Chapter 37+38+39

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Chapter 37: Shaken

Bright new morning. I woke up with a smile. A smile that occurs naturally. Really, just thinking about last night, the corners of my lips automatically lifts up.

<Sweet dreams>

Sweet dreams. You too.

I took a shower and changes clothes. I ran into the kitchen because I was so excited. I saw Mrs. Ratchanee making scrambled eggs. My saliva dripped unconsciously.

"I am hungry." I said straight away sitting with my chin propped up at the dining table, waiting for the beautiful housewife to serve breakfast for me. Smells great.

"Here, sir." The Ratchanee housewife bowed once and placed a plate of enticingly fragrant dishes in front of me.

"Thank you very much, Mrs Ratchanee." I nodded my head. Glad she has done a good job without any flaws. She needs to be rewarded for her passion.

"Yes sir." I looked at my mom making jokes like that of actors and actresses until I had to give up. I can't help but smile. She also burst out laughing.

We mother and son sat laughing at each other until our stomachs were full.

"You're going to have final exams soon, right?" and my mom changed the subject to serious mode.


"How much have you studied?"

"More than half." I said proudly. It was unexpected that her beloved son could learn.

"Half a line or half a page?"

Aw, You look down on a little childlike this, Mrs. Ratchanee.

"Half of all lessons." I said looking at my mom and then quickly finished off the omelet on my plate because it was almost time for me to catch the bus to school.

"You didn't ask Tin to help you study?" Hmmm!! Call the child again.

"No. He has to prepare for the Chemistry Olympiads in America. I don't want to bother him." I said to my mother honestly, even though the handsome man had offered to help me yesterday.

But I don't want to waste his time teaching me until he doesn't have time to prepare for the Olympiads. Now I'm much smarter, can learn on my own.

"Very well, my son." mother said while rolling her eyes. "Is this a compliment or a mockery?"



Am I really my mother's child? I walked ahead and waited for the bus at the bus stop, still a little offended by Mrs. Ratchanee.


Hmm? I took my phone from my pocket and looked at the screen. The person who annoyed me at my mother's words was the same person who woke me up with a smile in the morning.

Good morning stickers

Um.. If the founder of the LINE application met me, I would definitely give him a prestigious trophy. I'm sure you have never downloaded new stickers or updated stickers before. The bus had arrived, so I put my phone in and immediately got on the bus that was busier than usual.

Before entering class, I met the person who sent a LINE message this morning in front of the restroom. He walked with his close friend, Thewson. At first I almost ran into it and luckily was able to dodge it. Otherwise, it will surely crash into the floor.

"Hello Gun." Thewson greeted me first with a polite sentence that didn't look unbelievable.

"Hello." I replied, narrowing my eyes at him. Well, I don't believe him.

"Ahem!" but a gap from the side interrupted, causing my conversation with Thewson to an end. I looked at the source of the voice, he was looking at me. I thought he wanted to greet me and I responded . Maybe so.

I smiled as I remembered his sweet smile and raised my r hand. I imitated him and did the exact same thing.

"Hello Tin." then I walked away from both of them and walked to class.

[POV Tin]

"Calm down, Tin." said Thew with a grin.i I know what he's talking about. "Don't bother." I pushed his head away and walked to class with a smile that few people see.

[End POV]

Next week will enter the final exam period. In class, the teacher asks students to form study groups to discuss the lesson and solve practice questions together. I am one of five members of a five-member group that is rushing to focus on it with Sound alongside the other members. When it was finished, the representative of the school curriculum began to show the

potential of his brain that was greater than most people in the world, explaining lessons and teaching us difficult math problems.

I've been back studying hard lately, able to do almost all the questions Po suggested. Only some do not exceed the limits of my brain's ability.

"Shall we go get something to eat after school?" Yo asked. Everyone looked at each other and nodded. Oh, I'm the only one who seems busy as I have to deal with the paperwork for the band at school activities.

"I'm busy, I have to tidy up the documents that I will submit." I said sadly. Hoping that everyone looking at me with these puppy-like eyes will postpone his plans to another day.

But the truth is........

"If so, you're going to starve." Pat said it to me to which everyone agreed. Only Sound disagreed.

Funny? How am I going to win by just one vote alone anyway?

I just finished the paperwork. It made me very tired because I handled nearly 20 documents alone. I have to finish it before sunset.

Growl. (stomach rumbling sound).

