Chapter 31+32+33

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Chapter 31: A Rainy Day

Monday, traffic jam. Moreover, today the sky is cloudy. If it rains during rush hour, I guarantee it will be bad. So I had to leave the house early in the morning for fear of being late for school. The condition of the dark blue umbrella was quite worn as if it had been bitten by a dog. I took it out from the locker, tested it by unfolding it. It can still be used, but don't rush it

"I'm leaving, Mother."

"Have you taken your sandwich?" A voice from the kitchen roared into my eardrums.


"Okay, be careful."

I stood and waited for the bus at a fairly busy bus stop. It seems like everyone thought the same thing as me rushing out of the house before the heavy rain started.

Beep... Beep...

Everyone at the bus stop, including me, turned our heads towards the honking motorbike stopping right in front of me.

Who the hell is this??? Is he a thief or what?

Woah, I was ready to take the plunge, but when the rider took off his helmet, I was relieved.

"Ai Sound."

"Yes, Master Gun." The guy on the bike raised his hand and raised an eyebrow at me. I want to snap my fingers to break his eyebrows.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a low voice. "There's some business."

"Oh..." I nodded. Seeing the bus approaching, the driver overtook the car, entered the far right lane and then drove farther.

" Hey! "

"Do you want to go with me?" Sound patted his motorcycle seat after seeing me heading towards the bus earlier.

"No." I immediately refused. Worried that he would take me at full speed and crash until I made it to the front page of the newspaper headline.

"Oh, too bad. Many people want to accept it." Sound made a face like a child growing up with a father and mother who don't love him.What should I do? I don't care.

"What do they want to accept from you?""

Sound, who originally frowned, smiled like that. He made a visible grin and then pointed a finger at his left chest.

"My heart."

Damn, his joke is like asking an elementary school kid to be his girlfriend. I was speechless.

"Cringe !" I said, while Sound seemed pleased with it. I'm horrified...

"I'm not speeding." Sound took another helmet that hung in front of the motorbike and handed it over to me.

"Do you already have a driver's license?" I blinked my eyes without accepting the helmet. Let me make sure that I'm riding with someone who has a transport permit. He took out his wallet and showed me.

I'm relieved. It's the original driving license.

"Are you sure?" he asked again. I nodded to put on my helmet and get on his motorbike.

"Hold on tight."

"If you speed up, I'll punch you in the head." I threatened the person who was starting the motorcycle engine without even looking at me.

"Yes sir." Sound said as he covered his visor.

Brum~ and his motorcycle made it's way through the crowd of all kinds of vehicles.

Driving through the gaps between cars made me lift one leg and always look down to see if the knee was okay or not, afraid another car would grab me until a gush of blood spurted out. Also, turning left and right forced me to firmly use the handrails at the rear attachment point while my one hand had to hold onto the hem of Sound's uniform to keep it from falling off.

Once the bike braked, my hand that was holding the hem of his shirt had to switch to hug his waist.

"Hold on tight"said Sound. "Hmm."

Shit... it's raining. I thought we would quickly get to school, in fact it was raining heavily. Sound hurriedly turned his motorbike into the supermarket parking lot to avoid the rain.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was raining right now." Sound said with his helmet still on.

"It's okay, I'm not wet yet."

Sound nodded then opened the motorbike seat and handed me a raincoat. One more for him.

"If you wait for the rain to stop, you'll be late for school." I nodded towards him in agreement.

After putting on rain gear, we continued our journey. On the road there was traffic jam badly.

Sound knows shortcuts, so we arrived at school in record time. Motorcycle parked in the parking lot under the roof of the school building.

"We're here" he turned to me. I nodded and got off the bike.

"I can't escape." I said to Sound, trying to unlock the helmet strap to no avail.

"Come here." I leaned towards him when he called me. It took Sound a few moments to open it easily.

"Already." "Thank you." Puck!

"Why are you patting my head, Sound?" I stared intently at the man, Sound didn't respond but patted my head again.

