An Unexpected Enemy... Or is that Ally?

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Third Person POV

She ran. She ran through the fields of Lothal, trying to escape the TIE fighters perusing her. The TIE's orders had been to capture, not kill, apparently, because they had held their fire. Not for long though, for they let they green lasers rip from the fighters, aiming to kill the girl. She rolled backwards to avoid the blasts, dirt and rock flying everywhere from the power of the lasers. She pulled out a circle with a beam in the middle, the standard inquisitor lightsaber. Seeing that the TIE that fired at her was close enough to the ground, she ignited her lightsaber. She waited until the squadron of TIE's circled over for another pass. She tapped into the Force and jumped on top on the TIE leading the assault towards her. She drove her lightsaber into the hinge of the roof. The door flew off, hitting a TIE behind it, causing that TIE to hit another and fall down and crashed into the endless plains. She jumped down in the cockpit of the TIE and the whining of the engine quieted a little. She turned to face the pilot, who was weaponless. She stabbed him and Force pushed him out of the TIE. She took the controls of the TIE and turned it around, firing at the remaining TIEs who had picked up the hint and started firing at her. She avoided the sloppy shots with ease, and fired two lasers with accuracy, hitting the rest of the TIEs. She turned to face the way she was originally heading in, and sped of into the endless expanse of field.

She ran out of fuel near a series of mountains. She chose a rather short mountain to land the ship, because most bounty hunters, and especially the Empire, would expect her to go to one of the larger mountain for more cover and more places to hide. She turned the ship off, and lowered the ramp, only to be held at gun-point by five people. By the armor and weapons that they had, they seemed like bounty hunters, but she knew them from her time as an inquisitor and all of the holograms that she had seemed them in. They we rebels. Of course as soon as she had defected from the Empire, she had meet the most wanted people in the whole of the Outer Rim.

The leader of the group was an adult human male, who was also a Jedi. She had never actually seen him in person before, only in holograms, and she thought that he looked cute. The person to his left was a green skinned Twi'lek. From the information she had heard in her studies, the Twi'lek was the pilot of this rebel group. To other side of the Twi'lek was a droid. The droid was called C1-10P, or Chopper, painted orange and white, he managed jamming communications and was their main hacker. To the right of the right of the leader of the rebels was a girl. Though she couldn't see the girls face through her helmet, she knew what she looked like. The girl was a teenage Mandolorian, and was the artist and explosives expert that was a former cadet at an Imperial Academy. To the girls left was a young male boy. From what she knew he was the Padawan of the Jedi and was a former street-rat of Lothal. To the boy's left was a Lasat. From all of her studies, she knew that he was one of the last of his species, and a fierce and respected fighter that had a major conflict with Agent Kallus.

"Rebels. Though I may look like an enemy of yours, I am not. I have defected from the Empire and am currently running from them. They are looking for me, even now. If you look and the HoloNet, you are most likely to find me with a bounty on my head."

The rebel crew exchanged glances with each other and the master and Padawan stared at each other for a long while. She knew what was going on. She was strong in the Force and sensed that they were too. They were using a Master/Padawan bond through the Force to communicate. She tapped into their conversation and listened to what they were saying.

"Can we trust her?"

"I'm not sure. She's strong in the Force. I can sense that."

"Yes, but Kanan, can we trust her?"

"I don't know, Ezra. What do you think?"

"I think that she is being honest. If you look at her, she doesn't show any sign of lying."

"And how would you know about if people were lying or not?"

"I lived on the streets, Kanan. How do you think I know. When I knew that people were lying, I watched their body language. She doesn't show any signs of it."

"Alright, Ezra, I believe you. Have you seen how she looks though. She's... beautiful."

"Aw, Kanan, do you have a case of love at first sight for a evil bad guy that we just met two minutes ago? Aw. That's so cute. I ship you two."

"What does ship mean?"

"Ha ha ha. That's cute, Kanan. Oh my goodness. Ok. So... wait... do you sense..."

