Chapter 19+20+21

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Chapter 19: Agree

I walked out of the exam room with a confident smile for the first time since I'd been going to school for over seventeen years. I can pass the test because I can solve every questions both essays and multiple choice. I didn't sleep and snore during the exam like before.

"Just smile." Yo walked up to me and hit me on the shoulder.

"Smart people get out of the exam room first." Win joins in and teases me again.

"You want to take the top spot?" Pat stood on his hands and knees. "No, but soon I'll fill it." I said shaking my head.

"Damn!" Sound and Yo tapped me hard on the shoulder. They all stared at me at the same time.

"See, your great tutor has come." Po pointed with pursed lips. All my comrades turned, along with me.

Yes, that handsome guy walked over here with his hands in his trouser pockets along with his bodyguards, Thewson the basketball boy and Kajorn the soccer boy.

Are you the prime minister? I thought in my mind.

"Where do you want to eat?" I turned to ask my friends. But I found only emptiness as there were no one besides me.

Where have they disappeared? I looked back in that direction, I found that the handsome man was already standing in front of me.

"Why?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "Too much."

He tugged at the corners of his lips. Then invited me to eat... So, I said yes.

I didn't walk behind like a slave following a master in an ancient play, but instead walked beside the handsome man with his two comrades standing next to each other.

It felt like I was shooting a drama.

Everywhere I went, people were looking, especially the girls who were staring at us. Even though I know that they're probably looking at this handsome guy and his two friends. So, being walking along with them, automatically those people would notice me too.

I flashed my thumb and smiled for the cameras when saw a group of girls holding up their phones to take a picture.

Is this the way how celebrities act like?

I turned to look at the handsome man walking beside me, he looked at me with a look in his eyes that seemed to say "Don't put too much effort in front of them". But who cares? I can feel like a famous person.

Arriving at the canteen, I separated myself from him to eat with my good friends who had run away earlier. I scolded them but they just kept laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked when I saw Yo and Pat giggling. Po who laughs beside Win showed me his iPhone screen.

Damn it, damn it, I saw the image of me posing with my finger up at the camera. While the handsome guy walking beside me was not facing the camera.

Shit, I messed up.

"Perfect." Yo started teasing me. I raised my eyebrows to look at him like I wanted to kill someone, then turned to Pat.

"Angels and dogs." Pat said. Everyone was laughing so hard, even I... I can't imagine this, dammit.

The five of them made loud noises that disturbed those around us until we realized that in ten minutes it was time for the exam. Next I left the canteen, went to the bathroom, and sat in class waiting for the exam. The next exam subject is Mathematics of Grandma Poona. This is the subject that gives me the most stress because of I usually get low grades.

I took a deep breath, telling myself I could do it. I'm not going to let my talented tutor to be completely disappointed.

Answer sheets are distributed from the front desk. I did a rough survey. There are thirty multiple choice numbers and ten essays covering distributions that I'm not really good at.

When the bell rings, everyone starts the exam and counts. I started by doing ten essay exams first. I smiled to myself and confidently scribbled on the answer sheet. After that, I continued with my multiple choice. I came out of the exam room to be first again until Grandma Mrs. Poona, who supervised the exams, quietly teased me saying "You're not submitting blank answer sheets like before, right?"

Hey!! You are too quick to jump in to conclusions, Grandma. Please wait for the score to come out first. I'll print a vinyl board and hang my results it in front of your house.

After finishing first day of exam, I returned to this handsome man's condo.

While waiting to study with the chemistry and physics textbooks for tomorrow's test, I offered to cook dinner for him. He gives me knowledge well, whereas I will take good care of his nutrition in return.

Today's menu is simple, the ultimte low-calorie tuna salad for hansome men. Add some nice rice and fresh boiled pork belly just in case he's not


"Eat." I tapped the cup with the spoon to make a loud sound. Calling dog- hey-calling handsome man to come out to eat. Immediately a tall figure who had his school uniform walked out of the bedroom and sat beside me.