"Hey, do you want to play with my head? I'll bite you." "Very funny." he said, removing his raincoat.


"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're funny." said Sound raising an eyebrow and also reaching out his hand to cup my cheek.

" I see." I shook off his hand. Already square off to punch him, but, oh! The superior one was able to avoid it in time.

"Fierce as a dog."

"Ai Sound!" I clenched my fist. I was going to run after him and kick him, but I stayed in place still wearing a raincoat.

Leave it for now. As soon as I get to class, I'm going to smack him on the head.

I took off my rain gear and hung it on the rear view mirror. then I walked to class as it is announced today for the ceremony and pray. Almost reaching to my destination, I got trapped after meeting someone... you know who he is.

Smooth and unfriendly face in this unique world, there must be only one person.

The handsome, the smart guy , Tin.


Hurry up!! He grabbed my arm. I can't move like my brain tells me to.

"What?" I said in a hoarse voice. A little upset that he grabbed my arm like this.


He looked at me, but said nothing. "Let me go!" I ordered in a firm voice.

The handsome man was still the same...silent as he stood with eyes looking at me that didn't seem to like something. It's not something I should know or worry about anyway, is it annoying?

"I'm going to class." I used all the strength I had to pull my arm off, but it couldn't exceed the tall man's physical strength at all. He also held my arm tighter and dragged me along.

"Get off me!"

I struggled to let go again but to no avail. Where are you taking me, Tin?

The handsome man felt I was annoyed by it. He turned around and put on a fierce face like that of a tiger.

"Shut up." his tone was sharper than a samurai's sword, which managed to stop my brain from working.

Well... I can only be silent. I followed the handsome man who caught me. It was like a father taking his son to meet the principal in his office.

"Don't ride a motorcycle." Hah? What? I can't hear it.

"What is it?" I shouted. The handsome man stopped walking and turned to look at me.

"Don't ride a motorcycle." His ferocious voice startled me. "Do I have to say it out loud?"


I don't understand the reason, and since when did you see me riding a motorcycle? If your reason isn't right, I'll beat you up. Only now it quickly turned into silence.

"It's not safe."

"Wh---" I was about to argue about that.

Someone told me about people driving around town but this handsome guy was adamant which meant there was no need to say anything. Otherwise, I will be caught and killed with my throat slit. I just kept quiet and followed him quietly.

You dictator!!!Chapter 32: The Day of Exams Is Over<Add Thew's LINE ID>

I read Po's message and frown.


<This is an urgent matter>


Why such a hurry? What's that got to do with me?

I pressed add button and added Thewson's LINE ID.

<What's up Thew?>

Thewson sent a photo.

<Someone's sick, take a look>

I clicked on the picture he sent me.

Oh, it was the image of the handsome man lying on the bed. Just looking at the photos I can clearly see how bad it is.

Obviously, a feeling of worry suddenly crept into my mind, but I quickly dismissed the distraction since today was holiday. I need to rest. I won't give a damn, I'll lie down until Mrs. Ratchanee gets mad in front of me.


This bothered me, I replied as I thought, but he didn't give up on sending me the sick man's photo again.

Thewson again sent a photo.

Why is his nose and face so red? Severe pain? Why didn't his friend take him to the doctor?

<Why don't you take him to the doctor>

I typed a little annoyed.

<He doesn't want to, he said he'll just take medicine and it will heal> Angry, stubborn! If he's near me, I'll knock him down. Just wait and see. Hmm, do I dare? The answer is no.

<Has he eaten yet?>

<I bought it but he doesn't want to eat it>

I read it and took a deep breath. Look how stubborn he is. He is intelligent in everything except himself. Too bad no... whatever.

<What did you buy?>

<Uh.. Sausage and Spicy Squid Salad>


God, I want to pass out. You're giving sausages with spicy salad to eat for a sick person?

<Wait a minute, I'll be there>

In the end, I had to go there. If I leave it to Thewson, the handsome man will sleep like a vegetable.

