Chapter 13+14+15

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Chapter 13: Unfortunate Bae

After going through a humiliating event in front of handsome boy. I was taken by a handsome man out of the bathroom with reluctance. I was wet from head to toe along with sprains that stick to the body, especially when sitting.

I want to thank him for trying to help me even though he started the war first to tease me. If I didn't scold him, he would continue laughing non-stop for a second.

"Funny?" I asked, turning to stare at him with a snort.

"Yes." he nodded, then pretended to hold back a laugh. I saw him and wanted to put my foot in his mouth, but being stuck in this pathetic state and miserable state of myself right now was not conducive to doing so. Just taking each step is difficult and feels like dying already .

"If you still don't stop laughing, I'll bite off your ear."

Oh!! I'll take my hostage ear. I got close to his ear and then the handsome guy actually stopped laughing which made me really happy. Then took me to the sofa, quickly lay me down and brought medicine.

He's a good person as audiences want him to be.

It was fine, everything was fine, until he said,"Take off your pants and apply this medicine ."

"Damn it." My mouth reflex worked immediately first that I would point it away, while I picked up the painkillers to eat, and the topical medicine to take care of myself at home.

The handsome man pulled the corners of his lips and sat down next to me. I squint in disbelief, afraid he'll force me to take off my pants and apply pain


"Does it hurt?" But unexpectedly, the handsome guy comes like a hero. His voice is soft and deep, mixed with care and concern in a light way, giving me goosebumps immediately.

"Hurts, silly question." But that didn't impress me, but how did he say good things, because when weighing the evil against the good that was done to me? So I said it out loud.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked seeing him smile, when he should have been angry or kicked me in the neck.

"No," he shook his head in denial. I'm still in the middle of what he's smiling at, but I don't want to doubt it have a headache. So I asked to go home.

"Then let's go home."

"I'll send you a ride." The handsome man pretended to get up from the sofa. So I stopped him first.

""Do not have to."

Then I grabbed my bags, rushed out of the condo room, took the elevator downstairs and took a taxi home.

The next morning.

"What are you doing, young man? Walk like that?" Po greeted me because he saw the abnormality going on. I, with conditions and symptoms that have not healed, can only do it myself.

"Why are you like this, young man?" Win approaches, squinting at my ass.

"How much water do you put in, your feet are a bit swollen." Pat teased me, didn't think I'd hear this, you bastard friend.

"Are you going to give birth? I'll take you there." and Yo, who was my only remaining hope, and would have some sympathy, but there isn't any. This

bastard is worse than anyone, fucking bastard.

"You bastards," I scolded them from the first to the last. Then go in and sit between Po and Win before resting my face on the bagpack .

"Gun's friend." Po nudged me, nudged hurriedly, as if wanting to have one.

"What is it?" I looked up. Which Ai Po signals his mouth to the straight side across the table.

Shit!! Handsome man, my eyes are wide open.

"Hmm, take this medicine." the handsome man who stunned me, still didn't turn around threw the medicine bag in front of me. Then walked out with his friends. Well, I'll thank you handsome man who brought this for me, but not necessarily right now. Here in front of the tigers, lions, bulls and rhinos that are ready to attack me every day.

Countdown to the desolation and calamity that is difficult to deal with....

Five, four, three, two, one...

"Shit!" starting with a chorus of four comrades.

"Did you guys see what I saw?" Po volunteered to open the conversation.

"Full of eyes, my friend Po," Aiwin replied and smiled brightly and winked at me as well.

Ugh! I want to put some glue on his mouth. "Suspicious." Pat said in a high voice.

"Ai Gun was 'devoured' by the Great God." while Yo's voice was low, but his words almost made me overturn and lie on the floor.

What are you thinking, dammit?

"Damn friends. Shut up you guys." I scolded them and looked at them one by one.

"Even more suspicious," Yo said casually, turning to look at the others, raising their eyebrows in unison.

"Shut up, you idiot."

"It'll be quiet only when-" Yo has not finished his sentence. I know very well what to do to silence them.

How to make them permanently silent and shut up? That is. must tell. Tell

it all from who, what, where, with whom, how, when, in such detail that you can make ten rounds of a trilogy movie.

