Chapter 40+41+42

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Chapter 40: Consolation

If someone took a measuring stick to measure the diameter of my eyeballs now, it would definitely be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records because my eyes were opened so wide that my eyeballs almost popped out and had already bounced to the ground. After hearing the words from the handsome man's mouth.

"I'll sleep here tonight."

Of course I would never allow it. I haven't said anything yet. My kind mother came to save the handsome man who was about to be scolded by me. The tall man would sleep here on the grounds that his condo had just been repainted and still left the smell of paint behind.


"Gun" I saw mom coming down the stairs and she said, "Let him sleep in your room."

"No." I didn't think twice and grumbled. "May be in the living room, right?"

"This is mom's storage. There's a lot of dust." He joked as he stuck out his chin to realize how much dust there was.

Hey, I can see it! I took a deep breath, stood up from the couch and prepared to go up to my room.

"Come on, I want to go to sleep" I don't care. I left the bedroom door open, hurriedly grabbed a towel to take a shower. After that I saw a handsome man sitting unpacking a bag containing his clothes.

"No towels?" I asked paying attention to the contents of the bag that had been uncovered, only there were no towels.

I opened the closet, took a towel and handed it over. Everything would be fine if he didn't grab my hand and hold it.

"What are you doing?" I didn't scream, the mother might think I hurt her beloved child. He was still looking at me then his hand grabbed the top of my head.

"Thanks."Then he headed to the bathroom.

Does he see my head as a toy? I snorted afterwards. I quickly went to the dressing table to dry my hair, then jumped into bed while playing on my cell phone. Not long after, the door opened to reveal a tall, bare-chested figure, wearing shorts and a towel slung over his shoulders.

I glanced at it, "Didn't you see your roommate?" I said casually, hoping the genius seems to understand my point.


Just now you asked permission to stay over, handsome. I took a small doll and threw it at him, but this handsome rascal realized and quickly caught it. He threw it back at my head.

"It hurts!"

I got up to yell at the handsome man to kick his legs but I realized I wasn't that good so I sat still and acted like I'd never argued with him before.

"Turn off the light. I'm going to sleep."

So I could only use possession of my room in return, I turned my body against the wall, pretending to be asleep, waiting for the handsome man to walk over to turn off the light.

"Where do I sleep?"I pretended not to hear. "In that case, I'll sleep in bed."

"No!" I turned to look at him in the dim light. "Not asleep yet?"

"Who said I was asleep?"

"Where do I sleep?" he asked. This time he looked serious. "On the floor." I said as I pointed my finger at the floor. "Do not want."

Should I accept the rejection? Oh, but it's not me. Not at all. Wow, my mind is dizzy.

"Then go to sleep on the sofa." Before lying down, I spread my legs so that they take up all the space of the bed. But for God's sake, there's still a sky above the sky. The handsome man is worse than me. He sat on the bed, grabbed my legs tightly and pushed me against the bedroom wall, then he laid down beside me.

"Sleep downstairs!" I turned to push him, like pushing a rock because it didn't move at all.

"Do not be naughty."

Who here should be annoyed?

"Down." I'm still trying to keep pushing his body. "If you don't stop..."

"What will you do?"

You want to argue with me?Why are you silent? "What will you do?"

He brought his face closer with an unpredictable look, "Do like that night." When he finished saying those words, he smiled as if he was a victorious figure. Meanwhile, I froze as if the witch Medusa had cursed me into the desolate ocean waiting for the versions of the two ships to collide.

Silence again. I'm still dumbfounded. I could only look left and right as I didn't dare to look directly at this handsome man. Quickly laid down like I'm being submissive without showing any resistance.

Ten minutes passed.

I was still awake, staring at the bedroom wall, afraid to turn around because I was afraid that this handsome man would sleep facing me.

Seventy six sheep... Seventy seven... Seventy eight... Seventy nine...

"How was the music competition?"

Eighty... eighty-eight sheep. I lost focus when I heard the handsome man's question from behind me. I didn't think he would ask and I really don't want to bring it up.


"Into the finals?"

I slowly took a deep breath and tried to smile to myself.

"No." I want to sound like I'm joking but why does my voice sound shaky? "Are you all right?"

"I'm okay." I tried to keep my voice steady even though I knew it was harder now than doing math problems. Now I feel my eyes getting hot and shedding tears.

And I started crying.

"Are you sure?" the handsome man still didn't stop asking.

