Chapter 25+26+27

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Chapter 25: The Last... But Not Over

Today is the last day to be bae of the handsome boy. I'm excited and happy, but also secretly disappointed. Because no matter how good or bad he is, he still helped by teaching me until I got high scores in every subject.

In the middle of next week there will be a national level Academic Olympiad. They are looking for representatives to compete on an international level. And this is why this handsome man must read so many books.

I saw him reading and want to vomit. I really want to watch cartoons now, but the handsome guy is sitting on the sofa studying p. If I turn on the TV I might be attacked. Plus my phone is still on charging.

"Huh... do you want to take a walk to pass the time? You can even meditate."

But in the end he didn't answer. I turned to grab the magazine and sat down next to him.

Titration with English language . Obviously that's not what I read. If so, I might already be out of this world. That's what this handsome man is reading. Especially? Chemistry in English. Thai chemistry alone is still troubling. It makes me sad.

( * Titration : The process of chemical analysis in which the quantity of some constituent of a sample is determined by adding to the measured sample an exactly known quantity of another substance with which the desired constituent reacts in a definite, known proportion.)

"What are you reading?" I talked to him to break the silence and help him relax. There were no sharp furrowed brows as usual, but instead the

handsome man glanced at me as if irritated.

Damn it, respect me. I'm still human. Breathe as it's beneficial to all mankind. Give me some respect please. Look into my eyes.

"Isn't it difficult?"

I know it's very hard, but I'm stubborn. You don't want to talk to me? ". " Diverted call please leave a message. ���������


"You want me to do something or not?" I asked a silly question. Yes, he finally looked at me.

Um, but why are you smiling slyly at me?

"I can read English." I raise my voice. Let him know that I'm good enough. Until I was unconscious while smiling brightly.

"Try translating this."

Damn!! The handsome man shifted the book in front of me and pointed at a long paragraph.

At this point, I would like to ask permission to take time off for life ordination.

What the hell!

"Um. " I started to feel a bit awkward. I can only read a, an, the, is, am, are.

The handsome man looks at me with a lot of pressure, his eyes are very sinister.

Hey, I won't give up.

"If I translate it, I can do it as long as I read it myself." after saying that, I moved the book back there. Grab a magazine and read quietly as usual.


Ugh! It's like being stabbed in the middle of the back by an enemy's knife. Should you say it like that?

"Okay..." I shrugged and I sat down quietly, not bothering him anymore.

So finally it's time to go back home.I put the bag of clothes on the couch. I will go home and live as usual at home. I saw a handsome man still busy reading a book. I don't want to disturb him, I can go home by myself, but I wanted to say goodbye to him.

"I'm going home first."

He looked at me. I smiled showing my teeth. The alien genius closed the book and stood up.

"I'll drop you home."

"No need, I can go alone." I hastily refused, not out of fear, but because I didn't want to go home with him.

"Mom invited me to dinner." he said and walked out. Hah? Whose mother, I rushed after him, wanting answers.

"Mom? Who?" I walked in front of him with arms outstretched. The handsome man smiled evilly like in a drama, then he bowed to me.

"Mrs. Ratchanee."

Hah? My brain interprets it quickly.

"That's my mother!" I stood on my hands and knees to argue.

Hey, hey, how dare you call Mrs. Ratchanee "Mom". Mrs. Ratchanee has only one son, Kantaphol, who is very handsome.

"Well, mom told me to call her that." the handsome man said. I who heard it became boiling.

"I don't want you to call her that." I screamed at him. He didn't care how fast I walked until he went down to the first floor. We waited to get a taxi and it was still quiet. I can only grumble with frustration.

When I got home, I pressed the bell to call my mother. Mom walked out smiling with white teeth. When I opened the gate, what my mom did was...

Hugging the handsome man. "Mom missed son so much."

Hey, your son is here, Miss Ratchanee. I just gaped and rolled my eyes.

"Mother's son is here." I protested. My mom turned to me and widened her eyes.

"Yes, I know." She pulled away and hugged me. Then we entered the house. "Mom has cooked food."

On my plate was just plain rice which no one cared about until it hardened and turned back into rice. Most boring dinner. Mother pleases even the most handsome man. They are having fun chatting.

"A bit noisy, huh." I said, hoping to get some attention. No one cares.

Hey Hey.

"The room is rather big, huh." I still haven't given up. The handsome man narrowed his eyes at me, furrowing his brows at my plate. He then took the fried fish fillet and put it on my plate.

"Thank you, but I don't have to." I was a bit irritated but popped the fish fillet into my mouth and ate it happily.