"Okay, I'll tell you guys." I'll tell you everything. Ever since this handsome man helped me in math and biology classes to the point where I had to become a Bae.

"Wow!" Po exclaimed.

"BL Fiction." Win continued.

"The buffalo-faced servant and the cold boss." Ai Pat gave a glaring glance.

"Slave Love, Blaze of Passion" and Ai Yo bit his lip.

"Fuck, I hate you guys." I couldn't think of anything other than scolding them for the hundredth times. I thought if I stayed I'd be teased to the point of not being able to do anything, so I got up and walked into the classroom.

Day after day, I had no intention of studying, not because I was stressed out or anything, but because my four bad friends kept mocking and teasing me. "Don't come in, Gun isn't ready yet." Yo mimicked a woman's voice.

"It hurts a bit, like an ant bite." said Pat in a hoarse voice.

"I'm not scared," as for Poe, he raised his arm as a defensive gesture.

"Why are you guys doing this?" I cursed at them before covering my ears with my hands.I want to cry because handsome man, you are the only one who makes me hurt by these fellow humans so they can do something like this.

After school in the afternoon. Instead of going home I had to secretly set up and wait for that handsome man to clear things up , I want to negotiate to postpone being Bae indefinitely. I saw him approaching and shouted.

"Ai Tin."

The handsome man turned to me and frowned. before turning back to talk to his friends, and then they went their separate ways.

"What's up?" he asked me in his usual calm tone. Whether it's suffering, happiness, dead dog or mother-in-law giving birth, it's Monotone all the time!!

"Cold man, I want-" "Can not."

Let me say it first, handsome!!

"My butt hurts." I said in a very soft, hoarse voice, like someone who hadn't eaten for a week.

"Lie." the opposite of handsome, he answered so loudly that I was startled but I managed to keep my stillness under control.

"I'm really hurt." I pretended to lean against a pillar and squat down on the ground. Putting on a face like I was giving birth assisted by a midwife by holding and pushing my stomach.

Shit!, But the handsome man turned his head and fled the other way. "Look at me." I demand attention. Don't you want to turn around and see? Finally, the handsome man turned to me. God, his face is so annoying.

"Get up." he shrieked sharply. I paused for a moment and looked up showing constant pain.

"I'm in pain, I can't get up."

Unlucky!! If I stood up, it would be discovered that this was just a pretense. "Or I will..." but his time saying that, I'm like a spring bounce.

"I'm fine. Magic, right?"

The handsome boy didn't say anything. He just let out a very long sigh and shook his head tiredly.

"Today I want to rest." I rolled my eyes like a daughter begging her mother

, escaping to travel with a local boy in the village. The handsome man stared at me for a long time. It's like counting the depth of pimples on my face, then nodding. Then finally he agreed a day off.

Yey! Success! I survived! I'm a survivor.

"Thank you very much." I patted his shoulder like a normal guy. The handsome man narrowed his eyes then bent down and whispered near my ears.

"One day off One more week's compensation." And then he walked away quickly.

Damn... handsome, bad boy, asshole.

Come back... come back now. I won't stop. Never will I allow myself to be worked like a slave.

I just stood there mocking myself as I watched the back of the handsome man who had disappeared from view.

Hey, why is my life so unlucky?

Chapter 14: Bae Is Helpful

I'm back to being bae as usual after a day off and being harassed by a handsome boss to come and work for compensation.

This weekly compensation job starts by going to be a person carrying things for it at a supermarket. It took me less than half an hour to transform into a mobile food truck like in the provinces, including food, vegetables, fruits, sweets, desserts and drinks hanging. on my arm from the elbow to the wrist I looked at myself and was miserable. This is if the handsome guy still likes it. Maybe I'll have to hang it around my neck or tie it to my trouser loops?

I don't know what the hell is going to break this curse and instead of calling a taxi back we got on a crowded bus. I'm suffering, viewers.

"Heavy." I muttered. The handsome man turned to look at me and narrowed his eyes in frustration. Before dragging me to sit in an empty spot As for him, he stood guard as if I were a prisoner.

You didn't help me hold it, but it's still good to let me sit down.

