confused, like I've never been before in my life before .

Win opened the clip on his phone and showed it to me.

Damn it! It's the concert clip and this was me last night, I'm crying TT. "Are you stunned, young man?" Yo put his elbow on my shoulder.

Immediately I turned off the clip, and sat down with my face on the table. Before lifting up to force Po to take off his coat and then put that coat over my head That is, if there is a puff, I will cover my head instead.

Embarrassed embarrassed. (loud buzzer)

"You line up." cried Pat nudging me. I slowly pulled my face out of the jacket, but when I looked, all my friends were still smiling and trying to hold back their laughter. I shook my head.

"I'm not coming." "You must come."

Win warned me, so I had to walk around with my head covered by my jacket like the accused being brought by the police to make a confession.

"You are an asshole, man." "It bounced fast, guys."

"50,000 likes, 3,000 shares bro."

I don't want to hear any compliments. Please don't tease me.

Instead of normally standing at the front of the line, it turned out that today I had to hide and stand at the back because I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Next is giving certificates to students with academic achievements." said the Deputy Headmaster who wore glasses as thick as the walls of a temple announced into the microphone.

Before I was hiding under the jacket but later poked my head out to congratulate my best friend who was going up to receive a certificate. And now everyone's eyes are on the outstanding students, so I'm no longer a target.

I survived!

"The 6th graders are Mr. Tinaphop Jirawatanakul M.6-1, and Mr. Prawee Danuchaisoonthorn M.6-2."The applause was especially loud. When the handsome guy walked out of the line and when he turned to the camera to smile when receiving the certificate, loud screams sounded as if a fan had run into a famous celebrity or artist.

Huh! Are you just good at studying or you're handsome too? Cool, good figure, white, six pack.

Damn it! what am I talking about?

I quickly get my thoughts out of my head before I clap so loudly as Po steps up to get his certificate.

"Next we will announce the list of students who have been selected as representatives of the Academic Olympiad."

"Mr Tinaphob Jirawatanakul M.6-1, Chemistry Branch."

The howling screams resounded once again. Until I had to cover my ears in annoyance.

Where are you going, handsome boy? I'm in second grade chemistry, but, well, I have one thing better than him, that's better looking!

"Mr Prawee Danuchaisoonthorn M.6-2, Mathematics Branch."

"Very cool!" I shouted with all my might. That's my friend. My friend is very talented.

This Po is the god of mathematics. Reincarnated as Euclid. Damn, every time he takes math exams, he scores all the time.Scores collected from grade 1 until now can be 98 to 100, crazy!


What? I stood until my calves swelled, my veins clogged, and my heart groaned.

"Very happy. Because our students have made a name for themselves in the city district education office."

"Wow, that's great." Everyone looked surprised by what the Vice Principal said. I personally want to see who can live up to the name of the school that was announced after the students achieved academic achievements and represented the Academic olympiads. It must not be normal.

"Please students from Universal Music band who went to the singing contest at last night's Phatthasima Luk Nimit Binding ceremony to come forward."

Everyone applauded loudly. This scream was also louder than mine. We have to congratulate the talent, right?

So why does everyone turn to look at me?

"Please students from the Universal Music band who went to the singing contest at the Phatthasima Luk Nimit Binding ceremony last night come out in front of the line."


That's me.

I don't want to go there. Trying to take my eyes off the hundreds of people, but my underclassmen from M.4 and M.5 who were in the band, dragged me to the front of the line.

"Our school, apart from being outstanding academically, is not inferior in terms of music as well. Applause to the students from the International Music Club as well," said the principal for all the students to hear. He turned to look at me and clapped his hands.

Honestly, it's not as embarrassing as you think, even if you're proud.

"And besides the award the band received from last night's contest, a kind person also donated 30,000 baht to support the club's activities."

The Headmaster finished speaking, everyone in the band pushed me to get the money envelope.I smiled, smiling at the camera, smiling very wide, just like a handsome man. The loud screams of men and women made me remember one thing.

I'm more famous than you now, handsome guy!

Chapter 6: Handsome Boy

Journals and newsletters about the work and fame of the Universal Music club have further strengthened their popularity. As the vocalist, wherever I go, there are only girls looking at me, and boys saluting me.

At this minute, I could feel the word 'prestige' especially when I met the student council president. I walked proudly and quite arrogantly looked at that handsome bastard.Seeing that handsome bastard furrowing his brow in dissatisfaction made my world so much brighter.

Above the sky, there is still sky!

Morning class schedule is Teacher Poona's math class. To be honest, I don't really like this subject because I'm not good at math and everytime I get the same score in exam. Another reason is that this class must be combined with M. 6-1 which is the class of handsome men.