"Hmm." which I can only answer briefly, not wanting him to know how weak I am.

"It's okay." he said. He rubbed my head as if I needed comfort, but Oh My God, it made me cry so much louder I could hear sobs.


"I'm not okay." I muttered which I thought would not be heard by him. They weren't, because his arms reached out and pulled me closer and hugged me so tight I knew he could hear.

"I've let everyone down." I told him without hesitation. Thinking back to the day I went to audition and the organizers said I didn't make it, it made me cry even harder. The eyes of everyone in the band that day were full of disappointment.

Especially those who are sitting in class M.6 because this is the last stage that we will overtake on the national stage. I feel even more guilty as president. I'm not good enough to lead our team to the next round.

"You have done your best." The handsome man told me, slowly loosening his warm embrace and turning me towards him.

Impulsively in the orange light that still lets us see each other's faces, I looked up at the owner of that sharp face. The handsome man smiled, which was a smile of encouragement, not a smile of ridicule.

Huh... Why are you with me all the time? What the hell?

He seemed to know what I was thinking, so he gave me an answer by pulling me and hugging me so tightly that it made my tears flow even harder, huh!

"Do not cry."

Stop comforting me so I can stop crying. My heart said so, but I couldn't bring myself to say it. A handsome man hugged me like this until I stopped crying.

"I don't cry anymore." I said to the tall man while pulling away. But there are things that are very difficult to understand. I mean, since when did I put my arms around his neck?

The handsome man didn't say anything, just reached out and wiped the tears from my eyes and cheeks. I looked at the person in front of me with mixed feelings.

"Thank you very much Tin." before I say this, I feel grateful to him for being here with me now when I needed someone's comfort.

"Hmm." he says, pulling me into a tight hug, I didn't fight back. Let me finally fall asleep.

[POV Tin]

I looked at the person in my arms with sad eyes. I know how much he loves and appreciates his band. They must have been very sad not to have won the championship they dreamed of. He cried until his face and nose turned red.

I ran my fingers over his soft cheeks and brushed back the strands of hair covering his forehead. Then I gently kissed his lips.

"I'm here for you..."


Chapter 41: Wiping

I opened my eyes in the morning and found myself curled up in the arms of the handsome since last night. I understand why I can sleep well. His body was warm, in contrast to his face which was so much colder than a glacier that anyone who saw him had to stay away.

And look at him lying down shirtless while sleeping . The air conditioner blows very cold, if he gets sick, who else is responsible for taking care of him? Obviously me. Learn to take care of yourself, handsome.

As punishment, I stabbed my finger into the tip of his nose trying to lift his heavy hand off my hip. He hugged me so tightly it was like our bodies would melt together.

"What's the time?"

Why are you awake now? He opened his eyes and looked at me. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep again. With my efforts to see the clock on the bedside table.

"Six o'clock."

"Hmm..." the handsome man muttered, still closing his eyes. It's good that I don't want to talk to him right now, but damn! This handsome man pulled me so close that I almost suffocated in his chest.

"Let me go!" I tried so hard to squirm like a deer trying to run away from a snake.

"It's not morning yet."

"Isn't it morning yet?" The rooster was already crowing until his throat hurt. Oh... go back to sleep.

"Wake up!" this time I squirmed to let how long he could bear to close his eyes.

"You haven't slept yet, have you?" I suppressed a low voice to signal the alarm, but the handsome man still lay still and didn't move.

Okay... you found the evil in me.

I devised an evil plan, slowly moving my free hand to the handsome man's waist. A satisfied smile before vigorously poking my finger in the desired position.

"This is it!" I exerted all my strength. As for the man who was tickled on his waist, he opened his eyes. Huh... if I knew that, I would have done it from the beginning.

"Do not be naughty!" exclaimed the handsome man.

So what? Who cares? I kept tickling him until he rolled over on the bed.

"Will you stop or not?" he threatened me in an unfriendly tone. His eyes looked like he wanted to break my neck, but I wasn't afraid because this was my place where the handsome man wouldn't dare to do anything.

"No way!" I shrugged my shoulders while preparing for another option, the tall man had already readied his defense.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." he said loudly. "No."

Damn it! I only told him not to warn me, but now that handsome guy turned around and was on top of me like this. He held my arm so I couldn't tickle his waist anymore.

Too close. Why are you bringing your head closer, asshole?

"Get off your face!" I scolded him struggling to get my hands off so I could push his ugly face away. By God, he didn't do what I told him to do,

on the contrary his face was even closer. Until I could see the tip of his nose touching mine.