I put all my belongings on the floor. Tied the bag properly, if the bus brakes or makes a sudden turn, the eggplants and tomatoes won't fall over.

Back to the condo. I put everything in the fridge and sat down on the couch. Grab the remote and turn on the TV then lied down as if this is my own room. After watching cartoons, I went to drink water.

I was a little surprised that this handsome man had disappeared. I walked over to look at this corner and couldn't find him. Only one place left. I suspected he was in the bedroom, so I sneaked into the bedroom. Only one place left. I suspected he was in the bedroom, so I sneaked into the bedroom. I saw that handsome man was engrossed in reading a pile of books with a look that should have been stressful enough.

There was a bottle of half drunk milk on the table. Makes me realize that the handsome guy hasn't had dinner yet.

Despite wanting to constantly set fire to this room to get rid of this annoying person, but I have a bit of generosity . I didn't mind that much,so I closed his bedroom door and walked into the kitchen instead.

I started by cooking rice. While waiting for the rice to cook, get the other spices ready. Grab some shrimp from the fridge then peeled them and set them aside. When the rice is cooked, I immediately prepared this special dish. I poured chili and garlic into hot oil followed by shrimp meat. Then, added vegetables such as galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, shallots, diced tomatoes. I then put straw mushrooms into the sauce pan and stirred well. Seasoning with various sauces, sweet sugar, lime juice and chili paste. Finally, mix with steamed rice. Stir well and served on a plate.

My Tom Yum Kung Fried Rice was ready and smells good. but judging by the amount of rice on the plate I don't think that handsome guy will be full because he eats like he's in a trance. So I opened the fridge and picked up chicken eggs and minced pork to prepare a simple menu, minced pork omelette. The taste probably matches with what that handsome man usually eats. This Bae intends to do his best.

By the way, are there some stomach-achering pills around here or not? Handsome man, let's taste it a bit.



I courteously knocked on the door of the handsome man's room eventhough I had just recently sneaked in. He turned around and frowned as if wanting to ask what's wrong? I didn't answer, just smiled dryly. Then walk to pick up food that has been prepared and bring it in.

"I'm afraid you'll die of a big belly first," I told the room owner before placing the fried rice on the table. He closed the book that occupied more than half of the table space, then I placed the minced pork omelet nearby.

"It's edible?" The tall figure looked at the food alternately with my face with suspicion.

Damn, you should be thanking me! I should jump and kick the top of the smiley face.

"Then don't eat it." I pretended to take the plate back, but the handsome man held my hand.

"I'll eat"

"Okay" I let out a long sigh of relief. I was about to turn around and leave the room, but the handsome guy grabbed my wrist first.

"Sit first." The tall figure pouted towards the bed. I look at the bed and get goosebumps because this bed makes me remember that day, rushing over my head like the water in Niagara Falls.

"No." I hastily refused without a second thought. But

"Wait till I finish it." this handsome man totally blows my imagination. Which is good too so I don't have to think about it.

"What are you reading?" I asked when I saw him open a book while eating. Simply put, I'm just curious. I've never seen a book this big before.

"Chemistry," the handsome bastard replied in a flat voice. He didn't turn to meet the eyes of the conversation partner.

Bad manners! I cursed at him in my heart, before tilting to read the contents of that giant book.


"It's really difficult or difficult because you're stupid?" Damn it!

"Yeah, I'm stupid." I said in a high-pitched voice, grinding my teeth behind the wise man's back. world's number one sage. If he knew he would probably furrow his brows at me.

Then there was no further conversation as I no longer wanted to use my stupidity. I sat down and shook my legs waiting for the handsome man to finish all the food into his stomach.

"Thanks" he turned to me as he collected the spoon in the middle of the plate.

"Hmm." I got up and placed the plates on top of each other and was about to turn around, but the handsome man grabbed my wrist first.

"What?/" I frowned. "Delicious"

"Of course." then I shrugged proudly. Then I went to wash the dishes and returned to the living room to pack my things. The handsome man was sitting upside down on the sofa holding my backpack in his hands.

"I want to go home." I reached out for my bag but he got up and slung it over his broad shoulder.

"I'm delivering."

