That bastard

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                        Flames POV

I was walking into the distance which when I found him.He was so perfect for me.I walked up to him and hugged him.I kissed him and said I love you then we rolled into the sunset like a happy couple.I've found my happy ending with the thing I love the most.




Lo mein I love you.


"Flame get your ass up before I get a bucket of ice and drop it on you!!" I opened my eye and saw Mio with both hands on both of her hips.I just glared at her cause she ruined the best part of my dream.And I was gonna get married to my favorite food.Damn you Mio.To be honest I love Mio like a sister.She's like my best friend/sister I've always wanted and she's been there for me as same as Sile.I just don't like the part where she's a bit bossy.I'm 16 years old I can take care of myself.At least I'm not like those teens who end up having a baby at 16 or who wear revealing clothes.She pulled my blanket and got me out of bed.She was wearing a black tank top, blue jeans, same black leather jacket she always wears, and some black chucks.Same old Mio.

"Come on its time for breakfast and Sile told me to wake you up."I ignored her."She made breakfast."




"Is there bacon?".I opened my eye to see her staring at me with a blank expression on her face."yes there is bacon."She said before she left the room.I got up to brush my teeth, do my hair, and got dressed up in my usual clothes.I got out of the room when I finished everything I had to do.I walked down the stairs to see Sile and Mio sitting at the table waiting for me to come sit down so they can eat.I sat down and saw my plate:pancakes, bacon with orange juice.Oh thank god!!.I started eating while they ate.It was silent as we ate.Sile was the one to break the tension."So how did you girls sleep?" I sweat dropped cause Sile never really like awkward situations.I mean who can blame her whenever it was to silent I would always say 'somebody talk damnit'."Mines was fine Sile.How was your sleep?", Mio answered Sile without looking up."That's good", Sile smiled."Flame what about your sleep?"

I looked at her with an 'are-you-serious?'face."I slept like a baby with a bottle in its mouth." Sile just looked at me like I was some mental person and shrugged it off and just ate her food.I looked at her confused."What? What did I say?" "The weird stuff you say Flame.That's what you did."Sile said as she ate her food without looking at me.'are you freaking serious!?!? That's what I did wrong!?!?The hell!?' "I only got one thing to say to you guys." "And what is that Flame?" Sile got up from the table and put her plate in the dish and faced me.I can see what she was wearing now:a white shirt, a really light blue jacket that was stopped at the top of her stomach, some really short blue jeans with black tights and brown boots that stopped mid legI closed my eyes while I crossed my arms."Screw you guys."

(A/N: Siles face:O_O Mios face:-_-||)




I waited for their response.One minute They're sitting all quietly and then Sile, without giving me a warning, snuck up behind me and tackled me to the ground and sat on me."Sile get the hell off of me!!" I was angry and I can tell she was angry to.She had her arms crossed with her eyes closed but was she the one being a chair? NO."Flame you have a potty mouth so I'm going to sit on you until you learn your lesson." I looked at her as if she was crazy."Sile I've been talking like this for a long time now.And what about Mio? She curses to." "Don't bring me into this." Mio said as she was drinking her juice.I sighed I didn't want to her Sile but she had to her off me.I got up and she fell on her butt.I dusted myself off and went offered a hand to her.She took it without hesitation. I've known Sile for a very long time and I guess over those past few years she learned to open up and trust me since her friend Bianca left without telling her.Some friend.

"Alright let's go." I began walking to the door."Wait where are We going?" Mio looked at me like I was taking them somewhere bad."We're going to see Shiemi." "Who's that?" Sile just looked confused.

" Short blond hair girl with green eyes.You said that she was so sweet that you thought she couldn't hurt a fly."

"Oh the girl who gave you a place to stay.I like her." I shook my head and opened the door while Sile and Mio were following me.Sile locked the door and we began walking to Shiemis house.


Turns out Shiemi wasn't at her house.So I guess we walked all the way there for nothing.Now that's what I call bullshit.We're just walking to Rin and Yukios house or dorm to hang out.Now you're all wondering why you going there? Well here's how it happened...

     ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ Flashback◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇

"Knock on the door harder."Mio said in a irritated voice."God did you take us the wrong way?" "No", I said rolling my eyes at her while she wasn't looking."This is the house-well store she works at with her mom." I knocked on the door for like the eighteenth time already.We waited.... And...waited....."Screw it I'm going home." I said as I started walking to the house that Sile and Mio owned."But don't you wanna go somewhere fun.Ooh I know let's go to the twins dorms.What are there names again?" Sile who had a finger on her left cheek.I can tell she was thinking hard.Mio sighed and had her hand on her temples."Rin and Yukio Sile.That's there names." Sile smiled."Thank you Mio.But seriously let's go Flame please." She looked at me with puppy eyes.How can I say no."Screw it guys I'm going home.Deuces".As I said that I held up the peace sign and began walking back."BITCH GET YOUR FUCKING ASS BACK HERE BEFORE I GRAB YOU BY YOUR HAIR AND DRAG YOU BY IT ALL THE WAY TO THE FUCKIN BOYS DORM!!" I stopped walking and whipped my head back and saw Sile standing there pissed off while Mio just backed up. She took so many steps I felt like she was 5 feet away from Sile.Its rare to see Sile like this, she's a harmless girl whose smiles everyday but when you make her mad....that's when she's not full of smiles.I started shaking in fear cause I hate it when she's like this she's like friggin Erza if drop her strawberry cake."Flame...Mio...GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE ASAP!!!!!"

"AYE SIR!" We rushed to sile now standing in front of her.It felt like standing in front of the devil himself.I clutched on to Mio while she did the same to me."L-listen s-sile we w-ill go t-to the b-b-boys dorm n-now right f-f-flame".Mio was stuttering in fear.I don't blame her Siles just staring at her with evil eyes."Y-yeah M-mio.Let's g-go r-right now".I stuttered as well.I was sweating bricks with Mio.We saw Siles aura calm down and she returned to the way she was:Sweet and smiles all the time.

"Now then let's go." "Ok."And we started walking to the boys dorm.

◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇End of flashback ◆◇◆◇

I shivered at the thought where Sile went all demon on us.We finally arrived at the boys dorm and I knocked on the door and waited for it to open. I heard the door knob on the inside unlock, the door opened and revealed a navy blue haired boy who was wearing no shirt.I blushed deeply and covered my eyes.'How dare he make feel like an ass .That bastard!!' He smiled at us."Hey what are you guys doing here?" "Oh we wanted to just see if we could hang here with you guys if you want." Sile said in her usual voice ignoring the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Sure come in I'll just let Yukio you're here.Make yourselves at home." As soon as he said that he left to tell his twin that people were in his house.I uncovered my hands from my eyes and walked into the dorm and looked around it.Mio just grabbed a chair and sat down while Sile looked around the dorm like she was in Scooby doo.We waited for 3 minutes and down came Yukio and Rin, who was now wearing a white collared shirt.I sighed with relief but somehow felt sad knowing that I wouldnt be able to see his chest.'oh now I won't be able to see his fine six pa-wait a minute!! Why do I want to see him shirtless?Why is my heart beating so fast?Why does he make me like this? That bastard!!'

I turned away with a light flushed face and grabbed a chair and sat on it.

                             Siles POV

I turned my head to find Flame with a little pink blush that was spread across her face. 'Why is she blushing?' I wondered with a confused face.Then I saw Rin and I figured it out.Flame has a crush on Rin. O.M.G. Flame Shizuma, my best friend who had never ever liked anyone more than a friend,has a crush on Rin.My confused face turned into a devilish smirk when I just had the greatest idea I've ever had in my entire life.I was going to make sure my best friend is not going to end up a cat lady.I walked over to Mio and sat by her.She gave me a confused look thinking that I was gonna do something to her or ask her to do something for me.Truth is its a little bit of both."Mio you wanna help me with something very important." I said in my pleasant voice which surprised her."What is it? If its the thing where we had the" "No not that." I cut her off knowing that I did not want to remember that."I think pur good old Flame has a crush on Yukios older twin brother." "And what do you want me to do about it?" I grabbed her ear and whispered the plan in her ear I felt her having an evil smile on her face.'That bastard is going to be with Flame weather he likes it or not.'

                             Mios POV

As Sile told me the plan an evil smile spreaded across my face.My best friend Flame, who I love like a sister and has never had a boyfriend for sixteen years not even had her first kiss taken, is going to have her first kiss taken.Today. I nodded at the plan and got up from my seat walking towards Rin."Hey Rin can you do me a favor?" I asked him as he looked at me concerned. "Sure what is it though?" Can you kiss Flame and hook up with her so she don't end up like an old cat lady, was what I wanted to say but made up a short little lie."Flame has a little problem with her eye.Can you take a little look at it for a minute? Its killing her badly." "Sure.Anything for a friend." He said as he began to walk over to Flame.I see them talking and he got up all in her face and Flames face turned all red from Rin getting way to close to her face.Nows my cue.'Let's get Flame and that bastard together.'