I hastily closed my eyes.

The breath of the person above me hit my cheek, slowly moved near the corner of my lips. I keep my eyes closed. Very nervous and scared at the same time.

What will this handsome man do to me?


Fuck! He flicked my forehead again.

This time I opened my eyes and saw the handsome man smiling such a horrible grin that I wanted to stuff his mouth with needles. I hate his smile now.

"Why did you flick my forehead?" I shouted hastily wiping my forehead to check the state of it.

"Or do you want something else?" said the handsome man. Why not just say "You want it in your mouth?"

"Ai Tin!" I cursed. If you didn't quickly pull your hand away, I'd have bitten you by now! The one who was scolded just laughed and got out of bed . He took a towel, put it on his shoulder and got out of the room.

Oh... you didn't do anything to me? My strange mind asked. Immediately I brushed off ideas that came in my mind quickly. What does this handsome guy want to do?

While waiting for him to finish bathing, I went downstairs to drink some cold water. I saw my mother cooking in the kitchen until the dog next door has to climb over the fence. "Mom what are you doing?" I asked, tilting my head to take a look.

Ahhh, three types of fish dishes are very appetizing. I walked off and opened the lid of the pot, this pot and that. Do you want to open a rice

restaurant in front of your house, Miss Ratchanee?

"Do you want to sell it?" I asked while standing with my arms crossed as if asking for a quick answer.

"This is for Tin."

"Mom..." I stiffened for a split second. Everything for the handsome guy. Who would like it when their mother prefers another child?

"For both of you." Mother must be afraid of me. Her hand was placed on my head as consolation , but it seemed like she forgot that she was still holding a towel. So, it was sandwiched between my head and my mother's hand. Huh!

I walked back to the room on Mrs. Ratchanee's orders. She said if I didn't shower, I wouldn't be given breakfast. I entered the room and saw a tall man standing wiping his head. Of course he turned to me. He wiped down his neck, chest and stomach area with his hands, then went down until I could see the V-line near the hips. I sobered up immediately.

Hey, what am I doing here? Why so concerned about what I want to see there...

"What are you looking at?" I said trying to fix my expression. The handsome man must have been confused because I raised my voice at him.

"Want to see more?" I stared at him wide-eyed as he approached me.

Crazy!! The handsome man grabbed my wrist.

"What?" I looked at him then looked at my wrist. I forced myself to quickly let go of my hand.

"Put some cream on me."

Help you to apply the cream. Okay. What the fuck! Why am I nervous?

I wanted to say no but he quickly dragged me closer to his backpack and took out a bottle of cream which he then handed to me. I glared at it.

"You can do it yourself." I said throwing the cream bottle onto the bed and turning to walk away. Unfortunately in a split second, the handsome man had his arms wrapped around me from behind. It was so tight I could barely breathe.

"Apply it or not?" sounds very close to my ears. Shit, I got goosebumps!

"No!" I shouted making the obvious gesture of not complying with his request. However, I had to change my mind. When suddenly this handsome man began to threaten my body's sovereignty. He started by sniffing on my neck and cheeks. It will spread to other places if I still refuse his orders.

"Okay, I'll put it on for you." Oh my God...

I grabbed the cream from the bed and pressed it until it came out onto my hand. After that I applied it all over on the back of the handsome.


"The front too." said the tall man while turning towards me. "That's a lot to ask for!"

The handsome man walked over to my dresser and took my body lotion. What is this?

"I've put on, but you haven't."

"I can do it myself." I hastily dissuaded that sly guy because I know what he's thinking about this.

This is a terrible and unreliable day. "I want to help."

"I want to save myself." "Hah?"

Damn, I want to slap my mouth for saying something wrong.

"I mean, I can do it myself." I immediately defended myself. He didn't say anything just smiled at the corners of his lips. However, it is a silence that serves several purposes.

In the end I decided not to apply the cream as it reminded me of something similar. After that the handsome man came down to eat a lot of food that mother had prepared.

The food was delicious, but I had no appetite at all because the handsome man sitting next to me was staring at me. I was so sick of looking at it that I didn't want to eat it anymore.

I don't know what you see.

Chapter 42: A Wonderful Vacation

I asked him to go to the mall for an hour or two by force. You want to stay at home?

"Do you want to go or not?" I asked the person sitting on the sofa comfortably playing on the phone for the tenth time. The answer I received was the same as the previous nine times.


