Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 by syaminhazam


“Ella,” Joe voice sounded from my back.

I have just changed into my uniform and locked the locker when he called my name out. He was leaning on the doorframe with a pen clipped to his ear.

“Yes, Joe…anything?” I responded, smiling at him.

Joe never step his foot in the staff room unless there is something serious that he needs to deliver.

“The boss is calling you up in his room, near the VIP balcony,” his fingers pointing the balcony on the second floor.


Joe shrugged his shoulder and walks out of the room.

Rubbing my temple, I think of all the possibilities of reason on why Marcel wants to see me as early as this. Only one thing crossed my mind, the event last week.

I came back to the restaurant with the cab leaving Marcel behind. He was not happy about it and he showed it clearly to everyone on that day. He stormed in when he reached the restaurant and locked himself inside His office until the time to close the restaurant. Leo was asking for him when I was getting ready for my turn to play the piano.

I had to lie to Leo, telling him that his buddy was not feeling well on that day. Leo being a small child insisted that he should see his buddy, to pass him medicine. That was I worried about, the bond between them.

I rejected his feeling, but Leo is just a small child, he won’t understand. However, that what I requested from him before closing the cab door. The memory of that night came back, clouding my mind as I climb the step to the second floor.

That night, I played the piano but I felt empty inside. Playing the piano was something I look forward to everyday a work. The waitressing job was tiring and almost draining, not forgetting the filthy man with lustful eyes or intention looking at me.

The night however was different. I enjoyed playing the piano not just, because it makes me soar high into the sky, feeling the breeze of air touching my soul with every note I press. It is also because of him, Looking down at me while cradling Leo in his arm.

When my finger touched the keypads, the music resounded through the hall to every corner but it never reached my heart, I didn’t soar high up as always. Something was different since that night until yesterday.

It was different without him looking down on m or clapping his hand with his biggest grin plastered on his face, almost giving me unconditional support. Without him, everything feels empty. The crowd cheered me as always, praising after every performance. The crowd cheers and praises however can’t match his single clap and the recognition I saw in his eyes. Lying to him about my feeling was the best decision I’ve made.

I rarely play or talk to Leo this week, as by the time I pick him up from Miss Louisa house he is already fast asleep. Every morning, however I make a point to talk to him and inquire about new friends that he makes there. Marcel, buddy as he fondly calls him is his favorite topic.

How do I tell him about Marcel?. He always tries to talk to me during the lunch break but as always, I’ll be sitting with Mel. Mel already has some suspicion that our bos, Marcel maybe attracted to me, which I dismissed, telling her that I’m a mother of one child, joking with her that Marcel maybe looking at her, which always receives a hearty laugh from her.

Standing in front of his door, I let out a heavy breath. Slowly, I knocked on his door. This is harder than I thought, facing him after a week, just the two of us.

“Come in,”

I braced myself as I push the door open. He was there sitting on his chair with his back facing me. He was talking on the phone when I walked in. taking the opportunity, I studied his office.  This office is small compared to the one that I was interviewed in, the headquarters. There is a big window from where you can see the whole restaurant from up here.

“Magnificent view huh,”

His hand snakes around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder. His touch, oh my… ignites a feeling long forgotten, sending shivers down to my spine, almost making my knee buckled.

Get a hold of yourself, be firm.

“Why did you call me up here Mr. Marcel,” I said while trying to get myself free from his touch.

“Because I missed you and Leo, he’s not here anymore,” his grip on my waist tightened.

My fingers curled around his hand as I tried to wriggle away from him.

“Let me go Mr. Marcel,” I elbowed him as all my effort before just gone down in the drain. He is such a big and muscular man.

“Ouch!” he hunched with his hand on his stomach.

Gosh, I must elbowed him hard.

“Are you okay?” I gnawed as my finger brushed the side of his cheek. His eyes closed as his fingers curled around mine.

“I’ll accept this more, if it makes you come near me,”

Gritting my teeth, I stood up and turned my heel towards the door. Anger boiling up inside me. I can feel my body heats up as I tried to suppress the anger. He is such a player, with sweet words. My hand was on the knob, trying to open the door when his large hand covered my small hand.

“If there is nothing more, can you just let me resume my job, Mr. Marcel?” I glared into his eyes.

“Yes, I want to talk about your performance lately,” he said removing my hand from the knob.

“My performance,” I look into his eyes, questioning him. “The crowd seems to enjoy the performance as usual, sir”

He sighed, “Just Marcel Ella, is it hard?” his voice boomed. “No, I didn’t enjoy it, something lacking… the music is good as usual but I notice that something is lacking, the music is soulless, empty” he said staring into my eyes.

“Something wrong Ella, is something disturbing you lately, my absence maybe?” he smirked.

I stared blankly into his eyes as he looks into mine. Can he see through me?

“No, nothing is wrong, not even your absence sir,” I retorted, averting my gaze.

“Don’t lie to me Ella, it’s clear from your action. Your eyes were searching a glimpse of me every night. I can see it through you,”

Shaking my head, “Keep on telling yourself sir, I just missed Leo, he was always here, looking down while I play,” I laughed bitterly trying to hide my real feeling.

My heart hammered behind my chest. Was I that visible? Yes, I was searching for him every time I played but I was discreet about it. How could he look into it like through a glass? So clear.

My palm rested on his table as I steadied my breath. My fingers on my hair combing it back repeatedly. His hand grabs my shoulder and turned me around so that I stand facing him. Steadily, he lifts me up, positioning me sitting on his table. 

His head lowered as his face inches away from me. I can feel his hot breath on my face. His sweet musky almost makes me melt under his smoldering eyes. My will to push him away is just standing on a thin layer of thread that is almost giving away anytime.

“I miss Leo too, he is such an adorable,” his fingers trailed along my bare arm sending mixed signals to my mind.


I flinched as his finger caressed my cheek.

“A beautiful soul, just like you,” he kissed the sensitive skin below my neck.  I’m almost loosing this game of pushing him away, but I want to give myself to this feeling growing inside. He was trailing hot kisses along my jawline when a loud knock sounded on the door.

Saved by the knock on the door

“Who is that?” His voice reverberated around the room, with his jaw clenched as he let out a heavy breath.

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