chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Chapter by lalalandecember

Marcel's POV

I know there will be a lot of convincing for me to do. For the first time I see her, she's a tough woman.

She was really panicking when she didn't saw her son. And for the first time I saw a little boy in the bathroom alone and he was very calm.

I walk out from the CCTV room after checking it. I have a interview today, but I have to checked all the management as well.

I might have a mixed schedule with the interview. I should be inspecting all departments today, but I have an interview.

I rubbed my face harshly. I open my eyes and frowned.

"Sir, can you help me?" I looked down and saw a little boy in front of me.

I squat down and levels with him. "What are you doing here alone?" I ask.

"I have to use the restroom, sir. I have to pee." He whispered the last sentence in my ear. I hide my smile.

"Where's your parents?" I looked around and didn't find anyone. Does his parents just let him go wandered around alone? How can a parents do that?


"Sitting?" I repeated.

"Yes." He tugged on my arm and shaking it. "Pee pee." He said while pointing at the restroom door. Understand what he want.

I stand up and lead him to the restroom. I opened the door for him to go in. As he go in, he run up to the cubical.

I decided to wait for him, in case he can't get out because he can't reach the door handle. That's why he asked me to open the door for him.

A minute later, he come out of the cubical. He saw me standing by the door and walked up to me.

"Thank you, sir." He said, but his head is looking down on his feet.

"It's fine, little guy. Here, let me walk you to your parents." I extend my hand to him. But because he looked down, he didn't see my hand. So I just grab his hand and walk out from the restroom.

"How old are you?" I asks, looking down at him.

"Three." He answer with a strong voice.

"Mommy." He said, finally looked up. "Thank you, sir." He hug my leg before running off to his mother. Because I'm curious who would left her son alone in this big building.

As he stop, I stopped. I saw her hugged him tightly.

My feet stuck on the ground. I watched them, her. She was so scared, that's how I read her.

"I saw him running along the hallway near the toilet." I tell her. Knowing that she's confused.

"Thank you, sir." She smiled and that moment I swear I forgot how to breath. She takes my breath away, just a smile.

I just nodded as a response. Because I'm still starstruck. Still can thinking a little bit, I use it for me to walked away. So I did.

I walk back to my office to start the interview. I don't want to delayed the interview and then I can move on to checking on the other departments.

"Come in." I shouted to whoever knocking on my office door. My secretary come in to my office with a stack of papers.

"This is the data of the interviewers. All of their data is in it." She said, still standing up with the papers in her hands.

"Put them here." I pointed at my desk and she put them down. "I'll call you when I'm ready for the interviewer." I said, requesting her to get out.

I looked through them all, one by one. I put the seen one to the other side. I don't know what I'm expecting, but I'm expecting something.

"Ah." I stopped and take the paper up. "So her name is Ella Maria. Interesting." I whispers to myself.

"What are you thinking, son?" My mother's voice brought me back to the present. I was in a deep thought when she interrupted me. If she can just lower her voice one octave, I'm sure I'm still in my thoughts.

"Nothing, Mom." I said, pushing off the thought of her. She could be denying me for now, but not for long.

"Well, if you say so. You should get some rest. Your dad and I would be packing. We'll be leaving early in the morning." She said, rubbing my shoulder in comfort.

"How's the progress going in Hongkong?" Her and dad has been working on a project to open a restaurant in Asia. And start from Hongkong.

"It's going well. We're hoping that will not be any problem." She says.

"I hope so, mom. I'll be managing our future project with Mr. Shang. It's a great opportunity for us." She nods and smile.

"I'm going to bed now. And you should too." She pointed at me, not missing her intense glare.

"I will, I promise." I said in salute, making my mother shakes her head like she couldn't handle me anymore. I'm just too rebellious for her as she said.

"If I see you here still, I'm taking down your title." She threaten me.

"Don't be like that, mom. Who will run the company then? Father? He's too old to do all the work. That's why he hand them to me." I said with a proud smirk on my face.

"Hey, young man. Watch you mouth. I hear you just fine here." I chuckles as I see my father walking in to the kitchen.

"Really? I hope you didn't hear mom saying another man's name when you both doing the 'night activity'." I quoted the 'night activity', because that's what they call it nowadays. Old people. I rolled my eyes at that thought.

"She never did and will never be. Because my skill haven't lost it touch."

"Okay, if you say so, father." I purposely say the father with my tongue between my teeth.

"Such a bad boy." My mother muttered, but left the kitchen with dad anyway. Well, I could never ask for a better live now before than. There were a long way ride for me to get here, with them supporting me.

I love living every bit of it.


Wow... this story reached #42  on the #projectwomanup on lalalandecember profile. thank you guys for your support.

please make it up, climbing the stairs... to the top 10 maybe... hahaha...

love u alll....

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