Chapter 46+47+48

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Chapter 46: Love "Kan" (2)Hi!!

The sight of a group of boys with smiling faces jumping into the river reminded me of when I was in elementary school when I visited my grandmother's house in another province. The house is located in the middle of a garden and a small river flowing behind the house. I remember at that time my cousin and I never got tired of playing from morning to evening.

"What are you doing sitting here?"

Now I'm bored with the owner of the voice who is standing up straight. I tried to run away and sat away from him but he kept following me, interrupting me non-stop.

"Nothing." Since I am too lazy to answer, I gave a short answer. While shrugging and swinging my feet in the river water. Don't know what it's for but it's fun to do.

"Coconut water."

A coconut stuck with a white straw was stretched out to distract me from observing the scene. I was actually a bit thirsty to the point of swallowing my saliva. However, I have to maintain my prestige.


"Take it to wash your face." "Ai Tin!"

I turned towards him angrily while raising my hand and preparing to smack him on the head. He was in a hurry to escape or there would be an assassination.

You are so bad!

"Come down and play in the water."

Hmm? I saw a small child have emerged in front of me. Pointing at me, the boy nodded and shouted for the others to hear I was going swimming.

Why are you forcing me like this? Come on, I'm not going to get in the water. I've seen reviews on popular websites afraid the water level is higher than me. In the end I threw myself into the river. Much more colder than when my feet were soaked earlier. Then I swam to a group of children jumping off the rocks along the riverbank. We had a wonderful time.

Especially the one who invited me down to play did some graceful somersaults in the water until there was another round of applause and cheers.


"Hi." I turned to look at the person standing beside me with a slightly suspicious look.

"I'm Ohm."

"Oh, I'm Gun." I nodded introducing myself after the tall man introduced himself earlier. Judging by his appearance and face, he might be older than me.

"You came here alone?"

"Yes." I answered with a smile.

"Who says it?"

Hah!! Phi and I turned to see a third person's voice coming from behind. Tin approached while raising his eyebrows.

"He came with me." Said the handsome man who then came closer to me and hugged my neck tightly. I don't know how he made that face at him. Phi passed back to the raft without saying goodbye to me.

"What are you doing bro ?" I asked honestly without forgetting to remove his arm from my neck.

"Nothing." "Do not lie."

"I'm not lying." he kept denying it. He also swam back to the raft without saying goodbye.

Huh, you think I'm going to let you go without getting an answer? Now I swam after the handsome man until I arrived at the place. I quickly jumped up and sat next to him. He looked at me, but why is he looking down?

"What are you looking at?" I snorted to bring him to his senses. What are you looking at? Is there something on my body?

"Nothing." said the handsome man in a deep voice and then turned away.

He is acting nervous.


The wind hitting this drenched body made me start to shiver. I think I should take a shower and change my clothes. When I was about to get up, he grabbed my hand and I sat down in the same place again.

"Wait a minute." "What?"

I'm totally confused by his behavior. The handsome man said nothing. He just got up and brought his jacket then threw it at me.

"Wear this so people won't see."

I took his jacket off my head. I lowered my gaze to see a condition that matched what the handsome man said.

Hmm, my white shirt that looked see-through, but I'm a boy. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Even if you dare to take off my clothes.

"No need." I returned the jacket to its owner and stood ready to walk. Unfortunately a tall figure used that jacket to cover my body.

"Wear this. Don't argue." Then he led my arm to change clothes in the bathroom without any other conversation on the way.

After having fun with water activities, enjoying the wind as well as the scenery, I returned to the resort where I was staying. Might exhaust me a bit today. When I got out of the van, I felt pain all over my body.

"Why?" asked the person following me. I looked up to see him, still feeling the pain.

"My neck hurts." I whispered to him while using my right hand to massage my neck.

"I suspect a ghost is climbing on your neck." "Haphazard!"

From not thinking about anything, now I started to panic. It got to the point of having to walk to the glass doors of the resort to see if something was hanging on my neck.

"Want me to give you a massage?" and suddenly he's being nice to me again after scaring me.

"No." I answered quickly.

"Here." he said and dragged me up to his room. Next he told me to sit and wait on his bed while he unpacked in the cupboard.

"Wash your feet in the bathroom first." he ordered me. I obeyed, but with a limp to wash my feet. After that he returned to his seat.

"That's a towel, hey!" I shouted when I saw the handsome man wiping my feet with his towel.

"Shut up."

He hit my leg with full force as I tried to pull my leg back up. I just don't want the towels to get dirty, why do you have to be so cruel? I sat still as he ordered.

