Chapter 52+53+54

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Chapter 52: Sweetness

There is much more to the flirting of Mr. Tinaphop, the handsome man who flirts with me non-stop. Until I started to get mad at this ambiguous relationship. I'm lazy with people who are more interested about this issue more like paparazzi running after the lives of a public figure.

"Smells of love." Win spoke while covering his nose with his hand, while his eyeballs stared at my phone screen. Followed by Pat and Yo.

"That's right, after having a boyfriend, he even dumped her friends."

Yes, whatever.

"Having a boyfriend and forgetting friends." Yo said teasingly while his eyes turned the other way.

"Really bad." Pat briefly. Acting like in a Hollywood movie, then kicking rocks in annoyance like he's shooting an MV.

"That's usually how it is." Win said. I have to stop this conversation before they get sarcastic.

"If you don't shut up, I'll gag your mouths with my shoes." I took off my shoes and showed them the ones that hadn't been washed in weeks.

"Oh my friend, that's so mean." He frowned. "My boyfriend is so fierce."

"Who?" I squinted at Yo ready to kill.

"Stay around here." His voice dropped and then the finger that was about to point at me quickly turned to point at him.

"Wait in the next life."

What's that? Kantapol doesn't understand. But why am I annoyed with 'people around here'?

"Someone's coming." Po said.

"Over there." Win pursed his lips pointing the direction behind my back. "What's that?" Po frowned. I turned my head out of curiosity.

"Your husband is here." Yo nudged my arm.

"What husband!" I snapped at my friend, then turned to the tall man who was walking towards me. Just leaving a gap for air to pass through. It's too close. I grabbed my other elbow and hastily shifted.

"I bought this for you." Plastic bags containing several types of snacks were placed on the table. My friends quickly picked it up and opened it as if they had never tasted it in their lives.

"Hey, it's salt pepper again." Pat unwrapped the snacks at the speed of light. He smiled sweetly at this kind hearted person.

"Let's have a toast to our friend." Another sound was of Yo which made everyone laugh. Acting like a rich man.

"Just like a rich man." I purposely mumbled so that everyone could hear me.

"Not too rich, but I can treat the people here." The handsome man said which made all eyes turn to the speaker. And me? Even look the other way.

"Let's take a look..." "Ouch, my heart." "Help me out."

Annoying friends! I point my finger at everyone. I turned to the guy who made me laugh until I had to look the other way. Hurry up and go somewhere else.

"After the exam, come find me."

"Hmm." I nodded at the handsome boy before he returned to class. Turning to look at the other four. Smiling.

"Don't think about it if you don't want to get sick later."


The biology exam this time was not difficult than I thought. I left the room first. I saw him sitting at the front of the exam room first. Looking at him, I think he has been waiting for a long time.

"Wait a long time, huh?" I asked while unzipping my bag to store my stationery. Glancing at him, he nodded.

"What time did you leave the exam room?"I was surprised, so I asked. "Half an hour before you."

You are not human! I finished the exam half an hour before the time was up, but this handsome guy finished half an hour before me. Which means he completed 120 questions in an hour.

Oh My God, my god! "Genius."

"Is it wrong to have a good boyfriend?"

"Who is your lover?" I widened my eyes when I heard his scream.

"Tin's boyfriend Gun."

Ugh, making that handsome sound again. I hate his voice that makes my heart beat fast.

"When did I say I accepted you as my boyfriend?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Hurry up and tell me."

"No." I put my hand on his forehead. Hurry up immediately before he will tease me again. He followed me closely.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him. Hearing the sound of his stomach already rumbling. He nodded.

I'm so hungry now that I can eat a portion of the size of a buffalo.

"Muffins, cookies or sandwiches?" A large hand took out each snack from his bag , making me instantly stunned.

What is this? Are you a traveling food truck? I chuckled softly at what the handsome man is doing before grabbing a sandwich.

"Very good." I teased him a bit, then pushed his shoulder and almost staggered.

"Anything for you." His answer hit my heart.

I gave him a light slap on his cheek as a punishment.

"Is that all you can do?" he said with a smile. I made an annoyed face at him.

"You're lucky I didn't kick you." ". "

"Or do you want to try?"

"Better not." said the handsome man, raising his hands in surrender. "Good."

I smiled triumphantly. Then walked towards the bus stop.

[POV Tin]

I sat watching a person who don't show signs of being full. After two plates of steak, mashed potatoes and tuna corn salad. One by one he looks happy.

"Already?" " Already."

The small hand took a tissue to wipe his lips, then drank a bottle of water. When I left the store, I realized the word 'already' means it's over from this store.