"You don't have to." I refused in a low tone. Immediately I was hit by a tall person with a punch to my forehead, then he headed out of the room.

Ouch! All I can do is follow him.

"Just send me off here, that's enough." I said when we got down to the bottom of the condo. But he didn't answer. But without answering, he waved a taxi and stuffed my head into a seat.

You force me too often, handsome.

When I arrived at my house, the handsome man walked first to enter the house. I hastily followed, blocked and dragged him out of my house hoping Mrs. Ratchanee, my mother didn't see him.

"Hello, Mom."

It wasn't me who said it, but it was the big man beside me. Since when did my mother become your mother?

"Worship the Gods."

"When did you go to be ordained?"I teased my mother for fun, but instead got hit by her gaze of 500-meter annihilation aura staring at me until I have to keep my mouth shut.

"Already eaten?"

Hmmm, other people were asked if he had eaten or not, while her own child is left lying dry to death in the room.

"Gun already cooked earlier." the handsome man answered my mother in a polite tone.

"Gun ?" Mom narrowed her eyes at me in disbelief. I shrugged, proudly showing off my strength. As if I was Thailand's newest Iron Chef.

"Was it delicious?" "Yes."

"Until the dishes are clean." I looked at the handsome man. Very delicious. Very delicious.

"Okay, what are you going home with?" "Taxi."

"Okay, mom will send off Tin first.Mom just boiled the vegetables and the kitchen is going to explode," mother joked before walking in into the kitchen.

I escorted a handsome man to the front door.

"My bag." I asked the person who was carrying it. He handed it to me then turned around to get into a taxi.

"Thank you for coming," I say casually, not deliberately for him to hear, but this thing is good-eared.

Hey, what was I thinking?

So he turned and squinted at me and replied in his usual self. "Yes."

"Why only one word?" I asked him, curiously. "Yes."

"Strange." "Yes."

"Go back now" "Yes."

I didn't ask anymore. He had also hailed a taxi and got in. Waiting until the taxi was out of sight, I walked into the house with this handsome man's "Yes" echoing in my ear.

You're a hypnotist, huh?


Chapter 15: There is Work

Academic Week is another school event that gives students from each club the opportunity to show their talents and potential in various areas . Many clubs have technological innovations to offer. There will be competitive prizes from the education district level. Universal Music Clubs like me, Yo, Pat, Sound and others don't have any ideas for this competition yet.

Our job today was to entertain people who walk through the exhibitions of various clubs to make the atmosphere fun and not too boring .

While waiting for the committee to prepare the equipment and test the instrument sound system, I excused myself to go to the bathroom because of stomachache which is often Like this all the time when I'm very excited or nervous. I walked around the back of the gymnasium because there is a crowd of students in front.

Before turning towards the bathroom, I saw a handsome man talking to the woman who gave him flowers a few weeks ago. Holding hands, stroking the head like that time. Lazy to choose like before, but what can you do when the enemy is so close to the city gate? I would not let myself run to another building, I was afraid I'd not be able to hold it anymore.Therefore, I had to choose purely and went straight to the men's bathroom where the chances of both seeing me were one million percent.

I walk normally. I felt him looking at me but I didn't care because both of them irritated me like before.

Listening to music while having a bowel movement is a common practice that everyone believes should be done. I am one of them because I have always believed that humming relaxes the large intestine and then easily expels waste products. You don't have to be embarrassed when your farts reach the next cubicle, and I usually like to hum a little.

For some reason today I don't know why I wanted to hum a song that has a simple and smooth rhythm, like Kon Mai Mee Sit (A Person Who Doesn't

Have the Right) by Hugo Chulachak.

���...I am a person who has no right to love you, am I wrong?

I want you to be sure that you're the one I've been waiting for���

Maybe because last night I accidentally watched a drama where the female lead likes the male lead who already has a boyfriend. I still feel it until I feel the like female character in the story.

(* Believe it or not Gun, but you're starting to have feelings for Tin and you sang that song because you're hurt seeing your man with another girl... ���

������ The song portrays your inner feelings. ��������� )

Finished, I opened the bathroom door. The next step is I go to wash my hands, wipe my hands and walk away. However, this is not the case.