I hastily showered, dressed, and excused my mother. At first, she wanted to come along to take care of her beloved son, whom she loves more than her

own son, but suddenly she realized that today was the day her favorite drama Chak Duong Wong, so she didn't come along.

I took a taxi to the handsome man's condo at full speed. Thewson was standing in front of the condo and handed me the key and key card. He then leaves with the excuse that he has to go to basketball practice. Before I get mad at him for buying the food, he already had fled in the car.

Very fast.

I entered the room. The first thing to do is to look at the patient's symptoms. I put my hand on his forehead and I could feel the heat that he radiated. I looked quickly at the nightstand, he still hadn't taken his medicine. Not to mention the food, it's getting cold, so I just put it in the kitchen. Then I prepared rice porridge with slightly minced pork for the sick person to eat and take his medicine.

When breakfast was ready, I put the porridge on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed.


I poked the patient's arm.He made gestures as if he didn't like me interrupting his rest.

"Get up." I ordered.

"Go to bed later, dammit." the sick man didn't say anything, just reached out and shoved my face.Do you want to make me fall out of bed? You really piss me off.

"Hey Tin, get up and eat!" I yelled. If you end my patience I'll throw this porridge in your face. He seemed to know that I wasn't his friend, so he quickly turned his head towards me.

"It's me." I winked and smiled at him, and I hope he remembers me. "When did you come?" he asked me in a weaker tone.

"Before that. I brought the thief in and looted all your furniture." I said. The handsome man smiled.

"Get up and eat." The sick man looked at me. Then he moved slowly. I quickly put the pillow behind him.

"Have you brushed your teeth yet?"

I almost forgot about it. Good, I reminded this handsome man first. "Can you get up and brush your teeth?" I asked, shaking my head.

I even took a deep breath. If he wasn't sick, I'd have told you that it's like you don't have the next life, morning, noon, and night. By walking I prepared tools for him; toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, a glass of water and a small basin.

"Brush your teeth first." I handed the brush to him. He took it without taking his eyes off me.

"What are you looking at?" I said in a low tone that was not answered by him. He only made a faint smile.

"Wipe your lips." I handed the towel to him and took all the equipment to be washed in the bathroom. I came back and saw him sitting and staring at a bowl of porridge. Presumably he was hungry.

I put the tray on his lap. "Eat it, it's still hot."

The handsome man nodded and ate quietly. I opened the medicine bag and prepared medicine for him. After eating, I put down the tray and gave him some water to drink. Then waited another fifteen minutes to continue taking the medication.

"Do you want to sleep?"I asked and he nodded his head before muttering. "Sticky."

"Then I'll clean you up." "Okay."

I walked to the bathroom. Turned on the water in the basin and went out to get a small towel. Then I arrived and sat on the side of the bed, put my hand on his forehead which was still hot. So, I wrung out the wet towel and gently wiped it on the handsome man's arms, hands and neck so that the heat on his skin in contact with the water from the towel could be a little less hot.

"The body too."

Hah? I heard him clearly and narrowed my eyes at this sick person. He didn't say anything else, just kept a straight face.

Huh, it's come this far. Neither is it difficult.

"Unbutton it." I instructed the patient and he followed very well. He took off his shirt and put it aside.

Hey, what's with this body? Made in heaven, huh? I noticed first starting from the shoulder, then the chest and ending in the stomach.

"Finished." I said and put the cloth in the basin. "The bottom one too."

"I'll slap you!" ���������

He was about to hold my hand. "Take the medicine and sleep." "Hmm."

I waited until he fell asleep. Then I immediately went out to sit down and watch cartoons. Then I checked his state every half hour.

People like me who look after sick people can fall asleep too. That's weird!!


I woke up again in the afternoon. The headache and fever began to subside, it was a much stronger pain in the morning. Maybe because someone took good care of me.

The sound of the television was heard in the room, it makes me feel relieved that he is still here. I went out to take a look and it wasn't people watching TV but TV watching people.