Instead, he went to another shop, I had to follow him to sit in an ice cream shop.

"I want this set." "Can you eat it all?"

"Doubting me?" The little person looked so confident that he could eat the entire set of nearly ten ice creams, including two large waffles.

"I'll see." I narrowed my eyes in disbelief because normally the person in front of me is not the one who eats a lot, but it's me who eat a lot. However, today, when I saw the little one eating, I was full.

"Aren't you going to help me eat?"

The third ice cream was less than half. He frowned. Like that, he became really cute.

"I'm not hungry." I said, turning my face to smile.

"Let's eat."


"Just a bite." spoon filled with chocolate ice cream brought to my mouth. When I turned around, I saw him holding out his hand and pleading eyes.

The first intention of defending and ignoring him had already failed. Hey, who can resist? He is very funny. So adorable.

I opened my mouth to eat the ice cream he fed me gradually, alternating with waffles. Repeat again until nothing remains.

"Untidy." I furrowed my brows as the little guy reached over and wiped the corner of my mouth where the ice cream stains were. I want to smile at the world because of the cuteness the person I admire. However, I have to act normal to get ready to say the next sentence.

"Don't be like this to others." "Why?" he asked, frowning. "Jealous."

Chapter 53: This is What Mother WantsTik Tok Tik Tok

The moving hour hand indicates the time that has passed. My eyes were focused on it for some time, probably almost an hour. I was lying down and thinking about something. The main thing about that handsome guy, today I decided to do something, thinking about it makes me feel nervous. I decided to tell my mom.

My relationship with that handsome boy will either progress or become clearer in the future. If this were to remain a secret, the most real happiness in life would be impossible.

I got out of bed and stood in front of the mirror looking at my nervous face. Hundreds of words were already prepared in my head. I memorized and corrected every word but my heart is not brave enough to convey it.

'One day Mother will know, right?'

Several steps usually takes less than half a minute to go through. But here it took me five minutes to walk from top to bottom, walking back and forth like a scared newborn puppy running down the stairs.

The sound of the TV far from the living room indicated that the beautiful Mrs. Ratchanee was not asleep yet. I took a deep breath to fill my lungs. Gathered courage and clenched my fists. I walked over and sat on the couch next to the woman I love the most. I love her more than handsome guy.

Her eyes stared at me for a split second before turning back to watchi the drama where the main female character was knocked down to the ground.


"The lead actress is good." I don't know from where to start. So I brought this up with Mrs. Ratchanee now to engage her in discussion. At least the drama kept me seated for hours.

"It's okay. She punched the male lead until she broke his nose and was taken to the hospital. Mom really liked her."

Hmm... is this a drama or a Muay Thai match? Why is the female lead so brutal?

"Is this about the murder?" "Romantic but in a different way."

"Oh." I nodded. Although I don't really agree with my mom. This is definitely about murder, but it's not something important I should talk about. I'm not sitting here to criticize or analyze the drama and the actors, but to confess. Maybe even ask Mrs. Ratchanee for advice.

"Mom." I called out to the beautiful woman in a low voice and nudged her arm. Realizing that her handsome son wanted to talk to her, Mrs. Ratchanee glanced at me and raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

"You look stressed, what's wrong?"

"I have something to discuss." I said carefully. Even though I've been practicing but the nervousness continues to spread throughout my body.

"Hmm, again please."

Hey, kidding again. When can you be serious? Mom's always like this.

"Mother doesn't have to be like a blonde-haired mistress." I took a deep breath and turned my head in the other direction, showing a sign that I wasn't in the mood for a joke.

"Okay, I won't joke anymore." Her hand gripped my chin. "Joking isn't funny."I put on a sullen face.

"What do you want to talk about, son?" Mother turned off the television and approached me. Miraculously from joking to being serious. My courage which was seven out of ten, became a hundred.

Unfortunately I even became afraid of my mother's heart and also mine. "After the discussion, I won't be upset."

I'm not annoyed, just not brave.

The next sentence made me squint at Mrs. Ratchanee who was tilting her head and smiling. Mom wants to joke again, huh?

"Want to see mom dance to the rhythm of cha cha cha."

"Don't you feel sorry for your mother's broken bones?" said Mrs. Ratchanee hitting me on the head.

"So can we continue discussion? If not, mom wants to sleep." mom got up from the couch and I hastily held her arm. If not soon, it will return to zero again.

"Discussion of youth problems." I muttered. As I looked into my mother's serious eyes, I stammered.

"Ummm... Ummm..."

"If it's long, mom wants to sleep." Mom is getting ready to leave again.