The boy turned his head as he broke the connection and looked at her. She recovered quickly and looked down at her feet as the man caught on and turned to look at her. He looked at the boy and they both nodded. The man reached towards his hip and grabbed a piece of metal, and towards his lower back and grabbed a longer piece of metal. He clicked the two pieces together and ignited a lightsaber, while the boy ignited his. Both of the blades were light blue. At the same time, she anticipated their attack and reached towards her back, where she had her lightsaber stored. She ignited it and got into a defensive stance. as the men charged. The older of the two attacked first. He swung towards her waist, and she easily blocked and parried. He was almost too late and barely blocked her next swing. She smiled and mocked him. He got upset and  stood back as his Padawan took over. The Padawan jumped over head and flipped, trying to connect a hit with her head. She blocked and Force pushed him into the side of the mountain. His Master had a look of anger in his face as he again charged. He swung towards her arms and she rolled backwards. She swung at his face. He ducked and blocked her next attack. He parried and stuck a blow on her back. She screamed in agony. He smirked and did not expect her next move. She balled up her hand into a fist and punched him in the face. A loud snap and the screams of the man confirmed that she had broke his nose. Blood dripping from his face, he took the inquisitor's arm and twisted it behind her back. She tried to pull away and failed, which resulted in the man breaking her arm. She screamed and summoned her lightsaber, which had been knocked out of her hands during the fight, back to her hands, while the man did the same. They exchanged blows and blades clashed. The man tried to stab her in the stomach. She sidestepped and parried, while launching into a series of attacks. After a while, he went on the offense again and faked towards her right. She expected this and blocked, connecting a blow to his stomach with her foot. He fell back and fell over the cliff edge. He had a look of surprise as he fell and started screaming.

"KANAN!" the boy screamed. A gasp came from the rest of the rebels and the boy looked at her, murder on his face. She collapsed on her knees, broken down and sobbing.

She seemed like she honestly had not meant to do that, and that she was sad. All she wanted to do is prove that was she was not the murder that people saw her as, and she had just proven the opposite to the crew that she had meant. She had killed their leader. Surely they would want to kill her now. She was so sad and depressed that she saw no reason to even try to reason with crew. The boy charged towards her, lightsaber ignited again, ready to avenge his Master. He didn't notice that she was crying, or that she was on her knees not even trying to defended herself. He was blinded by rage. He took his saber and raised, killing blow about to be struck, but stopped. He remembered what Master Yoda had told him, and what Kanan had told him. Anger was a path to the Dark Side. He stopped. He sensed that something was wrong with her. He watched her, curious, and was panicked once he realized what she was doing. She was chocking herself with the Force. She was committing suicide. He was very confused. Why would she commit suicide if she had succeeded a goal of the dark side? This was nothing like the death of the Grand Inquisitor, where he killed himself because he was afraid of his punishment. This was pure suicide.

"What are you doing?! Stop!" the boy yelled.

"There is no reason to live." she choked, "After I killed him, I took away everything from all of you and I feel terrible. I've always done that my whole life and I swore to myself after I left that I would never do it again and I did." her face was turning blue as she started gasping for breath.

Just at that moment she saw something incredible. She winded her eyes and stopped choking herself. How could this be? She laid on the ground on all fours and tried to gain her breath back. Her throat was bruised and held it as she got up. The rest of the crew hadn't noticed yet. She crawled over, seeing as she could not stand yet, and touched his leg. It was true. He lived. He hugged his leg and started crying. She then passed out. The whole crew looked at the man that had climbed up the mountain in a matter of minutes.

"Kanan!" the green skinned Twi'lek ran over to him and hugged him. "How.. what?"

The man called Kanan hushed her by kissing her. After they finally parted he said, "Hera, there was no need to worry. I just levitated up the mountain by the ways of the Force. What are we going to do with the inquisitor?"

"I was going to take her to the med-bay on the ship and ask her to join the crew. Also, Kanan," she dropped her voice to a whisper, "you had best talk to Ezra. He almost tapped into the Dark Side. He thought you actually died."