Watching the tall man cross his legs on the floor while wiping my feet dry. He quickly took a muscle relaxant and applied it to my feet gently while massaging them.

"Thank you." I muttered in a very low voice because I had to say sweet words to that handsome man. He furrowed his brows.

"I didn't hear it."

Screw you! Okay, I know you hear me, handsome.

"Thank you." Now I'm closer to his ear. If you still can't hear, you should go to the hospital to have your ears cleaned.

"Where else does it hurt?"

Hmm... I'm fine. I'll say thank you again in a sweet voice afterwards.

"Neck, back, shoulders, arms, hips." The handsome man who heard me speaking even took a deep breath in astonishment.

"Wait a moment." but his next words surprised me because he didn't complain.

"You have good hands too." I pretended to compliment the tall man who was massaging my shoulders. Seriously he is really good at massage. It really relieved soreness.

". " the handsome man didn't say anything. I think he was concentrating

on the highest level. After massaging my shoulders, he continued to massage my both arms.

"It's much better." this time I really commend him. The handsome man looked at me with his usual furrowed brows. I don't know if it's stressful? I couldn't help but put my index finger between his eyebrows.

"The wrinkles are gone." I said with a smile when I saw that the handsome man's tightly furrowed eyebrows loosen. I should be awarded this year's Nobel prize in Medicine.

Hmm... So, why are you looking at my face?

I started to avert my eyes when the person in front of me fell silent. My hand that just touched his forehead was carried by his strong hand and he quickly rubbed the back of my hand.

"It's so soft."

I turned to the hand the handsome man was holding, feeling very hesitant.

Looking up, I found his sharp face so close that I could feel his breath. We stared at each other. I tried to interpret what he was conveying through his gaze. Then, closing my eyes, something was directed at my face.

I know that, but why I am so tensed that I can't speak? "Your lips.

The handsome man whispered softly.


I want to ask, what, when and why? Unfortunately too late, my lips were completely closed.

I just...

Kissed! A kiss from a handsome guy?

Unfortunately too late, my lips completely closed.

I opened my eyes to see what was happening in front of me. Only the eyes of a handsome man with delicate eyelids. His gaze was warm and gentle.

[POV Tin]

When I pulled the kiss away he opened his eyes. His bright eyes seemed to tremble as if he was thinking about something and quickly looked the other way. The small hand pushed me away with a bit of force. What are you going to do with me?

I lowered the hand of the person in front of me. I propped my chin to look at him straight in the eye again. His lips moved to say something. If it's a forbidden word, I don't want to hear it.

"Kiss me again."

Chapter 47: We Love (Kan)

"Kiss me again." I accidentally said that without thinking first. At this point, it would be too late if I take back those words or chose not to say them in the first place. This handsome man has turned into a hungry predator. Bringing his sharp face closer, I also used my hand to grab the tip of his chin as if I really wanted to.

"It can be more than just a kiss." The person in front of me whispered.

Who wants more from you, dammit? Watch your sentence!

I wanted to protest, but it was too late because his thick and warm lips kissed me once again. It's different from the first one. Why is it so soft?

I don't think I would be interested in same-sex kissing.


Do you want me to suffocate, you moron? I tried to push the handsome man's chest because I felt out of breath, but he didn't care. As I writhed and struggled, he grabbed me and hugged me even tighter. I thought we were the world's new conjoined twins; without a pause that I could avoid from his tight touch. I am trying.

All of my deepest feelings and emotions were tumbling and surging, beginning to feel lighter. The tighter the handsome man pressed his lips to mine, the lighter I felt as if I was floating in the sky. The cold air conditioning hit my skin until I felt cold, icy cold, bringing me back to my senses. I glanced at myself and found that the shirt I was wearing had disappeared somewhere.

"Hey!" I screamed as I was pushed down onto the bed. It should only be a kiss, you shouldn't be fucking me.

"Shh..." he put a finger to my lips as a signal to silence me.

Are you crazy! Anyway, if you're like this, it's impossible to be silent!

I mustered all my strength to sit up and leaned back against the wall of the room, but he only grew more and more excited and didn't care what I was doing. He kissed me even more.

"Stop!" I screamed as I pressed my hand to my face on the crook of my neck, but it didn't work. The handsome man used his stronger hand to hold my arm against the bed. He quickly sniffed me as if he was smelling flowers.

You are mentally ill, huh? But I felt enchanted, weak, and lost in the psychosis of this handsome man. Until squirming or doing anything to avoid this, now I let this handsome man easily get me laying in the right position. Next the tall figure sat on top of me and took off his clothes and showed his muscles.

"You want to do it?"

"Hmm." I immediately answered.