"This is yours." I thrust three plates towards him. I only ate one salad plate.

At first he raised an eyebrow wondering why he got so many portion of food to eat ? It's because you are greedy and eat alot. He smiled at the corner of his mouth, continuing to eat quickly until the three plates on the table were empty.

"Why are you in such a hurry, where are you going?" I asked him curiously. Do you want to take part in dirt bike races?

'Let me quickly teach this fool.' he said as he placed his hand on my head and walked into the bedroom.

"Yeah, that's smart." I said. Then I took the dirty dishes and wash them, then put them in the cupboard. After finishing kitchen work, we sat next to each other to continue studying.

"You remember the formula?" he asked me with some emphasis. I thought if I can't answer, I'll be finished!! I nodded that I remembered, but the handsome man didn't believe it. Yes, I just read the formula.

"Very nice."

I shrugged proudly. The handsome man looked at me and took a deep breath.

Hey!! You should be proud to have a student like me who is diligent and smart! Don't make a tired face at me like this.

At 10 pm, I went to bed as usual. Today is more special than the night before, so I'm the first to sleep.

"Sweet dreams."

The deep voice only gave me a short answer.


I turned and smiled dimly. Eventually fell asleep, but I woke up again in the middle of the night from the pain to urinate.


Why can't I move? That's the first question that came to my mind. I'm not being haunted, am I? Thinking about it gave me goosebumps.

When I think about not thinking ghost stories, I fix my eyes on the grip on my hips.

Then realised it's because handsome man eas hugging me.

"Um..." I muttered in a low voice, afraid that the handsome man would wake up and see that I was alone and I would be in trouble.

I slowly removed his hands from my hips, I immediately went to the bathroom. Then tucked myself back under the blanket, but afterwards I couldn't sleep well. I noticed the warm touch creeping in and tightening around my waist again.


I yelled at the man behind me, but I got silence in response. I removed his arm, but the more I did it, the more kept he kept on wrapping his hand around my waist.

I'm not a bolster, handsome guy.

"Deep sleep." whispered a voice from behind me in my ear. Damn it, handsome boy, are you not sleeping?

"You should be sleeping well." I scolded him, quickly I tried to stay away from him. Am I tied up? It's so tight, I'm stuck.

"You want to be treated like that night?"

The end of the deep sound made me stop my movements. I became as calm as the sleeping princess who has slept for more than ten years.

Hey, threats like these really scare me? Yes... I'm scared.

This is my life. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't succeed. Is it an arm or a log ????

Very heavy.....

Chapter 20: Chaos


I want to scream to the world that I can swim, play basketball for all day, but I can't deal with this handsome boy hand and foot all night.

Where did this person go? He has woken up. "What is it?"

Okay, it's very difficult to protest.

I pretended to be arrogant and didn't answer, placing my hands on my hips, waist, and arms so he could tell who had put me in this miserable state.

"I asked what's wrong?"

Why are you making such loud noises at me? I answered in a low voice.

"It hurts."

"Why are you hurt?"

Damn, who's the reason behind?

I rolled my eyes and let out a long, irritated sigh. Then I glanced at the handsome man with flashing eyes whi were ready to fight.

"Because of you."I answered.

"Me. ?" he pointed at himself. Making an innocent face like a person who

doesn't know that he has done something wrong. Should I get a hammer and hit him in the head to make him remember!!

"Don't you remember?" I asked to be sure. Let's see what he says again. The handsome man thought for a moment before answering.


I guess he was joking with just one word and put on an expressionless face. I will make you responsible for the mistakes that have done.

"Last night, you put your heavy hands and feet over me. As heavy as an elephant." I held out my hand for him to remember. Really heavy like maybe as about ten trees.

The handsome man looked at me and scrunched up his face. He instead threw a wet towel on my face. Huh!

I slowly pulled the towel from my face then grinded my teeth at this annoying handsome man. He stood up and picked up the school uniform and put it on.

