Personal Epilogue

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Writer's note:

Hi there! It's been... probably a year or two, three... damn. I hope all of you are doing well.

I didn't intend to touch this story ever again, as it is the only finished story I have and will ever have. I'm pretty happy with how it ended, so I didn't want to mess with it.

Until a few days ago. I had an idea to involve my personal life with a bonus chapter to announce some important news! I didn't write any specifics yet (thank the lord) but the idea of it did wander around in my head for a while.

Luckily, before actually writing anything, I checked my wattpad today, and it turns out I already wrote out and published that EXACT idea, probably two or three years ago. Guess I'm getting old already ;) Even the character name was the same, wow.

My idea was, in very big lines, that Sun and Lillie would get married and have a kid called Star (see, I already wrote all of this xD). I meant to publish it for Christmas. Guess that won't be necessary anymore.

So, let's share the news.

I don't think anyone but my friend TheLoneWanderer17 knows about this, but I got engaged to my now fiancée in April this year. I'm Belgian and she's Brazilian, I closed the distance in September. We're going to get married the coming April, the 8th to be exact.

My main motivation for writing about Sun and Lillie was because I was sad about her leaving Alola all the way back in... 2016? But another pretty much as important motivation was because I dreamt of having a Lillie in my own life, while I'd be a Sun. Someone I would want to spend every second of my life with. Someone I'd want to protect from all the evils in the world. Someone I'd follow all the way to Kanto.

Well, I followed her all the way to Brazil! It's a dream come true.

But wait, there's more. This will probably be a bit of a shock, as it was to me too xD my own family doesn't entirely know about it yet, I only told a few people.

We're getting our very own Star!

I know, I know, I'm young. I got very worried too when I heard the news, that I'm going to be a dad!! I had projected a future in my head that I'd be a father in a few years from now maybe, when I'd almost be in my 30's, late 20's... not in my early 20's.

Especially for Europeans, it's seen as extraordinary (and most of the time not in a good way) to be a "young" parent. Luckily here in Brazil, my fiancée's family was very welcoming and excited with us, as here it's fully normal.

Many people will say I'll waste my youth or that I'll have too many responsibilities, but I don't see it like that. I can still have fun in my youth and take care of my own blood. I can chill with some Scarlet after a hard day of work and spending time with my son or daughter (I'll only know the gender in a few weeks).

It took me a few days to let it fully sink in, but now I'm completely fine with it. If anything, I'm more than fine, I'm really freaking excited!

I have a lot to learn, both about myself and about raising others. I'll have to go through a tough journey, just like Sun. But damn it, I'm more than willing to get started.

Anyways, I won't keep you any longer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart again, you guys are all awesome for reading until this chapter. I'll update you all on the gender in a few weeks from now, most likely on my profile board. See you then, and take care.

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