Hey, sleep tight.

I took the remote and turned off the television. Then I went back to the bedroom, got a pillow and a blanket, and fixed his sleeping position. He made a muffled sound as I straightened his leg. Plus he almost put his hand almost on my face.

Sleepy but still have a lot of energy!! I complained.

I saw his little lips wrinkled as if muttering. My finger played with it a bit. Hmm, his lips are soft. ���������


Chapter 33: How Could You Not Know?

If anyone saw me now, they would definitely think I was having a nervous breakdown. Sleep smiling madly alone. I just woke up and found myself lying on the pillow and covered with a blanket.

Somehow I have to smile. Holding the blanket tightly in my hands and turning left and right, hiding my face with the pillow, smelling the scent.

Hey, I'm totally crazy! Before my brain could get any more imaginative, I quickly got up from the couch, folded the blanket and tucked it neatly over the pillow .

Then walked into the room to see how the patient is doing.

The handsome man was still sleeping with the blanket half covering his body. His face was not as pale as before. I think the symptoms have subsided. I put my hand on his forehead to check again.

Hmmm... a little cold, but still warm. If he takes medication, cleanses himself, and sleeps for another night or two, he'll be back to normal.

I'm like a doctor, right? (shout)

I glanced at the clock. It's already five.

Why did you sleep like earlier, Kantapol? If you sleep like before, you will see your friend being picked up by the police hospital and transporting him before you finish praying and taking care of him.

The handsome man's dinner is still food that is not too heavy on the stomach because the patient himself is not feeling well. If he eats spicy food like the one Thew brought him earlier he'll fall into a coma. Hot chicken and rice soup is the menu I prepared for the handsome guy. Add some fruit and a hot cup of tea would be nice. I took the guava from the fridge, cut it

into bite-sized pieces and arranged it on a plate. I tasted it to see if it tasted good. I have to take and prepare more. Before serving, wait for him to eat dinner first.

It's almost six. I walked over to wake up the person who was still sleeping like a sleeping prince. He even rebelled. I didn't give up trying. Did anything until he opened his eyes.

"Get up and have some dinner."

"I'm not hungry." he said, avoiding me.

"Even if you're not hungry, you still have to eat." I insist on my intention. I'm afraid you'll die of rotting and reeking, disturbing the entire condo. I've come to force you, you clever stubborn! More mischievous than a kindergartner who doesn't give up from playing in muddy puddles on the street.

". " The number you have dialed has been knocked out of the world.

Hah! stubborn! Together with Kantaphol, the expert in taking care of naughty children. When he turned away from me I walked to the other side. Slowly crawl into bed until the owner of the bed doesn't notice.

I just gave an evil smile to the person who still had his eyes closed, slowly crawling closer to him.

"Wake up!" I put my finger on his furrowed brow. There was a slight twitch when I touched it. He still hasn't woken up yet. My finger slid down his back, scolding him. He moved as if he knew he was being threatened.

You're awake, right? I thought to myself, but there was no answer. "If you don't get up, I'll pin you down and break your hips."

When he's tickled and doesn't wake up, I'll be a giant. Hit him while roaring intermittently. The tall figure began to move and slowly opened its eyes, looking at me. His frustration seemed unbearable.

"Already up?" I asked. He looked at me with a blank expression then nodded his head and gave a very short answer.


"Then let's eat outside." I ordered sharply. I can see he's getting better. I let him eat outside the room, not wanting him to lie in bed like a cripple. And thus preparing him to become a human, I returned to provide food for him.

But... Fuck it!! "Damn it!"


I closed my eyes because the last scene I saw just now was me slamming into that beautiful body lying down. He was below me.

My chest hurts... why are you pulling my arm? I tried to get up from lying on top of that handsome man. The first glance I saw was that handsome man looking right at me. So close that I could feel his breath. No sound, no conversation. Only our eyes looked at each other as if wanting to communicate something.

Stop... stop...

