Chapter 34+35+36

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Chapter 34: Moody

The upcoming national high school band contest in the next two months has me, Yo, Pat, Sound, and the rest of the band practicing even harder. Last year, we passed the auditions but didn't make it to the top 64. This year we hope to break into the top 32, at least before the M.6 students, including me, graduates. Let's surprise the club and the school a little after doing the previous by entering both singing competition to gain popularity for a while.

"What is your plan?" Yo who sat cross-legged asked me. All eyes in the room were fixed on me as if waiting for hope at the end of the horizon. I rolled my eyes and smiled drier than a desert, then shook my head implying that there was nothing in my brain!!

"I guess it's better to go back to the temple competition like last time." Pat took a deep breath. Everyone now looks desperate. I, as the head of the club, felt very guilty about that.

"It's not too late yet." A tall figure raised his eyebrows and everyone looked at him. Look at the others smiling. At first I thought everyone was really mad at me when five minutes went by they would go and get a dead lion head and put it in a suitcase and put it in front of me.

"Wait a minute, I'll go get a stick.

Do you guys have to make me hot-headed and turn into a giant demon all the time, can you guys stop?

"Excuse me brother" the freshman begged himself. "I'll hit you" I pointed to his face.

"Help me brother Yo, brother Pat."

"I don't know you". Yo and Pat made silly faces.

"Brother Sound, you are my only hope."

"I'm sleepy." Sound said pretending to crack his neck, then leaned on Yo's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"I'm going to the restroom, P ." The underclassmen said that and quickly escaped from the club room.

Though I'm not going to do anything, just scare them.


It's almost evening.

All the club members have gone home. Just me and Sound checked the room before locking the door.

"Going home with what?" the tall figure asked me, I turned to look at him and made a thoughtful expression. Take a taxi or bus?


In this era of economic difficulties and the money in the wallet is constantly being drained, taking the bus is the best choice.

"Want to go back together?"

Um... Seems like he knew I was going to refuse because he reluctantly drove me to school in the rain the other day. So Sound hastily spoke up.

"Today the sky is not cloudy. It won't rain for sure." "Mmm..."

"Guarantee?" Sound tilted his head in the dim darkness where I couldn't see him clearly, but was visible by the slight light behind him which made him so cute.

Oh my gosh!!


I've saved money. ���������

The two of us walked out of the clubroom and headed towards the parking lot.



I looked to the side, but he wasn't looking at me. Instead looked at my hands that swayed to the rhythm of my steps.

"Cold, huh?" Sound said and he held my hand which I immediately let go. Hey I disagree!

"Not cold."

"A little bit, right?" "Not at all." I insisted.

"Okay." said Sound calmly. Then we cntinued walking silently. Up in front of the motorbike, he gave me a helmet.

When we got stuck at a red light, he turned back and spoke to me.

"Are you hungry?" I shook my head, still full from the snacks I secretly opened during class.

"But I'm hungry."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Let's go to eat first." pleaded Sound. I didn't answer, the traffic light turned green immediately and we went away.

Sound also parked his motorbike in front of a supermarket. When I wanted to say something to Sound, I saw the handsome guy going where we wanted to go.

"There's a rice shop inside." said Sound, turning to me. I nodded and followed him inside.

"Eh..." I tapped the arm of the person in front of me. He turned to look at me and raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Let's eat somewhere else." I can't speak frankly. I quickly dragged Sound out.

"I'm going to eat noodles in the alley." I spoke in a hoarse voice. I got a helmet for Sound and one for myself. He drove without a word, quietly the whole way. When I got there, I spoke up.

What do you want to eat?" I asked the person in front of me who remained silent. Unusually quiet.

"Tom yum noodles." he answered in a low tone. I nodded and turned to the waiter.

"Tom yum noodles and fried noodles."

"Wait a minute, it'll soon be served." I smiled then turned to the person who was still silent, Ai Sound.

"What happened?" I asked to break the silence as I poured water into a glass and drank it.

"Do you like Tin?"

"What?" I choked on the water, turning to Sound, amazed at what he had said.

"What are you saying?"

"I want to know if you like Tin?" He looked very serious.

"What are you talking about?" ". "

Silent! The person in front of me remained silent, as if I was alone.

"I don't like anyone." I replied not looking at him and a waiter came to serve the order.

This was the quietest meal of my life. Sound just lowered his head and focused on eating. As for me, I don't know what to say. It was as if every words were stuck in my throat.

When I got home, I got off the bike. Sound took off his helmet and looked at me.

"If you don't like anyone, can I like you?"

