Chapter 43+44+45

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Chapter 43: School Day

On the opening day of the semester, the traffic was very heavy. I, who was swinging on the bus to school, had to change plans with the Phi Win motorcycle taxi that was traveling at high speed. Professionals overcome the traffic jam to reach the front of the school gate before the time to queue for the flag-raising ceremony. ceremony.

Fifty baht spent.

This is clearly the price that passengers get. Drive fast, ride the sidewalks until pedestrians swear until their ears go numb, and there are no helmets to protect passengers from harm.I will bet with Phi Win, who has a cruel face, afraid of losing his life. We finally got there and I headed towards the school front door.

But... Hey! Something flashed in my vision causing me to step back over the railing and see a billboard the size of a billboard along the highway.

God... A picture of Po and the handsome man holding a medal with a smiling face. While the handsome man with a face that looked like he was going through suffering. It was as if he had gone through a trending Korean photo-editing program until his face was pale as if he had anaemia.

I smiled uncontrollably. Continue walking to school. My destination was the same place, the seat of five friends. Before I got there, a tall man walked towards me. It's not someone I don't recognize. That person was on the big board just now.

Hmmm... he looked at me like I'm underestimating the price of mackerel at the fresh fish market. I cursed silently at the tall man who was squinting at me from head to toe and from foot to head.

"What are you looking at?" I raised my voice, displeased to see him looking at me like that. He stood still and then reached out and grabbed me and turned me around as if he was checking something.


I pushed his hand away. "Why are you fat?" Bastard!

The sound almost tickled my nerves because this handsome man was criticizing my body. Made me look at my thighs where fat has accumulated and covers it in large quantities.

Damn you!

"You're so fat." The person with the rude mouth used his hand to pull my clothes to make them puff up a little bit and pulled the pants down a little bit. Although this doesn't work because they are stuck together.

Sigh, I shouldn't eat too much during my breaks.

"Fat." That handsome man kept teasing me. His face was so cheerful that it was able to cheer him up with words like this.

Huh! I will hit your head. "What's wrong if I'm fat?" "Not, really."

"Then just let it be."

I am so pissed off right now. This has been a very impressive start to the semester with accusations of obesity.

When I go to a table of five friends, I usually greet all my close friends, but it's the other way around. I had to freeze all the way to class. And all said in unison.


Damnit! I want to jump in the pool after school.

"I have something to eat." I pretended not to care in what my friends said. I hurried to sit down on the chair between Po and Win.

"Good boyfriend." Yo and Pat spoke so loud that the pork vendor in the market could still hear them.

"Who's boyfriend?" Pat said and tilted his head forty-five degrees. Ready to make a beautiful face like a girl.

"Handsome young man, title of

Olympiad gold medal." Yo pulled a long sound. Followed by another cheer. Nice cooperation, guys. But it's not like this.

"Bastard!" I said raising up my middle finger.

"You don't need to cover it up." Win, who sat quietly, was a good guy among us, even joined in. The only hope still was Po as he wouldn't mock me anymore.

"It's Okay"

Damn it! My smart friend.

This morning's ceremony announced the school's best student who won a world-class medal from the Academic Olympiad Competition until it became known throughout the world. One person announced the total score while the other person awarded the gold medal. The principal and several other representatives congratulated the awards, scholarships and certificates.

After the ceremony, I walked to class with the others. Where the first class of the week is math from Miss Poona who informed us that it was more dangerous than usual because she will give a quiz in the first hour.

Number sequence!! Po please help me now.

"It's so hard!" Win complained after sending a photo of the answer sheet to LINE. Pat and I both nodded. What a fun first day of class!

"I thought we were in a world championship competition again." Sound who was sitting next to me scratched his head. I narrowed my eyes then laughed out loud. I turned to look at the front of the room and at the same time my eyes met the eyes of the alien genius who was staring with displeasure. A moment later, I immediately looked the other way.

"Last semester grades are out." Miss Poona spoke into the microphone in a calm voice causing everyone in the room to get distracted. We hastily took our cellphones to quickly see the value amidst the hustle and bustle of noise.

