Chapter 55+56+57

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Chapter 55: No Expectations... No Disappointment

A stack of books and question papers were placed in the middle of the table. Six pairs of tired eyes looked at him with a puzzled expression. This isn't even half of what we have to read. Po told me and everyone in the group like that. I want to scream loudly at Phra Sumen saying "My brain can't take it anymore". If you have to study this much, it's better to drop out and work as a porter or fisherman.

"Right now my eyes are full of letters." Win said while rubbing his eyes several times. Then again, if the symptoms are still the same, you have to rush to buy Vita Berry inorder to brighten your eyes.

"My brain is Error 304." I took a deep breath then faced down, mouth twitching like a fish in dire need of oxygen.

"Warning My 4G Wifi has been disconnected for an hour." Yo leaned on my back and complained about it until the other friend shook his head.

"Concentrate." Hmm in a deep voice. Can it be any softer?

"I've decided." Win next to me said.

"There's still a lot of work to be done." Po said harshly.

"Moreover, we can become Buddhist monks." Yo used metaphor.

However, no matter how much nagging we do, in the end everyone has to make an effort. We have a bright future (so clear that one cannot see the way) at stake.

"Pat blew up the toilet? It took too long." Win said which reminded us that half an hour ago Pat asked us to go to the bathroom, which usually doesn't take that long.

"Living slow." Po turned to the library door and saw Pat's figure walking towards me. However, eh!! Why does he look depressed?

"Worked well?" I teased him but he just kept silent and looked at me.

"What's wrong with you?'After asking that, Pat hugged me tightly and his one hand stroked the top of my head. Like the main character in a drama comforting his broken hearted brother.

What's this? Maybe boredom also need something to support. I gently patted his back. Truly a rare sight from this group.

"If the God sees this, you will be killed." Win said.

"He won't come." Pa said t in a gentle tone then looked at me.

"What is this, dammit? Explain." Yo who previously sat, moved with a curious expression. Yo was very alert and...

I took a quick glance at Pat's face, who was looking back at me. The look in his eyes could be guessed by fear. Tell me if something happened.


Everyone sat down, but Pat kept mumbling 'ah.. uh...' without saying a word. The listener was dizzy, I was also a little dizzy.

"If you don't stop, I'll cut your 'seeds' and throw them to the birds." Yo started to get angry.

"I saw Great God sitting and talking to a girl in the hallway downstairs." Pat spoke bluntly to the astonishment of everyone in the group, especially myself. Plus there is also photo evidence on the phone for everyone to see.

Well, at first glance I knew who that girl was. ". "

"Did I see right?" shouted Po, winking at Pat and the others from a different place wanting to say something, but it fell completely silent. I watched everyone's expressions with understanding, they probably didn't want me to think too much.

Ah, I'm not worried because I've been thinking a lot lately.

"It's okay, Pat." I patted my best friend on the shoulder as a thank you. Then I smiled at everyone. I immediately took the document and read it quietly.

Trying not to think about it, because I don't want anything to distract me from studying. Unfortunately, I can't do it.

The harder I try, the more I think about it.

A coughing sound was heard. My friends wanted to talk to me about this, but it's gotten to the point that I won't talk at all. They didn't dare to start a conversation. Then a brave man appeared-Yo. He couldn't stand the fact that everyone was silent. He shouted so loudly that the person from table next to him turned to look.

"I will hit him." Yo stood up, clenching his fists.

"Calm down." Win who was sitting nearby grabbed the angry man's arm. He made him sit him down before the others starts to panic thinking this group is going to start a fight.

"What the hell is he doing?" You started to get angry.

"Does he think of our friend as a toy or something?" Pat was also getting emotional.

"That's right." Yo nodded in agreement with Pat.

"Aren't you going to say something?" They looked at me quickly.

"What should I say?" I said in a low voice as I looked around at my friends who were in a predicament.

"Tell him, or hit him.I can accompany you with a fist in my hand." Oh, Yo is heating up.

"No need." I refused. "Why not?"

"He isn't wrong."