I'm hungry I muttered to myself. Stepping down to the ground floor, it

was getting dark and quiet like a school at night. "Hey."

I was really shocked. It's good to go down the stairs. Otherwise, I would be hopeless and fall. A silhouette beside the pillar started to appear. In just a split second I remembered who it was.

"I'm startled!" I put my hand on my chest because I was still scared. Damn, if I were friend with that handsome man, I would have had a heart attack before I was old enough. He likes to come suddenly.

Hey, if you meet someone with a gun, they'll shoot you down, smart guy!

"Hmm." he answered briefly, putting his hands into his trouser pockets with a cold attitude.

Damn! You've startled me. Will you calm me down?

"What were you up to last night?" I asked him out of curiosity. Or simply put, it's suspicious.


"Oh..." I nodded in understanding. This may be the last week of practice because after the final exams he has to travel to America for an Olympic competition.

Growl. (stomach rumbling) again.

Hey, you are so right, damn belly. The person in front of me furrowed his brows.

"Hungry?" the handsome man asked me, and I gave him an awkward smile. It couldn't be denied that the sound was like lightning hitting the ground like that.

"A little."

In front of a handsome man, you have to be a little arrogant. If I say I'm hungry, I'm afraid of losing my image.


"Come on, I'll treat you to a meal."

I can hear you whisper. My hearing system works better than some wild animals. I asked the tall man again.


I'm afraid he's changed his mind now.


It's clear he certainly won't change his mind.

"Thanks." I shouted with joy and jumped up and patted the handsome man's arm.

I dragged him onto the bus to go to the food stall. I'm gonna blow up all his credit cards, we'll just wait and see, handsome man.

With the desire to eat sashimi, I dragged the handsome man to a Japanese restaurant located in the heart of Siam.

"I'd like to order sashimi, makisushi, takoyaki, onigiri, temaki, tonkatsu and miso soup."

I ordered food easily, then looked at the person in front of me and saw his brow furrowed. I guess you're hungry too.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked the handsome man. He looked at me before turning to the waitress who was ready to write down the order. He shook his head.

"You don't want to order?" "Hmm."

Do you want to eat air?

"Then tempura, soba and udon."

The waitress looked at me with surprised eyes, but quickly wrote on a piece of paper and walked away.

"I am hungry." I said, blushing. "Hmm." he sighed.

"Can I borrow your cellphone?"

"For what?"

"Give it to me." I held out my hand, asking him to quickly hand over the phone. He believed me, then took it out from his trouser pocket and gave it to me.

"Your LINE Stickers are so old school." I whispered to him. Then I opened the LINE app, quickly tapped on the sticker download section.

"Credit card required."

The handsome man frowned more than before. Probably wondering what to do with the credit card.

"Hurry up." I pressed it. He gave it to me. I immediately took it and entered the number into the system to pay the fee. Then I continued downloading stickers instantly.


"Later, I'll teach you how to use modern stickers." He nodded without objection.

When the food came, which almost filled the table, I started to eat it at high speed.

"I don't want to eat." the handsome man sat still, refusing to touch the food at all.

"Or do you want me to feed you?" I pretended to tease him in a cute way. ". " But what did I get in return?


Just a sudden glance that conveys some meaning. I'm beginning to know what it is. I'm not that bad, handsome guy. I decided to open new chopsticks

and dipped the tempura in the dipping sauce. Ready to feed the handsome man He looked at me, interspersed with staring at the tempura.

"Open your mouth." I ordered. I opened my mouth to show an example. Then he imitated me by only slightly opening his mouth. Ants can't even get in. I had to shove the tempura into his mouth until my hands were turned up for fear that the food would fall. As soon as I fed him the second one, he quickly said he could eat himself.

"Take this tissue."

How can you eat until your cheeks are so dirty like that? The handsome man took a tissue from my hand and wiped it on his cheek. Immediately he looked at me until I started to get nervous.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked, not expecting an answer and I picked up another meal with my chopsticks. After a long pause, he answered causing my hand holding the chopsticks to freeze in midair.

"Want to see." Damn it!

"Then I want to see you too." I straightened up in the same way, looking at him like this. However, in the end I was the one who had to give up.

Because the gaze of the handsome man the longer I stared at him, the more dangerous it was. Especially the beat on the left chest which started dancing loudly again.

