Chapter 28+29+30

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Chapter 28: Determination

School is chaotic again because this week is the week of sporting events. The first morning, every row was filled with students dressed up to celebrate the color parade. I as a senior at school had the honor to participate in the parade which was a big task at that time. I dressed up like a smoking ghost in an anti-drug parade.

Heh, totally underestimating Miss Ratchanee's good looks.

The marching band plays along with the majorette who throws their batons three times to start the parade. Each color travels along the stadium track and returns to its original position. Splitting into five colors namely, Red, Pink, Orange, Blue and Green.

After walking the parade around the stadium. Then we entered the opening ceremony. The principal said that exercise is a magic pill. It helps to build strength and bonds between friends and relatives. Next, he invited someone to speak at the podium.

The current student council president!!

"The world is wider outside the classroom, study."

Hmm? That's a Children's Day quote! As soon as the handsome man finished speaking very briefly, I glanced sideways. Everyone gapes at quotes that the brain can't reach with just one listen. Have to think deeper about what it really means.

But after all, this might be the way geniuses talk.

Then entering another important ceremony is lighting the torch in the censer. Athletes who received award medals from the national level, received a torch from the leader of the ceremony. Then pass them and come to the end. Teacher PJOK steps up to light the torch.

Amidst thunderous applause, the sporting event officially started.

On the first day, intense competition focused on athletics and swimming was held at the central stadium and gymnasium. Me and Po, who are in the same color, Green went out and quickly run to grab a seat in the central stadium after changing clothes. Not only to cheer up the athletes on the same color team as us, but to cheer Pat and Yo on running the men's 400 meters without seeing how conducive their bodies are.

"Who do you think will win?" said Po as he put peas in his mouth. "You mean Yo and Pat?" Win asked back. Po nodded.

"I think they're both going to pass out." I answered quickly seeing their physical condition, it is impossible to survive. The other team colors are all school athletes and that's not wrong with what I said in any way. Among the five colors, Yo finished fourth, Pat finished fifth.

Disappointing to win a medal because it took almost ten seconds from third place until the judges teased the athletes from red and pink ran faster, why are they so slow?

"My friend." We went to give water to two friends who were sitting panting.

Win brought the notebook to Pat. I opened my bag and took out a handkerchief for him to wipe off the sweat.

"I want to die." Yo said while glancing. Panting like a dog chasing a cat.

"I swear, I will never do anything that torments myself like this again." Pat is the same. We waited until our fellow runners could get out of here, then headed to the basketball court to watch the men's basketball game, Green team vs Blue team.

"It's empty there." Win points to the edge of the field, calculating the place must be according to the number of group members.

"But that's for the blue team." I object because I want to sit and cheer on the Green team.

"You can just fly then." Po hit me on the head, quickly leading the others into the empty lot.

Fuck!! I grumbled behind them. But in the end we had to follow suit and be seated as other places had no seats left.

It's only the qualifying round but there are still a lot of people. I can only complain in my heart. The place I got was great. Adjacent to the seats of athletes from the Blue team.

The screams of the girls echoed throughout the stadium making me turn to look around.

Hmm!! I can understand why, Thewson and the student council president are the representatives from the Blue team. My team's color competitor. Comparing the athletes from the two teams we can clearly guess easily which team will lose and obviously it's my team. The Blue Team contains more than half of the school's basketball players

I swept my gaze around the field and froze.

Umm... a handsome man stood and looked at me. I grinned and raised my hand in greeting. He was as silent as a wax statue in a museum.

Huh! I'm really tired of being hostile to everything in his world.

In just twenty seconds, the first quarter of intense competition began. The Blue Team took the lead ahead of the action. Thewson's three-pointer was so beautiful that the girls screamed in a daze. The match went on like that all quarter.

Finishing the first quarter, the Blue team got 33-10 points.

Looking at it, my team's colors should catch up... in the next round. Rest only two minutes. Tough competition in the second quarter began.

The Blue team kept on dribbling to avoid the god-like green team. The tall handsome man jumped to score points.

Jumping into the ring time and time again, blue team scored a huge amount amidst loud screams that made me have to cover my ears every now and then.

At the end of the second quarter, the Blues led 56-17.

In the third and fourth quarters, you don't have to guess that Blue continues to score points. Wrong. The Green Team whose athletes looked tired ran after them. The end result is a rebuke. The Blue team wins from the Green team in an incredible way with 96 points and passes to the second round.

The Green Team also has to fight other color teams to compete for a chance to qualify.


Hmm? I turned to look at the sweet-faced girl who was patting me from behind.