"Why isn't he wrong?" Yo clenched his fist.

"Well, that." Win, who had been silent, finally spoke up. "You are his lover."

"We're not dating yet." I speak slowly. "Huh?"


Everyone looked surprised when I said that, but it's true because the handsome man and I had no status at all.

"But he flirts with you." Po wondered. I took a deep breath because I was physically and mentally exhausted right now, but it's been heavier these days.

"He's just flirting with me, and I haven't agreed."

"It's much more complicated." Win frowned and looked around at everyone. "Now I'm confused about teenage relationships." Pat scratched his head. "You speak as if you were born in the baby boom era." Win shook his head.

"I don't think we can focus on studying today." Po looks at all those who are not ready to learn.


Everyone agrees. Then they help each other put the books on the shelves, put the materials in the bag. Getting ready to leave the library to go home.

"Where are you going?" Po put his arm around me and asked in a worried tone. I shook my head and said that I wanted to go back home and get some sleep because I had a slight headache. He didn't ask any further.

"I need to pee a little." Pat said while holding his cock. Po quickly directed him to the toilet.

"Hurry up." Oh, Yo's still pissed off.

After Pat finished speaking, we quickly walked downstairs and parted ways to go home. Just me and Po were walking in the same direction. Down the hallway, I glanced at the handsome man. He was not walking alone, but with a girl from earlier. It further reinforces the fact about what Pat had said earlier. My whole heart started to ache.

I sighed and turned my face the other way. I don't want to talk to a handsome man. However, the universe doesn't seem to be on my side. The tall figure walked straight this way. What is inevitable is that I have to see it.

"I'm here." Po who stood beside me saw everything with me. He whispered to me, squeezing my arm lightly for encouragement. I turned and smiled at him.

Now, when I feel alone, I still have close friends by my side.

Without saying a word, we both stared at each other. The handsome man looked at me with calm eyes, so did I. Only the girl smiled at me and Po.


I have a lot to say to ask it. However, every word was swallowed up by the thought that it would be useless now. Only silence passed.

The truth is in front of me, what can I say? "Hello, P Gun, P Po." The girl greeted me and Po.

I smiled and nodded in response. Staring at the handsome man then back at the underclassman while still thinking something in my mind.

They are very suitable..

"I've met P Gun as well as P Po. Maybe you don't know me yet." She quickly turned around to look and talk to Po.

"I'm Namwan, P Tin's lover."

Chapter 56: But If Fulfillment.....

Must give reward

"I'm Namwan, P Tin's lover."

Worse than getting hit in the middle of the head with a hammer. My mind cannot recognize or command other organs to operate right now. Namwan's voice that said she was the tall man's lover still echoed inside my ears.

My first love was destroyed. Too bad. I laughed at my destiny. Then glanced at the tall man with calm eyes. I tried to hold back my eyelids that were releasing tears.

Don't cry, Kantaphol is a good boy.

"Not so." Huh?

"He is my brother." Huh?

Namwan stepped closer to me while pulling the handsome man's arm as well, then pointed at his own chest and the man beside him.

'Jirawatanakul twig' 'Tinaphop Jirawatanakul'

Same last name! Really confused. I looked up to see the handsome man alternating with his sister. Then continued turning to my best friend who was standing there.

"Let's go home, Po."


"Don't make it more confusing." "Okay, okay, see you later."

The person who was standing still earlier grabbed me by the shoulder making me turn towards him.

I don't like the smile on the lips of the person who is in front of me at this moment. A strong hand slowly moved to hold my hand. I immediately withdrew my hand because I still couldn't believe it. The tall man frowned as if he didn't like my refusal. I'm not ready to hold his hand right now. Like a desperate person who almost died, then was saved by a hero. However, he didn't seem to give up.

Staring at me fiercely, as if I was like a stubborn child who wouldn't let his mother to hold his hand while walking in a crowded shopping mall until she grabbed his hair, no matter how hard it was to let go.

"Hey." A deep voice whispered in my ear.