Damnit! You have to pamper the house owner's child who feeds you.

"No? You ungrateful boy." I said. And what is the result? His eyes looked at me as if they were going to take my life. Come on.

"I'm going alone."

I tried everything to force him to go but that handsome man still stubbornly refused to go out with me. This is the eleventh time. I decided to go shopping alone. Before that, I had walked past it four or five times, sounding like a bird chirping from it's nest. This time, I demanded attention.

"Do you want to change your mind?"

In the end, he didn't change his mind. So I let him be.

My head immediately heated up. Immediately I grabbed my cellphone and wallet, put them in my trouser pocket and prepared to leave the house.

However, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope because when I picked up the shoes from the rack, he rubbed my head.

Damn, don't rub it hard.

"Where are you going?" I asked politely, although it was certain that he would go to the mall with me. He wasn't very reliable nor was I sure of his

mysterious state of mind.

"The mall."

Correct! I'm very happy. However, I cannot tell her how happy I am. Now I put on a calm face, just nodding at him. Please imitate the handsome man who treated me like this.

"Wait a minute, I'll go and get the house key." "Here."

"How come you have it?" My head heated up again seeing this handsome man holding my house key in his hand. Are you planning to rob my house?

"Mom gave it to me."

It's another story calling my mom "mom" out loud. This tall man knew I would ask again, so he immediately locked the door and led me to the bus stop.

You really know me...

During this semester break, most of the young people, if they don't go to tutoring places, they will crowd into every shopping malls around Bangkok. The bus seen now is much crowded than the vehicle that takes the pigs to the slaughterhouse. Just one more centimeter and that handsome man and I would be the new conjoined twins in the world...


Another problem besides being crowded on buses, the weather is very hot. The fan can't rotate. I can't do anything anymore. I want a handmade fan from the Arts and Crafts Center urgently.

"Oh, it's crowded, it's hot, and it's still jammed. I think we should go down first."

"Calm down." the person behind me leaned forward to whisper.

Damn, goosebumps, the breath that came out of his sharp nose made my whole body tremble.

"I know." I replied with a shrug. There's still the frustration that's always been like this. Then the bus drove until it stopped in front of the mall. I got off the bus and accelerated my footsteps four hundred times faster than an athlete from the National SEA Games team.

Oh My God, every direction I looked at, I could see a 50-60% SALE sign. Very tempting.

But, before shopping, I didn't forget to check my wallet.

Hmm... there are three thousand. It should be enough for one or two purchases.

"Come up." I turned around and told him who followed me very slowly until the tortoise would still catch up with him. He made a face that didn't really like walking in a crowded mall with a crowd of people jostling.

However, he still chose to follow me up the escalator.

Oh! SALE perfume, SALE sunglasses. I looked at the discount store with sparkling eyes.

There are three thousand, I can go to the eyeglasses store first.

"Let's see the glasses first." I pulled a handsome man's arm towards the glasses shop.

"Lots of new collections." I muttered to myself because the person next to me wasn't talking to me. Just standing and playing on the phone.

"Isn't that cool?" I nudged the tall man's arm to see myself in the latest pair of sunglasses. Looking in the mirror is so cool, but I also wanted to know his opinion so I can build up my confidence.

The handsome man took his eyes off the phone screen and stared at me for only three seconds. Back to playing games.

Damn it, give me some respect. I asked the older staff for help by asking the same question.

"It suits you very much ."

Hmm fine I'll whisper to the store manager to give you a present, pretty sister. Even though I wore it and looked very handsome, it's not good considering the price. More than seven thousand baht. Should I go to the hospital to do kidney and liver surgery and then sell them to China? In the end, I had to part from the glasses with deep sorrow. I changed plans to go into a heavily discounted shirt shop.


I have to signal to that indifferent person. He behaved like a wandering ghost until the owner let him into the house.

"Very nice." I took a shirt that fits my body. I reflected and smiled. This shirt is great. The person wearing it looks very handsome. It fits.

Half an hour passed. I bought three shirts for nearly three thousand baht, saving a few cents to pay for lunch and the bus ride home. After paying, I turned to him. His sharp eyes looked at me.

"Half an hour." I smiled awkwardly.

"Hmm." the handsome man snorted and walked out of the shop with me. Are you angry with me? Only half an hour is not long.


