chapter 40

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Chapter by lalalandecember


Giovanni's POV

Walking away from that house leave my heart heavy. Signing away the rightful of my son was hard.

I first known about Leo is two months ago. I spent my last three years in prison back in Italy. It was all Valerie doing. She blow up my cover and all the places, including the hiding place.

The police blow up in so many places of my business. The locked them up til the very last of my employees.

Valerie did that to her own husband. She run off and told the police about the illegal business I run. And that cause all my business going down as a blink of an eyes.

But, not everything is blow up. My alliance is still as strong as they were. Italy is my territory, I could find them everywhere. They bow to me. They know what's best for them and not.

I built back my property in a matter for a month. My legal business still stands. They are everywhere too.

I built my office and the storage under the stores. I live in there and still am. I don't have a house for now. I'm trying to built back my alliance and bring them back to the eye of everyone.

Three years doesn't matter as long as I still have the power.

All the Italian police knows that they locked up my illegal business. Now they think that I'm clean. Throw me in the prison once, fooled them anytime.

Giving my rightful away as his father wasn't something I expect her to asked. But who am I kidding? It was my ex beloved wife who asked, I couldn't go against her request. Little did she knows.

Even though I signed it so easily. Believe me, I wasn't as it looked. There is no other in the world wants to signed his rightful away as a father. Especially like me, he is my only heir.

"Boss, you have guest waiting." One of my man come to me as I just walked in to the lobby of the hotel I stayed in.

"Okay, I'll be right over. Where is he now?" I ask, making my way to the elevator.

"In his room."

"Okay." I press the button to his floor that my man informed. I walked to his room which is all the way down the hallway. This guys knows privacy, but doesn't know how to keep in close.

I knock on his door and waited impatiently. I knock harder, this time, he open the door of his hotel room.

"Gio, come on in." He invited me in. I walk to the window side, standing while looking at the view outside. I put my hands in my pocket pants.

"I believe you just met your long lost ex-wife." He stated.

"How did it goes?" He asked.

"She agreed......... On conditions." I answer. Still looking outside of the hotel room.

"Wow, never thought of her to be like that. You believe me now, aren't you?" I can hear him being sarcastic. The first time he told me that he saw a woman just like Valerie on a dinner party.

I wouldn't believe him at first. He said things that doesn't make sense to me. The Valerie I knew is not like the woman he described.

"The man that she fall in love with?" I laugh dryly. "Can't believe he took my place as his father, but we'll see. We'll see how it turns." I said in determine.

No one, take my places. What's belong to me, always will be mine.

"Are you going to fly her back to Italy?" That was a dumb question.

"Of course." I snorted. "She won't go nowhere once I brought her back to Italy. She has no one there."

"He can take Leo away from me. But you know, a boy, especially a mama's boy can't love without his mother. Within a couple of weeks, he will be looking for his mother." I said, there to look at him. He is standing not to far from me.

"You will watch her, Ducca. Watch her and don't let her slipped out of your eyes." I said with a shooting warned to him.

"Of course, Gio. I've been keeping tabs on her, aren't I? And I make a pretty good job. My shits done well than your so called alliance." He said sarcastically in annoyed.

"Sure, sure." I said. I make my way to the door and walk out of his room.

This shit just got more interesting. You see, my love. You won't ever win. You have a way, I have many ways.

I laughed forced heartily. My beloved ex-wife thinks she could get me by making me sign those damn useless paper.

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