"Have you ever been in love?" I finally said it. Seeing her reaction, Mom was a little surprised until her eyes opened wide like goose eggs as if she was watching a hot scene in a movie. I had never consulted my mother about love before, not out of embarrassment or fear, but actually in my entire life I have never been in love. Pathetic.

"So you want to ask about love?" Mom smiled at me. "Just answer it."

"Sure. One husband, one child, three laughs. You can call it love, right?"

"Mom is still joking."

"Okay, no kidding. Yes, just like now. I raised a stubborn son because I loved him."

"Yes, mom."

What's stubborn kid? I'm so cute and handsome like this.

"Why are you suddenly asking me about this? You secretly have a boyfriend and didn't tell me?"

"No." I denied in a high pitched voice that sounded suspicious. Mother narrowed her eyes.

"Don't lie, son." ". "

"Do you have a lover?" Mrs. Ratchanee asked again, putting her ear close.

"Someone's flirting with me." I answered really slowly until the sound of mosquitoes flying were more audible.

"Oh, my God, I can't believe what I have just heard!"

Alas, the soul of the blonde-haired mistress in the drama appears again. "You're embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed."

"Yes, you're embarrassed. Your cheeks are red, I can see it from Mars."

"Hah. " I hastily held my cheek as soon as my mother said that. It made her even more suspicious.

Hey cheekbones! Stop blushing now. You put me in a difficult situation.

"Tell me,who is so blind that he is captivated by this ugly child?" Mother grabbed my chin. Seeing in front of her was her own biological son. Hey, believe in the quality of your son's clean face until a guy comes to flirt.

I raised my head because this is the reason why someone is approaching me.

"Only ten points." Mother said.

"He's already a hundred years handsome like this." "Oh, calm down, honey."

"What about the person who flirted with you?" "He's just flirting with me."

"Hey, is this a short story? I want to know the details."

"We know each other and I don't know what to do. He came to ask to flirt with me." While saying that, I also thought about the tall person's face. I've known him for years, but we had the opportunity to have a good conversation just a few months ago. We have done activities together, hang out together more often, so we are very close. Until our friends also asked us when we had a good relationship. Although at first I was prejudiced against the most handsome guy. The reason is because everything about him is perfect. However, time changes everything from head to toe.

"Friend?" I looked down as she began to ask deeper questions. Mrs. Ratchanee will find out soon enough.

Well, how many friends do I know in my life? "Maybe."

"Is he cute?"

I dreamily thought whether that tall guy's faces can be considered cute or not?

"A little bit."

Probably not. Actually he's not cute. This is different.

(* Not cute because he's handsome as you always refer him as handsome guy. ���������)

"Have I met him yet?" "Once." Oh, it can be solved.

"Who?" Mom frowned and quickly picked up the phone with a mischievous smile.

Hey, suspicious.

"That person is tall, isn't he?" ". "

There must be something on the phone that makes her ask questions like this. Why? Because it's so specific, I guess.

There must be something hidden.. "Is he intelligent?"

Obviously this is very dangerous.

"Definitely he's the same person." After that, Mrs. Ratchanee handed the phone to me. If it's a landscape, animals or actor shot, I wouldn't be surprised. However, what I saw was a photo of the person I told my mother about, who was flirting with me.

'Handsome guy '

"You know?" My eyes widened in surprise. I switched between looking at the screen and mom's face. Shouldn't she put on a stressed, worried or panicked face? What I saw was Mrs. Ratchanee smiling brightly. It is wider than the area of Khao Yai National Park.

"It's been a long time." "How do you know?"

"Well, he told me that he wanted to flirt with my child." "What?"

My surprise increased. Are my eyeballs almost popping out? "Correct."

"Mom, tell me about it." I jumped over to my mom like a cat begging to tell the truth.

Miss Ratchanee sat like an expensive star. Previously I had to hold her from going to the bedroom, now it's different. I have to wait for Mother to tell me about the handsome man.

Hey, I'm so stressed out.

"Mother is sleepy." Miss Ratchanee yawned with her wide mouth. "Mom."

"If you want to know, ask him yourself." Said Mrs. Ratchanee. Even if I held mom's arm until I was dragged on the floor, it didn't make her come back to tell me the truth.

She walked out of the living room.

"Mom, explain." I shouted at her, but there was no response.

Hey, my hopes are zero. However, before heading to my room, mom appeared again with a smiling face showing a picture of a handsome man on her mobile phone.

"I'll accept this guy, okay?" After saying that, Mrs. Ratchanee disappeared leaving me standing alone.

''This is what mom took as , Yes.'

