Chapter 49+50+51

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Chapter 49: Did You Know?

Actions are more important than words because words may seem meaningless. If you can say why not? Except for him. I swear I want to hit him, why should he act when he can say it through words. This made me sit in a corner at the back of the school away from people.


"Hey!" I jumped until the pen I was banging on my head fell into the grass. I looked up and saw the owner of the voice standing up.

Handsome boy!

How did he get here? I was so shocked that I almost had a heart attack, wanted to jump up and kick him, but I chose to be silent. I don't want to talk. I seem to forget the nature of this handsome man who is arrogant, there is another unique side. And this is what I'm dealing with.

A tall figure with a messy uniform was sitting next to me. I have never looked at the person sitting next to me until there was no distance. You want to blackmail me?

I wasn't in the mood to bother too much with telling him I didn't like what he was doing to me. I pretended like nothing happened.

"Hand." before I verbally attacked him I saw his warm hand on top of mine then lowered down.

"Didn't see it."

I glared at the handsome man until my eyes almost popped out. I decided to leave here because of this tall figure who was the source of the problem which made me feel stressed being alone.

Immediately I turned around because a strong hand grabbed my wrist. The handsome man stood and looked at me as if he was about to say something. Don't talk, let me figure it out myself.

About me flirting with you.

"Are you kidding me?" I said while chuckling to disguise my fear that it might come true. I tried to pull my hand away from him, but he tightened my grip.

"I'm serious." ". "

"You know, do not you?" ". "

"Don't be confused."

" " I blinked, eyes widening at the man in front of me who put his

hands on the top of my head and on the cheeks then pulled my cheeks puffed up like bread dough.

"Calm down.

". " I'm still in the same state. Just turned around to see him walking


My heart. where is it? I hold my left chest. It's beating very fast beat,


My cheek. why did it start to heat up before I touched it?

Damn it. I muttered to myself repeatedly before walking back to class in a very weak mental state.

I'm serious / You know, right? / Don't get confused / Calm down.

Those words were such a big deal that my mind was confused. But my brain keeps playing it over and over, making me think about it all the time. Maybe the whole afternoon isn't efficient for me to restore my focus.


That afternoon, I waited for the bus in front of the school gate as usual. Currently, traffic is congested only at one point. Maybe because it's cloudy right now. So everyone has to hurry home before the rain starts. Looks like it's going to be a long wait for the bus. So I take my cell phone to spend time listening to music.

��� Maybe the sky

Maybe the rain that brought us together

Maybe I, maybe you're the one who made this love exist

Something I didn't expect.

The Universe says you're the one ���

Then suddenly my eyes saw that handsome man walking towards the bus stop. I wanted to hide behind a pillar or in a crowd, but it was too late because he was coming towards me with a sinister smile.

��� I don't even understand and I don't know when I fell in love with you

You're the one I never imagined I never thought about you ���

I turned my head the other way. A slight glance as he stood beside me, and

brings his ear close to mine.

Hey, there are a lot of people here.

��� Answers from my heart that I never knew It turns out you're the one I was looking for When you're here there's no more questions

All answered my heart stops at you ���

[Pom and Aong - The Answer That I Never Knew]

Why are we looking at each other? I wonder why. It just so happened that we were looking at each other, while a song with a deep meaning was playing. I took off my earphones, turned it on for him to listen to.

"Very nice." a tall figure in front of me bent down to whisper to me. "What?"

"The song."

"Hmm." I answered briefly, clearly reading my intention not to talk much to him. But, it seems the universe understands that he still wants to talk non- stop, despite the fact that it goes against his personality.

"Answers from my heart that I never knew."

". " I chose silence even though I was very sensitive to his voice

singing for me.

Oh, the bus is coming. What took it so long?

"It turns out you're the one I was looking for."

My heart was troubled when I headed towards the bus and then made eye contact with him who was singing that song, I had fallen into a trap.

"You can escape." ". "

"But your feelings can't be helped."