I was dumbfounded by what he said. I know he's serious but I'm not ready to choose to reject his feelings. But someone like me isn't a person who can say nice words to other people, so the answer is a little more direct.

"No kidding."

"I'm serious." Sound still hasn't given up. I sighed as I patted his shoulder. "Go home to take a shower, take medicine, and then get some sleep." "Why?" Sound grimaced.

"In order not to go crazy." I stuck my finger between his furrowed brows. Then I turned around and went inside my house. I heard the sound of a motorcycle speeding away, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope you're not mad, Sound.

But I'm angry now. Annoyed, Feeling angry and disliked what I saw earlier...

Seeing a handsome man eating with a girl in a supermarket was enough to make me go to another place to eat.

I can't stand it. Don't know why, can't find a reason for myself.

But now why is my heart so depressed? I can only think in my heart.

Chapter 35: The Enlarged Heart

Until now, I still can't find an answer for myself about why I felt disappointed yesterday when I saw that handsome guy sitting and eating with a beautiful girl who gave him flowers that time. Am I jealous? Or I envy that he got to date such a beautiful underclassman? Yes, it must be that reason I'm jealous. I quickly interpreted my thoughts, even though deep down I knew they weren't true.

I went to the table of fellow Five Friends. I sat between Yo and Pat. I hurried to take a sandwich that my mother used made me for breakfast. Unfortunately last night there was a Korean series that ended up keeping Mrs. Ratchanee up late and waking up late so she didn't have time to cook.

"Your face looks dull." said Po. I stopped chewing while the others nodded in agreement.

"Correct." Win added.

"Is there any problem?" He said. I turned on the phone's front camera. Looking at the state of my face, I looked very tired and exhausted.

Hey... it's weak! I was shocked myself. "Must be upset again." Yo said.

"Is it because of Sound?" Pat smiled wryly.

"I don't know, I'll have to ask him." Po shrugged, turning to me.

"What's the matter, buddy?" Yo raised her eyebrows twice, smiling at me.

"Don't disturb!" I raised my middle finger in response. Yo I should have stitched up his mouth. Then things calmed down.

They whispered to each other softly, not daring to make a loud sound. Probably afraid that I will kill them.

Then we talked about trifles. Some discussed about academics, because the Academic Olympiad was approaching. Probably about two months after the final exams were over.

"Where do you want to compete?" I asked Po. "I will compete in Korea" replied Po.

"Oh..." I nodded.

"Tin will compete in the United States."

"Why are you telling me?" I answered out loudly to Po. He smiled and quickly covered his mouth at my stare.

"I thought you might like to know." "No."

Is it too obvious?

(* Yes, Gun you're being way too obvious but I'm loving it ���������)

"He will be gone for three weeks during the semester break." Po still hasn't stopped giving out information that I don't really care about. He spoke as if he was just telling me.

"So what?" I raised my eyebrows.

"But I'm afraid that distance will separate us..." Yo interrupted ahead of Po to answer with song lyrics.

"Your mouth still wants to be able to eat, right?"

"Aw..." Yo's face paled. Hurry up and talk to Pat. While Po told Win. I became like a rotten dog.

As I looked around, looking at the beautiful people passing by, my eyes inadvertently looked into the distance. Such a silhouette, only one person accompanied his friend.

"I'll go to the toilet first. See you in class, okay?" I told everyone before walking away, but in a different direction. This is my way of not meeting him because my heart is not ready. Am I avoiding the handsome one, huh?


It's Miss Poona's math class today. She brought the University entrance exam papers for us to try to work on. There are lines scribbled on the paper but I'm still a bit confused about a few questions. Some I can do.



I furrowed my brows as I took my phone from my trouser pocket. Thewson sent a photo.

What is this? I am curious. Then I tapped to view the image. You can see a handsome man sitting next to it solving a question. Why did he send me this? This time I divert myself from the phone screen and stared at the chair where Thewson waved and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Do not bother me." I made a silent lip movement. Thewson probably couldn't translate until he made a confused face, but it didn't take long because I was angry. Thewson nudged the handsome boy to turn towards me with furrowed eyebrows as he looked at me. The expression of this handsome man that no one can imitate and no one wants to imitate. What's wrong with me also why making a face like that? I chose to take my eyes off him and continue working on the questions. There may have been a few times when I glimpsed at him. I want to see what he does. If he's talking to someone, something like that, for example.

What happened to me?!

After school, I continued to practice music with the band. We selected songs to audition for and agreed to take songs with a fast tempo. The one from last year took a slow tempo song to sing and it seemed the listeners were almost asleep in their seats.