"Besides, I just lay it on your leg, didn't overlap it, so it won't break, right?" The handsome man turned around and said that.

Overlap? Don't say that, it scares me.

"What does it mean?" actually I know what he said. I saw him raise an eyebrow while buttoning his shirt. Then he came closer and slammed my body until I lay down on the bed.

"Like this." he whispers next to my ear in a voice that invites goosebumps, and I'm even stuck here. I felt a sting all over my body.

"Move!" I wasn't blown away by that crazy tone of voice. I pushed the handsome face with both hands, then quickly moved away from him.

Now I'm safe....

"Take a shower."

He told me again. I scolded him. In the past was I your slave until you always order me to do this, do that to me?

"Why did you lock the bathroom door?" I, who was still angry, stood with my hands on my hips and raised my voice. When the bathroom door could not be pulled, the handsome man shook his head tiredly.

"Dumber than the door."

He left without telling why it's locked? What's dumber than the doors? I'm so confused. I stood up scratching my head and tried to open the bathroom door again. But I still can't unlock it.

I'm so pissed off, handsome guy!

I walked out of the bedroom and saw him lying on the couch watching TV. Feeling overwhelmed and angry, I stood in front of him. If I'm not happy, don't expect you to be happy too. The handsome man looked at me with anger then he got up, held my wrist and led me into the room. He then quickly stopped and stood in front of the bathroom door, which is the cause of all the trouble.

"Try to open again." he ordered me in a firm voice. I reached over to the knob and tried to unlock the door again . The result is still the same.


The handsome man nodded and reached out his hand to turn the doorknob and pushed it.

The door opens... I gape until flies could get in .

"Look." and the handsome man imitated my words and quickly walked out of the room laughing, leaving me, who was drowning in the mire of ignorance, to stand alone.

Because of you, the stupid door. I got scolded by a handsome guy early in the morning. Huh, you've ruined my mood...

After getting dressed, handsome boy and I went to school.

Today is the second day of the midterm exams. There is a chemistry exam in the morning. Next, the physics exam is a very brutal lesson. But let me tell you guys here that Kantaphol is really cool.

Electrochemistry and redox reactions were rarely a problem for me because I read very well and also had good tutor. But the biggest problem right now were the hydrocarbon compounds because I forgot the formulas that is used to differentiate alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Fate is also not on my side as

I got all these five questions. I really feel like fainting!

I took a deep breath. Taking deep breaths to allow oxygen to fully feed the brain and trying to gather my mind to remember the formula that handsome guy gave me last night.

Alkene CnH2n, if alkane +2, alkyne -2.

Oh, I remember! I smiled to express my joy. Proud that the brain knows how to work.

" Kantaphol did you win a lottery?" Asked the supervisor.

"No." I replied to the supervisor standing in front of my desk. Oh, you noticed that, huh?

After the chemistry exam was over, I went out to eat with my friends. Yo and Pat complained that the chemistry test was really hard. But Win, Po, and a smart guy like me said that Chemistry is easy.

(* Well as for me. frankly speaking, I never understood Chemistry . I'm

not a science student though but yah in school days, I only attended theory questions from Chemistry. As for those chemical balance, formula, atomic weight and atomic structure and so on. It really frustrated me. I never

understood it even while paying proper attention when teachers taught it in class. Chemistry is not my thing. ������ )

"I envy people who have good tutors," said Yo. I looked at him and shrugged.

"How about it, you can compete in a rowing boat race, but in an achievement competition you can't compete." I pat Yo on the shoulder to let him know and accept it this time.

"Good luck." Yo said.

"Careful with luck until you get a tutor husband, Kantaphol."

Pat did the talking. Po and Win served as the support team, they all teased me together that the people at the side table turn their heads.

"Damn it!" I scold them.

"Loves a tutor who is hot but has a cold heart." Pat still hasn't stopped teasing me.

"Oh, very funny," added Yo. The other two propped their chins up and gave me a wink.