I panicked and looked at the person above me nervously. It might not be a good idea for me to have sex with my (not) close friend, who is a boy.

Which means having a similar ***.

"Can we do it later?" I say this like I often hear in a movie. With a delicate negotiating voice is not my style. I can't help but try with this handsome man to let him release me.


Damnit! Can you say yes to my sweet words?

"Are you serious?" I asked again. The result? The person above me didn't answer at all. Instead of using body language as an answer, he kissed me on the cheek. Smiling so sweetly at me that it gave me goosebumps.

I prefer the arrogant handsome man.

"I won't do it..."

What? Did I hear right?

"Really?" I asked again just to be sure. The handsome man nodded and got up from me, he pulled me to sit next to him.

"I don't want to force it."

Hmmm... you sounded like the main character in a movie. But I like it. I was a bit confused, quickly got up and got out of the bed to get my clothes.

I didn't forget to show kindness by picking up his clothes too. The handsome man took it and put it on.

"I hate your smile." I cursed bluntly when I saw the smiling face of the handsome man, how scary he was. It doesn't suit him at all.

"I really hate it." "Why?"

I am confused.

"You're going to see me often." he said reaching out his hand to stroke my head.

Damnit! Then the handsome man entered the bathroom. I took advantage of this golden moment to escape back to my room, and laid on the bed contemplating what had happened.

'Kiss me again.'

Those words are still ringing in my mind. Keep repeating the same mistakes I made. Up until now, I still couldn't find a reason why I said that. I just know that deep down it automatically says it as if it had been written into my brain.

"Do I maybe like you, Ai Tin?" I asked myself whether this is the answer or not.

"No! I don't like you. My brain misinterpreted." I shook my head. Hastily looking for another reason to defend by blaming the organ that controls the thought system.

This made me dizzy, I decided to give my mind and body a rest, but this fatigueness seemed to keep me from falling into a deep sleep. Woke up and it's already three o'clock in the morning.

Knock... Knock...

Who is knocking on the door?

I rubbed my eyes and got up from the bed. Walked peeking through the peephole of the door to see who was at the front of the room.

Handsome boy!!! Why did he come? I opened the door and tilted my head.

"Why?" I asked in a low voice implying that this room does not accept guests.

"I want to eat." The tall figure's eyebrows furrowed, displeased with my unfriendly voice while showing me the food container. I just woke up, I was very hungry.

"Who let you into my room?" I asked in an irritated tone and also acted like a child.

"Want to eat." The handsome man said with a threatening tone. "Eat." I had to surrender for this one.

"Hey, I don't want to." I immediately expressed my annoyance when I opened the lunch box and found only green vegetables and other colorful grains. There is no meat and other energy sources.

"Let's just eat." said the tall man . He seems annoyed with me. "Eating all this, I might be able to get enough photosynthesis."

What the hell!, lots of green leafy vegetables. After eating, my arms will be able to grow out the leaves.

I tried to make fun of the fact that this food wasn't fit for consumption, but he didn't seem to care. In the end, I had to give up and eat salad to sustain my life in the worst famine.

"Eat carefully." He kindly reached out to wipe the corner of my mouth. "I know." I quickly switched over and used my own hand to wipe it. "Tomatoes are very useful. Eat a lot ."

"Are you my mother?" You complain a lot, my ears hurt. "I want to be more than a mother."

"So my father?" I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head to ask to him. "So your godfather." the tall man spoke in a calm and refined tone. "Ai Tin!"

I want to poke your eye with a fork. Well done!!

[POV Tin]

I looked at the man whose face was annoyed but his cheeks were puffed out and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you full?" I asked when I saw him sorting vegetables.

"Eat this." he used a fork to pick up the onion, pointed it at me and had a sly expression on his face.

"Why don't you eat it?" I pretended to sound grumpy

"It smells awful." muttered the little man. "Put it here."


"Hmm." I closed. The onions were thrown swiftly into the trash. Hehe.

"Thanks for the food." The little one spoke in a low voice that was almost inaudible. When he thanked, his voice was low, not like the usual growl that made me almost deaf.

"Can I ask anything other than thank you?" I smiled. Pretending to make him angry.

"What?" It raised his voice.

"Kiss my lips one more time." I pointed my finger at my lips. Holding a smile.

"Here kiss my feet!" he started to get angry and raised his hand to prepare to hurt my body. I hastily dodged from there, waiting until I could sneak up and manage to steal a kiss on his cheek before running out of the room. He with the sound of his screams behind me.


Chapter 48: Flirting

On the morning of a new week, I arrived at school sluggishly and tiredly from the strenuous physical activity of the holidays, including running a mini-marathon around Kanchanaburi, and another thing to do was fight that ugly handsome boy.