No matter, I immediately got on the bus. And while I was praying, the handsome man was at the bus stop even though the bus door was closed. Before I entered the crowd on the bus, I glanced at him. He gave me a sweet smile and raised his eyebrows at me before the bus left.

Ugh, it definitely felt like lifting Mount Everest off my chest. Even knowing that tomorrow or another day I still have to go through this kind of situation again, as long as this handsome man insists on approaching me no matter what. Today I hope my brain and heart can rest for a while before dying alone.



I took my phone and looked at the screen.

Handsome guy sent a line message. SnChapter 50: Let Me Think About It

The thing that travels faster than light is probably time. Suddenly midterm season, high school life is coming to an end. A new life at university will begin in a few months.

But somehow it seems I'm not allowed to breathe at all.

"Have you registered for the exam yet?"

A friend of mine, Po, walked in and asked everyone. There is Pat watching Yo play ROV (Thai Edition). I turned to Po then joined them.

I haven't registered yet and don't know the exam.

"GAT-PAT wow."

Damn, Pat stopped the game. Attention turned to what Po said. Then we opened the website of the national exam institute to view the exam registration details. At this time the future must come first.

"Oh, the new test system is confusing." Yo scratched his head, frowning. There is no difference. The selection system for this university is confusing.

"I think we should move into the computer room." Win came up with an idea and everyone agreed. An important matter like this has to rely on some promising electronic equipment. When you sign up, you don't have to worry about the internet being cut off. Various other issues can arise at any time of a device with a palm-sized screen.

While walking to the computer room, we talked about going to university. Po applied to the medical faculty of a university. The results will be announced at the end of next month. A smart friend like this can definitely make it through.

"Many people."

Entering the room must obviously be crowded, of course most of the students from M.6 flocked to register for the exam.

"There are two computers left, we will use them first." Win pointed to an empty computer, the four of them sat in pairs.

Hmm, I was abandoned huh? I'm just looking for another computer. Slowly I walked from one partition to another until the last row of seats near the window. Seeing who was sitting there, I immediately turned around.

Oh My God! God, help your son. Please don't let him see me. Silence. This seems a good sign. But there were footsteps.

"Where are you going?" a familiar voice I didn't wanted to hear appeared. Huh! My prayers went unanswered.

"Busy." I headed to the other side. I don't want to talk to you. So don't bother me.


"Sit here." that handsome guy did everything contrary to what I thought. He dragged me to sit at his computer desk. I couldn't stop or show any anger or scream, because the whole room was focused on filling in the application.


"What?" I frowned.

"Oh, you want to sign up for the exam?"

"How do you know?" I narrowed my eyes. But it was strange that he didn't know because the entire room here was M.6 students.

"I know what you're thinking."

Annoying! Hate... I hate this sweet tone with this dazzling gaze. How many times have I already told you that it doesn't suit you, handsome guy,

and it also makes my heart beat so fast. It feels like it's going to explode.

"Tch!" I cursed at him, I heard a faint laugh from him. What the hell was that? I insulted you.

So how about registration?

I sat blankly staring at the national exam site.

"Register here first." The handsome man pointed at the screen and said. At first, I didn't want to follow what he said, but I was confused to scroll up and down. So I lowered my pride and asked the person next to me in a low voice.

"How?" The handsome man smiled mischievously as if he knew I would ask for help. He puts his hand in mine and hovers his mouse over the tab. I couldn't focus on the computer screen because my eyes are fixed on his hand on top of mine.

Too warm. "Fat."


Just calling is not enough. His fingers flicked at my forehead. My consciousness began to return.

So annoying...

"Who's fat?" I argued back.

"This." Not only did he speak, but he put his hands on my cheeks, neck, and hips.

"This is called being chubby."

The proof of his mockery was clear, no one could deny it. This isn't fat, it's meat.


"What next?" I immediately changed the subject.

"Fill in personal information, address, education history." "Oh..." I quickly nodded to follow him..

"For the Special Needs Test Assistance section, select visually impaired." "Hey!"

"Oh, because you don't see anyone close to you. I thought you were blind." ". "

Speechless! "Do not frown."