"This song fits our band perfectly." Yo said. Everyone in the band agreed. Me too, because I practice more, so I can feel that this is a representation of our band progress through these songs.

Time passed until it was almost 8pm. Everyone started to disperse to go home. Sound volunteered to give me a ride as usual, but I said I had to go shopping for mom at the nearby mall. At first he took me to his motorbike, but I scolded him so cruelly and left. I guess that's fine.

"What happened?"

Shit, I'm in shock! I turned to the source of the sound. If you don't show up, I would have thought it was a ghost and definitely had run away.

". " I didn't answer him. Back, I woke up from my daydream, that's

good enough for now.

"Are you mute?" The handsome man made an annoyed face.

"Damn it!" I scolded him back like that. Then I turned to walk the other way, but a strong, outstretched hand grabbed my wrist so I couldn't move.

"Let go ." I lowered my voice, looked at his wrist and then turned to the tall man with hostile eyes.

"What happened?" The handsome young man asked me, his brows furrowed in confusion. I took a deep breath. I tried to get away from his wrist without trying to explain. Huh, I don't want to get involved in that.

"What happened?" This time the tall man's voice became even more terrifying. I could feel the dislike in that tone of voice.

"Nothing. I want to go home." I said goodbye and was also lazy to argue, afraid of breaking my arm first.

"Let's go home together." The handsome man stubbornly said while holding my hand along the way that I always tried to pull my hand back. However, the stronger one did not allow that to happen. In the end, I just let it be.

If you want, just take it. I'm going to dip my hand in the toilet water. "Final exam is in next month." said the handsome man.


"Have you studied?" he asked, turning to look at me. "Not yet."


"Why did you hit me?" I screamed out loud because I didn't like him suddenly hitting my head with full force. My brain is not fine. If it goes bad, who will be responsible?

"Do not be lazy." Are you my father? "Yes, I know."

How lucky I was today? The bus that took me home had less than ten passengers. At first I wanted to sit alone, but the handsome man pushed me to sit next to me so I ended up sitting next to the window.

"Slide a bit. You eat space." I directed the side of my body that moves so close that his arm and mine touch.

"It fits ." he explained.

"Find another seat." I pointed all over the bus, hoping you could understand how empty it is. Until you can spread out the mat.

So what?


Calm, not boisterous, not moving, I can only sit and laugh like a psychopath.

Huh, I got annoyed by that. I took a deep breath. I leaned my chin on the edge of the window, inhaling the fresh air and admiring the view on both sides of the street full of food.

I saw it and got hungry...

Huh!! The weight on my shoulder made me turn my head to the side. A handsome man rests his head on my shoulder. I tried to shake his shoulder to wake up the handsome man. He still didn't budge. I put my finger near his nose.

Okay, he's still breathing, just relax.

As the bus turned left onto the street where the handsome's condo was, I pushed him and it woke him up.

"By the way to your condo." The handsome man slowly raised his head, stretching his arms forward in a lazy motion. He turned to look at me. He stared at me for so long that I started to get nervous. Is there something on my face?

"What are you looking at?" I raised my voice. "Lend me your cellphone." said the handsome man. "Don't you have a cell phone?"

"Out of battery."

"Why should I lend it to you?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I forgot my keycard at Thewson's." He spoke in a soft voice. I took my cell phone and handed it over.

"Password?" I put my finger on the home button to unlock it. This handsome man dialed the number before calling. It wouldn't be suspicious

before I suddenly heard a phone call in his pocket. Didn't you just tell me the battery ran out?

"The battery hasn't run out yet."

I know. No need to tell people. I stared at the handsome villain. "Wrong number again."

The number on your phone screen is mine.

"Then take back!" He handed me the phone, then got up and waited at the door until the bus stopped at the lane stop sign in front of the alley.

While the bus was still jammed because there was a passenger car ahead, the handsome man turned to look at me. I also looked at him. It doesn't seem surprising or scary at all. A tall figure smiled at me. A smile as people call it a sweet smile. A smile that makes my heart flutter like a beating drum. More than a smile that shocked me to the point of going crazy.

I do not know what to do.

However, what I know now is that my heart has fallen for him. ❤❤❤

Chapter 36: Sleep Well

However, it was nearly 11pm. I was still tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep because my heart was beating so fast. It's like someone who just finished working out and doesn't know what's causing it, but it really bothers me.

What's wrong with me? I'm so mad I'm cursing myself!!

[LINE notification]

This is increasingly made me unable to sleep because of the noise. The only thing on my mind right now is to turn around, grab the phone and throw it out the window. But in reality, all I could do was turn around and reach for the phone. Who dares to buy another cellphone for tens of thousands?