I turned to look at his face. Memories from the names on their uniforms confirmed clearly that they were siblings. I wasn't angry, just speechless for a long time because I still couldn't believe it.


"Anything you want to ask?" He said straight to the point.

"You want to hear an explanation?"

As soon as I understood what he meant, I stared in surprise at the person who spoke. He was smiling.

If I refuse to listen to him, how would I know the truth? In the end I nodded. The handsome man took my hand and sat at the table where my group of five friends used to sit. We sat across from each other, the tall man was holding my hands as if afraid I would leave.

Locked like a handcuff like this, who can let go?

"About Namwan, right?" "Hmm."

"She is my cousin. Namwan is my uncle's daughter." ". "

Hearing the confirmation from the person in front of me made me feel very relieved. I believed everything that handsome man just said.

Gosh, just like this why my breathing is heavy.

"It is clear?" The tall figure asked again to confirm that nothing remained in my mind. However, don't get your hopes up. There are still many things that have not been clarified.

"Not yet." Instead of just shaking my head to force the handsome man to think of what he should say, I accidentally said it.

Handsome man was smiling...


"Our house is next to each other, we go out together since childhood."

Who wants to know about that? I just want to know about the flowers that were given, holding each other hands and when you went to eat together.


"That's all?"

"You haven't told me everything yet." I had to stop like the story of Pikul, who was afraid that gold would come out of his throat as he spoke.

"What?" The handsome man frowned.

"That time at the gym."

He quickly flashed an annoying smile that pissed me off as a warning that this was serious, he was just being playful.

"About giving flowers or Academic weekend?"

Ugh!! You know all I want to say, but you never say it. It's worth banging your head against the wall.


The handsome man rubbed his chin before speaking.

"As for flowers, Namwan asked me to help practice the stage play. About the Academic week, I only supported my sister for the speech contest."

"Oh." I nodded, pretending I didn't care what I heard. Even though my heart was beating so fast, it almost jumped out of my chest.

I had to calm down so that handsome guy wouldn't know how pleased I am by what I heard.

"When at the supermarket?" I asked pretending not to know the truth. "Hum?"

"I saw you two eating together." "You followed me, right?"

"Who's following?" I stared at the speaker. That day I wanted to go out to eat with Sound, but for the first time I saw him hanging out with a girl.

"We met by accident, so I asked to eat together." "Oh." I smiled."

"Jealous?" asked the tall man along with a smile that looked increasingly annoying.

"Nonsense." I turned my gaze the other way.


Who's stubborn? I protested without looking at him.

"You don't want to be my boyfriend because of Namwan?"

". "

"I asked, why aren't you answering?" said the handsome man. ". "

"Will you answer or not?" he didn't give up, but I won't say. "No."

"Okay, you don't want to answer?"

I saw the person in front of me who got up and sat beside me leaning too close to my face that I couldn't bac away, because even if I did I might fall.

"Okay, okay, I'll explain." I said while pushing it hard so I could get away from his annoying face.

"Hurry up." "Partly."

I admit that partly I didn't change our status to lovers because of Namwan. "What else?"


"Tell me everything."

Oh, how much pressure are you giving me? Looking around, members of the football club are practicing right now.

"I haven't met your parents yet." I finally had to tell the truth, no matter how embarrassing this was.


"Do not say like that!" I patted my forehead. "Let's go to Chiang Mai this Friday." "Why?"

"To meet my parents." "No."

"You have to go. I want to be your boyfriend now."

"Hah, I want to puke by hearing it." I turned around with a disgusted expression. I don't know, I'm tired of smiling.

"Just tell me if you're embarrassed."

"Who cares?" I shouted loudly. The handsome man shrugged his shoulders. His gaze mockingly mimics me.

"Let's go to the restroom l, my friend." I patted the arm of the person next to me.

"Should we really be friends?" the handsome man frowned. "Hmm, come with me." I answered bluntly, grabbing his arm. [POV Tin]

When I entered the bathroom, I was surprised when the small person suddenly turned towards me and pushed me against the wall.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him.