"Is this the value or decimal fraction of the incomplete division?" shouted Pat who saw the value. Not looking very happy with his score, the others who were going to see it were also worried.

"Damn, is there anything less than this?" Yo showed us his phone screen.

3.30. That's a lot, damn it! I muttered in my heart. More than three is a god for a school full of human geniuses.

"3.55, brothers." Win seemed so happy to show off his points that Yo and Pat together gave him a hard slap on the head.

"It hurts, damn friend!" "I'm still the same." said Po.

"Prostrate." Win said as he put his hand on Po's shoe.

4.00 as usual, the gods are always consistent, right?

"How much did you get, Sound?" I, sitting next to Sound, elbowed him. He looked up from the phone screen and showed it to me.


"Damn, not bad!"

Damn, he's quieter and lazier than koalas and sloths, but why is his score so high?

"How much did you score?"

"I haven't seen it yet." I told Sound. Then I moved on to other conversations with friends. I was the only one who hasn't been asked about my grade.

"Why haven't you seen it?" "Oh man."

Got it, Sound?

Others started harassing me asking about my grades. I gave an answer that didn't specify an exact number or open a score website.

During my lunch break, I usually have lunch with my friends. What was unusual was probably the sound of girls screaming in the canteen. Switch to see the cause of the scream. Oh...

"Both are talented and handsome."

"Perfect!" It was Pat and Yo who turned to see the cause of the screams and gave them an unprecedented compliment. Tall figures walking quietly, how could anyone like them? I don't understand that.

"I'm jealous of his lover."

"That's right." added Win and Po.

But wait! You two saying it but why are you squinting at me like you caught something wrong?

"See what?" I asked sweeping everyone's eyes.

"Watch it." Yo said while pouting and signalling behind my back.

Hey, since when was that handsome guy standing here?

"It is an honor. Having Mr. Tin to come and dine with us." Pat got up and bowed causing everyone at the table to burst into laughter. Even a handsome man smiled showing his teeth.

God, I hate that smile so much.

"Snack." A voice beside me whispered making me look at it.

Colorful macarons in a transparent box and decorated with a pink bow.

What were you thinking when you bought me a cake? "You really want to eat macarons."

"He's hungry." Yo said. I turned to look at Yo and Pat who were teasing me, then turned to the handsome boy who had a mischievous smile on his lips.

"I bought it for you."

"Next time don't." I said to him, but this hand took and placed it in front of me.

Greedy people!!!

"Ai Tin." Po, who was sitting next to Win, called out to the handsome man. "Hmm?" The person who was summoned furrowed his brows.

"Buy it for us too." "Bastard Po!" I shouted.

What nonsense are you talking, fellow bastard? "Okay."

Are you kidding, handsome guy?

"Shut up." I shouted at him in a loud voice that could be heard in the middle of the cafeteria. The alien genius froze.

"Really grumpy, can you take care of this?" Yo hasn't stopped teasing me. "Leave it to me."

"Shut up or I'll punch you in the mouth!" I shouted with cold eyes looking at everyone. Starting from the one who caused me trouble to everyone else.

I have to turn into a giant demon so you guys can shut up.

"Calm down." the handsome man reached out and stroked my back like I was about to puke.

"You are a good boy."

[POV Tin]

In the end, I got scolded. Ugh!

"Be patient, man." Thew who sat in silence for a long time whispered in my ear.

"Your chicken turned into a tiger."

I shook my head as I looked at the person sitting with an irritated expression.

Chapter 44: Belly FatHa ha ha ha ha!! I'm ready. Boom!!

The sound of gunfire had begun. Thousands of people lined up slowly started running from the starting point.

My first ten-kilometer mini-marathon has begun. I have no goal of winning a medal or competing with anyone in any way. My only goal is to shrink my belly! It's just that if I don't succeed, I'll definitely be mocked throughout the semester.

