Chapter 16+17+18

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Chapter 16: Handsome Guys Are Evil

I came to the handsome man's condo and sat on the couch like a dog waiting for its owner. To be honest, I don't understand at all that a handsome bastard would. let me come and make a pestle when there is nothing to do . The room is dust free, and so tidy. The sofa where I am sitting on is so clean that it looks like it was just bought yesterday. I pity the cleaning equipment that waits for the day to decompose without being used. Plus, now the owner of the room has disappeared into the bedroom.

Do you want me to talk to your elbows, clever bastard!! Frustrating, really frustrating.

I'm stressed out.

I'm stressed and my stomach is growling.

So I used this excuse to go find something to eat in the fridge. I got yogurt with Pagmas mangoes to gobble up while opening cartoons to create aesthetics for a good appetite. While having one bite of a mango, another trouble maker this morning called.How many times will you call me?

"What's up, Sound?" I said, chewing on a crunchy mango.

"Where are you? What are you up to? Have you eaten?" Ai Sound asked so many questions that I, who was listening, didn't even understand.

"Are you my father, really asking so many questions?" I scolded him. "I will be your father, baby."

"Damn" pretends to play all the time. Don't let me find you or I'll flick your forehead until you collapse.

"Why did you call me?" I asked seriously.

"Yo said tomorrow he won't be joining music practice." "Why didn't he call me?"

"His phone battery is dead."

"Tell him if he misses again he'll be taken to the Women's Tailoring Club." I warned. I heard that during the time he missed practice, he went out with the girl from the international school.

"Yes." he said softly.

"That's it, right? I want to continue watching cartoons." I was in a hurry so as not to miss the scene.

"Yes. I miss you. Muaah." Tut...

I immediately hung up. I will scold him tomorrow. He starts playing around. I put the phone next to me. Saw a shadow then turned around to get a better look.The handsome man was standing and staring at me with cold eyes.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him in a sarcastic tone. He got closer to me until I realized he was topless.

"Follow me to the pool." he ordered me in a flat voice mixed with slight displeasure, then he threw the towel over my head.

Can you please be nice? I grumbled but eventually followed him into the pool.

He went to the swimming pool, but well, how did I voluntarily became his bae?

The magnificent and luxurious swimming pool has a fish pond on the left. The handsome man warmed up. Then he turned and told me to sit on a chair by the pool, quickly put on his goggles before swimming with a slick

appearance like a national swimmer.

What kind of person is so talented and perfect in everything? Both academic and sports. Plus his face is also very pretty. So jealous.

I sat and looked at person as long as a crocodile, swimming many times until the eyes started to become so tough. Aren't you tired? But when I asked if he wasn't tired, the tired person swam to the side of the pool and made a face at me.

Oh! What else have I done wrong? I'm just sitting here, not moving at all. I raised a questioning eyebrow. He instead did the same as me and sat by the pool.

Wow, what a complicated nonverbal language. Who knows what he mean? He turned and narrowed its eyes at my hand. Oh! Towel, so I threw it at his head. Just like when he did to me before in the room, thick hands slowly grabbed the towel. The eyes slowly met my eyes with the eyes that stared at me as if to eat blood, but the people with ego like me shrugged my shoulder and didn't care even a bit.

The handsome bastard is shattered.

He continued to frowning until his eyebrows meet.

I sat and watched him wipe his hair. Wipe off the water that clings to the body. What a crazy person, so handsome! Overall, he is very suitable for being a model.

When he finished managing himself, he got up from the edge of the pool, walked towards me, and dropped the soaked towel down the center of my head.

"Ai Tin!" I roared loudly as I pulled the towel from my soaked head. Look at this guy standing and smiling at the corners of his lips like he doesn't know what he did wrong.

It's so bad that words can't describe it. I threw the towel back and was about to run away, but the long hand grabbed my wrist first.

"Where are you going?" he asked in a sharp tone.

Damn it, even asking. I'll run away.

I flicked off his hand and pushed him away. I sped four times a hundred footsteps up to his room and it's good that the handsome guy didn't catch up like I thought. He just followed casually into the condo, narrowed his eyes for a moment and disappeared into his bedroom.

What a relief. I feel I have escaped my destiny. But only until when the handsome man opened the bedroom door and surprised me because he ordered me to enter the bedroom.

Who dares to enter? He's taking revenge on me? Isn't that bad? But a bae like me ever has the right to refuse orders or... not again.

"What can I do for you?" I asked quickly turning around to see a pile of many books in the middle of the room.

"Put it in the box," the owner of the room pointed his finger at the decree and walked away to the bathroom. I just kept my mouth shut and continued to sit on the floor and took each of the ledgers to put it in the box.

Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, which section? I was just sitting wondering which textbook title to put in the subject box. As far as I recall, Course Syllabus doesn't exist in the subjects taught at school. Seeing the long chemical bonds made me rush to close it.

Finish collecting all the books. I silently picked up the nonfiction book located on the table and read it. Because it seems to be the only book my intellect should be able to reach. At least I know that the oray body on the cover is a tiger. Just don't know what species it is.

"What are you doing?"

"Shit!, You startled me!" I was shocked until the book almost slipped from my hand when the handsome man suddenly whispered from behind.

"Gun is so weak,." said the handsome one, raising the corners of his lips.

"Weak, let's not randomly make a sound like this. Anyone would be shocked"

"Hmm." He said and moved closer to me.

It's too close. I put my hand on his chest firmly to push him away.

Damn, my heart is going to explode. Staying closer to this handsome man is not safe. It is more dangerous than being in the lion's den.

"I'm going home first." I hurriedly said to the owner of the room and walked over to pick up the bag that was placed on the couch.

"The work isn't finished yet," but a soft voice interrupted.

"What else?" I sneered in a long, sarcastic tone. I sighed quickly when I saw the handsome man pointing his finger at the bed.

"No." I hastily refused. I will not let you destroy my chastity again, you pervert.

But before I could think too far, a screeching sound and a sharp throbbing pain in my forehead brought back my consciousness.

"What are you thinking?" the handsome asked me in a scary tone. "You pointed at the bed."

"So?" asked the handsome man raising his eyebrows.

"Want me to sleep with you?" I said so quietly that I could hardly hear it, making a pleading expression on my face, begging for mercy from the person in front of me. As if wanting to tell him not to force me.

"Huh..." the handsome man sighed as he frowned. "What is it?" I asked because I did not understand. "Change the sheets."

"Just changing the sheets?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Yeah."

I smile widely because I felt very relieved as much as possible before hurrying to do my duty to manage the bed linen until it's brittle. Throw a coin into the bedsheet and the coin bounced up and hit the ceiling of the room.

"Done." I said to the owner of the room who was standing there viciously watching my work.


"It's all over, isn't it?" I asked him, wiping my sweat. Who would have thought that just changing the sheets would use up so much energy?

"Yes but not all." The handsome man did not say another word. He came so close that I fell and sat on the bed.

The atmosphere is very risky. I hurriedly escaped and stood in a wide area for safety.

"I'm going home," I said intentionally before seeing the handsome man smiling till the corners of his mouth.

"I'll drop you home." "No," I adamantly refused.

"Don't refuse, I'm going to send you off ." He said it on a long sound. Emphasize each syllable as if intimidating.

"Okay... okay. But can you carry me home?" I said sarcastically. Has my life ever been free since I became bae?


Suddenly my body floated up in the arms of a stronger man.I should be aware of one thing that speaking sarcastically and challenging a handsome bastard is not a good thing and it's the worst thing you can do in this life. I got carried away.

"Don't challenge me," he said after placing me on the sofa. I really wanted to scold him, but the handsome man made a scary face like a robber, murderer, rapist, blackmailer. So I could only remain silent, completely silent. I put on a displeased face then I walked out of the room quietly with a handsome guy following him until we take a taxi.

"Fucking bastard," I cursed at the handsome bastard, outraged at the loss I had inflicted.

Next time, I'll pay back tenfold, so just wait and see......

Ai Tin!

Chapter 17:Goodness of Handsome Man

In two weeks there will be midterm exams. I haven't read a single book. At first, I made an appointment tonight with my five friends along Sound to study math and physics at Po's house. But I had to decline because of timing as it collided with the mission of being the bae of the handsome man, the only smart man in the world Talking about the handsome man, he told me to sit and wait in the library, which was the place I visited least visited in school. If there's no need, I never thought of coming here.

I entered and sat at the end of the room table. Looking outside the corridor, still didn't see this handsome guy, so I took the homework book and textbook and read it. Although I never thought of doing this. This is because in the morning the pre-midterm score results were announced on the website, I checked it. This is a brutal and torturous reality. My score is very low. Overall, I'm just past average. Other subjects that scored very badly were especially math and science.

So depressed!!

I picked up my book and started practicing Mathematics. This is a really hard lesson about limits and functions. My brain is shaking. The more I read, the more confused I got, the more stupid I felt, until I felt a sharp pain in my temple.

"Why is it so difficult?" I cursed softly to myself, sighing for the tenth time, I still couldn't solve this problem. Seeing at this rate, I will definitely fail again, and this subject will still be 3 credits. Grade puller. If you miss it From the GPA, the top three easily snapped down to the top two. Until then, if it really happened, I would have to work my whole life to make a living instead of studying at university like other friends.