I consider this attention-seeking idea successful even though it's slightly off target.

After dinner, I drove handsome man to the front of the house.

"Thank you very much for the lesson." I said to him and grinned like he did to me. What happened? He flicked my forehead.

"Sick!" I shouted back. He shrugged, not caring about me. Immediately opened the gate and waited for a taxi on the side of the road.

"Well... about the Academic Olympiads, cheers, huh."

The unbearable pain from this handsome man made me forget my original intention to encourage him. The handsome man turned to me and raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sure you can do it... and it will work." I ignore that expression. I walked over and grabbed his shoulders and squeezed him gently. The handsome man narrowed his eyes and nodded then took a yellow taxi back to the condo.

[POV Tin]

I looked in the mirror. Saw a man with his mother standing with his hands in his pockets on the side of the road in front of his house. Even though he likes to tease, babble, ruffle, make silly faces, but he has a lot of good points too, especially his charm.

I opened the bedroom door. Turn on the light until the room is bright. The first thing I saw was the sofa where for the past two weeks a small child had been sitting, eating, playing and laying on it all the time.

Huh, I took a deep breath and thought.

Why is it so hard, huh? Even though it just acts the same. Like when he's not around.

Chapter 26: Sufficient Support6 o'clock in the morning

I sat up rubbing my eyes and yawning on the lounger. Under the cloudy sky, I will start a new day. I received orders from mother to bring something to the handsome man and give it directly from my hand. If I do something wrong, I can't go home and show my face.

(* Lounger : a comfortable chair for relaxing on, especially an outdoor chair that adjusts or extends, allowing a person to recline.)

Hey, who here is Mrs. Ratchanee's biological child? Justice means nothing in this world.

"Ai Po, come here!" I called my friend who was looking for me. We made an appointment to meet via LINE last night.

"Good morning."

"There are orders from higher up." I said in a low tone and then yawned again.

"I get it, man." said Po who then sat beside me. I took the tuna sandwich I made when I woke up.

"You haven't had breakfast yet have you?"

"Oh, I love you." Po smiled as he buried his head in my shoulder until I tickled and shifted his head slowly for fear of injuring his brain which has contributed to the school and the nation.

"He's coming." Po said pointing in the intended direction. He immediately ate the tuna sandwich with a cheerful face. I saw an important person who made me have to sit for the mosquitoes since morning.

I walked towards him, afraid that the girls who had followed to cheer him on would swarm and drag him off first. The tall figure with his hands in his trouser pockets and wearing headphones raised his eyebrows. A little surprised that I ran to trap him in front. He took off his headphones and stared at me with an unpredictable face. I know handsome men rarely open the chat. So I have to start it.

"Mom got this for you." I reached into my uniform pocket and handed a small box in my hand to the handsome man.

He raised his eyebrows a little doubtfully. "What is this?" He asked.

"Amulet." I said in a low voice because I was afraid that other people would hear it.

"Hah?" the handsome man showed an increasingly confused face.

"Mom said it will bring good luck." I have to tell the reason when mother said it in my ear until I remember. He nodded and took the box from me and put it in his pocket.

Mom will be happy... if she sees this.

"You have had breakfast?" I asked. It's not hard to guess that she bought something from the fridge but never took it out to cook breakfast. He looked at me and shook his head.

Hey, I hear you need to use your brain all day long. Breakfast is very important, why did you skip it?

"Here." I gave the lunchbox that I had prepared. At first he seemed confused, but finally reached out his hand in acceptance.

Duh, your hands don't have to touch mine like that. I quickly withdrew my hand.

"Breakfast makes your brain work." after telling him, I walked back to Po to cheer him up first. Fighting!!!

I waited until the van pulled out of the school gate. I know a little about the Academic Olympiad which will be contested at a famous state university in the heart of Bangkok. Where me have to travel early in the morning to avoid massive traffic jam problems.

My watch said 06:45. Where am i going? There is still one hour left before the ceremony time. Sitting alone in the same place, I was afraid that I would get dengue fever and go into a coma in the hospital. The best location is the Universal Music Club room. I have a spare key so I hurried into the room, turned on the lights and turned on the air conditioner cold enough to sleep and then sat on the artist's sofa littered with pen marks and all kinds of things to doodle on.

I can't sleep.


Hmm? Who sent the LINE message this morning? I picked up the phone and looked at it.

[Po sent a photo]

What's the photo? I opened it.

<Photo 1>

<Sounds like a lot of fun>

I looked at the photo and pressed the enlarge button. The handsome man smiled a little with a lunch box in his hand.