The person in front of me didn't say anything, he held me tightly, his pink lips quickly touched my skin gently. I admit I was stunned by it. Didn't think that he would be bolder.

But today everything has changed. "I'm not stubborn."

Chapter 57: Chiang Mai... I love youNature is so cruel...

The famous song by Pumpuang Duangjan has become a metaphor for today's ten degree climate. It maynot be as cold as other countries, but the strong wind that hit my face right now is undeniable.

"This way, son." I turned to the voice of a woman leading the way.

The mother of the handsome man.

I flew to Chiang Mai since last night with this handsome man. Before going to his big house on the outskirts of town, I joined the handsome's parents and were invited to Phra That Doi Suthep. To ask the blessings of life to have good things. On the way, we stopped to pay our respects and make offerings at the Kruba Sri Wichai Memorial.

"Have you been here before?"

"This is the first time." I replied with a smile before climbing the stairs for the first time following his mother. Going up to the level of the resthouse which has food and souvenir shops, I glanced at the second staircase that extends all the way to the entrance of Phra That Doi Suthep. I almost passed out.

Too high. Lazy to walk.

"Want me to carry you?" A mocking voice came from behind me.

Huh, so nervous. The more I saw of him, the more I wanted to kick him down the stairs.

"Can you?" I asked again.

"I don't know, I'll try." The handsome man swiftly moved to lift me up like he said, but luckily I hit his arm with full force.

What are you doing?

"So cute that Mom and Dad blushed." The handsome boy's mother turned around and teased me.

I'm embarrassed.

While the father of the handsome man who has a quiet personality stood smiling beside his mother.

When I got to the top, I took off my shoes and placed them on the shelf before following Mom and Dad up with a tall figure behind my back not far away like a spirit. As if afraid of being kidnapped.

Huh! It is colder above than below. I hugged my body tightly. The size of the sweater is already big, but I feel very cold. Especially when the wind blows.


"Hmm." Standing shivering like this, is it hot? I do not think so.

"Then I will hug you."

"Stop." I put my hand on the cunning man's forehead. Even in the temple he could still say this.

"My boyfriend will freeze to death." the tall man smiled slyly and raised his eyebrows to irritate me.

"Who's your boyfriend- uh... your boyfriend?"

Because I believe that speaking rudely in a holy place will lead to sins in the future, I must speak politely like never before. The person in front of me heard it and laughed out loud.

Uh... please laugh. When are we going down? I want to hit your head.

After the worship and prayers were over, Father and Mother took me around to pay respects to all the four directions. From my understanding, respecting each direction would bring different benefits. Then we took pictures and kept them as souvenir and headed back downstairs.

"Are you hungry, son?" asked Dad. Of course my stomach was growling like this, I hastily nodded my head.

Originally, I planned to stop at a vantage point to see the view of Chiang Mai city, but got stuck in a place where there were lots of people along with fog covering the whole city. I couldn't see anything.

Finally, we headed to a local restaurant that we were going to visit, which is famous in Chiang Mai. Mom and dad along the way told me that they often here come. When the handsome man was still in Chiang Mai, they used to come here often because their son liked the food here.

'I prefer the service, they are all very friendly.'

There is a dish that looks familiar. It's pork belly!! I glanced sideways hoping to be introduced to the menu by the waiter before I opened the menu book. To be honest, I never knew the name or the menu at this restaurant, even though it looks so simple.

Huh! I snapped a bit out of fear that Mom and Dad would see before asking the two of them to recommend food.

When the food came, there was curry and also some food that had been grilled on the grill. I started eating. At first, I was a bit hesitant because I had never eaten it, but once I tasted it, I couldn't refuse. I added rice and added more. Hang Lay Curry with Sausage was very delicious. Also Khao Yum.

Hmm... heaven.

"Fat." No need to ask whose voice it was. The word comes again. I squinted my eyes in anger, growled, and whispered to tell him to be quiet if he still wanted to live in this world.

"Even though you're fat, I love you."