Hmm, why is everything upside down? Not what I thought. How is that possible?


Chapter 54: Son-in-law

Since mom didn't tell me, I called to ask the handsome boy what had happened. However, it seems that he is confused because I at the speed of light did not give him a chance to explain. I called the handsome guy, but immediately cut the call.

I lay awake for nearly an hour, but my eyes showed no sign of sleepiness. I'm just thinking about it. I admit that I was mad because he didn't tell me anything important. With a small matter like this, you think of hiding something behind your back in the future. Secretly cheating, for example.

I started to think further more.

5 missed calls.

I glanced at the cell phone lying beside the pillow. The screen lights up while someone is calling. I'm not ready to answer the caller yet, I still don't want to talk. Afraid to even get angry until I'm gonna lose my sanity. But he didn't seem to give up. When I didn't answer the calls, he used LINE instead.


<What's wrong? Pick up the phone >

Which angry person would pick up your phone, dammit!


I don't know I didn't answer it. Hey, why am I so upset?

<I'll come there>

Hey, crazy! I immediately jumped and sat staring at the cellphone screen in shock. Is this real or a joke?

<I came out of the condo>

I won't wait for it. I decided to reply to LINE from him.

<Are you crazy? Go back to the room now>

<Finally, there's a reply. Can I make a call?>

<We'll talk tomorrow>

<Can't we talk now?>

<If we talk today, what will I say tomorrow?>

<I want to talk>

<If you call me now, don't see me anymore>

<We can talk tomorrow>

It took a lot of hard work for this!!


I finished getting dressed and ran down the stairs to the kitchen. I saw Mrs. Ratchanee cooking. At first I wanted to ignore her because of yesterday's problem, but Mom just laughed until the room was noisy. Let's separate the problem by having a quick bite before 100% full.

"Come home quickly, okay?" "Why?"

"Mom wants to throw a party." I winced. "For what?"

"My son already has a boyfriend." ". "

Well, stay like this, mom.

When I put on my shoes and prepared to leave the house, my mother followed. As if afraid I would run away with someone I don't know.

"Hurry home."

"I want to go to school." I said running out of the house immediately. Besides, even though my mom isn't having a party, I'll be home soon.


Arriving at school, as usual the routine of five friends. It's just that it was a little different today, because the tall man was sitting in the middle with them.

I don't want to talk to you, huh!!

"Yo, sit here, his boyfriend wants to sit next to him." Win gestured to Yo. As soon as Yo sat between Win and Po, I had to sit with him, eventhough I was reluctant. Can't sit down. Embarrassed. Fortunately there was a small

distance inorder to not get too close.

This friend is really smart about this.

"Damn it!" I turned to Pat who was sitting next to a handsome man, chin propped up, staring at me without blinking.


"Your wife's aura is shining, Gun."

"What wife!" I reached out my hand to slap him, but he quickly dodged. I forgot this position makes me closer to a handsome man. When I realized, I quickly backed away. He liked that, but I don't.

"Please have pity on single people like us." Win said. "Ouch.. ouch." Po started to tease.

"My liver is thinner than pork shabu." Yo's seducing in turn.

"Why is the sky pink?" the last one Pat spread his arms wide and looked like he was taking a breath of fresh air.

You guys are bad friends.

"Stupid!" I scolded them loudly before leaving from there as the bell rang for the ceremony. Everyone scrambled to line up. The sound of ridicule was heard. I'm in a bad mood, so I preferred to stay silent. It's better that way because I don't want to kill anyone right now.


After school, the tall man hurriedly headed towards me. "Why?"

"We'll talk about this at home." I dodged the question. I hurried up to the front of the school. Along the way, the handsome man continued to talk to me. He asked this, asked that, but I choosed to remain silent.

Taxi arrived at the front of the house. I, who hadn't even gone down yet, heard music coming from inside the house.

Wow, you're in a good mood, Miss Ratchanee. After paying, I rushed out. The handsome man followed slowly as if he knew I would kill him.

Well, I know it!!

Dance music was turned on . I went into the living room where the music was playing, but found out no one was there.

Hmm, Mom must be in the kitchen.

"Sit here and wait." I asked the person behind me to sit down and wait on the couch first.

"I want to see Mother." but he shook his head and said his intention. Determined to get her attention, huh?

"Up to you." I said allowing him because if I insisted on forcing him to sit down, he would ask the same question and that would give me a headache. I was about to walk into the kitchen, but someone just came down from the second floor. Someone I haven't seen in almost a year.


"My little puppy." I jumped up and hugged the man I love the most in the world.

"I missed you." I quickly buried my face into his warm chest, which I always did when I was a kid, but not often after I grew up.