Promotion to celebrate the semester break 20% off

I saw this sign on the ice cream shop out front about 50 meters away. Hunger and greed dominated in an instant. I signaled to turn towards this handsome man without much thought. He didn't say anything, maybe he thought I was hungry and needed to eat.

The fifteenth queue did not take long. I sat in the shop and placed so many orders that the person in front of me started to frown.

"Don't be angry. I'm hungry." I said to the handsome man. Even though I could tell he wasn't mad, just maybe pissed him off a bit. I chose to be gentle like that with him.

In less than five minutes, the ice cream arrived. Without waiting any longer, I ate it right away. Not finished, I looked at the person in front of me who was silent.

"Eat up." I pointed at the ice cream scoop in front of him and he didn't answer. Just sat looking at me while frowning and being silent. I asked what was wrong with him,instead he pointed at my lips.

"Eat like a child." he muttered with a sigh.

Knowing that I ate with a mess, I quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped it off.

"Daring dirty is good." I replied to this by referring to the words of a detergent commercial. Expecting him with a stressed face to smile, but instead he frowned ten times more than before.

"Isn't that cute?" "No."

Okay. That's a great answer. Don't you think you can save my heart? "Ok."

The expression on the handsome man's face looking at me now was as if I could eat it all by myself and he wouldn't eat as much.


"I'll feed you." i teased him. The person I was teasing looked up from the phone screen. He was probably scarier because he pulled a smile at the corners of his lips and nodded.


Damn it!

"Is your hand paralyzed?" "No."

"Why don't you eat it by yourself?" "You asked, so I agreed."

God, why does that sound so weird? I really want to slap myself. How can you say something without thinking about it first. Plus I want to slap the person in front of me. I had to take a spoon and feed her rum ice cream. My fault, I fed him too fast until the side of his lips touched the rest of the ice cream. I'm looking for a tissue to wipe it off.

No tissues at all. I asked the salesman, and he said there were no tissues available.

"Clean it up." "No tissues." See see.

"Use your hand." "It's dirty." "Clean it up."

Can't you see around you? You are indeed quiet, handsome guy, quiet as a forest. However, no matter how difficult it is, you don't care about the people around you.

"It's clean, isn't it?"This puts a lot of pressure on me.

Huh.. I took a deep breath and stood up to wipe the handsome man's lips, removing the cream stains like what happened to me before.

"Eat like a child." Even though I know it's my fault.

After leaving the ice cream shop, maybe I can't go to another shop because the budget is tight. However, I haven't had lunch yet.

"Let's go home and eat." The only viable option for me at the moment. The handsome man said nothing. Just nodded. We returned home and the door was still locked. That means Mrs. Ratchanee has not returned from a meeting with her old school friends.

"Sit down and wait a minute." I turned to the handsome man. Then I quickly went to the kitchen to work as a reliable chef to prepare lunch from rice that was left over earlier for the lunch. Doesn't seem like enough to eat, I must add.

"Why don't you sit there and wait?" I see it from afar. He was supposed to sit and wait on the sofa, but he came in here and leaned against the kitchen pillar looking at me.

"I want to see."

"See the person or look at the food?" I joked without thinking. "Person."

Damn!! The answer caused the spatula to almost slip out of my hand. What are you talking about, anyway?

"I'll break your head." I said while threatening an expressionless man. "I'm serious."

Still haven't stopped teasing me. My little heart can't act right. Then he stepped in and got close . Do you want to smell me or the food?

"You'll get splashed with oil." I hastily pushed the handsome man's forehead. Not out of shyness or embarrassment, but for fear that his handsome face would be exposed to oil to form wrinkles.


What? Handsome man said so. If all the girls heard it, they would have beenblown away. But I'm pretty immune. I wasn't showing any symptoms, but now my heart was starting to beat more than usual.

[POV Tin]

I stood with my arms crossed and stared at the little man who was a skilled cook. I couldn't help but smile in admiration. He might be able to cook a delicious dish in every menu. Plus, the food is just as good as the chef's cooking in the restaurant.

"How does it feel?" asked the man who took off the apron. "Not bad."

Well, I can't say that the food is good. Because I'm a person who doesn't talk much, not too talkative, too different from anyone especially the person around him.

"Eat a lot, I'll go up and take a shower." he said and he quickly walked upstairs letting me eat myself.

"Delicious." I muttered as I spooned another spoonful of food into my mouth. The little man is very talented. The person who will be his lover later must be very proud of him.

Well, maybe that person isn't far from here. ���������

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