Chapter 10+11+12

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Chapter 10: The Handsome Boy Invades the House

When I got home, I did forced labor like washing meat, fruit and vegetables to prepare breakfast. After everything was done, I went up to my room and changed my clothes. Then down to the kitchen, I saw this handsome man standing engrossed in talking to my mother.

"Can you eat spicy food, honey?"

There's been a call for him. Hey! Tin bastard, living bastard, poisonous bastard, I have to get rid of you. Otherwise, I will become an orphan.

"He can." I answered walking between my mother and the handsome man. I will never let you interfere between us both.

"Mom asked Tin, not you."

"Ai Tin eats like me." I told my mom just like that. But it seems like the mother doesn't believe it, so she turned to ask the handsome one to make sure.

"Really, honey?"

I glared at the handsome man because if you refuse, I will chop off your head with a shovel.

"Yes, Mom, I eat like Gun." the handsome man replied to my mother with a smile, but the meaning sounded a bit scary, or am I thinking too much?

"Okay, wait in the living room, Mom will cook."

I looked at my mother who was talking sweetly to this handsome man with great enthusiasm. Before turning to leave the kitchen, Mother called out to


"Gun give your friend some snacks."

"Yes," I answered briefly, then walked to the refrigerator and opened it to take all the snacks that were in it. Brought to the handsome man to the living room.

Annoying man, "here's a snack."

I threw it into the lap of a handsome man before I sat down on the sofa next to him. He frowned at me , picked the snacks up and put it on the table instead.

There was no serious conversation as we were both waiting for Mother's breakfast which has now starting to smell good and time to time the smell hit our nose.

I cut the steamed bun in half and passed it to the guy next to me who seemed to be playing a game on his phone until he didn't seem to care.

"stuffed steamed buns"

The handsome man paused the game and turned to look at me with eyes that is difficult to predict .But if I had to guess, it would be the eyes that it used to look at girl you like which gave me goosebumps after seeing it.


The handsome man didn't take the bread from my hand but instead brought his mouth close to my hand and ate it directly. Whereas, he also used his tongue to lick the pork stuck to my fingertips into his mouth until it was finished.

Goosebumps, goosebumps.

"Yuck, Gross," I cursed at him before pulling over the hand that had been licked away and wiped it in his shirt, damn it! I don't know if your saliva has rabid dog germ or not. I don't know.

Damn!Handsome bastard raises his eyebrows and acts like he doesn't know which made my head hot. I hate him so much. I got up to scold him, but Mother came. This handsome man survived.

"The food is ready."

This is the best breakfast since I opened my eyes to the world. Mother is like entertaining old guests. The table was full of food with stir-fried vegetables, fried squid with curry spices, fried pork with garlic and pepper all lined up.

"Try it, son." Mother turned to smile at the handsome boy. He smiled in response and started tasting. I saw it became annoyed like crazy.The more I saw him eating, the more I became annoyed until I accidentally opened my mouth.

"Watch out for the bees coming in. Shut the mouth." Mother! Don't embarrass me like this.

"What did you say?" I scolded the handsome boy who was sitting in front of me while laughing. Damn it. He shook his head before bent down to continue eating.

Hey! A glutton eats without being considerate of the owner's children.

After finishing the meal , a good host like me pressured important guest to go home by dragging him to the front of the house.

As I was about to say goodbye, my beloved mother intervened and invited the handsome bastard into the house again with the excuse of wanting to get to know her son's best friend more.

Mom, he's not my friend.

"Aren't you lonely living in a condo alone?"

"Sometimes." said the handsome man with a smile that looked pure and innocent. Completely different from when he smiles at me.

"Let Gun accompany you."

Oh, Mother. Don't be like that with your child.

"I'm busy." I hurriedly said beforehand, because there was no way to do what my mother said a million percent even if I die. And if my mother forced me, I would never watch the family drama with my mother to give her company.

