The date

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                            Flames POV

 I can not believe I am doing this.This goes against my reputation if I'm seen like this in public.I looked at my friends with an angry look but they just looked at me like I was some god.

"You look great Flame! I am so proud of you that you have no idea!" Sile was jumping up and down in the same exact spot where she was standing and Mio looked really happy when a boy finds a quarter on the ground happy which scared me because usually she never really show her emotions.'This is going to be the end of me.' I sighed as I looked at my reflection in the mirror and what I see is a nervous wreck. I was wearing black long sleeved shirt that was a little classy, dark navy blue jeans and some black boots to show it off but for my hair, I just putted it in my usual pigtails but since Sile and Mio said that looked too boring, they curled them but I told them to leave my bangs alone. To be honest I never really told them the reason I cover my eye but I'll tell them another time. I checked myself in the mirror one last time and turned to face my two best friends.

"Screw it. I'm not going." Their jaws dropped when I said that."And why not? Do you know how long we worked on this?" Sile was gesturing toward me."An hour and a half?" "No you smart ass what she's trying to say is that you are going on this date." Mio had her arms crossed and a determine look on her face. There is the Mio I know and love."Look guys I love you like sisters and I really appreciate this, really. But I honestly don't think that dating is for me. So how about I cancel this thing and we go out for a girls day?" They looked at each other trading glances at each other whether they should say yes or no.


"Oh and Flame before me and Sile forget to tell you I think you should know something."

"And what is that Mio?" Suddenly the doorbell rung and I seen the two girls have devilish looks."We gave Rin the address to the house so that he can pick you up."


"Well look at the time you have to go now Flame." Sile said as she was pushing me out the house and ignoring my protests. Mio opened the door and it revealed Rin in a simple blue hoodie over a pink T-shirt, black jeans with chains on the side, a white jacket with big pockets and black finger less gloves (A/N Outfit from episode 1 o(^▽^)o). I blushed but luckily it was light and I looked at the ground feeling nervous/scared/embarrassed.'what made me agree to this..actually how did I ended up in this situation in the first place??'

'Fine I forgive you. Is that all you wanted to ask me?' 'I wanted to know if you would like to hang out tomorrow afternoon with me if you wanted to.'
                   ~Flashback over~

'Oh right.....' "Well we hope you guys have fun on your little date." I had put all my effort to not blush and I had succeeded but I seen pink on Rins cheeks while he shrugged. Sile smirked at me and closed the door on me and Rin, thus leaving us alone. I looked at anything besides Rin while he was looking elsewhere with his hands in his pockets. I bit my lower lip in nervousness because this was my first date with a guy I barely even knew. But I'll admit it he is kinda cute. "Well we better get going before the day is over." I said walking in front of him and I can feel his gaze behind me as I walked but a few seconds have passed and he started to catch up with me. I remember Sile saying that when you're on that usually they hold hands while walking to some places. My eyes ended up looking at Rins hand and I was going to grab it until I seen two giggly girls running towards us with signs saying in capitalized letters 'COME TO THE CHEETAH CHEERS PRACTICE'. 'oh great cheerleaders' it's not that I don't like cheerleaders in fact I was friends with the cheerleaders in 7th grade its just some of them act and dress....bad. They were right in front of us with a lot, and I mean A LOT of makeup that it made me a little sick but they were twins so I couldn't really tell the difference between them. Suddenly one of them pushed me into a bush and surprisingly the bush was kind of fluffy, uncomfortable but fluffy. I got out of the bush and I was faced with the girls all over Rin. They were trying to act cute and sexy at the same time that I almost threw up because they were trying to make their butts look big including their boobs. Now it would've been funny if it was another guy but since this was my day with Rin alone, I ain't going to let a bunch of little skanks take that from me now am I? To hell I'm not

Rin's POV

I was surrounded by two girl that were holding both my arms and asking me a bunch of questions like "Do you have a girlfriend" or even "Would be honored to drop me off at practice". I would've been honored that they think I'm good looking but since I was here with Flame I wanted to spend the day with her. Speaking of which, where is Flame? I just noticed that both of my arms were missing two girls with like 2lbs of makeup and in really short skirts but then I felt somebody grab my hand and drag me away from where I was standing. I seen Flame walking in front of me but then slowed her pace so she could be right by my side. I was shocked and blushed a little since we were holding hands and I can see her face was a little red but I thought that was a little cute. "Let's go. I don't want to see a bunch of girls all over you." She said while looking at the ground but gently squeezed my hand. "Okay but whatever happened to those girls?" I squeezed her hand back gently.

"I made the sign go through their heads so now they have the sign that they were holding are around their necks."

"Someone's jealous."

"Shut up. They just have to know that when a girl is on a date with a boy, they just can't interfere."

"You think this is a date?"






"No I do no-" "Because that's exactly what I loved to call it." She ended up blushing in the end and I took her to an ice-cream parlor where they sell the best ice-cream there is while holding hands.