"Here, Here." Po calling from afar sounds like the tune of a bad guy in a TV series. The rest of them turned to look at me, some whistled, some clapped their hands.

Am I friends with birds, orangutans or what? They are getting weirder every day.

"What's the matter with you guys?" I stood up and asked in a hoarse voice when I reached the common table. Of course they didn't answer, instead laughed so hard.

I was annoyed when I saw it.

"Damn it!"

"Why are you angry? Kantaphol fights with dogs." Pat said putting his hand on my chin. I hastily brushed it off.

"Ha ha ha!" The rest laughed happily.

"What dog?" I frowned at the people around me. Win responded by showing me the phone screen in his hand.

"Here it is." I took Win's phone to take a closer look. There is a photo of me barking at the local dogs while jogging in Kanchanaburi last Saturday.

"Oh my god."

"Where did you get this?" I shouted asking for answers from everyone here.

"They shared it throughout the school."

"What?" Po handed me his phone. I

scrolled and found a lot of people sharing this photo.

Oh, Crazy!

"Damn it!" i put my hands on my head till I fucked up. What happened to my life?

"Is this story fun?"

"It's not fun, it's embarrassing!" I said to Yo, who was trying to hold back his laughter.

"Hahaha, I can't stop laughing." Pat is still there, he magnifies my photo and shows it to everyone.

"Damn it, shut up!" I warned. If you don't stop talking, laughing or joking, I'll make your teeth fall out. Just wait and see.

"Shit!" I sat in the middle of Po and Win. Looking at the phone screen, lots of likes, posts and shares. Many. How did they get it? I thought to myself.

"Guys, this photo is even more exciting."

From the silence because of my threat, Pat suddenly spoke up, confusing the others. Including me, but have to pretend not to care.

"Hey, let's see."And then they flocked to Pat's phone screen.

"Oh, there is another husband and wife." Yo said.

"My heart." followed by Win placing his hand on his left chest and as if falling on the table.

"I'm so weak." Po who acts like a snake slithers asleep on Win's back.

Huh, good cooperation, damn friends!

"Especially?" Everything seemed to be pressuring to pique my curiosity until I spoke up and saw the photo. I stared at the screen, reflexively widening my eyes in surprise.

"Who took the picture?"

The handsome man and I was standing there talking. I remember him bothering me and I yelled at him. However, why does this photo look like a cute couple?

"Oh man!" Just thinking about the picture I saw, Pat suddenly exclaimed, causing everyone to panic.

"What's wrong?" Yo turned around and slapped him on the head after asking why he was screaming.

"Over there!" It flinched pointing in a different direction, and they all followed.

"Oh my god, handsome man!" Everyone gasped.

"The God has changed." Win rubbed his eyes again and again.

"His new hairstyle is more aggressive." Po took his cell phone and took a photo.

"Hey, calm down." I mumbled in annoyance. He's just got his hair cut and is walking around acting cool with his friends flanking either side of what looked like the handsome man's personal bodyguard.

"Calm down what? This is god level." Pat vehemently objected to my words.

"Want to flirt." He continued in a sweet voice, glancing at me.

"Go away."

"Why is your voice so high?" Win narrowed his eyes at me. Po who was sitting next to him had a similar attitude.

"No." I refused in a high-pitched voice. Who knows. I only know that my voice is very unusual.

"I don't like stealing my friend's boyfriend." "Who's boyfriend?"

"Come on, ask the people over there." I followed the gazes of Pat and the others. Now the handsome man is standing next to my desk. Why are you here, troublemaker?

"Hello Tin." Yo was the first to greet the handsome guy along with Thew and his friends.

"Uh." he answered curtly in the usual manner that everyone knew.

"Since when did you flirt with this fat man?"

"Damn Pat!" I raised my voice and slapped the cheeky-mouthed friend on the head with full force. The one who was asked a question was just silent then turned to look at me and smiled.

"Long time."

There was a moment of silence when the handsome man's voice came out. Everyone here seemed to have been frozen to stone by the witch Medusa. Slowly they looked at each other and shouted one by one.

"Wow..." they kept on teasing me. Very good cooperation. Until I don't know what to do.

Because of you Tin!! I stared at the tall figure with disdainful eyes.


After the ceremony, I entered the class with my other friends by forbidding them all to discuss the handsome man and my fight with the dog. If not, I'll kick them in the mouth until they bleed. As soon as I entered the classroom, I sat next to Sound while waiting for Ms. Poona.

"What are you playing?" I was curious to ask the person sitting next to me because I saw him pressing on the phone screen so much that it almost penetrated the screen.