"What are you busy with? Every day you only watch cartoons, don't read books, don't do school work." my mother scolded. The handsome man smiled.

What you're laughing at so hard?

"Would you to help teach Gun,"Mom asked.

"You can, right, son?" Mother turned her head and asked the handsome boy. I glared at him as thoroughly as I did in the kitchen and thought that this time I might get the same result.

"Okay, mom."

Hello handsome, you should refuse. "Thank you."

Mother smiled sweetly at the handsome boy before inviting him to talk about something else. One of the things that I wasn't involved in the conversation, no matter how I got the fourth grade. And about plans for studying at university, which is honestly very good for me too, because if dragging me in to talk to I will become a piece of debris Dirt or mud compared to a smart man.

After Mom and the handsome man talked, I as the owner of the house had to take him to the front of the house to send him off.

"I'll see you off here." I said.

"Oh", was the same curt response.

"You don't have to come here anymore." Before he walked out leaving the fence, I expressed a clear intention that this house's only son would not welcome him again.

"Why?" the tall figure furrowed his brows. There was dissatisfaction on his face, but I wasn't afraid.

"I don't like it," I said honestly. Until the handsome man froze and turned around and walked out of the fence without saying a word.

So easy. But, when I just closed the gate, the handsome man turned and smiled at the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows.

"But I like it and I will come back here again." he said and took a taxi back to the condo. Leaving me standing, hot-headed, yelling at him till my voice is hoarse.

Handsome boy, I hate you!


Chapter 11: Falling into the Trap

Biology class is another subject that I find extremely difficult, although it doesn't require as much computation as mathematics, physics or chemistry. But this subject must be memorized in a colossal way which my brain doesn't really help because sawdust already occupies more than half of the brain.

I was almost the last to walk into the room. Because I had just taken a picture of suffering, I felt very relieved when I saw that there was no quiz like the other days. But when I lowered my butt down to touch the chair, the assignment came in immediately.

"Today I will divide into groups of four to do genetics exercises. Work together ."

When Teacher Wikanda finished speaking, I hastily turned to my comrades to summon the troops. There are six people in my group, including Sound. Therefore, it can be divided into one group, while the other two have to find other members. So I volunteered to look again and they agreed.


"I've already divided the group" Wikanda's teacher had caused my plan to fail. He said to look at the slides at the front of the room to see which groups we are in and who the members were.

Group of Five:

1. Tinaphop Jirawatanakul M.6-1

2. Tanuphat Wuthiboriboon M.6-1

3. Kakanan Lertwaranon M.6-1

4. Kantaphol Wongwittaya M.6-2

I sweared in front of the Buddha statue of the school that I wasn't dreaming, had to be a group with that handsome guy?

The rest are from class M.6-1 that even I don't know about. Alone, it's over!

I turned to Pat and Yo as if for help, widening my eyes suggesting one of them to please switch groups with me, please.

"I don't want to be beaten by Teacher Wikanda." said Ai Yo and walked first. Pat followed him.

"You are in the group of great gods. You should be happy." "Hah?"

Many thanks to my two best friends who helped to relegate without turning back . Thinking of the merit in the past that gave me red rice and hot curry to eat to sustain my life, my friends betrayed me.

When teacher Wikanda finished clarifying , let the members group to work together . So I have to walk I went to sit at the fifth table where Handsome and two others were already waiting, I smiled at everyone politely before taking a seat.

"We have four questions. Let's share each other's new advantages." One woman spoke in the group And everyone in the group except me agreed. Then she used a ruler to divide the problem and hand it to the members before starting carefully. Well, those three guys are diligent. But I'm very frustrated with life right now.

Father and mother have different blood groups, 50% of children can receive a blood transfusion from them. What kind of genotype do the blood groups of the father and mother have?