"I'll do that." He shouted at the Mandolorian and the Lasat. "Sabine, Zeb, get the inquisitor and take her into the med-bay.

The two nodded and grabbed her and started hauling her into the ship. Hera went in with them as Kanan walked over to the boy known as Ezra.

"Ezra, how are you?"

"Better that I know you are alive." the boy said. Then he did something that the man did not expect. He hugged him. As the boy hugged him, he spoke into his shirt and said, "How did you manage it?"

"I levitated up the mountain. I'll tell you more about it later. We need to go in the Ghost and see how the girl is."

"Oh, you mean your girlfriend!" Ezra said as he pulled away from Kanan. "Ok. Let's go see how she is."

They walked into the ship and to the med-bay. They watched as Hera tended to her wounds and checked her over to see if she had any wounds. They would scan for more advanced things later. Hera turned to him after a few minutes and had a serious face.

"What!" Kanan exclaimed. "I didn't do anything this time!"

"On the contrary,  you did. She has five broken ribs, a broken forearm, her throat was almost crushed, and that gash that you left on her back. Or do you not remember that?"

"Oh... right..."

Sabine broke the awkward silence and said, "She should recover fine. She is going to have to wear a full cast on her arm after we snap it back into place. She is going to need a few months of bed rest so she will not disturb her ribs. We were thinking about asking her to join the crew. Seeing what you did, I'm not sure if she will now, but it would be nice to have some extra help around her. Seeing that she obviously better than you in battle skills, she would be a good addition for that reason. One more that I can think of is that she was, well, an agent of the Empire. She knows their plans and codes and basically everything about them. I only know so much, seeing I wasn't at the Academy that long. So, what do you think, Kanan?"

"Well," He replied. "It's good that she is recovering well. Or is going to recover well. I was honestly was thinking in that same process, Sabine.  She would be a good addition for all of those reasons." He turned to Zeb, Ezra, and Hera. "What do all of you think? This has to be a decision for the whole crew."

"Well, I like her. She honestly seemed sorry. I think that we should ask." said Zeb.

"I second that." Hera said.

Kanan turned to Ezra as he said, "I don't know, guys. She tried to convince us that she wasn't an agent of the Empire and she tried to tell us that the Empire was hunting her. Then, she listened to our conversation. After that, she knocked me out and when I came back around, she kicked Kanan off of the mountain. I don't think so. I don't trust her one bit. I can feel the Dark coming off of her in the Force."

"Are you sure you aren't letting your emotions get in the way of your abilities?" Kanan inquired.

"Yes!" Screamed Ezra. "I don't trust her one bit and I never will. Don't invite her to the crew!"

"Ezra, just her a chance!" exclaimed Hera in surprise at his sudden change in attitude. "She just came from the Dark Side trying to find the Light in herself! And you have the nerves to judge her! Remember your origins, Bridger!"

They were nose to nose and breathing hard. Suddenly, Sabine intervened and pushed them apart. "Will you do it for me, Ezra?" she asked softly, as she put her hand on his chest.

He hesitated. "Fine!" he huffed, and stormed off to his room.

"Good job, Sabine. You know how to use his weakness to your advantage. You could probably ask him to do your chores around the Ghost  and he would do them for you." Hera said.

Sabine laughed, while Zeb looked horrified. Kanan chortled and said in between breaths, "The sad thing is you're right." He stopped laughing briefly and mimicked Sabine in a high-pitched voice, 'Ezra, do my chores for a year and I'll kiss you.' Hera then joined in and did Ezra's reply in a immature voice, 'Anything for you, Sabine! Wait did you say kiss? You want one right now, babe?' At that, all of them including Zeb, collapsed into laughing fits on the floor of the med-bay. The inquisitor in the bed twitched and squeaked a little, but none of them noticed at that moment. They were to busy laughing and enjoying the moment of peace while it lasted.

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