"What's up, Nong?"

"Hmm... I'm going to the bathroom. Could you please give this cold towel for the Blue team?"

I was about to open my mouth to deny it.

"Yeah... handsome brother, please." but when I heard my underclassmen say something cute like this, lI couldn't refuse. So I accepted.

"Wait, huh. Big Brother asked the others too to help give them cold towels." I said to turn to my friends beside me.

"Sure, sis."

Unfortunately I haven't said anything, they just left. Hey, what kind of friends are they?

At first I also wanted to follow them, but I was afraid that the beautiful underclassmen would think I was a bad and handsome person not keeping

my word and he would still remember that.

"It's a cold towel." I got up and walked over to hand out cold towels one by one. When in Thewson's presence, he looked at me and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"You are Green team, aren't you?" "Yes."

"What are you doing here?"

"Someone asked me a favor." I answered him with a shrug. Quickly walked away and passed on cold towel to others. Then handsome guy finally got here.

"Cold towels." I held the cold towel and patted his arm. He looked up and looked at me but did not accept it.

Wow, what a pride! I put it next to him.

When I was about to turn around, a strong hand grabbed my arm and made me sit beside him.

Hey damn, what's wrong with you?

"What is it?" I asked in an annoyed tone. I suddenly pulled my arm. Who won't be angry?



Hey, since when did I become this genius translator? Just hearing him speak a single word, I could understand what was being conveyed. I walked over to get a small bottle of water in the ice bucket. Open the lid carefully and hand it over to the handsome boy. It's gone in an instant. It seems still not enough, he saw me and sent telepathy. I'm back to get it again. But this time, grab the ice bucket. Not sarcastic but too lazy to go back and forth.

"If you're still not full, I'll get you a water hose." I swear by the moving pump truck, he's had four bottles of water. He looked at me and furrowed his brows in displeasure. I pretended not to see for fear of catching a disease, frowning.

"Then I'll go first." I'm done with him. I still have many activities to support my team to win. However, just before getting up from sitting, the handsome man held my hand again.

"What again?" this time I raised my voice. "Hot."

"So what? " I took a deep breath deliberately letting him hear that. Then got up and went to find something to replace the fan with. Finally got to the chart board the coach had made for the match to fan him.

"Lay out the mat, put on the mosquito net, and I'll sing you a lullaby." I was a little annoyed when I saw that he seemed to have gotten better. It's my fault that I had to fan him with chartboard that my arms are getting tired.

Because of it I can't stop exploding. "Yes." he answered flatly.

"I was being sarcastic." I shouted. He shrugged, feigning ignorance.

After finishing working as special bae, I went to meet my comrades who had escaped into the swimming pool. As soon as I arrived, I scolded them for leaving me alone. But what? They glanced at me together and then turned their heads again to witness the intense competition.

Watch me... I'm your friend. ���������

Chapter 29: Awards

Today was the last day of the sports festival. This is the day when almost all kinds of gold medals will be up for grabs.

The support team of the cheerleaders were starting to get confused because they didn't know which stadium to settle in. My friends and I agreed to sit and watch the soccer final at the central stadium during the basketball game. We saw the athletes from the Blue team preparing. One of them was a handsome man running to warm up. But I don't care because the green team has been eliminated. No need to come and support anymore.

"Me and Gun are going to watch the Basketball Game."

Oh god, I rolled my eyes to my best friend, Po, who's clinging like a gecko to my shoulder. Since when did I agree with you wanting to go see that game?

"You three go to watch football. When the match is over, I will catch up with you." Po hurriedly explained. The other three comrades listened. At first they were confused, but they understood and left us alone. I was dragged to the basketball court.

"Why did you drag me here?" I complained. ". "

Shut up.

Yes, more riddles. Po refused to explain anything to me. "Hey, Po!"

Hah? I turned to look at the source of the sound. I saw Thewson looking at Po and walking this way.

"Hey!" he answered briefly.

"Are you going to support me?" my eyes widen as I stare at Po. I glanced at the Lord's friend. A slightly displeased look on his face.

"I'll support Orange." replied Po in a mocking voice.

"Too Bad." Thewson put a hand to his chest and faked the sad face of an old woman who can't get on the free bus.

Seeing him I wanted to call the drama producer that now a new star in the entertainment industry has been born.

Po didn't answer the man right away, he just sighed loudly which was enough to be his answer for one thing, I didn't mean it that way. I, as a third party, sat there looking at them, saw Thewson smile, hurrying off to join his team.