Who's this? I rubbed my eyes and stared at the screen. Of course, no clue. I have to click to see it.

There are only dots sent by that mysterious person.

<Who are you?>

I asked back. While waiting for him to reply, I clicked to view his profile picture.

It only had the latin letter 'Sn' is in black with white background. Confused!

Is his name is Sunny or Snow or Snack?


I saw that I received a smiley face emoji in response.


<If you don't tell me I'll block you> I'm a real human, what are you?



<What news?>

Sn sent a photo.

Shit! I was shocked... totally shocked by the photo I saw on the screen. Then a loud laugh echoed throughout the room.

At this rate, there is only one Tin, Tinaphop, a person whose face is not friendly to anyone. Look at the picture he just sent, his face is expressionless.

<That's a weird photo. I almost didn't recognise>

I typed until my teeth were almost dry. God, I've never seen a moment like this. Even if I told a million people, no one would believe me.


He maintains his popularity even in typing.

<What are you doing on my Line?>

I asked out of curiosity, suddenly the Great Universal God sent a message. Who doesn't suspect anything?

<Add me as a friend too>


I glanced at the top bar of LINE and thought.

Add friends / Block / Report

There are three options for me to choose.


I just wanna joke. That's why I typed it like that.


These dots, apart from being a greeting earlier, this is a way of showing displeasure by the handsome man. If he doesn't like it, he will shut up with his body language. If translated into written language, it means dots. Should I pay attention to that? I have the right to add you as a friend or not.

I hit the lock screen and put the phone to my chest.

Two minutes passed, I picked up my phone and looked at the screen. Empty!!!

I winced spontaneously. Wondering what you are thinking and what's really going on?

It's been five minutes!! Everything is still the same. I decided to hang up the phone, but the screen lit up causing me to quickly retrieve it.

<Just add me>

Unknowingly, the curves of the eyebrows began to loosen. Other organs took over when they saw the message from him. The corners of the mouth turned up and the rapid beating heart is what is happening to me now.

<Is there a reward?>

From time to time, there is an opportunity to trade benefits.


Silence again.

<I'm sleepy, I want to sleep>

I used the last weapon I had.

<Private tutoring at the end of semester>

I'm done with the handsome boy! I lie down and smile like a winner. Who would have thought that just pretending to ask for rewards would have such a great opportunity?

< So funny>

I wrote a reply and immediately hit Add Handsome Guy as a Friend on Line.

<I have a question>


<Why does the photo say Sn?>

Here's one more thing that surprised me. In addition to him, he suddenly added my Line contacts...

<Symbol of Tin>

The handsome man replied like this. Will someone like me understand right away? I'm confused.


While waiting to type a reply, I tried to think of understanding, but until then there was no response.

<Sn = Tin>

(*Sn refers to Tin in the periodic table of which its initials are Sn by its Latin name, in addition to the fact that Tin in Spanish means tin.)


Apart from being good at chemistry, you are good at English to be able to translate the meaning.

<Still confused?>


I furrowed my brows, is there anything more suspicious than your humanity, handsome guy?

<Why does Tin use the Sn element symbol?>

<I see>


Damn it! Don't let me see your face. I'll use my knees to make your chin hurt.

<Just answer>

Before being reprimanded for being stupid, I had to express my confusion like a kindergartner who always asks questions until his parents get dizzy.

<Sn comes from the Latin Stannum>

It's more complicated. Is it necessary to take a Latin class to talk to me about it?

<I see>.

I typed my response carelessly, acting like I really enjoyed being informed, even though I didn't want to know. Although I already know, I'm still confused.

<Are you going to sleep now?>

I asked the handsome man. Now I'm starting to yawn.

<Are you going to sleep?>

I asked you first, don't ask me back.

<Hmm, I'm sleepy> Vapourizing sticker My eyes began to close.

<Go to sleep>

If I was in front of him, maybe I would get hit by the tall man who stood up and pointed at me to rush to the bed and fall asleep immediately.

<Good night>

<Sweet dreams>

Although I was so sleepy that my eyes are ready to close at any moment, after seeing the last message from him, it seems that I can sleep smiling.


At that time I went to Thew's house to ask him to type messages and he sent strange photos to the little man. Every word that was sent, then I read it, I felt like I almost want to throw up. How can they talk to each other?

However, now I have to thank him.

Thank you for reminding me and supporting me to do something before it's too late.

"Be careful, the chick will be eaten by the dog" (OMG, apparently Thew warned Tin to be careful for him after Gun and Sound went to dinner together)

I lay in bed thinking about what Thew said two days ago. I thought of that stubborn man's face.

"He is mine" ���������

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