"Hurry up and eat." I changed the subject. Otherwise, I would have died. "Hmm." The handsome man only answered briefly.

After eating, I dragged the handsome man to find dessert. However, the cafe I went to was full, so we had to change our plans to buy some ice cream.

"Too much." I showed the ice cream that had been pressed by the ice cream machine from the seller to the handsome man. I used my tongue taste it

sparingly and it stained my nose. Quickly the handsome man wiped it with his finger.

"Eat right." with a very polite curse...

"I know." I snapped. Turning to the other side that the handsome man could not see. Why did I smile now?


I hate you, handsome man.

Hate that you make my heart beat fast crazily..

Chapter 38: Annoying

It's time for the first semester's final exam, which will determine if an M.6 student wants to submit a university quota based on the grade of five semesters. If you don't do your best on this exam, your grades will drop and affect the overall grade expected of many people, including me. Grades should be given to help students get good grades, but this is just a dream.

Because the exam this time was difficult and caused stress throughout the week of the exam.

"Question from teacher Punayak." Yo grumbled while scratching his head as if he was removing dandruff.

"Very difficult."

"It's kinda easy." ." said Po, Euclid's great son in a gentle tone. Everyone turned to him.

"Well, you're a God." Win said.

"Can you?" Yo asked me. The others turned their heads.

"A little bit." I tell the truth because there are some things I can't do. Too difficult. A little bit of my ability, but about ninety-five percent overall.

"Oh, I hate you both!" Yo shouted rolling his eyes. While Po walked towards me, stared, and kissed me on one cheek.

Hey! Others would see that and misunderstood. I hastily wiped at the drool stain on the side of my cheek, looking left and right to see if anyone had seen that? It's good there's no one around here.

After lunch break, we sat together in front of the exam room. Yo and Pat read physics formulas together, Win sat and paid attention to the worksheets, Po listened to music, so I just sat looking around. It's a way to kill time. If Yo and Pat read like that, it wouldn't help me remember

anything. From afar, there was a person leaning against a pillar at the front of another room?

Handsome guy!!

Physics exam is not that difficult. The teacher gave us exactly what was taught in class. There were some questions that are made more difficult but still the same formula is used in finding answers. I can do both easy and multiple choice. Hopefully the grades will be as good as in the midterm exams.

Coming out of the exam room, we all went home to study and prepare for tomorrow's tough test because there were chemistry and biology. We'll definitely pass.

When I got home, I brought buttermilk to my room. Quickly grabbed the textbook to learn. What I fear is not biology, but chemistry. Although my midterm score was very good, my previous score was much lower than half. This exam is a mandatory battle where I need to get a lot of points to help me increase my score.

Time passed until 10 pm. I decided to close the book and put it in my bag, grabbed a towel to take a shower. However, the sound of the incoming phone echoed. I walked over to pick up the phone on the nightstand and looked at the screen. A smile broke out when I saw who was calling.

Sn is calling...

I cleared my throat once before pressing the answer button and bringing the phone to my ear.

"What?" "How was it?"

Here maybe others will be confused because of a multi-tasking day. But I just took the exam today, so I understand that the teacher asked about the exam.



"More or less." I answered honestly. "Hmm."

"How about you?" I asked in a polite manner because of the handsome guy's level, he will definitely get a perfect score.

"Maybe." Is the humble answer. He doesn't brag that he can do anything. More than one hundred percent sure to get good grades, something like that. This is another thing that impressed me. No matter how good he is, he never brags or looks down on those who are weaker than him. Except insulting me as stupid, huh!

"Will chemistry be difficult tomorrow?"

Since I was still afraid I couldn't hold up, I asked the representative of the Chemistry Olympiad. Then speculate on the exam until I can do it.

"It's not difficult."

"It's not hard for you." I pursed my lips. If he saw it, I'm sure he would raise his eyebrows.

"Believe in yourself."

"I will try." I want to believe his words, but damn, my brain came up with the opposite idea?

"It is late." said the handsome man to me which on deeper analysis would imply that I should sleep.

"I haven't showered yet." I muttered.

"You want to take a shower?" He said with a sexy husky voice.

What the f*ck!

"Do not be like that!" I snapped my phone screen. I hearrd a faint laugh from the other end of the phone.

"What are you laughing at?" My head is boiling now. "Nothing."

"Good. Don't let me know you're laughing." I threatened. "Why?" he asked in a deep voice.