"Hello Madam Poona." I raised my hand in a polite salute. "Take a piece of paper with you ."

"Origami or me..." I said with a smile. "Oh,Quiz. Ten points."

Another quiz? Quizz (Quiz) until I Quit (drop out) from school. Last time out of ten points I got just three points.

Oh, grandma Poona. Let me solve the problem.

I walked over and sat in a place that had Po, Win, Pat, Yo and Sound. "Help me, Po, Win." I winked at the two gods. They nodded their heads before turning around to read the quiz instructions that had appeared on the slide. There are two questions, five points each. Given twenty minutes time to do it.

Find the value of

lim 1- 1√-sin3x & lim √x²-4 + √x - √x²-2 x-0 x x-0

√|x2−1|– 3

Hmm? I widened my eyes to make sure I wasn't blind. What is this question?

Turning to see the person next to me, Pat, Yo, and Sound's mouth open as if waiting for a fly trap for lunch.

"Have we ever learned about this?" I turned around to ask, Yo nodded and shook his head, doing it so many times that I had to take a deep breath.

I'm done!

"Ai Po." I called Euclid. Great God of Calculation. He turned to look at me. Before glancing at me, Teacher Poona who was walking towards the students.

"First, multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate."

"What's conjugated?" I only know Colgate, the finest standard toothpaste that most dentists recommends.

(*LOL... ��������� This dialogue is so hilarious. I can't stop laughing ���


"Kantaphon, please sit here."pp

Hmm? I looked at Guru Poona, he gave me an evil smile and motioned for me to sit in the front row.


I looked at my colleagues with tearful eyes before picking up the paper and walking over to sit in Master Poona's seat of honor next to the handsome I'll get zero because I'm million percent confident that smart people are not to give me to copy for sure.

I'm failing for sure. I'll definitely get zero marks.���������

I massage my temples.Looking up at the problem, alternating with looking down at paper and pen in hand. Everything is empty.

"Multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate, and adjust the coefficient of X in the denominator to match sin 3X."

I raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the person beside me. The handsome man whispered to me, hey.

Impossible! Is this a dream? This handsome man helped me? But if he really wants to help, I'm too stupid to understand. I took a deep breath and made my final decision. I put pen to paper. I gave up. In the evening, after school, I would go to set fire to Granny Poona's house to burn down the whole house. Just watch and wait.

"Hey." I woke up from my trance when the person beside me whispered. I turned around and saw the handsome man tilting the paper for me to copy. I was so touched that my tears would flow! I looked into his eyes and smiled like I'd never done before and didn't think it would make anyone like it.

It took half a minute for me to complete the first point. Then the handsome bend down and solved the second problem in less than a minute. And he called me again to eat me to copy , but this time I denied him.

But I said,"Just one." It's good, isn't it? I know it's against the rules, but I don't think so. I'm not going to copy answer number two for a perfect score. Poona's teacher will suspect that I cheated on her exams. The handsome man frowned but nodded his head. Before walking to submit the paper to the teacher, I look behind him in every move. What a perfect person. He is kind, handsome, and smart.

Guru Poona checks the handsome man's answer sheet. The score hasn't been announced yet, the loudspeaker from inside the class echoed. The handsome guy was asked to wait outside the classroom. Time was running out, I walked alternately with the others to hand over the answer sheets and acknowledged the result. The scores were as expected. I got five points,

because I only did one question, despite the fact that I really should have got a zero. But I had a god who didn't look handsome to help me, I have to thank him a little.

We were given ten minutes break to rest. Before returning to the classroom for the next lesson, I walked up to a handsome man who was leaning against the wall playing on the phone outside the classroom.

"Thank you." I said curtly because I wasn't familiar with sweet words. He just raised an eyebrow and nodded, still focused on the cellphone in his hand.

"Why did you help me?" I asked curiously because I really wanted to know. Hundreds of days and thousands of years I never thought we would be involved. Even looking at each other was difficult.

Isn't it weird to suddenly let me copy your answer ? A little weird? "Pity."

Damn, really to the point?

"Whatever. Thank you very much. I want to treat you."Your merit must be repaid.I'm in debt favor.

"I am busy." Damn it!

"How about evening?"

"Free," he replied, his eyes still fixed on the phone.

Damn, you should pay attention to people who talks like they're in front of the mirror.

"Okay, I'll treat you to a meal."

"Hmm." replied the handsome short. He tucked his cell phone into his trouser pocket and walked back to class in a dapper fashion.

"Pretending to be arrogant, I'll smack you on the head!" I cursed in my mind.

Damn it! The face to pay respect to the back is really deceiving. I'm not insulting the handsome guy, I'm insulting myself.

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