<Photo 2>

<A husband who loves a distant husband> Handsome man is eating.


I replied Po

<Sandwiches for me but still not full. I want fried rice> <Crying sticker>


I pressed the send button, then pressed the lock screen and put my phone to my chest.

Then why am I smiling?

This week is midterm score announcement week. I'm not boasting about my scores being so high in every subject. All the teachers praised me.

Even Mrs. Poona, my enemy had asked me how I prepared for studying so that I could get soaring grades like this. I conveyed there are talented tutors who supported me to this point. And of course the never ending human curiosity, all wanting to know who my tutor was. I haven't had time to answer yet, my friends from my group shouted together.

"Tinaphop the Great God!" Everyone cheered.

I'm back to my place. After the cheers, back to continuing the lesson. Usually I fall asleep whenever I see numbers. However, because of someone, now it makes me feel that mathematics is not a difficult subject, as long as we pay more attention and understand it.

Our lunch talk wasn't much of a joke today, due to the lack of one member who hasn't been heard from until now.

"Do you want a video call or not?" said Win, who was like a monkey and dog couple with Po. Everyone looked at each other, then nodded in unison.

(Video calling)

"Hello my friend." Yo greeted first, followed by others. Po was sitting while eating.

"Missing, huh?" replied Po as he stuffed a piece of meat and chewed it before our eyes.

Too cruel.

"No, just make sure you're still there or not." Pat said. "Damn it!"

And then we talk about another one, which is a little bit more serious. Ask how's the competition? Po said it wasn't hard, but it wasn't easy. Yes, you are smart!

"Wait a minute, okay? Me and Yo want to buy ice cream for a while." after saying that, Pat and Yo went to the cooperative. Win also asked permission to go to the toilet. I'm left talking to Po alone.

"So what time is the race again?" I asked. "Maybe 2pm."


"Eh.. chat with my friend first." he said like that.

Can I ? I'll have to chat with another friend of yours, what's the logic?

Bastard!! When I saw someone on the screen, I almost choked on the water I drank.

The handsome guy! Since when are you friends with him? I glanced the other way. I feel like my sentence really stuck. I can't speak. I saw his eyebrows knit. I smiled baring my teeth and raised my hand in greeting instead.

". " There was no response. Only eyes stiffer than statues.

"How was the Olympiads?" Finally, I have to start the conversation. "Very nice." replied the handsome man gently.

"Hmm." I mimicked his short answer.

Then silence took over. He looked at me.

I stared at him silently. Then he took something from his uniform pocket Mom's lucky charm! He showed it to me.

"It worked well."

I couldn't help but smile. "Mother will be pleased." "This too."

Hah? The handsome man smiled while showing me the lunch box this morning.that I gave him.


Huh, looks like something is coming in from all directions of the body with one purpose. On the chest on the left side. I feel like I've been electrocuted.

Immediately I turned my head away from the screen, then smiled until my cheeks bulged.

"Thank you." the handsome man whispered softly, but I could hear it very clearly. Switching to look at the phone screen is even more surprising than before. What I saw was a handsome man smiling at me while I was sitting confused like an abandoned dog.

"Hmm." I answered frankly. Keeping my face as normal as possible. Po and my three friends came back together. The conversation between me and this handsome man made me happy. If we sat and talked while looking into each other's eyes, it would probably cause a heart attack.

"I'm going to the toilet for a minute." I said to everyone and then I got up from the chair and headed straight to the toilet.

Why are my face and ears red? I looked in the mirror in astonishment. Hastily turned on the water faucet to wash my face in the hope that it would

help relieve the symptoms. Unfortunately, it didn't work. What's wrong with my heart?!

what's wrong with me? Is this a heat stroke?

Chapter 27: Secret Message

The elegant vinyl sign in front of the school is a huge guarantee that my school has two great geniuses.

Mr. Tinaphop Jirawatanakul, representative of Thailand Academic Olympiad in Chemistry (highest score in the country) and Mr Parawee Danuchaisoonthorn, representative of Thailand Academic Olympiad of Mathematics.

I stood there watching him and couldn't help but smile, proud of these two.

During the ceremony of course, the good news must be announced to everyone. The handsome guy and Po are standing on the podium near the principal and deputy. Subsequently received wreaths, scholarships, certificates and medals from the competition. The audience roared amidst the thunderous applause. Then the teacher invites both of them to talk a little and share their study techniques.

Po had the honor of being the first. The teacher said only a minute, but Po spoke for almost five minutes. My colleagues and I looked at each other.