". " I just kept quiet (my heart was pounding fast) but put on an

annoyed face to hide some of the feelings that were attacking me. Seeing that the handsome man didn't say anything to me, I moved on to continue filling in the data, select the subjects being tested, and select print.

"Gun, where are you? Come and take turns sitting with me."The voice of Yo, my precious friend, came from far away.

"Here!" I cried out.

"Are you done registering?" asked Po, turning to greet Thewson who smiled sweetly with his bright white teeth from afar.

Are you more interested in him? Hah? "GAT-PAT is already registered."

"I'll go first. There's work."

"Ah okay."

"Please take care of my friend, great god." Pat patted the handsome man gently before turning to raise an eyebrow at me, making me want to stand up and pluck his eyelashes and then weave them into silk.

"With pleasure."

Annoying!!! Shut up you good boy.

After registering for all the tests, the handsome man and I walked down from the building of the education center.

"Going home with what?" The tall man asked me while brushing the red ant that was crawling on my shoulder.


"Oh." he nodded then came closer to me until we both accidentally touched each other. I looked down at our hands not clasped together at all. If so, I'd definitely kick him.

When the bus arrived and stopped at the station, he and I climbed into the back of the bus. We didn't talk anymore, because it's crowded here and it's not conducive to talking. That's a good thing because I don't want to talk to him anymore.

Lately, I've been very uncomfortable talking to him or looking at him. Because he said he would approach me.

Before arriving at the handsome man condo bus stop, the passengers gradually got off the bus until the seats were empty. But, the handsome man still chose to sit and talk to me.

Why is it?

"It's gone in a little while." I elbowed the person next to me who was pretending to be asleep.

Oh! Just look at his eyelids twitching.

"Hmm." he muttered under his breath. Then resting his head on my shoulder gently, I rolled my eyes in displeasure, but he looked up at me and smiled sweetly.


Plaque! I managed to beat him. I flicked my finger against his forehead with full force.

What's cute?

The handsome man hurriedly raised his head and rubbed his forehead. "It hurts!"

"Taste it!" I said slowly. Look at his face now. There was no longer the arrogant lord like before.

"LINE for me, huh." The tall man said before getting off the bus with his eyes still looking at me. Images of last time flashed through my mind. It was the day when he smiled sweetly, making my heart flutter for many nights that I couldn't sleep.

'No' I opened my mouth but made no sound. Plus I showed my face even more arrogant.

'Evil,' he did the same, only put on a sad face.

The bus was almost at the stop. The handsome man still has a sad face. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. When he saw me laugh, he laughed too.

Um, acting like a child!!

To contact him, let me think about it first...

Chapter 51: There is clarity

Even if my mouth says that I'm fed up with someone getting so caught up in my personal life that I have to call and message via LINE, but deep down inside, I can't deny the fact that I feel so happy that I'm afraid to lose it.

Something that might not have been clear at the time, so far I'm pretty sure I can answer the question when I was in Kanchanaburi:

'How could I like you?'

"I think I had a crush on you... handsome man." Hah!!! I took a deep breath at this fact.

After reading the biology book and placing it on the nightstand, I reached out to turn off the light to get ready for bed. However, the light from the cellphone screen caught my attention.

I looked at the clock on the nightstand, then smiled uncontrollably... literally following through on a promise.


<Are you asleep?>

Lately I've gotten used to typing and even saying polite words to handsome guy.

<I'm sleeping, but I can reply to this message>

I'm still me who makes jokes to all without exception. I replied in an annoying way.

<Are you missing someone to the point where you can't sleep?>

I read it with a gasp.

<Thinking about the lost dog>

<I want to be the dog>


I typed a reply, rolling around in bed with a crazy smile all alone.

<Have you studied yet?>

Hmm, why are you always talking about studying? Did your ancestors used to be the Minister of Education or someone that worried about the lives of Thai children?

<Still a little bit>

I admit the fact that I just finished reading biology. Only math and science are difficult.