At first, I used the running method to warm up my body and then speed it up. The first kilometers, I was still able to run steadily in a group of the same generation. However, when I entered the second kilometer, the group of runners beside me changed. From gen Z, gen X, and gen Baby Boomer overtook me. They showed no signs of panting or even a hint of tiredness. Unlike me, who was young but panting like a dog running away from a cat.

Tired!! I'm slowing down. I felt pain in my knee and instep. In the end, had to replace it with a quick move. Of course, my speed couldn't compete with the others. I can only see the people here following each group one by one. I looked again to find that I was now the last of the group.

*Let's run to stay healthy* I said to myself when I saw kindergarten kids running past me.

Hmm, at this point I was very speechless.


Hah! Whose voice? I looked to the side. A tall, slender man in a jogging suit with a hat and sunglasses ran beside me.

Who's that? Lottery seller?

"Who?" I asked, still walking fast. The nameless man smiled quickly revealing his true appearance by taking off his glasses and raising his eyebrows at me.

"Ai Tin!" I exclaimed in utter bewilderment. Who would have thought that I would come to meet him here? I found an important person who made me run and pant like this.

Why are you following me everywhere like this? "Yes." Why say that?

"Getting rid of your fat?" the tall figure raised an eyebrow.

Shit, don't do it again, okay? It's because of you. If you hadn't told me that I was fat on school days, I wouldn't have come to Burma to torture myself like this.

"No, training for the marathon." I lied in front of him without looking at my condition. The five-kilometer Fun Run nearly vomited blood. It's a Mini Marathon. Not even halfway through the day, my leg looks so broken, I'm almost in a wheelchair. However, I can't look weak now. Gotta show that I'm tough and stubborn. Run hundreds of kilometers without stopping.

"Sure?" the handsome man narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. The look in his eyes didn't quite believe what I was saying.

"Rest assured. It's nothing much." I said. I showed off my energy. Showing off my actual uncomfortable feet. Even if it hurts, I have to get up and not show weakness in front of him because I will be laughed at later.

"If you're in a hurry, say so."

"Are you afraid you can't catch me?" I proudly told the handsome man.

"No. I need to call an ambulance to pick you up." the handsome man finished talking to me. He quickened his pace leaving me silent. Seeing a

stone on the road, I kicked it to vent my frustration.


But... that stone... Woah! Woah! Woah!

Accidentally hit the dog and then three of them rushed towards me at the same time.

"Help, I'm being chased by a dog!"

I screamed as loud as I could. I ran as fast as I could from the puppy chasing after me. The people around heard me screaming for help and ran to help. Some screamed after the dogs, some threw things at the aggressive dog, but it didn't hurt the dog's skin at all. Until now it still follows me closer. And what's worse is that I'm on the verge of exhaustion.

Damn, in addition to being overweight comes the risk of diabetes. Have you ever been disabled by a dog bite? No!!

"Stop!" Seeing that I couldn't run anymore, I decided to scream loudly and stare at the cold dog in front of me with hateful eyes.I also gave a warning sign with my hand not to come closer if it don't want to be kicked until it fall into a ditch.

Woah! Woah! Woah!

But they didn't care, instead they barked at me in unison. Oh... you guys barking at me?

Fine... I'll bark a little.

"Woof woof woof!" Hey, dog barking at me.

"Woof woof woof!"

My roar along with accompanying moves inspired by Ultraman and the six- colored Rangers moves. They started backing off. Some even drooped and turned around, quickly running back to their original place.

Huh, let's play with Kantaphol, the dog trainer.


The voices of the people cheering for me echoed throughout the area without interruption.

"Good job, boy!"

"The dog became very obedient." "Very good!"

"Dog Fighter!"

I smiled happily, although some sentences sounded a little cheesy. "With dogs, no exception."

Hmm. That sentence is a little different. I glanced at the source of the voice with disgust.

Handsome guy again. How far will you chase me? "Noisy."


"Tired, huh?" I'm a little nervous pretending to be a good runner, but I can't go anywhere.

