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"Here, you can have mine," slim, seven year old Claire offers her chocolate, her only food for school, to the hungry, seven year old Fredrick.

Fredrick grabs the chocolate, and rushes it hungrily, then he licks even the packet of chocolate, and gives it back to Claire, saying, "Thank you." Claire collects the packets, squeezes it, and shoves it in the side pocket of her red, school skirt.

She brings out a neatly folded white handkerchief from her breast pocket, and wipes Fredrick's chocolate-filled face saying, "Don't thank me, my mummy always say, 'thank God instead'."

After wiping the face, she adds, "There. Always wipe your face after eating. You can have the hanky if you want." She hands over the handkerchief to Fredrick.

Fredrick collects it without delay or argument. "Thank you," he says feeling very happy for the gift. "What did I say about thanking me?" Claire warns. "Oh! Thank God," he corrects mindlessly. He is too busy admiring his gift.

"Alright children," the teacher comes into the class and says, "break is over. Gather around." Claire, Fredrick, and all the kids gather round the teacher and sits on the floor in a semi-circular form. Twenty pairs of eyes stare at the teacher. All the kids are excited. "Yay, story time," they say enthusiastically.

"Of course, story time," the teacher says, "But remember, any interruption from any pupil..." "And story will be over," the children help the teacher complete her sentence. "Very good," she says, "And now, time for the story." "Yay," the children say enthusiastically.

"Once upon a time, there lived a very beautiful princess named Clara, Princess Clara," the teacher begins, and all the children focus on her.

* * *

"Mummy, mummy," Claire shouts as she runs into the kitchen and hugs her mummy on seeing her, "Mummy, I'm back from school."

"Oh honey, how was school today?" "It was good. Mummy, one day, I'm going to be Princess Clara." "Who's Princess Clara?" "Mummy, I'm hungry."

The happy look on mummy's face changes immediately. Claire notices, and asks her mummy immediately, "Mummy, are you hurt?"

Mummy forces a smile, and says, "No, pumpkin, I can't be hurt. Why not freshen up? After that, you may eat." "Okay mummy," Claire says and walks out of the kitchen. "My dear child," mummy says with a sad smile as she watches innocent Claire leave the kitchen enthusiastically.

Mummy moves to the living room, and opens a little drawer. There is a little amount of money in it. She grabs it, and counts out only a few. She shoves the money in her pocket, and walks out of the bungalow. Outside the bungalow, she faces the entrance door and says, "Thank you Jesus. Forgive me Jesus. Help me Jesus." With that, she walks away, leaving poor, innocent Claire alone in the house.

* * *

"Mummy, can I eat now?" Claire says as she rushes to the kitchen. But her mummy isn't there. "Mummy, mummy, I'm hungry. I've had my bath," she shouts. She rushes out of the little bungalow in search of her mummy. Mummy isn't outside the house either. Claire is upset.

"Mummy?" she calls again hoping mummy would hear her. Still, mummy doesn't show up. Claire becomes sad. She walks back to the house, and into the kitchen. She opens a little drawer there. There is a small sachet of milk powder, and a packet of butter.

She makes to collect it, but stops, "No, mummy might want to share the milk with me. And she knows best. I'll better wait for her." She rubs her tummy in hunger, and moves to the living room. She lays down on a torn, long cushion, and slowly but surely, as a child she is, she falls asleep.

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