What happened? My heart has gone crazy. We keep looking at each other like this. I don't think this will end well. He quickly turned around and hurriedly got up. However, my goodness! How could this handsome man leave me? He suddenly grabbed my arm and held it until I couldn't move.

"Nice" the handsome man whispered.

"What do you want?" I am still determined to get out of the grip of this big body.

"I like it this way" he said deliberately bringing his sharp face closer to mine, until the tip of his nose is only a millimeter from my cheek. He turned me around to lie on my back under him, and it was...

Damn it, goosebumps! That...

Pok... He snapped his fingers hard in my face. He then jumped out of bed as if he knew I was going to kick him in the neck.

"Bastard Tin!" My voice echoed throughout the room with anger and heat that exceeded a hundred degrees Celsius. This bastard didn't hear because he had already left the room.

"Handsome bastard!" I cursed and wriggled like a scalded dog in bed. You you....

That crazy sound on the left side of my chest bothers me again. What the hell! If it doesn't stop, I'll take it out and grill it for dinner.

"It's because of you, smart guy!" I scolded him for the hundredth time. Even though I knew he couldn't hear it. I have to make it heard by walking out of the room. That means I have to scream into his ear.


"Let's eat together. Let's share the food between the two of us." sweet words that tugged at my ears made my anger get swallowed in my throat.

What happened? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? I walked slowly looking at the sofa table. He actually split it for me.

"Thank you." I replied then walked into the kitchen. Prepared hot tea along with a plate of fruit. and brought it for him.

"Better already?" I asked the man sipping on the delicious chicken broth. He glanced at me and nodded. After that we didn't talk any further. After eating, I put the dishes in the sink as usual. Washed them in case he would eat anything else.

I entered the handsome man's room. I opened the curtains to let the light in, then fixed the crumpled bed. My fingers touched the pillows and blankets. It crossed my mind when he pulled my arm down over his body. Along with flashes of that night that still confuses me. I only know that I woke up with hip pain throughout my body.

"Ahem." I was surprised to hear a voice from behind. I was shocked, even more scared than before.

"Do you want to take a bath?"

My curiosity was curtailed. When I saw the handsome man take off his shirt and put the towel on his shoulder.


"Recovered?" I suppressed a low voice and narrowed my eyes at him. "Not yet."

"Sit down, I'll clean you up." I walked over and told him to sit on the bed before disappearing into the bathroom, preparing a basin and a small towel.

I saw him who was only wearing pants and was too lazy to scold him. It's nothing, sore throat.

I squeezed out the wet cloth and gently wiped it all over the handsome man's body, arms, chest and back.

Hell, even the back is smooth. What cream do you use?

"Raise your arm." I ordered wiping under the armpits and under the nipples. The handsome man raised his eyebrows, but he followed orders well. I cleaned the top and moving on to clean the bottom. ( Don't think too much, it refers to legs). ���������

"Lift your feet."

If so, how is it cleaned? I'm out of ideas. "Small."

Hmm? Who do you call that? "Small."

"Are you calling me?" I stared at him. Then he nodded. "My name is Kantaphol Wongwittaya, not small." "Yes."


"I have something for you."

Am I dreaming? I looked at the half-naked man and raised my eyebrows suspiciously.

Do people who lack positive human interaction like you can give something to others? I still can't believe it.

"Here, give me your hand." although a little incredulous, I stretched out my hand. Greed conquers all.

"Hold it tight and open." he said, I followed him. The handsome man got up from the bed. Took the sink and walked towards the bathroom.

"Look" said the handsome man and walked into the bathroom.

A ten carat diamond or something that has to be sharpened like that? I narrowed my eyes excitedly. What are the characteristics of gemstones that are scaly and irritate the skin?

My spirit fades when i opened it. Agh!!

"Damn Tin!"

Louder than the sound of a plane flying through the air. That is the sound I make when I see the object in my hand.

Condom!!! It's a condom.

Handsome man used a condom to prank me again.

Hey! When you will come out of the bathroom? I will kill you! Huh... frustrating.

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