Chapter two

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"Ok Y/N just take it easy and please be careful with what activities you do. I don't want you to have a incident". (You Doctor) told Y/N as he finished checking on Y/N's heart. Y/N's Doctor also gave him some medicine and a book to help with his heart.

"Now here are a few things you should probably know Y/N. You will be experience chest pain, dizziness dry cough and among other things. And there is a small possibility that your heart may stop at one point". The doctor told Y/N. Y/N face palmed, he had already told him that all already had happened to him.

"We will meet up in, hold on let's see, three weeks to see how you are doing and check to see if surgery is needed". Y/N gulped at the idea of surgery. He thanked his doctor for helping him and left the room. As he was getting ready to go he looked back at Rei's room. He walked back to her door a knocked on it a few times and waited a bit. Rei slowly opened the door and smiled softly seeing Y/N.

"Y-y-y/N? What are you doing here"? Rei asked smiling at him.

"I'm heading home". Y/N told her. Rei's smile faded once he told her that. She looked down in disappointment. Y/N held her hand to calm her.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in three weeks. I'll bust you again if you would like". Y/N told her smiling. Rei looked at him. She smiled brightly and nodded without hesitation. He smiled back. They looked into each other's eyes for about a few minutes and smiled at each other.

"Well i has to go. See you in three weeks, maybe I'll see you sooner". He smiled at her. Rei smiled back. As Y/N walked down the hall someone called his name.

???: Y/N? Y/N? Excuse me Mr. Y/N?

Y/N looked and saw a doctor approaching him. Y/N gulped nervously as he looked at the man coming up to him. Once the man approached Y/N, Y/N froze up and looked at the man. The man just gave a small calming smile and chuckled softly.

"Relax mister, your not in trouble. I just wanna talk about you and Rei." Y/N raised a eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm Rei's Doctor and I saw what you and Rei did. You know the talking and such. I have to say I have never seen Rei so open to someone in the entire time she has been here and it's so nice to see her open up to someone. So if you want I will give you access to come by and visit her more often". He told Y/N.

"I would love that"! Y/N said happily looking at the doctor. The doctor smiled happily as nd thought to himself "This will be perfect for Rei. As long as she doesn't pour any hot water on this guy's face, this will work out".

Time skip.

Y/N's (Brother/Sister) walked around the house nervously waiting for their younger brother to return and soon they did.

"Hey are you ok?! How was the doctor?!? What did they say?!?" They asked so fast Y/N could hardly understand what they were saying

" Wow, wow, wow, wow HOLD ON"! Y/N tried to calm his (Brother/Sister) as they showered him with questions. They immediately calmed down and took a calming breath.

"Ok. Sorry about that but what did the doctor say"? They asked nervously looking at their brother as he pulled out the same book his doctor gave him.

"Well he said to take it easy, less salt and to take medicine. Basically anything a CVS pharmacist could tell you for free". Y/N told them. He rubbed his head and couldn't help but think about Rei. His (Brother/Sister) noticed.

"What's on your mind? Or who's on your mind"? They asked giggling. Y/N blushed brightly looking at them. He rubbed his arm nervously and looked at them.

"Well I did meet one woman and she's really nice and a very lovely woman". He smiled and blushed softly and rubbed his arm. (Brother/Sister) smiled brightly and sat Y/N on the couch and sat next to him smiling.

"Ok. Tell me everything! What's her name?! What is she like?! What's her job?! What's her quirk?! Dose she have any children"?! They asked excited and very fast. Y/N looked at them, he took a breath and started to explain.

"Well. Her name is Rei. She's tall and she's has straight shoulder-length white hair with rather long bangs over her face, and tired-looking brown-gray eyes with reasonably long eyelashes. She likes reading. I believe she is about 31 years old. She has a ice quirk." Y/N explained to their sibling.

"Wait. Mental hospital? Ice quirk? Her names Rei? ..........HOLD UP!!!! That's Endeavors Ex wife"! They said surprised and looked at their brother with a look of surprise.

Y/N: Endeavor? Is that that jerk that teaches 1-A?

Sibling: No that's Aizawa. Now that I think about it how has he not been fired. Endeavor is the number two hero. He's a tall, sturdily-built man with a very muscular physique. He has short crimson hair which he wears spiked up around his head, and sharp light blue eyes. His beard and mustache appear to be made of fire, but when he voluntarily turns off the flames on his face a small amount stubble shows around his jaw. He's a prideful and ambitious man driven by his goal to surpass the No. 1 Hero, All Might. This obsessive drive has followed Enji throughout his entire life, with repeated failure having plagued him since his youth. Dedicated to his studies and hero work, Endeavor strived to become the absolute strongest Pro Hero in the country, but the figure of All Might proved itself too much of an insurmountable obstacle for him or anyone else to overcome, leaving Endeavor in a growing state of despair as he became more and more aware that closing the gap between him and the Symbol of Peace was futile. As a result, Enji turned into a cold, callous person who didn't care for anything but his impossible dream, something a young Inasa Yoarashi would notice by just looking at his eyes. Enji was aware of his own limitations, and still is in fact, but, because of his stubbornness, he never once thought about relinquishing his wish, wanting to accomplish it at any cost and even passing on his aspirations to another person if necessary. As a way to balance the downsides of his Hellflame Quirk, something he always found cumbersome, Enji sought to have a child with an ice Quirk user, in order to create someone that could inherit his will. This way, Enji would not only have his Quirk be inherited, but also his training and experiences, by a "perfect" successor. rather cruel, abusive father and husband, with his actions negatively affecting all members of the family he formed. Shoto, his youngest child, was considered his masterpiece; a tool that possessed all the right elements to exceed All Might's ability and nothing else. As a result, Enji focused all his hopes on Shoto, forcing him through incredibly harsh training since a young age and showing little concern for his personal desires. The rest of the children were ignored and perceived as "failures" that weren't allowed to interact with their younger sibling. When his wife succumbed to a mental breakdown and attacked Shoto, Enji sent her away to a psychiatric ward solely to prevent her from getting in the way of his child's development.

Y/N's eyes widened once he heard all this. "What?! How could he be so selfish. How could he do that so such a nice, loving and kind woman! How could he abuse them?! How has he not been arrested"?! Y/N asked and shouted angrily and their sibling tried to calm them down

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, calm down, your going to have another Panic attack". They said rocking him gently trying to calm him down and as they rocked him he calmed down. He took a breath to calm down.

"How has he not been fired or arrested"? Y/N asked calmly and was breathing calmly.

They looked down at him "Not enough evidence".

Y/N took a breath and thought to himself "Rei, I can't change the past, but I can help you now. I promise".

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