"Nope. I heard someone got bitten by a dog, so I came to take a look." said the handsome man with a calm expression and tone.

"Noisy!" I couldn't help but get angry, and I decided to stay away from him. "You still want to run?" He still asks me. It annoys me.

"You want to run with me, don't you?" I asked, waiting to see what the response would be.

"Nope." Damn it! "Buddy!"

I said it, and quickly walked down the track, ignoring him.

[POV Tin]

Got scolded again!!

"Why are you running beside me?" Why can't I walk beside you?

"It's my direction." I stammered back without giving up. I'm usually not the one who has the habit of talking to other people, except for this little fat one.

It's nice to see him get annoyed.

"None of my business. I want to run away from you." "Don't go." I stood in place. I love to run with you.

He is disturbed to hear it. He didn't say anything even though his leg was limping like an injured person's but he tried to get as far away from me as possible.

I know that he could barely handle it, but he still had to show off.


He can't help himself when he's annoyed.

"Am I so fat that it weighs on your appendix?"

Chapter 45: I Love "Kan" (1)

Is it because the earth is round or the charity I did in my previous life was too little? Who knows. I have to see this handsome man again this morning. He just haunted me at a marathon, now in the same resort as me and also the same tour group. Where one group consists of 20 people ; matched up in pairs until I was paired with this handsome man again.

I want to get mad, I can't stand it!!

"Let's go." The instructor raised his head to alert the members of the van before closing the large door and walking over to sit next to the driver. And we all head to our destination.

Anyway, before we reach our destination, it seems that the people here should be taking a short nap now.

"Watch your head!" I used all my strength to push the head of the sage who was sleeping on my shoulder.

"Sleepy." replied the handsome man in a low voice, still with his eyes closed and his head moving, waiting to fall on me the whole time.

"Lean on the window."

"Will be hit." The tall man protested in a voice mixed with displeasure. "Never mind."

Afterwards? I didn't care. It doesn't matter if he hit his head until his brain is damaged or blood comes out of his ears. I turned to look at the scenery on both sides of the green road with lots of trees. I turned to the person beside me again.

He fell asleep as he leaned his head against the window, bumping several times with the rhythm of the car because of the bumpy road conditions.

"Your head might explode." I muttered in my heart mixed with worry in the deepest part of my mind. I finally decided to hold the handsome man's head to lay it on my shoulder. With his large body, I had to get a little closer to be more comfortable. Fortunately, the van I was riding was the second van.

There were less than ten people seated and my seat was in the last row. So no one who saw this situation thought we were more than friends.

The road is winding like you're playing rides in an amusement park. My consciousness started to blur. Drowsiness attacks.

Hmm... I'm going to sleep. Correct...

The pillow is very soft. The bed was warm and I slowly opened my eyes until they adjusted to the natural light outside. But it's in the van, no pillows, no mattress, um... what was that feeling?

"Are you okay?" A voice from the other side startled me. When I looked up, he was looking at me. A completely strt look and he with a mischievous smile.

God... since when did I sleep on his shoulder? Because I clearly remember that before I accidentally fell asleep, that handsome man was still sleeping on my shoulder.

"I'm okay." I said slowly. I lifted my head from the handsome man's broad shoulders. When I wanted to move, I found another fact. The handsome man hugged my waist.

"Your hand." I warned him in a low voice for him to quickly withdraw his hand.

"Isn't it cold anymore?" "Cold?"

I make a confused face. What's cold? Who's cold?

"You felt cold when you were sleeping, so I had to hug you."

Hmm? If it's cold you should wear something else, like a sweater, scarf, cloth, curtains or something other than a hug.

"You don't have to, do you?" I chose to ignore the truth of his sentence.

"So you want me to cut your hand with a knife?" As soon as I reminded him a second time, his strong hands quickly pulled away.

"No, thanks."

I heard him complain, I immediately turned around and gritted my teeth in annoyance.


Finally, we achieved our first destination. The members of the group got out of the van one by one. Me and the handsome guy got out of the van at the end. It's quiet hot outside. The sun is right in the middle.