"Basic." Po said after the man left. I turned to the source of the voice in surprise.

"You with him?"And I asked him while he was contemplating something he wasn't fully aware of yet, so he hurriedly answered without thinking.


Huh... I'm done.

I think Po knew I was asking. He looked at me and explained something. I hastily cut her sentence.

"Not the right time, man."

"Shit! Don't tell anyone." Po ordered in a firm voice. Prevents me, afraid I will go and announce it to my other friends who are ready to be ridiculed all the time. I shrugged, pretended not to hear.

"If you tell them, I will expose you."


"It means?" He smiled and whispered in my ear.

"If you've ever secretly peed in Aunt Sujit's kale vegetable patch." Damn you bad guy, that's my secret!

"Damn it!" I scolded him and he shrugged his shoulders exactly the same as me.

In the end, we agreed to keep our mouths shut and not talk about it. If it's leaked out, would it have a worse impact on me?

About five minutes before the game, I saw the athletes from the Blue team. There is a handsome man standing to receive gifts from fans. There is also a signature.

Why are you so cool? I envy you.

At the same time, the handsome man turned to me so I hastily glanced the other way. I secretly watched him because I envied him more seeing his fans.


"What?" I turned to the person elbowing me beside me.

"See." His chin turned to the side. I followed the indicated direction and found someone. No need to guess who it is.

Handsome man!!

"What is it?" I asked in an irritated tone putting on a slightly nonchalant face, but he didn't answer. Why the heck is he throwing stuff in my lap?

Hmm? These are the items that fans gave him just now. Are these for me? I wanted to ask why he brought it to me, but he was already gone.

Wow, you're a strange person..Handsome man.

"Really smells bad." said Po. I glanced and squealed at the person next to me without even thinking.


Po shouldn't be happy, instead he smiled as if he was thinking of a plan. "Like a fictional story."

"Why, anyway?" I asked the strange man, he must be studying too hard.

"The protagonist shows his sincerity. He doesn't want the heroine to misunderstand. So he gives the things that the other women gave him and hands it all over to the heroine." Po recited his hand while I sat listening and took a deep breath.

"Wanna go to the hospital?" I think it's time for him to consult a psychiatrist and get some medicine so he doesn't have weird thoughts.

The match started with the Blue team still playing very well.

They played better against the Orange team. The handsome guy jumped from the three-point line. Also in the next quarter, the Blue team took advantage of their dribbling skills, avoiding players from the Orange team, capturing a large number of points.

At the end of the match, the Blue team beat the Orange team 49-17. The vice principal gave medals to all the students. Hear amidst the roar of applause and shouts, especially when Thewson and the handsome are awarded medals.

"A lot of." Po points to the public relations board which now shows the total number of medals.

Already sixteen gold medals in the Blue team led to first place followed by the Orange team won five gold medals. The red team, the Pink Team,

equals two gold medals. The Green Team has one gold medal in tug of war matches.

"Only athletes." I answered, Po nodded.

Next we stood when we saw the crowd had started to disperse, but I had a weight in my lap..

"I want to take these things back to Tin in a moment." I told Po to wait and hope he doesn't disappear as usual.

"Then I'm going to the toilet. I'll come back later." I nodded and walked over to the handsome man who was drinking.

"Here." I handed over the items. He looked at me silently and pointed at an empty seat meaning put things there. I immediately put it there. At the same time, I felt something wrap around my neck. I stared at what appeared before my eyes with no less surprise. I turned to look at the handsome man and raised an eyebrow.

"Deposits." that's all he said. Then he grabbed his stuff and made me stand confused by the medal around my neck.���������

"Hungry." and that handsome guy dragged me to the canteen without asking me first.

Oh, what's he doing? Should I take him to the psychiatrist with Po?!

Chapter 30: The Lucky Man

I was dragged by him to eat against my will plus it was me again who had to buy him food.

"Here." I placed a plate of tom yum fried rice in front of him, then I walked back to the food stall again.

"Here's stir-fried vegetables."Then I proceed to buy a drink.

"And here is the water, not cold." Before sitting back down, I stared at person in front of me.

"Do you want anything else?" I asked firmly. The handsome man shook his head.

"Good, because if you want to buy something else, just buy it yourself." I snapped.

Well, who wouldn't be annoyed that they were still being used as slaves even though the contract has ended. Although I'm willing to do it because I still remember the favour that did to teach me. I don't know if this scared me or annoyed me. When I sit down to watch him eat quietly like this, then I won't be flustered anymore.