While scribbling, writing, recalculating the same number over and over until the paperwork started to have less and less free space. Someone walked over to put the book in front of me. I looked up and saw the handsome guy, so I prepared to collect notebooks and text books to go to his condo. But another person put his hand on me to hold me down .

"What is it?" he asked me in a calm voice. I shook my head.


"What is it?" But the handsome guy didn't seem to believe it. So he just asked me the same question. But the voice grew fierce more than my mom and dad. I secretly thought in my heart.

I didn't answer anything and just stared at my own notebook on the table with a wistful look in my eyes. the handsome man raised his eyebrows as if he was puzzled at first, but after a while he understood. He took a deep breath and pulled up a chair to sit down. He forced me to sit next to him.

"Limits and functions?" muttered the handsome man while opening my notebook.


"Work on this." he showed me the problems in the book. The first time that number appeared in my eyes, I immediately shook my head, saying I couldn't do it.

"Stupid." I got scolded.

I was born to be cursed by you or to be smart?

"Look at this." then the handsome man started to explain step by step. I understood some while some I didn't. But I can feel that I looked more determined, slightly hoping that after this I would be a little smarter. Even just one-in-a-million fraction of a handsome bastard is fine.

"Where did this number come from?" I asked the handsome boy about the number in the problem that suddenly appeared.

Plaque!! Why did you hit my forehead with a pen? It hurts!

"Don't remember?" he wants to hit me again. I hurriedly grabbed the pen and held it myself while clenching my teeth.

Okay! Try hitting me again! I will cut off your hand.

( * Some clips from the series from this scene... Lol this scene was epic ���

������ and my baby Gemini's angry face was so cute ���������... At this scene, he might have wondered how he fell in love with such a dumb guy...

��������� But Tin's already head over heels for Gun so he just has to accept his fate. ��������� )

The handsome bastard looked at me and let out a very long sigh before he continued to explain, which I could sense that he is very willing to teach me

. Although I'm not a very good person and don't really like him, but I still have some common sense. I listened to him and practiced it at the same time. Half an hour later, I started understand it. How do I do each question? It may be a bit scratchy, but overall it's a lot better than the first one. And expect it to get better and better until I may not have to fall asleep in the exam room like every other time before.

"What score did you get?" I couldn't help but ask him because this handsome guy is very good at teaching, I accept it!! He teaches better than the teacher, causing the lotus under the mud to grow up and fill up with water.

He squinted at me. "Thirty."

"Is it full?" I asked, full of shock.

"Yup." His affirmation caused me to gape.

Are you human?!

The more he showed me the score results retrieved from the web page, the more it surprised me. Damn it!

Mathematics :30

Physics: 30

Life skill: 29.5

Chemistry: 30

English: 29

I want to pass out.

"How about you?" asked the handsome one, and I couldn't even dodge... can I run off and jump into the water right now?

"I got very little," I muttered in shame and pity for myself. "How much ?" he asked, looking for an answer.


"Consider me half of you." "Stupid."

Damn it! You should pity and sympathize with me! Not repeating same question like this.

"Yeah, I'm stupid," I admitted without denying it. Because compared to handsome, I'm a speck of ash in the vast universe.

Why is my life so low? "Tonight stay at my place."


"Why?" I narrowed my eyes at him in disbelief. "I'll tutor you."

"Hah?" I put my ear close to the handsome man. Well, I'm not deaf, right?. That handsome man will teach me.

"Really?" I asked just to be sure. Afraid to dream. "Yes."

"All subjects?" I tried asking. Are you willing to tutor me in all subjects? "Really?" he turned to me with an astonished look on his face.

"Going to get an elbow," it metaphorically returned with an awkward expression, "I'll do anything if you agree to teach me all subjects," I pretended to repeat it.

Because I don't want the atmosphere to be stressful. This is one of the psychological tactics we need to use to make the other person feel relaxed, comfortable talking to us then asking for cooperation or help will be easier. But did not know that this word It is the deadliest double-edged sword.

Because the handsome man suddenly turned and stared at me .

Don't hesitate. Don't take more than eight seconds. I don't want to fall in love with an alien. I secretly had funny thoughts.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten...

"Why are you looking at ?" before more than a minute had passed, I hastily spoke up. Because if he looked further, I might get pregnant like a Betta fish.

"Checking stuffs." he replied in a soft voice, looking all over me.

"What thing?"I'm confused! "What I'm bringing home tonight."

