Chapter one

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"Ok and I should be here right" Y/N had just finally arrived to the hospital where his doctors appointment was scheduled. He had been feeling chest pain for about two weeks and his (Brother/Sister) begged and forced them to go see a doctor. Once he got in the hospital the lady at the front desk gave him the room location for his doctor. "It's on the third floor to the right. Room 306". She told him. He then proceeded to make his way to the room.

"Ok let's see. Third floor, check. Heading right, check. Room 306 A and B, che- Wait a minute". He looked up. I'm that hallway was a 306A and 306B. "Ok that lady said nothing about two different 306's. Just with one is my doctor's?......................................I'll just take a lucky guess." He went to room 306A. Once he got in he didn't see his doctor but he did see a bed room and a woman with white hair who looked at him surprised.

"Oh shoot I guessed wrong." He thought embarrassed. His face went a bright red.

The woman looked at him surprised. "W-who are you"? She asked confused. Y/N looked at her blushing "I'm so sorry! The door signs around here are really confusing". Y/N told her trying to explain. "Oh you got confused by the door signs too? It has happened to me more than twenty times here too" she told him while giggling.

"Not surprised. It's like replacing the men and women's restroom signs with a tie and bow tie, you can't tell what your supposed to go to". He told her. He chuckled a bit at what he said. She chuckled to. They stopped soon and looked at each other. He held out his hand "My name is Y/N L/N". She smiled and shook his hand "Rei"

He smiled "Rei. That's a cute name." He thought to himself. "Y/N, that's a very sweet name." Rei thought to herself. They just looked into each other's eyes sand smiled. There was a long silence between the two. They looked into each other's eyes with silence for about ten minutes until Y/N broke the silence.

"So by chance do you know where (Doctors name) is"? Y/N asked. "He left my room not long before you came in. He's at his lunch break". Rei told him. Y/N face palmed. "Do you by chance know when he will come back"? Y/N asked her. She shook her head "But he should come back soon". Y/N took a breath and started feeling his heart in pain. He got on his knees and grabbed his heart.

Rei got up and ran to him. "What's wrong"?!?? She asked panicked. She helped him up and sat him down on her bed. She held his hands and looked at him in the eyes "Calm down, focus on me and take deep calming breaths." He did what she told him. She even did it with him. His heart finally stopped hurting.

"Thanks Rei." He said taking a breath. She smiled and blushed a bit. "Has this happened before"? She asked concerned. He nodded "About five or six times in the last two weeks. My (brother/sister) forced me to come here. I keep telling them I'm fine but still never hurts to be on the safe side". He told her.

"Your doctor should be here soon. Do you wanna stay in here until he comes"? She asked him. She blushed slightly. Y/N nodded and smiled. The two sat next to each other on the bed and talked. They talked about their day, favorite season, favorite books, movies, etc. The two had a lot in common. After a hour his doctor still didn't show up but Y/N didn't care he was having too much fun talking with Rei to notice how much time was passing. About a half a hour later his doctor finally came in. As he went to his office he thought he heard Y/N's voice from Rei's room. He slowly pecked in and saw Y/N and Rei. They were talking, laughing and having a wonderful time together. He looked at Y/N and then at Rei. The two were so happy together and he saw something in Rei, a side of her nobody at the hospital had seen before, joy. When she was around other people at the hospital she was usually quiet and didn't show much emotion but with Y/N there she was happy, laughing and smiling. He decided to give the two some alone time and wait.

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