Because what appeared before me was a handsome man who was hunched over with his hands in his pockets and looking at me as if he wanted to say something to me.

"What is it?" I asked loudly. He narrowed his eyes at me before frowning as if dissatisfied that I accidentally spoke in a huskiness with him. Aren't I always like this?

"Don't forget tonight."

"Hmm." I nodded knowingly... work to be done in a week. I guess today I'll have to drill through the tile floors and apply some new sealant. Then I went to wash my hands, grabbed a tissue to wipe my hands, and prepare to touch the doorknob but suddenly, a handsome bastard broke out.

"Some things You shouldn't think too far."

I turned to look at him with a confused look. Handsome bastard, what are you talking about? Then shook my head and walked out of the bathroom.

Switch to the stage. Me and my team are ready for the show.The first five songs for today are the songs that we have prepared to bring happiness to everyone. Whether it's a song that's upbeat, dance spreads, romantic love

songs, including a sad song to appease those who are unsatisfied with love. Subsequently, we will provide the opportunity to the audience below the stage to request songs by writing on a small piece of paper and dropping it into a box. I'll take it and sing some songs. That everything might end tomorrow and break my neck before I die.

"Hello everyone," I greeted my friends, brothers and sisters, teachers and other guests through the microphone. The screams of girls from middle school to high school gave me a lot of support to sing.

"This early in the morning, let's exercise. Move your feet, move your feet a little faster."


���~ For a moment, just looking at you makes me realize that you have touched my heart


I really want to tell you how cute you are But that kind of behavior is too much, I'm afraid it will be ugly and not pretty~���

( I'd like to exchange phone numbers - Ying Lee Srijumpon)

Below the stage, a group of students have started to take some steps, but it's not too heavy because they have to be considerate of the name of the event.

"Academic Week" will come in full force and isn't like having a party at home. Intellectuals must rely on composure and behavior. Under the good customs and traditions. the teacher told me so.

And our fifth song ends. There was applause from under the stage which was getting crowded. Not only that, I also earn money from them.

It is considered a tactic of extortion.

I turned to Yo, Pat, Sound, and the other M. 4 underclassmen, showing them the note in my hand. They just shook their faces and looked at me.

Hehe... Jealous bastards.

"Next part, let's vote for whose song to pick and sing today." I said to everyone then reached into the cardboard box. I kept digging until I found the piece of paper I wanted, then opened it.

"And the song is-"

"Is. " I made the audience curious.

"Flirt with Me from the band Black Vanilla which was requested from Nong Mild, class M.4."

Woah! Woah!

Shouts from below roused us from the very handsome Universal Music club.

���~I don't know someone I'm flirting with Wow!

Just met I want to move forward but keep retreating . Because I'm crazy about you.

I can only be silent If you have a heart, can you help me? I want you to tease me, tease me, tease me


I've been waiting to tease me, tease me, tease me, I really want you.���

I sway to the rhythm of the running music to greet the audience below. Then walking around my members and standing next to the handsome keyboardist, Sound, I nod like a Sun Core.

���I want you to tease me, tease me, tease me Myself

I've been waiting to tease me, tease me, tease me, I really want you ���

As soon as the song ended, our club received more screams and applause than the previous five songs. I thank everyone with a proud smile.

"Sound." Yo called the keyboardist. I turned and joined them. Sound raised an eyebrow, and then Pat mimicked the song we'd just played a few moments ago.

"I really want you."

Why is he... I'm confused. I don't understand. I turned to Yo, Pat, then Sound who was staring at me.

"Can I flirt?" said the keyboardist with a calm face, plus looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

Damn it.

"Okay." interrupted Yo before Pat quickly turned to me and asked, "What's up bro?"

"Damn it." I yelled back at them especially Sound. I don't understand what a tease?

Then I went to get the next song and made everyone happy for a long time, then turned around to swear at Pat. As for Sound, I cursed him with obscenities that were not heard by him.


"What a great show." Thewson whispered to the people around here who had been standing with strained faces like constipated people for several days, before patting the shoulder to cheer up and walked to another club.

The tall figure stared at his friend with dissatisfied eyes. Even more displeased when he turned to look at the stage and saw the vocalist playing with the keyboardist.

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