"Let's walk to the platform and along the tracks." The young guide said. Everyone quickly put on their hats and followed the guide.

Umm... everyone looks ready with their hats. I totally forgot. No hat, no umbrella, no hope.

"Wear this."

Huh! What? Startled, I grabbed the hat I was wearing on my head, looking behind me, the handsome guy was holding a denim jacket to cover his head. I couldn't help but smile and also burst with emotion.

"Nice scenery." I was the one who matched the long-legged man's steps. He looked at me and nodded. Then he looked back at the scenery and took the camera hanging on his neck to take a picture.

Hey... I also have a camera.

I took a camera from my backpack and quickly took a picture. Awkwardness arose causing me to trip over the rails and nearly fall off the railing. He quickly caught me.

"Be careful."

"I know." I wrapped my arms around his waist while making a squealing sound.

"What? You might fall again." I who is usually stubborn lose to him.


After leaving the Death Railway, we headed to Khwae Yai River for rafting and it took a while to get there. Me and the handsome man followed the others to rest for eating snacks and fruit in the waiting room. The atmosphere here is not bad at all because it is very close to nature. The weather is not as hot as before, infact it is still cool. Let me know if there is a pillow and mattress if so, I will sleep for a few hours.

"Do you want some water?" The beautiful maid asked me. "Filtered water is not cold."

"Like it." I turned to the person in front of me. He was busy looking at the photos on the camera, so I approached him and asked to see. My camera only had a few photos because since I tripped up earlier, my mind was too alert to my surroundings so I couldn't take any.

"I want to see." I whispered softly.

Hoping this tone of voice would make him accept my request. "No."Damnit, is he still mad at me?

Heartless!! "Stingy." I couldn't help but feel annoyed. Oh!! So hungry.

Then I got up from the chair and walked towards the snack zone. Oh, there are lots of Thai desserts; Thong Yib, Thong Yod, Luk Chup, Khanom Med, and Foi Thong are arranged in a row, pleasing to the eye. Let's taste it to replenish brain energy.

Let's start with Thong Yod. I used a fork to pick one up. I opened my mouth, got ready to drop it in my stomach. But.. the devil's voice disturbed.


I quickly turned my head to look at him with murderous eyes. Turning to look at the sweet snack that was about to enter my mouth. The word "Fat" still echoes in my ears. Plus remembering me gasping for breath from running in the morning. As if it would be a waste.

"I'm just smelling it." I put the fork down on the plate while looking at the person next to me in a sharp tone as if nothing happened. The handsome man looked at me and smiled briefly until I turned around.

What is he laughing at, anyway?

"Sorry that I misunderstood." said the tall man trying to make his face to stop while laughing so hard.

"I want to eat guava." terrified by embarrassment, I was forced to change my plans to eat the green fruit I saw instead. Even if I eat all of them, I won't gain enough strength.

[POV Tin]

I stood up and stared at the man who had bitten the fruit in his mouth with an irritated expression.

"Is it delicious?"

"Yummy." replied the little man and quickly went around the snack table. If you look closely, you can see how his eyes look at the various desserts. I pretended to walk into the bathroom with the intention of hiding behind a pillar and setting up my camera to take pictures of the poor person.

The figure walked around the snack table, turning left and right which I thought might be looking for me. Slowly approaching the plate of snacks with a smiling face. Eating the fruit just now seems a bit paranoid. While he always looked at the desserts left, right, front and back, Thong Yod was the first dessert he ate.

Good grief!!

It doesn't end there.

The second, third, fourth, and other sweets were swallowed little by little. And still continued.

Heh, it's okay to get fat. I really don't know what to say.

(* Kan stands for Kanchanaburi a province in Western Thailand. While the name Gun is pronounced as Kan. So, both are read as 'Kan'. Both Gun and Tin went on a tour at Kanchanaburi and their love might bloom in this trip.Hope so ������ So I Love Kan may refer as I Love Gun)

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