1) Father 1410 Mother IBIO

2) Father 1º1º Mother IAIB

3) Father 1010 Mother IAIO

4) Father IAIB Mother IAIO

( * Sorry I don't know what it means so, I'm not sure if it's exact or not. I just copied what Google translated . Actually me and Gun is going through the same mind thought right now. Like what the hell is this??? ���������)

I read the problem that I got myself for the third time. The more I read, the more confused I am. What is 50% acceptable for a blood transfusion from the father? Why can't I accept 100%? Sigh, confused, confused. What is the letter with ABO at the top.

What the f*ck man!

I can't answer that. I must need help.

I glanced at the man on the side. The handsome man has solved the problem. You are not human!!

I think I should ask a handsome man and lower my self-esteem a bit rather than standing stupid. I can't do anything in the middle of sixty people here. In the end, I elbowed the handsome man's arm.

"Hey?" the handsome man raised his eyebrows in suspicion. I put on a sad face and slightly cover my face with paper as a request.

"Do it yourself."

Haish, I shouted silently, the handsome man was no help. If I said it out loud I might be dragged away by Master Wikanda.

"I can't." I whispered so the other two couldn't hear.The handsome man looked at me and let out a long sigh, like someone was about to leave this world and go to heaven. Quickly he moved the chair closer to me and looked at the paper.

"So easy."

Easy for you but hard for me, you clever bastard.

"How do you do it?" I say because I'm so fucking out of it in a pleading way.

Although in my heart I want to scream and curse him till his ears will explode.

"Analyze each choice then compare it with the conditions of the problem"he said in an even tone and turned the paper over to me.

"How to analyze?" I secretly raised my voice. Well, it's really frustrating. I know you helped me analyze the options. But what I'm asking about is make me understand it properly handsome boy.He sighed and made a disgusted face at me. before pulling the paper back again.

"Look at the first choice, the father's blood type is A (having O dreams) and the mother's is B (having O dreams), so the possible blood types of the children are AB, A, B and then 0. Then let's see. The problem's conditions: 50% of children can receive a blood transfusion from their father, so AB and A can receive blood from A, and B and can't, so two out of four counts as 50%." which I don't understand at all. I get the idea at the end, which is about 50%, which exactly matches the problem.

"So this one is right." I pointed my finger at the first choice. The handsome boy nodded.

"Done." I happily put the unused pen on the table, but it lasted less than five seconds. The atmosphere turned tense. The handsome guy convinced me of another option. To be sure. As said before.

Why can't I?

It's time for the presentation, the handsome man volunteered to present. Of course, our group was fine with perfect scores. Only one group. Even Po's group which has many gods didn't reach it. I'm so proud.

"I owe you one more time" I said to the handsome guy as he walked out of the classroom. And he turned around to look at me with a straight face.

"Must be repaid."

"I know." I said to the man. "What should I buy to treat you?" "I'm not hungry."

Damn it, too arrogant.

"Karaoke, watch a movie, uh-" I thought.

"Be my 'Bae' (servant) for a week." cut the handsome. Damn it, it's a bad choice. Absolutely not.

"No." I refused emphatically. "Ungrateful."

Shit!! If insulting is sneaky like this Take a knife and stab me.

"Okay, okay." I finally had to agree because I didn't want to be insulted anymore. Every insult penetrated from the middle of the crown to the tip of the little finger.

Being Bae for a week probably won't knock me out of shape. "Starting today."



Chapter 12: Bae's life

I think the life of a bae or a slave in a drama is about a miserable one, like being separated from family, being separated from loved ones, being beaten and forced. use labor to carry stones carrying heavy water. But in real life, I think it's more than miserable, rather pathetic.

How do I know? Because I'm dealing with it now.

Cleaning the toilet is the first mission of being a boss . When he pointed his finger at me go to the bathroom I asked if he was sure I wouldn't mess it up, but he didn't answer. But pushed me into the bathroom. Plus, he also threatened that if I escaped, he would deal with it like that night, but this time he would make it so hard that the sky turns yellow.

You evil bastard, pervert! I scolded it in my mind as I put my hand over my nose and immediately went to the bathroom with full of tears, begging to be alive.