"Killers." He answered slowly. "Sounds like fun."

"It's fun... it's a good remedy for loneliness." he said who didn't even glanced at me for less than a split second.

Well , you're ignoring me.

"Is someone like you lonely? All day I see girls surrounding you." I tell the truth because Sound is very charming. The female students in the lower class cheered no less than the fans of the handsome but arrogant man.

"I prefer you here."

"Crazy." I pushed his shoulder.

"You're not giving me a chance?" He sounded like a cat demanding food from its owner.

"No." ". "

"Friendships last the longest." I turned to the silent man. I reached out and patted his shoulder. I spoke in a serious tone.

These friendly relations are the most last longing. Sound gave me a slight smile like he had understood what I was saying. However, the next sentence made me realize that he was surprisingly difficult to understand.

"What about Tin? Are you guys friends too?"

What's with your question? Why are you referring to me and that person? "Friend." I answered briefly. Who knows. I don't know what to say.

"What are you talking about?" Yo suddenly appeared to join the conversation. Which is a good thing because he interrupts my conversation and Sound is having a hard time.

"Can you not be annoying like this?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my God." Yo looked at me then quickly looked at me then at the corridor next to Sound in the corner.

"Someone's coming." I directed a look like Yo said. I saw Thewson who was already looking at me.

"What?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Someone gave this to you." Thew handed me a small piece of paper.


He didn't say anything and returned back to his seat. I unfolded the paper hesitantly. Did a girl sent me a love letter? When I open...

Found out it was....

Maths problem?

"What is this?" I scratched my head with what I saw. Staring at Thewson who looked like he's talking to the handsome man. Actually I'm getting better at this. I wanted to test my intelligence, but let me tell you that this problem is. too difficult.

So I asked Po, The Olympiad gold medalist.

"Dude, please help me with this."

He then took a small slip of paper from me with a confused look on his face.

"F*ck!" He reflexively shouted until everyone was shocked.

"What's wrong with you?" Win, who was more surprised because he was sitting near Po, asked the owner of the voice.

"I give up." Po muttered to himself and placed his hand on his left chest.

"Don't you care about fools like us?" Pat scratched his head, and Yo tilted his head.

"OK wait a second." he said to all with a smile on his face. Especially when he looked at me, he smiled strangely. An unbelievable smile. He tore off the notebook paper and scribbled on it.

Amidst everyone's curiosity, he chose to cover it with a bag. Even the person sitting nearby still couldn't see it. Me and the others sat and waited for Po to finish his problem. Everyone gasped as if excited to hear the announcement of the Government Lottery Department.

"Thewson gave you this questions, right?" "Yes." I nodded.

"What did he say?" he asked again. "Someone gave this paper to me." "Who?"

"I don't know, he didn't tell me."

"Who do you think gave this?" he said with a smile. Then he switched to look at the others.

"God." They said together.

"Then watch this." said Po showing his sheet of paper to everyone. "Crazy!" Win shouted first.

"Damn it, this is shooting!" followed by Yo turning his hand into a gun and shooting himself in the head.

"Pray three times." Pat leaned over to the table.

Po instead raised his hand like in a Chinese movie.


I glanced at Sound who had been sitting still. He just raised his eyebrows without saying anything.

"It's a bold approach." Yo stood up and spread his arms.

"Only a great god can do it." Pat got up and did the same. Holding one of Yo's hands and kissing it like in the movie.

I hate you guys.

I turned away from my two friends. I took a sheet of question and answer paper from Po. I looked again.

Heart Shaped Curve

The more I looked at it, the more I felt my face getting hot for no apparent reason. It spreads to the ears, even though the air in this room is bone- chilling.

"Your face is red." Pat said and used a finger to poke Yo's cheek as if mocking me. Then they took turns to sing the song.

���My weakness is people like you.

I can only daydream, neither eat nor sleep. ���

"Shut up!" I scolded loudly before stuffing the papers into my pocket. Meanwhile, a LINE notification sounded.


<Do you already know the answer?>

I looked again at the question on the piece of paper in annoyance before replying to his message.

<I didn't know, so I crumbled it>

<You're not good at lying>

I lifted my head from the screen and looked down. He was already looking at me, raising an eyebrow once and smiling sweetly like he had been doing lately.

I'm nervous! I quickly lowered my head to the screen showing a heart exactly like the one Po drew.

Why is my heart beating so fast!!!

I tried to take a deep breath and exhale to adjust the condition back to normal.

Unfortunately, the next message sent by him made my efforts to go from zero to negative infinity. Which transformed from just shortness of breath, heart pounding, until the heart almost came out of the chest.

<I want to flirt with you>


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