<Want me to teach you?>

I almost jumped like a monkey at this moment. Who would have imagined that the handsome would offer such valuable assistance at this moment. He didn't need to study too hard, because he is a genius from the world.It is possible to do better on the test with a real tutor.

<Is it free?>

I tried to ask first because I was afraid he would charge me for tutoring. After all, I only have my body and heart left now anyway.



It must be something like this. Free, good quality stuff is still out in the world.

<Free heart of a tutor>

My eyes widened when I saw the message. The heart was already beating erratically increasing at double speed. This cheek suddenly became hot.

Hmm, I know what I'm going through now.

Getting awkward!!!

If this conversation continues and this handsome man is still deliberately speaking to shake my heart like this, I'll definitely have a heart attack.

Therefore, it must be stopped.

<I'm going to sleep. Goodbye...>

I pressed my phone's screen lock before placing it on the nightstand and turning off the light. However, the flickering light from the screen couldn't help but reach out to grab it.

<Sweet dreams ���>

"Damn it." I whispered in the dark.

The 'kiss' emoji hit my heart just as badly as the 'heart' emoji he sent me before.

"Sweet dreams to you too." I said.

Hope he will hear.


Biology class Teacher Wikanda informed the student representative that he would be about forty-five minutes late. Students are asked to study alone for a while, but does anyone comply? Everyone chatted to each other like crazy.

"Smiles." Pat teased me. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at something.

"Yo, let's see. Is he playing a game or not?" Yo did what Pat said. Standing on tiptoe to see through the crowd that frantically walked through the room.

Quickly turned around and smiled mischievously.

"Smiling this wide." Yo stretched out his hand. While the others unanimously narrowed their eyes at me. I'm trying to hold on. Turning to the right there is Sound with a different look from the others.

Oh, God! What else now?

"Can you shut up you, you, you and you!" I spread the scolding to them evenly. I got up and walked out of the classroom to sit outside not knowing that someone else is following me as well.

Outside the room, it was quiet because the other class were studying. I had a private place to sit and watch the birds in the front balcony trees. I couldn't stop myself from picking up my cell phone, taking pictures of the school's beautiful atmosphere.


I was shocked until the phone almost fell from my hand. Fortunately, it was caught. Let's see who surprised me like this.

I turned to the source of the sound and made an annoyed face. "What?" my heart.

"Nope." he answered with a grin and sat down next to me. Without leaving any distance.

"Stop following me for a day." I glanced at him while moving to create a safe distance, but he didn't care. The more I shifted, the closer he got. I'm getting annoyed.

"Stop!" I shouted in a high tone. I'm already starting to heat up. Ready to kill people at any moment.

"No." the handsome man shrugged and kept his deadpan expression.

God, please take care of the angels of heaven and earth as well as the sacred things in the school. An outstanding student who was colder than the ice of the world acted like this.

"Stop, no!" I made a serious threat while pointing my finger. He still doesn't care.

All right, if that's what you want! I will use my power.

"Don't stop approaching then." after saying that i crossed my arms in front of my chest and turned to him. Acting as if I was the female lead in a drama that mocks the male lead.

"What did you say?"

Heh, he's deaf now.

"There is no repetition." After that, I got up and went to class. Unfortunately, this handsome man blocked me, he stood almost a meter away from me.

"Wait!" He raised his hand in protest. "Okay." I said bluntly.

So easy. We'll see what it has to say.

"Show me how to approach you." The tall one said with a smile and his gaze that shook my heart also made me petrified.

How can I say such an embarrassing thing? 'Just flirting' huh, that sucks.

I'm just giving a moderate suggestion.

"Find out yourself."

Let's hope this genius understands what I mean. I've opened the last card for him.

[POV Tin]

The little figure walked back to classroom. Leaving me standing stunned. I slapped myself once to regain my senses. I didn't hear wrong, right?

'Find out yourself'

It may sound like a vague statement. Not accepted, but not rejected either.

If you said to find out for yourself, I think you would allow me to get closer.

I could only smile for a moment, quickly took the cell phone to send a message.

<Or I should be more intense>


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