"I will scold you."

Well... you could ask what I would do unless I screamed and killed you, smart guy.


Oh... That sounds ridiculous to me.

"Are you bothering me again?" I asked, in a high voice and he had a laugh at the end.



You laugh like that. You're crazy. "Do not disturb--"

"But it bothers your heart."

Shit!! Ten seconds I froze. Temporarily deafness.

I hate you, handsome. I hate your stupid words. It's not you, asshole. Bring back a handsome man who likes to be silent, rarely speaks, and is stubborn.

"I want to take a shower."

At a time like this, my brain couldn't think of anything to say. I thought cutting the conversation short would be best, but it seems like he won't allow it.

"Turn on the camera while showering."

"Ai Tin!" I roared into the phone without thinking. Hey, if you were in front of me, I would punch you in the face. What a madman, naughty and most annoying!


"I hate you!" I scolded him one last time then ended the call and threw the phone on the bed. I rushed to the bathroom, turn on the shower at maximum power. I hope that will help cool my head down a bit because it's too hot right now.

I want to kill people!!

Chapter 39: Reward

Every television media and almost every newspaper has spread the news about Thai students winning the International Academic Olympiad gold medal in various fields especially chemistry, the gold medal with the highest total score.

Mr. Tinaphop Jirawatanakul

I sat reading the news on the Facebook feed that was shared a lot, especially by kids at school and teachers. Everyone is proud of the hashtag for the handsome guy who made the name of the whole school, country, family and most importantly himself. I totally agree with his superiority if there is a Galactic Olympiad Competition. I think the gold medal will not be missed.

I scrolled until I found a video clip of the student representative interview. I'm listening.

"How does it feel to win the highest gold medal?"

A beautiful female reporter pointed the mic close to the handsome man's mouth.

Instead, the person being asked appeared as if he had been suffering from indigestion for weeks. Just smile. You will be broadcast in the national media. I will tell you that.


I didn't laugh at the short answer, but because of the reporter's beautiful face. You would expect the handsome guy to talk at long and hai about winning the gold medal, right?

"How proud are you?" "Level one.'

Eh, rank one there are many in this world. Which level do you like, very smart guy? Hey, if I was near him, I'd slap you. The more I listened to it, the more annoyed I got.

"Do you have anything to say to young people who have a dream to represent the country like Tinaphop?"


Hah!! Silent journalist. Me too.

Sometimes you speak too briefly. That's not enough. He still keeps a straight face in front of the camera.

You should take a personalization course with me now. It's a good thing for you to be able to talk to other people.Otherwise, I'll have to wait and guess what you're going to say or answer.


I turned to see Mrs. Ratchanee emerging from the back door putting on a face as if she had won the grand prize lottery.

"Why mom?"

"There's someone here." My mother said as she entered the house. Hmm? Someone came to meet whom?

For hundreds of days no one came to visit me. Especially in these three week semester break, there was no contact from even one colleague. There are also no trips abroad with the whole family. I got up from the marble rocks in the backyard. Putting cell phones and comic books before entering the house.

"Who is it, Mom?"

I asked and got no answer. Where did Miss Ratchanee go? I looked left and right. Walked into the kitchen, nobody was there. Oh, I can hear people

talking on the couch. I went there to see. "Mother..."

"Ai Tin!"

He looked at me, but only for a quarter of a second. Hey! I am the heir of this house. Oh handsome guy, he sat and showed his medals to my mother. Well, I'm honored that he smiled at me for five seconds. I walked over and sit across from him.

My mother seemed very excited about the gold medal she saw. Most importantly, she looked proud. Until I secretly thought for a bit, have I ever made her this proud?

A strange look that I don't understand the meaning of and I don't want to know.

"How long have you been back?" I opened the conversation asking the smartest person in the world. He turned to me.

"Yesterday." "Hmm."

After that I didn't speak any further because my mother said it all. I finally retreated, sitting in the same place to read comic books with the wind and sunshine and bird singing was the happiest.

The sound of the back door opening made me look up. The tall figure who had been sitting and talking to my mother before then sat across from me. I stacked the books over for the handsome man to sit. He brought the medal to show it to me.

"What's up?" he asked me. "What?" I raised my eyebrows. "How was your vacation?"

"Eat, sleep, read comics."

It was all my worthless lifestyle during semester break. Keep repeating and repeating. Not like the person in front of me. His life seemed precious to many people.