Why are you telling us your autobiography?

On the other hand, a man who is silent, or even has a real voice, had the same chance of briefly speaking as a total solar eclipse. But he walked towards the microphone and said,"Thank you." And returned to its place. Really few. Pikul flowers* will not come out of your mouth.

(* Bunga Pikul is a folklore from Thailand, whose story is similar to the story of Bawang Merah Bawang Putih. The difference is, this girl named Pikul got a gift from a middle-aged woman she helped. When Pikul is sad, golden flowers will come out of his mouth. )

After finishing the morning ceremony session which lasted ten minutes, we entered the first lesson of art class with a Thai pattern drawing lesson that the teacher was giving us an assignment.

"What picture did you get?" I asked Win who had taken the first draw. He turned slightly pale and turned the paper over to take a look.

"Lord Rama."

Uh, that's hard. then it's Po, Pat, Yo's turn and ends with me. We agreed before picking it up, we would open at the same time.

Count one, two, three. Lord Rama > Po Goddess Sita > Pat Goddess Sita > Yo

As for me, Hanuman.

Unlucky! Why am I not the same as them?

Alone. I still can't draw the Lopburi monkey, and now I have to draw a dead monkey. I put on a sad face to make my friends feel sorry.

But them? Even laughing. Damn! Annoying friends!


Until lunch break, I was still complaining about Hanuman non-stop until I got annoyed at everyone.

"You want some sausage?"

I nodded in response. What's with my mental state and stomach? Whether sad or happy, you have to eat to be full.

When the sausages and meatballs arrived, it seemed as if the vultures and hyenas had rushed out for them.

"Very delicious." said Pat, raising his voice as he took a bite of the meatball. You glutton.

"Hey, your boyfriend is coming, monkey." I turned to Yo who then looked up. ���������

Oh, handsome one. I placed the skewer that was about to enter my mouth on the plate and wiped my mouth with my hand.

"What is it?" I asked the taller and more handsome man. He looked at me and then placed the lunchbox on the table.

"I want to give this back."

"Hmm." I nodded my head, and he left with his friend. I quickly switch to my favorite sausage.

"Put it there." I ordered Win to take the supply box and put it by the table. "Why is it so heavy?" Win said while shaking my supply box.

"You're hungry again, time." I snapped.

"No, I'm sure there must be something inside." Win insisted on the idea. All of them suggested opening to see if that's true or not?


"A fig!"

"What are you doing?" I called out to Win and Pat. Po and Yo looked up then they all shouted in unison.

"Figs, siomay!"

(*Siomay (also Somai), is an Indonesian steamed fish dumpling with vegetables served in peanut sauce. It is derived from the Chinese Shumai. It is considered a light meal, similar to the Chinese Dim Sum.)

(*Looks so yummy, I would love to try it but sadly it's not available in my country ���������)

Hah? I swipe Po and took a look. Oh, it's dumplings.

"I don't know if the God is close to you." Yo exclaimed. Everyone nodded. "What's close?" I cursed, meanwhile took the lunchbox and closed it. "Ohoo... but it's fun, right?" teased Yo.

"I love him, you know?" Pat sang a song to the other's clapping.

"Shut up or I'll sew up your mouth." I clenched their fists. Then took the lunch box and walked out of the cafeteria because they would tease me all the time.


In the afternoon, I didn't understand about this because I was teased about dumplings all the time. After finishing school, I quickly ran home. Walking to the front of the school at the same time, LINE's voice sounded.

Group Chat They

<Sweet Master>




<Would you like to have prawn dumplings, crab dumplings, pork dumplings, or let me approach you?>





Ouch, annoying friend.

For you handsome man, don't let me see you. I'll ramble later.


Growl (stomach rumbling).

What will I do now? I stood with my hands rubbing my belly at the bus stop. Seeing the heavy traffic jam makes me tired too. If I fill my stomach when I get home, the acid in my stomach will eat away at it.

Eh, but there are dumplings, right? But how do you feel? Plus, the bad guys aren't here yet. Immediately I opened the lid of my lunch box, used a toothpick stuck in it and poked dumplings for me to eat.

Hmmm, heavenly!!

I smiled at the dumplings as I remembered Yo's LINE group message.

<Would you like to have prawn dumplings, crab dumplings, pork dumplings, or let me approach you?>

"Or let me approach you?" I remember the last sentence. Realized again, now a woman next to me who was going to get on the same bus as me, stood up and said the bus had arrived. So I hastily shook my head, shaking off the thought.

I'm so distracted. I might go crazy. Huh!!

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