"Liar, ah."

"Mom, why didn't you tell me that Dad was coming home today?" "If I had told this tubborn kid, he wouldn't go to school."


"You're getting heavy like a pig."

"What pig? I'm still the same little puppy."

Dad put me down and patted my head affectionately. I was given his warmth after he returned from a far away place for almost a year.

"Hello Tin."

Hmm? I furrowed my brows in suspicion as Dad greeted the handsome man in a tone and words that seemed as if they'd known each other for a long time.

"Do you know Ai Tin?"

"I know. Mom calls and tells me about it almost every day." I turned to accuse my Father's wife with a death glare.

"And he often used to call Dad." he said to me and turned to the handsome man who only smiled faintly and nodded.

"You called Dad?" I looked at the handsome man with a look of disapproval.

"Is there anything else you're hiding from me?" I asked everyone with an annoyed voice and quickly went to the living room.

"I'm sorry." Dad came and sat beside me hugging me tightly. "I'm just annoyed."

"Don't be upset. At least you have food to eat." Here it is a sentence that is always on time.

"Do not be like that!" I hit Father who was sitting quietly on the other side. "Keep it up, please. We're having a party."

I ignored it at first, but because of this I just lost my temper. "Okay, but tell me about mine."

There must be an exchange. Dad smiled and pinched my cheek. Then tells his story of working as an engineer in Mexico. The story is funny, fun to listen to. But, my God, I couldn't concentrate at all when I saw someone smile.

'What makes you smile? Smiling 'till your mouth rips'. Huh!

Dad seemed to know that I wasn't listening, so he stopped telling me the story and turned to talk to the handsome one instead regarding academic stuff which my brain can't reach. Sometimes I wonder if I didn't inherit my father's talent or mother actually had an affair?



"Am I father's child?" "Why do you ask?"

"Dad's smart, but I'm stupid."

"Oh, you are stupid like your mother." It's clear, there's no need to continue.

My father and the handsome man talked to each other as if they had known each other since past lives. He can answer anything. What kind of person is smarter than this?

"Son." ( Refers to Tin) "Yes, Father?"

"Choose a good person."

"Hah?" I made a confused face as I put the fruit in my mouth.

"Good job!" Dad raised his finger looking at the handsome man. He smiled very politely in response. However, when he glanced at me he raised his eyebrows and gave a sly smile. I completely disagree with the flattery of my parents.

Let's admire each other.

[POV Tin]

I asked Mom and Dad's permission to follow their agitated son to the backyard.

There he was, sitting face down on the marble boulders. Realizing I was sitting next to him, he turned his head the other way.


"No apologies accepted."

This sulking tone is at the highest level I've ever known. "Don't be angry."

"Already angry."

"I didn't mean to hide it." "But it was hidden."

"You want to hear an explanation?" I said in a low voice. Right now I think the little guy wants to know the whole truth about what I did to get to know and be close to his Mom and Dad. Although I've only been here a few times.


"If you don't answer, it means you don't want to listen." I pretended to leave. He hastily turned to me with a determined look as if he wanted to hear my explanation.

"Explain." He spoke with a firm tone which made me unable to hold back my smile. The old Kantahol has returned.

"If you want to flirt with your crush, you have to get to know their parents."

Wow!!! I was being stared at with the eyes of a murderer. "Crazy!"

"What's wrong?" "Crazy with love." "Don't go off topic!"

I smiled seeing his blushing face.

Then I started to tell him from the beginning why I was so close to his parents.

Starting from a mother who was worried about her child not doing well in school. When I was a tutor, Mother kept asking me how her son was doing. Was he studying? Did he fell asleep ? I told the truth and a few lies that made her believe that I could take care of her beloved son.

As for Dad, I recently talked to him after I confessed to Mom about flirting with her son. I admit that at first I was very scared because his voice sounded so fierce, but he turned out to be very kind. He said that he works in another country and rarely has time to go home. Which makes him miss his beloved son. You can see it in every sentence. When he knew I was going to approach his son, Dad was silent for a moment and quickly laughed. Because that child is stubborn, naughty, not very athletic, can I do it? One day I asked if Dad was okay about this kind of love? He replied, "Times have changed. Everyone has the right to love and be loved. Love is unlimited, not only men and women." After that he reminded me not to worry about anything.

"Moved, huh?"

"Shut up."

"It's been a while." I took a deep breath. I thought that when I told the truth, he would cry.


The little figure ran into the house. I sat there smiling and touching the cheek he had just kissed and ran away.

There's no need to be so moved by giving a gift like this instead.


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