Meet Katlihanna

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A few months later, they were all doing fine while hiding out in the mountains. The mysterious inquisitor had finally been able to get out of bed. Her ribs had fully healed, although she sometimes had pain in her chest. Her arm had also fully healed, and the slash had healed, though there was a nasty scar down her back. Her throat had healed somewhat, and she had trouble breathing sometimes, especially when she had been doing heavy labor or running for long periods of time. Hera, Sabine, and Zeb usually ran to the market to grab supplies for the crew. Ezra and Kanan had "Jedi practice" daily, and they practiced almost all day. The inquisitor sat and watched them, and usually stayed to herself most of the time.

One day, the crew had a meeting. Hera turned on the internal com and announced, "Attention Ghost crew: There is a meeting in the common room in five minutes. If you are not there in time, you will do the chores for next week."

Hera flipped off the com and headed to the common room, being joined by Kanan, Ezra, and Zeb, who came out of their rooms, sprinting towards the common room. Sabine later joined in the party heading towards the common room. When they all got there, everyone was quiet for a moment.

"So, er, what are we waiting for." questioned Zeb, as quiet as he could talk.

"Oh, nothing in particular. Just for somebody to talk." explained Hera. Zeb looked at her with a flat expression on his face, and then lowered his head to he held up by his hands. "Ok, anyways, so... the inquisitor. I think that we need to know more about her. We know nothing about her past, who she is, or what she means to do."

Sabine and Ezra looked uncomfortably at each other, then looked back at the Twi'lek.

"Uh, no." said Sabine.

"Double no." agreed Ezra. "She deserves to have her own privacy, no matter who or what she is."

"Kanan, Zeb?" Hera said as she turned towards them.

"I am gonna go yes on this one." said Zeb. "We don't know if she is a potential threat, or if she really means what she is saying."

All eyes turned to Kanan as he subconsciously stroked his beard. "I don't know about this one, honestly. I'm going to have to remain neutral on this one." said Kanan, staring intensely at his boots.

As they argued back and forth, they did not know that the mysterious inquisitor was hiding in the ventilation system. She listened to their conversation, and soon made up her mind on her next move. She removed the grate quietly, and positioned herself to jump down. She leapt off of her perch, flipping in the air to avoid the worst of the impact from being distributed to her feet. She rolled on the common room floor, and stopped next to Kanan. Getting up gracefully, she wiped off her clothes a few times, and leaned against the counter. She swept her long brown hair over her shoulder and placed her hands on her hips.

"Just so you know, I heard every word you said. Ezra and Sabine, I am glad to know that you have some respect for people, no matter who. Kanan, oh, Kanan." she said, turning towards him. "I will leave you there, because... I'm not quite sure about you... yet.' she turned towards the rest of the group, Kanan still at her side. "So, seeing as you wanted this story, here it is. I hope you understand why I don't want to share it. My name is Katlihanna Leiané Hals and I am 24 years old. My mother died in childbirth, leaving me to my father. He was a drunk, and was never there for me. He would rage at me most nights for no reason. He threw bottles at me and called me horrible things. He took all of the credits that my mother left him and spent them on alcohol. When I was nine years old, I ran away. I lived on the streets for three years, bearing the coldest winter nights, fighting off all of the thugs and people that tried to kidnap, or kill me. When I was eleven, the Empire came to my home planet to take over it. They burnt some buildings, raided houses, and took prisoners. I was one of the prisoners. They took me one a transport to a Imperial prison, along with others. When we got there we were put in a line. A man, an inquisitor, though I didn't know at that time, came and inspected us before we were sent to labor camps. He told the stormtroopers to shoot some people and others to haul away. When he got to me, he took me away from the others, and told me that I had a connection to something called the Force. he explain to me what it was, and told me that I was to be trained to harness its power. Thus began my training as an inquisitor. For two years I trained with the inquisitor that found me. He was kind and compassionate at some times, and harsh on me other times. We had an... alright relationship. Then, one day, I was told that he had been killed. I was to finish my training with a new inquisitor. I started training with him, and it was terrible. He yelled at me all the time, and started physically abusing me. He whipped me, hit me, and eventually started using his lightening powers on me. I withstood it for years until I became a full-fledged inquisitor. For two years I was an inquisitor, hunting out others that could be trained in the ways of the Force. Soon, the Empire pushed me too far when the said that they had to test me to make sure that I still was practicing the ways of the Dark Side. I fled the Empire and ended up here." the inquisitor finished with a bitter tone.

Everyone in the room looked at her with their mouth hanging open. There was a long silence. The inquisitor looked down at her feet, her hair shielding her face. Eventually one person in the room worked up the courage to speak. "So that is why you want to come to the light. I can train in the light. You can train with Ezra, and together we can work on getting over this problem." said Kanan slowly.

She nodded and accepted his offer. Ezra opened his mouth to protest, but Kanan gave him a look so harsh, he shut his mouth and walked out of the room. He suddenly came in a few seconds later and opened his mouth again. Kanan, knowing he wasn't going to stop his complaints, held his hand out, and pushed him against the wall. Hera looked at him with surprise and exclaimed, "Kanan! How could you! He's you Padawan! He trusts you! He..."

She said no more on that matter as Kanan did the same to her, Sabine, and Zeb. Sabine flew across the room and landed face down on Ezra, her lips touching his. Hera landed on the floor face up, and Zeb fell over with his butt sticking up in the air. The inquisitor looked at him with surprise, while Kanan started to say, "I needed to talk to you alone. You should know that I am married to Hera, but there seems to be a problem here with that. You are beautiful and I honestly am... well, I don't really know how to put this in words, but..."

"It's alright, Kanan. I feel the same exact way towards you." she admitted, putting her hands on his chest. " I think we can solve this somehow. Are you think what I am thinking, just maybe..."

"Hera will be beyond mad if we..." Kanan stuttered out.

"Yes, but..."

The two walked out of the room, leaving everybody on the floor where they were. When they woke up later, they were just going to think that they had been in a lengthy discussion and had fallen asleep. Kanan escorted Katlihanna into his room, letting her enter first.

"How... plain." she commented as Kanan entered, locking the door behind him.

"Only this once." Kanan said as he pulled his shirt over his head.

Katlihanna walked towards him and pulled out his ponytail and discarded the band to the side.

"Let's get this party started!" she whispered, pulling him into a closer so that their lips were almost touching.

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