"You bastards!" I snapped at them, quickly walking away from them. Huh, so frustrating...


Next, I took the exam with the subject of mathematics, which has been my enemy since I was in class M.4. Never meant to be together. However, this time I must defeat this evil foe. I opened the exam question sheet and read the questions. Quickly work on the answer sheet.

It's easier than I thought. Easy multiple choice. The essay is easy. Oh...

Kantaphol is happy.

I left the exam room half an hour before the exam ended. In that room I was the first to finish. Then I ran to the handsome man's exam room. I saw him sitting alone playing on his cell phone. I went straight to him.


The tall figure looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "The test was easy, huh?" I said with a smile. "Hmm." he answered without a smile.

Geez, are you tired of life?

"Come back to the condo and I'll cook for you." I said to the handsome boy who then quickly got up and we walked out of the school building together.

"But I want some ice cream first." I turned to him as if asking permission when I saw a cooperative shop that was about to close.

"Wait for me!" I rushed like a cheetah on the savanna desert running into the shop.

"I want to have some ice cream."

The shop owner at first refused saying the ice cream fridge was locked, so I begged and knelt down until he finally agreed to open the ice cream fridge for me.

Yey, it worked!!!

"I'll take this one." I muttered and took the ice cream, then paid for it. After that ran to the handsome.

"That was close."

"Hmm." the handsome man nodded and answered briefly as usual.

"It's a big size, I ordered for two." I scooped ice cream for that handsome boy to eat. He narrowed his eyes as if to reject it. I forced him so, in the

end he took it.

"Do you want to eat Mama* Tom Yum flavor with eggs and cheese tonight?" I asked the handsome while walking eating ice cream.

"Hmm." "Too much." [Tin POV ]

I narrowed my eyes at the man who was shorter than me who was enjoying his ice cream, talking about the food that would be made later.

Then a question popped up in my head. Since when did I start to get so enamored with his cooking skills that I wanted to eat a lot?


Chapter 21: Closer

"Delicious, right?" I asked the person next to me, hoping to get a satisfactory answer.But...

"No." Hey, a handsome man is still acting handsome . "Said it was not good but still finished it all."

I said sarcastically, took his and my bowl. He then pulled the corner of his lips.

I got up and washed them, then put them in the cupboard before I sat back down.

"What's so fun about studying?" I asked the person who was reading. He glanced at me who was staring at the Course syllabus book that was on the table. Trying to indirectly convey didn't his eyes hurt?

"Shut up."

I grumbled at him.


I took my phone and looked at the screen. What else is there?

Group of ' Five '



Huh, what the heck? I thought.










<The math scores are out!> Crying sticker ���


<Wow so fast>


< Oh My God>


<Can't say>




<[Link] check the value there>

I sat down and looked at the link Yo sent with great nervousness. Even though I can do this test from the previous one, but oh God I'm so scared that I don't dare to open it.


I should get some help by letting a handsome guy see his worth first. He narrowed his eyes at me with an annoyed look on his face that I was distracting him from reading.

"Math grades are out." I told him, quickly handing over my phone which had opened a web page. Just enter the student ID number and password.

"So what?"

I asked him. "I want to see." "Mine?" he raised his eyebrows. "Correct."


"I want to see your high score." I said, winking. This handsome guy sighed and handed me my phone. I hastily took it and looked at his score.


Perfect score.


I was astonished. I'm so nervous right now. I saw a man reading a book who didn't seem to care how many grades he got.

"Extraordinary." I said to him turning around to look at the phone screen. The handsome man just looked at me and nodded in acknowledgement.

Um, you should be happy. Jump as little as possible. You are amazing.

"Is there a present for me?" and then he looked up and asked me who was still dumbfounded, while he had a calm expression on his face.

"Not available." I said.

What prize? All this time I've been cooking for you every day, this is already a gift!!


Someone sent a picture of the results of the value.