"Damn it!" I cursed at him when I saw that evil smile. A smile full of hypocrisy. Then he cleaned up the books and stationery. Rushed out of the library.

"I'll go home first to get my clothes. I'll catch up later." I turned around to tell the tall man who was following behind me.

"I am coming along."

"Why are you coming?" I raised my voice.

"Ask mother for permission."said the handsome bastard. Before walking down the aisle, Ivrushed after him to interrupt.

"Why ask permission? She's my mother, not yours."

He was silent and refused to speak. In the end I took him home.


Mrs. Ratchanee saw rushed to greet him. Look at his face, more cheerful than looking at his own son. The more she knew that the handsome man would teach me, she became happy and really agreed. I can't just watch them, I have to talk.

"I'll allow him to stay up all week," my mother said to the handsome boy in a bright voice before turning to press me with deadly eyes. I sighed then nodded my head and went up to pack my clothes into the bag. Goodbye old house, the land where I was born.

"Please take care of that brat."

I bit my lip at my mom who acted as if I was a child who had to be taken care of by parents to monitor my behavior at all times The handsome man nodded to my mother then pulled the bag from my hand that I was holding.

"I can carry it myself." I pretended to snatch the bag back, but the handsome man looked at me with fierce eyes.

"Shut up."

Damn it, he even scolded me.

If it wasn't for me needing your help, I would have already jumped up and kicked you in the face.

Handsome Rottweiler.

Note: The Rotweiler is a large breed of dog originating from Germany. Initially, this breed of dog was bred as a working dog, because it is physically capable of carrying out heavy tasks.

Chapter 18: Study in Bed

Arrived at the handsome boy's condo, the owner of the room excused himself to go take a shower. I was left to do math problems on the sofa, which was converted into a good reading table. The tutor had threatened me from the beginning that if I still couldn't solve the problems when he comes out of the bathroom then he would make me study all night.

Does life have to be this difficult?... Answer me God!

I sat down and did a lot of problems. Quickly noticed the handsome man had finished bathing. He is behind me. I can feel him leaning forward to watch me do math.

"The water from your hair dripped on my head, you know?" I pointed at the handsome man who was looking at me. Drops of water ran down my face. He's even playing around.

"I Know."

Huh!! You knew yet you keep doing it again.

"Are you teasing?" I scolded him, but he had a smile on his lips.I want to smack his head.

"Dry my hair," the tyrannical landlord ordered aloofly, before throwing a small towel that was draped over my shoulder on my head.

"Don't you have a hair dryer?" "It's broken."

I sighed in the most annoyed way. Isn't it enough to bother me who is doing math plus doing this assignment. Come to interrupt like this, if my brain freezes and stops working, who's responsible for it?

But anyway... bae duties still apply. He will also be my tutor.

"Sit down ," I ordered, and he obeyed. I gently wiped his hair that had already become damp in fear of hairfall , if so I'll be cursed again.

"Try reading the limit formula."

Damn it, don't bother me with that. Better let me sing, dance, sing poetry, and recite prayers.

"Uh...." I stuttered because stupidity begins to creep and devour over my acute cerebral hemispheres in an instant.

"You can't remember?" the handsome man asked. Well...yes! If I remember, it's been a while since I told you. "Yes." I answered slowly.


"It hurts," I cursed at the man who flicked my forehead for the millionth time. If my brain's functioning system for thinking and reading goes wrong, making me dumber than ever resulting in failing the mid-term exam, failing GPA,and dropping the end of the year, which resulted in me not being able to pass the university exam. Who would be held responsible?

"Remember later." I complained.

"Remember later." he imitated me. I grabbed his hair. Damn it!

"Take it easy," the handsome boy warned in a deep voice. This tone is a warning tone. Level one hehehe So I had to step back if I didn't want to get hurt.

"Turn over here." I ordered, and he obeyed me perfectly. He turned around and sat cross-legged in front of me.

"Do you have a mustache too?" I pretended to hold it up in the middle of the action. Wipe the hairline and temples on both sides until I can see a group of soft mustaches on the jaw line.

I lifted my face wiping my brows and temples on both sides until I saw a few wisps of hair at t jawline. The handsome man didn't say anything and kept staring at my face.

Does my face have dirt!!

"Listen, do you secretly like me?" I said sarcastically. "Strange." After I heard that I immediately looked at him. Huh... it's okay, I'll find out for myself.

"Ah, I was just kidding. Even if you like me, I won't accept it." I said. "Why?" he made a second level sound, like a storm starting to form.

"Pity." I made an ugly face at him. The handsome man looked at me and scrunched up his face. I also make annoying noises.

"Come on, put on your clothes. I want to study." I kicked him out of the seat, he is showing off his six-pack stomach with no shame.