Unexpectedly, it's cleaner than my bedroom. And you're telling me to clean it.

Are you teasing me?

"Ai Tin." I shouted at him as a sign for help. And if that door opens, I'll curse him.


"AiTin." I called again in case it is not heard. silence!

"Damn Tin!" I called the third time, but the result is the same no answer. I think he's in the room. So, I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. The first sight in front of me made me smile dryly as the handsome man

was standing with his hands behind his back. Those eyes looked like that were meant to take my precious life.

"Uh, the bathroom is clean." I pretended not to look at him, and slowly stepped out, step by step, so that the handsome man would not notice my movements.

But only two steps, the handsome man approached me. "Where are you going?"

"I am hungry." I lied in a very clumsy manner, and it seemed my eyes couldn't deceive him. So he moved closer until my back hit the wall.

"Liar," he threatened me in a loud voice. Fuck!!!

"I'm not lying." I argued, my neck twitching, not giving up either. As for the handsome man, he didn't say anything, just moved closer to me. Then he leaned in closer, so close that he could feel his hot breath.

Finally I confessed.

"Okay, I lied." so I had to surrender for the safety of my entire precious body.

"Back off." then I pushed him, and tried harder . He isn't much bigger and heavier than me . Why so strong?

"Back to work," the tall figure ordered in a sharp voice. "It's already clean. So can't you see it?"

I'm getting a little hot now. I pushed open the bathroom door and dragged the owner in to see how clean it was. Is it possible that I will be asked to replace the tile to be polished with a new sealant, huh?

"Yes." he answered in a low voice. It was as if he felt no remorse for what he had done.

"Then I have to clean this bathroom, Your Majesty?" i scolded him. This time you have played me!

"Who asked to clean the bathroom?" "Why even ask?"

"You pointed your finger at me like that just now."

"I just printed my finger at you to go to the bathroom, I haven't told you what to do yet."

Huh!! Uh, um... I started reviewing my memories, slowly putting them together until I found out that it was true what the handsome boy had said. He still didn't order me to do anything, just pointed to walk into the bathroom.

Duh, I was careless again. But come on, I can't loose my face. "So what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Do the laundry." after that he went to get a basket of clothes and handed it to me.

"Washing clothes?" "Yes."

"Then why don't you put it in the washing machine?" "It's dirty."

"This is a lot." I said sarcastically.

Reluctantly I did Bae's chores, practice started by walking over to picking up a basin and placing it on the floor. Open the faucet , and pour in the detergent, shake until foamy, then wait for the water to fill up. I took a basket full of the handsome boy's uniform nearby.

"Standing to control the quality?" I asked. The tall figure leaning against the doorway stared at me as if afraid I might steal his dress. He didn't answer, just nodded.

Oh!! I'm so fed up.

I took one pair of pants from the basket, checked to see if anything was left in the pocket. If not, I'll transfer it to the basin.

"What's this?" I muttered curiously as I reached into the trouser pocket and felt something was in it so I took it out and looked at it.


Condom box.

I looked up to see the owner of the box standing still, as if he didn't feel anything.

"Do you want to use it?" said the handsome boy and gave me an evil smile.

"Damn it." I threw the damn box in the handsome bastard's face. I thought I'd only find one box. But, all of his school trouser pockets have boxes of condoms in them.

"Are you prostitute or what?"I couldn't help but throw the box at him.

"Get ready." he said to me before walking in to collect the things that I threw pile up in front of him.

"What are you looking at?" I asked the handsome boy as I saw that he was staring at me.

"You want to use one ?"he quickly leaned his face and whispered in my ear.

"Foolish Bastard!" I cursed without showing my face then poured some detergent on his face till his whole head was drenched.

What do I do? Those who do wrong must flee. But the moment my feet hit the ground, I had to meet with death.

"Shit! Slippery!"

Damn it !!! Lie comfortably on the floor. Whatever karma a person does, it will return. Huh! Sick


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