Hmm, should say it now, handsome guy? As his mother sat up with her head held high, I reached out and pinched the man's leg. His face looks painful, he turns to look at me but I don't care.

While eating, the handsome man's mother said to take me here and there.Then asked about my relationship with that handsome man. She said her son always called and talked about me and his classmates. She also said that she was sent pictures that the handsome man had taken secretly, both at school and outside.

I smiled and listened attentively until my mouth was torn from ear to ear.

"Only your photo is on the phone." His mother gave me the cell phone. At first the handsome man said that he was feeling embarrassed.

What? People like you are shy? But Mom doesn't seem to care. She showed all the photos that the handsome man had sent to his mother. Pictures of me and him with medals at home, some photos of me wearing hat props, belts, neck pillows, and brown teddy bears. There are so many photos. Where did you secretly take those pictures?

I glanced at the man beside me who was pretending to be sitting still not looking at me.

However, I kept scrolling to see more, until I reached the last photo.

My photo that...

It was the one who was eating Thong Yod when I was in Kanchanaburi.

(*Sorry he's not eating Thong Yod in this pic though... but let's just imagine

��������� )

Oh... my image has been completely destroyed. "Mom loves this picture. It looks so natural." "Dad likes it too."

Kantaphol wants to pass out.

I flashed mother an awkward smile, glanced at myself, and thought if that looked natural.


After having a full stomach, the next destination is Wat Phra That Doi Kham to pay respects and ask for the blessing of 'Luang Por Tan jai'. Upon arrival, it was already crowded with visitors until the parking lot was almost full. Mother said most people come here hoping for good fortune to come as quickly as they wish, as this is said to be the supreme being of prayer. I followed his parents to worship Luang Por Ni jai. There are many jasmine flowers suitable for ceremonies. They say that if we want our wishes to come true, we should bring jasmine flowers in full bloom.

"What are you praying for?" asked the tall figure. "Do I have to tell you?"

"Tell me what is your prayer?"

I didn't say it, but he still didn't stop.

"I won't tell you." the handsome man let out a voice of displeasure, quickly got up and walked over to stand with his Mom and Dad.

Sulking like that really doesn't suit you, handsome boy.

"Are you sulking?" I asked.


The answer given was silence. "I was kidding."


The handsome man calmed down and averted his eyes. I could only take a deep breath out of frustration, then whispered in his ear.

"If you want to know, come with me."

At Wat Phra That Doi Kham bustling with people taking pictures and sightseeing different parts of Chiang Mai. I walked to the edge. Looking at the beautiful nature ahead with a tall figure walking beside me, looking in the same direction.

"Are you interested in living here?"

Those words sounded like a marriage proposal. I've heard it once in a movie. Turning to the speaker, I saw him staring at me as if waiting for an answer. I took a deep breath before turning around and looking at the landscape.

Actually, this place is amazing. No, it's great to live in a big city surrounded by unique nature, cool weather all year round with the tropical nature (descendant) of Thailand, the people are kind, smile a lot, the language is beautiful and pleasant to hear.

But.. "No."

I have a mother to take care of in Bangkok. How can I live here?

"Why?" The person next to me raised his voice stiffly and I could tell that she still wasn't relieved by my answer.

"You don't need to know." I spoke and we were silent. He probably knows that no matter what happens, I won't say why, but there's one thing I can say.

"About the prayer earlier, do you still want to know?" The handsome man nodded.

"I want to take the university entrance exam." ". "

No answer. I reached out and took the handsome man's hand.

"I'm not done yet."

"I want to pass the entrance exam at the same university as this person." I said as I pointed at the chest of the tall man.

I'm very shy. I didn't think these words would come out of my mouth. Should I jump now?

"Well." He leans in and whispers in my ear, quickly grabbed my hand and tightened it.

"And I... Hmm, I. "

"I want to... be this person's. Boyfriend." and he pointed at me just like

I did before.

That cute smile that I hate so much until it drives me crazy. Sometimes it makes him look more handsome. Often makes me feel embarrassed.

"So. " I made a thoughtful expression on my face.

"This person should go buy jasmine."


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