I called Po that I was running errands in the canteen. Po read it and sent me a fire dragon sticker. Maybe angry that I didn't wait for him at the appointeAaId point. I'll blame handsome men for this.

I waited until the hungry basketball player ate it all so I could go to my friends to see the game, but the handsome guy followed me.

"Why are you coming along?" I asked. He said nothing. I just took a deep breath and continued walking.

Follow me... I'll take you to the stadium.

While walking through the TU room, my eyes glanced at the raffle booth. A tree with a hanging star and a bucket of water to collect the eggs. The world's greed quickly entered my body wanting to give it a try. I turned to the handsome man as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

Well... then there's no need for me to explain. I hurriedly walked towards it. "Halo, how."

"Yes." I smiled at the girl with a pretty face.

"Ten baht for an egg and a star." my eyes didn't see the star tree at all, I only saw this underclassman.

Very funny. Do you have a lover?

I took a coin from my trouser pocket and handed it over, then went to pick a star and give it to her. It was this beautiful sister who opened and read it.

"Orange juice."

Hmm... I saw the underclassman's face and smiled. I'm tired of orange juice.

Well, there is still one chance to grab the egg. I wish you great luck. "You got an inhaler."

Damn it! I'm not dizzy. I don't want inhalers.

"Can we play again, Derek?" I asked. Hoping that my good looks would make her fall into the trap and give me special privileges.

"Can." She answered with a smile. Beautiful and still kind. "Ten baht."

Hah? My smile faded looking at that evil beautiful underclassman. Quickly I reached my hand into my pocket and found that only five hundred

banknotes would be my snack for the whole week.

"Want to play?" I asked the man standing with his arms crossed.

"Let's play." I'm not begging. I just want an item. The handsome man looked at me, giving money to underclassmen.

"To brother Tin, I will give you two more chances each."

Hah? I was dumbfounded by what I heard. Why isn't it fair? Being mean to your upperclassmen like this. I stood looking at the handsome man with envy.

"Got a brown teddy bear."

Hmmm... got some good stuff too. I gaped at him and grabbed some of the eggs in the bucket. The beautiful underclassman took it to open.

"Hat." another underclassman turned to give something to the handsome boy. Then it was given to me to hold because he was still playing twice.

"Neck pillow."

"Girdle." I gasped at how this handsome man had gotten the kind of useful stuff.


"Let's take a selfie, P Tin." So the two underclassmen spoke. Well, it's better if the pretty underclassman doesn't tell me to take a photo, or I have to turn upside down to hold the camera.

I waited until the popular person finished taking pictures and immediately gave this all away. He stood staring at my face. Looking for something? I thought to myself. Suddenly he took a hat and put it on my head until it covered my eyes, put a neck pillow around my neck from behind, put a belt around my waist, and took the doll away.

Damn Tin! I cursed in my heart. Slowly opened his hat and immediately glared at him. But what was in front of me right now wasn't just the

handsome one. There were several cell phone cameras taking pictures of me. My brain gave quick orders. I have to smile and show kindness in public.

The eyes that were wide with hatred gradually softened and turned into a sweet doll. What's wrong with smiling to yourself? Two fingers raised to the face.

(Somehow like this ���������) Crazy!

I'm so cool.. "P Tin too."

You won't last, handsome guy. I saw him furrow his brows as if in denial. Huh, never mind.

"He must use property."

I said while turning to the underclassmen who nodded in agreement. I gave some to him. He looked at me as if he wanted to kill, but I didn't care and I wasn't afraid because now I had dozens of witnesses.

"Very funny, P Tin." "Very cool."

You're so handsome with a toy mouth property on your face? You're as tall as a telephone pole. You are very cool.

"Let's take a photo together."

Hmm? Another underclassman came over to adjust the posture and stance until I lost. The property of handsome is given to me as usual.

"Humph!" I muttered. His throat constricted. I bared my teeth angrily at him.

He didn't let me escape from here.

I stand as a Madame Tussauds doll for children to take pictures with. At the end, I faced this handsome and evil man. I glared at him until my eyeballs almost fell out. He wasn't scared at all, just shrugged and grinned.

"Is it funny?" I raised my voice. The handsome man looked at me and nodded. I looked at him angrily.

"Very funny, huh?" I growled, removing the property from me and trying to force the handsome one. It worked until I tired myself out.

"Do not be naughty!" he said in a sharp voice. I stopped because it seemed like my legs couldn't be moved.

"I'm not being naughty!" I argued.

"Naughty." Then he hit me on the head and left. You can't run like this, brat! Return! I said to him.

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