                           Rin's POV

I went over to Flame to go check if her eye was okay.Ever since I saw Flame something happened to me physically and emotionally. I have dreams of her, I think about her all the time, my heart races when I see her.And I remembered the words that I said when I first seen her.All of a sudden I'm in love.I kept on replaying the words in my head until I approached Flame.She gave me a quizzical look. "Umm are you ok or are you just in la la land?" I looked at her and we both locked our gazes. She was staring into my blue eyes and I was staring into her brown one while the other one is just covered with her bangs.I leaned in and was close enough to her face.All of a sudden she turned red as I was checking her eye out to see if anything was in it."W-w-w-what the hell a-are y-ou doing b-bastard." She stuttered." Nothing just checking if your eye is fine but your eye looks fine to me." "Of course its fine what makes you think-mfh".My eyes were opened in shock and so did her eye.I cut her off and I heard my brother gasping and two girls laughing. But I'm kinda happy and afraid of how could this affect my chances with me and Flame.Cause at the end of the day she'll probably never want to see or speak to me again.Cause I, Rin Okumura, am kissing the girl of my dreams and who could probably be scary sometimes, Flame Shizuma. I'm kissing the girl I fell in love with at first sight.

                         Flame's POV

I Flame Shizuma, student of my most famous inspirational people and the girl who would never go out with on a date, am kissing Rin Okumura, the guy I met a 3 days ago, is kissing me. Rin.kissing. me.O.M.G. THAT BASTARD JUST STOLE MY FIRST KISS!!!! I wanted to push him away but it feels good and his lips were so-OH HELL TO THE NO!!! I pushed him away and ran out the door to get a lot of fresh air.I eventually got tired of running and found an old tree so I can rest for a bit.I played my back on the tree trunk and started thinking that moment that just happened a few minutes ago.I touched my lips and blushed at the thought of my first kiss was taken by a guy I barely even knew and somehow if felt good.The kiss I just had was so soft and perfect to me.I closed my eyes and smiled.Now this is the only time I'm gonna say this.2 words and 11 letters.Perfect kiss."FLAAAAAME" My eyes shot open and I saw Rin running towards me and I pretended that nothing happened." What do you want? Can't you see I'm frustrated with you for stealing something from me." He looked guilty for what he did and I can tell he was sorry by his facial expression his eyes begged me to forgive him.I almost felt myself softened a bit.Almost." Listen I came here to say I'm really sorry for what I did.I really don't know what got into me and to be honest I felt like I was pushed into you." He said in an apologetic tone."Fine I'll forgive you.Is that all you wanted to say to me?" "Umm...well...I wanted to ask you I don't know....maybe-" "Spit it out already we have to go back to the others." I crossed my arms and tapped my foot impatiently for him to finishing what he was going to say."I wanted to know if you would like to hang out tomorrow afternoon with me if you wanted to." I looked at him surprised. In middle school I got asked out by guys who I didn't even know.So why am I shocked that I'm getting asked out by a guy that I didn't know? I sighed and walked past by him.".....sure." He turned himself around and I could feel him staring at me."what did you say?" "I said I will go out with you are you deaf or something?" All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming towards me. I saw Rin giving me a big grin and he leaned into me and kisses my cheek.I stopped walking and stood there shock by the sudden gesture. 'Why is my heart beating so fast? My face.Its burning up.' "Come on Flame let's go!!" I snapped back into reality and ran after Rin as I saw him running back to the dormitory.


I saw Sile and Mio standing there with Yukio. I'm guessing it was time to go.Wow time does go fast."Come on Flame let's go.We're hungry and we have to go get some rest." Sile said having a fave where she didn't look like she had ate for a long time.I had my hands in both my pockets and started walking ahead of them.They said their goodbyes and caught up to me.I slowed down a bit so now Sile and Mio were walking ahead of me.I stopped and turned around to see Rin staring at me far away.I felt a little bad for being rude so I waved at him to tell him see ya later.He saw me wave and returned the gesture. I smiled and ran to catch up with both of my best friends." What happened to you? You look like you just found out you won tickets to see The Cab?" Mio said with a quizzical look on her face."Oh nothing special." I smiled and walked ahead of them.For some reason I can't wait for that bastard to come tomorrow.

                             Mios POV

Well Siles plan worked.Guess bumping into Rin on 'accident' making him kissed Flame actually worked.Well I'm happy that went out perfectly.Now she had her first kiss taken.Finally that bastard took her first kiss.Now she won't end up a cat lady.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while.I was really busy and now I finally made a chapter. A long one to.Hoped you enjoyed it stay tune for more of My special flame.

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