How about I kick him out?

The handsome guy didn't say anything. He got up and walked into the bedroom, then came out in a deep neck white t- shirt and dark blue boxer shorts.

"Take a shower." He arrived and commanded me. "Teach me first, then I'll take a shower," I said.

"Go and take a shower." he said sharply.

"Uh," I screeched in frustration at his interruption. Quickly went to his bedroom to get my clothes in a bag with towels, also toiletries.

Fifteen minutes later, I walked out of the room in a colorful t-shirt and light pink boxers.

So cheesy.

"Can you teach me maths again?"I sat next to a handsome man and begged him right away.

Handsome man nods. Before starting, he checked the tasks I was given to do before he took a shower. The result is four wrong, one right. I was ordered to do it over and over again until they were all correct. Limits and functions almost made me puke. Then the super smart guy started bringing questions that he predicted would come out on the exam.

Damn, hard!! This is just a midterm exam, not an International Academic Olympiad. I started scratching my head. I feel like my brain is about to shut down.

"Difficult," I confessed, telling him honestly, as always. When the other person heard it, he sighed. But in the end he taught me well until I managed to do the problem. Although it took almost half an hour.

"I want to borrow an eraser."

The handsome man gave me a stationery box. I opened it to get an eraser, but what came out of my hand was not an eraser.

"Prepared, yes." I said holding the condom in my hand. The handsome man saw that and made a fierce face which made me laugh out loud. He kept looking at me. So, I have to put it back where it was and act like nothing happened.

I didn't see anything.

We both sat down to study math until 10:30 p.m. Then move on to physics, which is driving me almost crazy.

"Concentrate ." the handsome man turned to me for the millionth time. "It's difficult."


I can only stay silent with his ridicule. Get used to it....

The clock shows 11:30, time to rest.

Both handsome and I closed the textbooks and put in our bags.

Next, I got up and lowered myself onto the couch. I stretched my legs to relieve soreness.

"What are you doing?" the handsome man looked at me and asked in a stern voice.

"Going to sleep." I answered coldly.

"Sleep in the room." The owner of the room isn't that bad.

"No." I answered quickly without thinking. Just thinking about that bed gives me chills somehow.

"Sleep in the room." the handsome man approached. The look in his eyes looked like that of a murderer who is about to kill his victim, his tone was level three. That's the highest, scary.

"No!" prepare my defense against him.

"Will you go inside the room or should I carry you?" the handsome man threatened and put on a serious face that scared me. If I continued to be stubborn, then he would pick me up and throw me onto the balcony.

"Okay." I muttered then walked straight to his room.

Damn!! The bed in front of me made me a bit nervous because it reminded me of that night.

The handsome man followed and walked to the other side of the bed. He sat down and lay down on the pillow. He patted the pillow next to him.


I nodded, but gave an awkward smile before sitting up on the bed and mimicking leaning against the pillow.

Very hot!! I wipe the sweat. It's not hot because of the weather, but hot because of being nervous. My hands are sweating. I can't show it to that handsome guy.

"Hot?" asked the handsome man, frowning.

"Hmm." I answered, and heard the sound of the air conditioner's temperature control knob. Quickly the owner of the room got up to turn off the light and slipped under the blanket. I, who had been acting silly at first, lay down but tried to keep my eyes open. Infact I couldn't sleep.

"Can not sleep?" a voice in the darkness asked me.

"Hmm." as soon as I answered, the orange light on the nightstand lit up. His sharp face turned to look at me moving closer.

"Should I put you to bed?" he made a motion of reaching out to touch my head. I brushed it off first.

"I'm not a kid!"

"Sleep." the handsome man even put his palm over my face instead.

"Remove your hand." I brushed off his hand. He even did the same thing again.

"I'll punch you." I threatened him, and I heard him laugh. Very funny?

I saw him trying to tease me again. I slapped his arm so hard until he snorted.

"Lie down and go to sleep."

[POV Tin]

"Sleep well."

The little guy beside me writhed in his sleep until his hands slapped my face a few times, not counting the leg that kicked me for the last round.


"Uh." he let out a long groan and turned over, squeezing me so he wrapped his hands around my chest and tightened them... Do you think I'm a bolster?

"You little bastard," I put my face closer to his and pinched his small nose. He made an uncomfortable sound and turned.

The escapee turned its back to me.

"I don't want to fall off the bed," I whispered to him before raising my arm and wrapped it around his fragile waist and tightened it loosely thinking that this would save me. The way he squirmed in bed, he might kick me off the bed.

But instead,I couldn't sleep. it's almost one o'clock. Sigh.......

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