"Fat." Hah?

"You are fat at home."

From normal mode to killer mode. I can't take it. It's about criticizing my body. I only eat three times a day (from sunrise to sunset). He moved to lift his shirt to show that his stomach was still flat, not the slightest bit of excess fat that had accumulated.


Huh, what else? I narrowed my eyes at the man whose smile was getting more and more terrifying.

"What are you looking at?"

I wouldn't have asked if he wasn't sitting with his chin propped up looking at me as if seeing a lucky number.

"Look people." Damn it!

You mean you saw the dog, right? Yes I know. "Eh-" I... didn't continue.

The handsome man furrowed his brows as if he didn't like it. Gradually it relaxed, then the corners of his lips lifted to reveal a smile that was even more difficult to distinguish than looking at a total solar eclipse.

"Let's eat."

I cut my sentence and headed to the kitchen. Unfortunately, his hand held me first.

"What is it?" I asked in a firm voice. He looked at me, took the medal and showed it to me clearly.

"You are happy, aren't you?" "Hmm... Yes."

He pushed me away before he could say anything. The handsome man stepped closer to me.

"Hmm?" He put his hands behind his back and leaned close to me. You are crazy!! So close that I can hardly breathe, you know?

"What is it?" The handsome man continued to move closer until I leaned back to increase the safe distance. Unfortunately, if I move a little, my head will hit.

"Good work!" I finally shouted while pushing his forehead. After this you should go take a shower instead of acting weird everyday!! He smiled and still stood still.

"Satisfied?" I said in a whisper. The handsome man furrowed his brows and smiled.

"I'll go first."

"I am coming along."

The word 'I'm coming along' should mean you should follow behind me. Not walking in front of me and dragging my arm like this.

Hey... this is my house!

I saw a post-it note on the front of the refrigerator.

'Mother has to go to the market, take care of the house'

I read and ignore it, opened the fridge and grabbed some food.

"Only one snack left." I raised my head to warn the uninvited guest. He didn't show any signs. Just stood against the pillar and kept a straight face. I quickly walked over to get my plate and sat outside to empty my bag of snacks.

"Take it." I pointed at him to take sweets and eat them like me.

Does he obey me? Impossible. People don't seem to do things like me to ruin their image.

"Hmm." the medalist answered briefly as he sat down to play on his cell phone.

Who are you talking to?

"How can I be like you?" I said in a low voice. Looking at the medal and thinking about myself. Have I ever had anything more valuable in my life than five baht and ten coins piled up in a large piggy bank? Without a word, this handsome man did something. How about my question? I was too obsessed with my own thoughts to notice that something was hanging around my neck. I looked at it, there was a gold medal that I had been looking at for a while.


I stared at the tall figure standing in front of me. He smiled reaching out his hand to touch the medal while looking at me.

"Good work." he said in a low voice that only we could hear. I don't know what he's thinking. When I heard him say that, I just smiled.


"Then let's take a picture."

I'm lucky to feel it on my neck. I no longer need to regret it for the rest of my life. I turned on the front camera and was just about to shoot but not only was I on the screen, the owner of the medal was also present.

"What are you doing?" I glanced at the handsome man. He raised an eyebrow.

"I wanna take a photo too." Shit!, later.

I hate to say it, but I'm afraid he'll take it back. I let him in on the camera screen.

One two three...

Does it have to be this close? Your face will hit my cheek. "More photos."

Unfortunately, my phone vibrated and the two photos were not clear. "Don't take this photo!"

I shouted reaching out to retrieve my phone, but I didn't reach it. He succeeded because the tall man stretched his hand away.

I had to jump up and grab his hand to get my phone. He held it tightly. I just turned my head and ordered him to let go, but what happened? My lips and his lips collided exactly. Maybe not as tight as in erotic movies, but I can still feel his breath. If caught in this dilemma situation, one must immediately be on the alert. Of course I realized first, hastily retreated.


I'm confused... I don't know what to say.

"Your lips are dry. Watson's moisturizer should still be available." I said to the handsome man, immediately jumped up from the chair and rushed into the house so fast that the leopard was about to give up.

What am I talking about?

[POV Tin]

I saw a small figure running quickly into the house. After that I put my fingertips on my own lips. Don't really care about dry lips or anything,because there are so many things that attracts and fascinates me. Those are... the soft lips of the little one.

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