chapter 41

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Chapter 41

“Bob,” i pass him the letter that Gio signed a while ago.

“I want you to pass this to the lawyer you talk to me last week,” Bob took the envelope from my hand and opened it slowly. His eyes widen as he read the letter.

“This is dangerous Ella,” he whispered.

I nodded.

“You know that this letter won’t stop him right?” he asked as he puts the letter back into the envelope.

“He will take me  back to Italy next week Bob. Let him think he won me back for a while.. i just need you to look for Leo for me...,” tears pooled my eyes at thee mention of Leo name.

“Take care and please be careful,” he said before walking away.

I took a cab from the church and head back to Marcel place. I just have one week to spend with the one that i loved. One week away of Gio’s torment then i’m back to the hell hole.

I opened the  door slowly and there stands Marcel with scowl on his face. I stood still at the threshold smiling weakly.

Biting the inside of my cheek, i walked inside, closing the door behind me slowly. I walked passing him buy his hand gripped my arm tight.

I was supposed to wait for him but i went out on my own. Now, i have to face his wrath.

“you were supposed to wait for me Ella” he seethed.

“And i told you, i will come back in a while. I am here now right” i said pulling my arm away from his grip.

“A while you said?.. you were gone for a long time. Why can’t you wait Ella?..”

I rubbed my sweaty palm together, trying to form a reason on my head but Marcel shoot a question before i even managed to fork out a reason or a lie.

“ Where were you this late?”

“i went back home and try to find the thing i left but,” i let a  small nervous laugh.

“But it is here it seem because i couldn’t find it there,”i walked towards Marcel.

“I was scared Ella. Gio can take you away anytime away from me,” he hugged me from behind.

Taking a deep breath i assured him. “He can’t take me away from you Marcel,”. I know that i gave him a false assurance but right now that’s the only thing i can say.

“have you eaten?” i try to turn the conversation around scared that he sniffed my nervousness.

Marcel shakes his head. “Mum saw you at the church again, at the cemetery.,” Marcel huffed before continuing “ Your mum’s grave is there right?” he asked cupping my shoulder.

I nodded i  silence. I was cutting the vegetable when he snapped the knife away from me. “What are you hiding from me Ella,? Tell me” Marcel eyes pleaded to me.

“Nothing Marcel, i was missing my mum and decided to visit her grave. That’s all” I replied looking directly into his eyes.

Marcel eyes searches mine as he slides his body near me. The heat radiates from his piercing eyes almost melted my heart and causing me to blurt out the truth. I must not be weak. Marcel shouldn’t know that i have gone to meet Gio behind him.

“Leo teacher called me a while ago. Louisa... asking when Leo is coming back to school,” his lip brushes the side of my cheek sending shivers down to my spine.

“Next week,” i blurted the answer almost immediately.

His stubbles tickles me as he brushes his cheek with mine. I giggled.  With one swift motion he carried me up and put me on top of the kitchen table.

Slowly, his finger strokes the side of my arm. I squealed as he bit my left ear. He chuckled softly. I shoved him playfully and he stumbled back a bit.

“i need the prepare our food Marcel,” i said when he came near. His hand on my hip as he whispered to my ear.

“What will you prepare for me?.. you in a sexy lingerie or you in the red dress? Because im not hungry of food you know”

He never touch me more than a simple kiss or holding me near him. I let out a nervous giggle. “Marcel,” his finger on my lip silenced me.

Not long later, his lips replaced his finger on my lip. Brushing slowly, teasing. “I love you Ella,” he said before deepening the kiss, sealing his confession with crushing our lip together.
As our lip parted, he leaned in. Our forhead leaned together. “You are the only women in my life, no other have this effect on me. You make me happy when you agree to stay here with me, together. Finally, i have my family” he said stroking my hair.

His family?. My heart wept. He will only have this family for a week. After that, this small family consist of him and Leo only.

“ Marcel,” i call his name.

“Call my name again,” he requested pecking my lip.

“Marcel.. Marcel,”

“it sounded divine coming out from your lip” he said carrying me down from the kitchen counter.

“I love you Marcel” I said as he carries me inside his room. My heart pounded behind my cheat as he lowered me down on the bed.

My eyes never left his as he opened his shirt exposing his chest.

“if anything happen to me” i said gulping. “You please take care of Leo” i said as he lowered himself o  the bed.

He frowned. His finger wiped the tears welling on my eyes. “We will take care of our family together love, you and me,” he said as he bend down kissing my lip again.

“Ella, my sweet Ella,” he whispered as his fingers carefully zipping down my dress and tossed it down joining his pile if clothes on the floor.

Forgetting the world around us, we lay down in each other arm making love to each other and me forgetting about Gio and the promise that i made.

One week that i have and i intended to fully live it out with both men that i love, Marcel and Leo.

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