<42/60 Cheer me up because I got this score TT>


<40/60 Keep fighting, an A is still far away>


<52/60 too bad you got 40>


<60/60 get good again>

Po and the handsome got a perfect score.




<I hate you Prawee>


<share values with me>


<you're smart>

Huh, all my friends keep texting. I let it even though there are lots of notifications coming. I can't flaunt my worth. Immediately I opened the web and pressed log out. Then I entered my number and password.

Damn, I'm so nervous, but it's up to you.

I clicked to see my math scores, closed my eyes, and slowly opened my eyes little by little like I'd won the lottery.



I opened my eyes as wide as ostrich eggs. Am I not wrong?

To make sure that I wasn't mistaken, so I decided to press logout and login again. Just like before, wanna scream like Justin Bieber.

"Ai Tin!" I called the handsome one while smiling broadly until my mouth was close to my earlobe. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows suspiciously. I turned my phone screen for him to see.

He froze like a figure in solemn worship.

I put the phone on the table and switched to the handsome boy. He looked at me and I looked at his face. This minute there is probably only one thing I can do for my talented tutor, to thank him for helping me. I jumped and hugged him.


"Thank you very much."

My arms wrapped tightly around the handsome man's neck, and I could feel the warmth of his tall body being conveyed. And I'm sorry that I always misunderstood you as a cold-blooded animal, I secretly laughed inside.

When I realized he was completely silent I loosened up to look at him and gave him a big smile. Then hug it again and tighten it.

"Thank you very much." I said happily.

"Are you happy?" the hoarse voice called out to me until I realized that what I was doing was very unstable and risky, so I hastily pulled away and was about to get up. But instead I tripped over my own feet until I fell into his bigger body.

Ugh! The most dangerous position.

"Do you want to sleep?" the handsome boy asked me with sly eyes. I saw him wanting to stab his eyes with my finger.

"Damn it!" I cursed him and pulled away as fast as I could.

I sat wide-eyed for a long time. Turning to look at the handsome man, he looked at me.

"What are you looking at ?" The handsome man did not answer, but shrugged and pulled the corner of his lips.

You are truly terrifying, smart man.

I made an annoyed face at him. Then grab my phone and send a picture of my grades with screenshots to my colleagues. It was fun chatting on LINE, then the conversation started heating up with their reply messages about achieving a record high score for me.

It's kinda hard to say, but... they're good friends of mine.

It's time to continue learning Thai. The sheer number of books on each page made me start to be amazed.

"Sleepy..." I whispered softly, closing the book and ready to jump into bed. "Have you finished reading?" the man beside me narrowed his eyes.

"Not yet."

"Read to the end." That bold statement took me by surprise.

"Huh, okay." I snorted loudly. Back to opening the book and reading what the handsome man predicted for the test.

[POV Tin]

Oh my god!

As expected, he would not last. I narrowed my eyes at the person lying face down on the book and lowered his head. He slept so soundly that he didn't

move. Is he dead or what? "Hey." I called him again.

"Unlucky!" and then he started snoring.

"Don't be delirious." I held the small body, even though I knew he wouldn't wake up.

"One..." the person in my arms muttered.

I gently placed the small figure on the bed, because if I put it down right away, it would wake up and scold me. This tortures me so much, I thought to myself.

I turned on the air conditioner, covered him with a blanket. Then put the book in the bag and returned to the room. Seeing him already in bed made me have to take a deep breath from exhaustion. The blankets were on the soles of his feet while he slept completely over the bed. I went in and dragged the little body to sleep comfortably. Then turned off the light and slipped under the covers.

Before I could even close my eyes, his hand hit my chest so hard. "Hey!" I raised my voice.

Oh God!!

I rubbed my face in annoyance. Damn!!! Then his feet kicked me again.

"I don't want to bruise myself to death." I whispered into the ear of the man beside me and lifted his arms and legs away from me. Quickly grabbed the little figure and hugged him.

Hope you don't show any power or magic this time to hurt me again....

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