We were sitting in a booth across each other and to be perfectly honest, silence filled the air between us even if there was music playing in the parlor and peoples conversations filled the air but just silence filled me and Flame. I felt something kick my foot and I looked at Flame and she just had her head resting on her hand looking at the window so I just thought that it was my imagination. Then I felt it again and this time I stared at Flame and I seen her smirk. So being me, I kicked her foot gently and this time I had the smirk on my face but what I didn't expect is the girl that I was on a date with, have a devious look in her eye and it turned out that we were playing footsies underneath the table to see who could win this battle. A few minutes have passed when we were still playing footsies but we had to have a timeout because the waiter with our ice cream came to hand us our delicious treats but he kept on sending me a dirty glare and I just had a confused look on my face and I started eating my deep sky blue ice cream cone that tasted like the Popsicle I would usually eat. The waiter handed Flames ice cream to her till he stared hitting on her and she just made a two or one word conversation with him. "So baby, why are you hanging out with this loser? When you're finished with your ice cream, how about you ditched this loser and we can drive in my new Mercedes huh?" I wished I brought my sword then he run like a little girl but then I don't want to explain to Flame about that so I just glared at him and felt my other hand clenching really tight that I even checked to see if my knuckles were white. And they were. "Thanks but no thanks besides, the only loser I see here is you because at least my date doesn't work at an ice cream parlor. Also my eyes are up here not on my boobs so I suggest you get some glasses you asshole." Flame was eating her vanilla ice cream with sprinkles after she had said that. I stared in amazement and I seen the guy and he was shocked but then stormed off pissed. When he was out our sight, I started laughing hard that I felt tears coming to my eyes. I felt Flame give me a questioning look for my reason laughing like a maniac so I just told her that I never met anyone like her. "What do you mean by that?" "Don't worry it's a compliment. But what I mean is that I've never met a girl that would say anything like that to a guy. And thanks for defending me back there." I smiled and she returned a smile with a blush.

"Rin." she asked me with a blush stained on her cheek and she looked away from me.

"What is it Flame?" 

"I want to know more about you. What do you like to do or What's your favorite color?" I was a little shocked to hear that from her. It was the first time anyone has ever said that to me because usually they think I was a loser or a demon. Not even Shiemi asked me that question when we started hanging out. I scratched the back of my head and I said "Sure what do you want to know about me?" She started to think of a question and I can tell she found one. "What's your favorite food?" "Sukiyaki." I can tell she didn't know what that was because she looked confused and it was really adorable."It's hard to explain what it is but one day I'll show you it okay?" She then gave me a toothy grin and said okay. "What's your favorite food?" "That's kinda hard because I don't have a favorite but if I had to choose..2nd day pizza."

"2nd day pizza? What the hell is 2nd day pizza?"

"It's hard to explain what it is but one day I'll show you it okay?" she said with a giggle and in that moment I just wanted to hold her in my arms and shower her in kisses...okay that totally sounded stupid and gay. 

"What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?" 

"Easy sleep, cook, and read my brothers manga. How about you?"

"Sing, draw, bake, read, sleep and hang out." Yep. She's the girl of my dreams. 

"Okay favorite color?"

"Pink, red, black, white and blue. What about you?"

"Got me there I'm guessing blue or black. When's your birthday?" 

"March 24. You?" 

"December 27 but since it's close to Christmas we celebrate it on Christmas. Wait how old are you if your birthday just passed?"

"I am 16"

"I'm 15!! how can you be older than me damnit!! but at least I'm taller than you." 

"Damn you Rin! I know I'm short you don't have to rub it in!!"

I started laughing then she joined with me and were finished with our ice cream so we left the ice cream parlor and went walking because if we left the house at 11:30 a.m. then and before we left I checked the time it was 2:32 p.m. so we've been there for 3 hours. Flame decided we should go to the park and when we got there she found a tree and she ran to it and started climbing it. I walked towards the tree she went to and found her on the first branch smiling down one me. I gave her a funny look before I started climbing to the branch she was sitting on and when I finally reached the branch she ended up jumping off and doing a front flip until she landed perfectly on the ground. I looked at her an amazement knowing that even I couldn't do that so I just jumped off and landed right next to her then she ran around the place. How can this girl have so much energy? whatever if you can't beat them join them. I started running after til she reached the swings and started pushing herself so I joined her and put all my might to catch up with her but then she did the most remarkable thing I'd seen anyone do on the swings. While she was still swinging she got up and when she went up she jumped off her swing and did what she did on the tree but instead of a front flip she did a back flip and landed on the ground. I stopped myself by putting my feet on the ground and they screeched as I did that. I looked her dead in the eye and all I see in her eye is a glint of happiness. Then she took my hand and we headed back to the tree and leaned on the trunk. "You know I've never had this much fun with anyone in the past three years. But thank you Rin for taking me out today I really appreciate it." Then she leaned her head against my head while holding my hand and I felt my stomach doing flips like Flame had did if that was even possible. I decided to take a quick nap and I wanted to tell Flame but as I was gonna ask she was sleeping with a smile on her face. She was really beautiful and I checked if anyone was watching me and I quickly gave her a kiss on her head and fell asleep. 

~time skip~

I woke up to something poking me on the cheek so I opened one eye and see Flame with a calm expression and then I looked up at the sky and it looked like it was going to get dark soon so I got up and took Flames hand and went to take her home. I honestly did not want this evening to end but I can't just let her come to my dorm and sleep with me that would make Yukio really mad. We walked in silence until I heard her humming a song and she walked in front of me, grabbed me by the hand and started running. It actually felt good to be running since you feel the cool air hit your face and you just feel like you can actually run across the world. Then I seen that we were halfway to her house and we started to slow our pace and walk hand in hand. I felt ecstatic about the day I had and then I her hand let go of my hand and then she started to go inside before turning towards me and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Thank you for this day Rin. I really had fun with you and to be perfectly honest, you're the only boy I ever went out on a date with. So thank you for being my first date." Then she kissed my cheek and in that moment I felt heat rise from my face and I knew that I actually loved this girl with all my heart. After her lips were separated from my cheek she flashed my a smile and went inside. I started walking back to my dorm and I was thinking about Flame and how we first met. I remember her eye was in blue flames but she covers the other one with her bangs. I stopped walking and looked up at the sky to see the stars greet me and gave my last thought.

'I am in love with the girl whos eye turns into blue flames and wears pigtails named Flame'

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