Bad Dream ~ Chapter 4

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"So baby come lift me up. And maybe I let you on it. A little bit dangerous. But baby that I want it. A little less conversation and a little more touch my body. Cause I so into you, into you, into you."

I woke up cause my alarm wake me. I take my phone and turn off alarm. I look at the time is 5:30.

It 5:30. Still early. But I had go to school today.

I jump off from the bed and take my towel then I go into the bathroom.After I done shower,I get out from the bathroom. I go toward to the closet and open it. I see the pair of unfamiliar clothe. I take it out. Oh, it uniform. I look at name tag is 'Kim Yuna'.

Wait what?! Kim Yuna? Oh, that right. My stepfather is Kim. I miss my my old name already.

I sigh. I close my closet and wear the my new school uniform. I look at the mirror. It not bad. I glad the skirt not too short. I don't like wear the skirt because I don't like show my leg to people. But I don't care anywhere cause I wear long stocking.

I grab my bag and close the door behind me. As I close the door, I hear the door close beside me. I look at beside me. It Jin. I look at him wearing the uniform.

Not bad... Ehh, w-what!? At least I didn't say handsome.

He realize that I was staring at him. I snap it out and look away immediately. He left a chuckles.

"I handsome right?"

W-what? Did he out of mind.

I look at him. I look at him from toe and head.


I walk away from him and walk to downstairs.

"Wait for meee!"

We together walk downstairs in silent. Then Jin broke it.

"So, are you nervous?"

I look at him with question face.

"Why would I?"

"Because today is your first day school ."

I stop and look down. Jin realizes it and look at me.

I never feel nervous of the school. Never. I just feel empty.

I let a sigh and take a step.

"I never feel nervous."

"Oh...okay then."

Since I was kid, I never feel happy, sad, angry and guilty.............. in front of everyone. I just show my emotion in inside. My old classmate always say that I never had a heart. They always say "You don't have a heart." "You not human." "You are loser." "Why don't you kill yourself. Everyone doesn't want you live."  Their word give me broken. But every times they says to me, I never show them my emotion. But I hurt in inside. Everyday I back from my school, I lock myself in the room and cry. I don't know why it has to be me. I don't deserve it. 


I was snap in reality and search owner of the voice. I look beside me. It Jin. Who was staring me.

"Are you okay?"

I look down and continue walk downstairs. "I- I okay. Don't worry..."

I can feel that he has a lot question to ask me but he gave up.

"Yuna, did you bring your phone?"

Actually I really don't want to bring my phone... But I had to. Because my mom told me to...

"Yeah. I bring it with me."

He smile. "That good."

As we reach end of stairs. "Speaking of phone, Yuna."


I look at him. Why he call me?

"Can you give me your number? We're family and If you lost somewhere you can contact me."

He right. He handed me a hand asking me my phone. Before I take my phone for give him, I saw his phone about to fell from his pocket. Suddenly I have a idea.

I come close to him. My hand slowly about to reach his phone, but he didn't realize it. As I about to take his phone. Suddenly he slowly lean his face to me. His lip is about to meet mine.

W-wait did he think of that?! Finally I take his phone and take a step back. He look at me weird. Did he think that I about to kiss HIM?! I glad that I quick.

I take his phone and put my number. He eyes slowly look at my hand and he quickly put his hand into his pocket searching his phone. He realize that his phone was gone and he look at me with a guilty.

"Yah~ Yuna-ah. I didn't know you like that." He chuckle.

"Are you think that I like do that?" I save my number on his phone.

"I know about you andddd my answerrrrr isssss no." 

"I glad you know that." I give his phone back and he take it. I look at him who has pink on his cheek.

Is his blushing about I do that to him?

"I think you should give your number to me. I would never answer the unknown number." I take out my phone from the pocket and hand it to him without ever looking at him. I feel that he take my phone from my hand.

I wait him for save his number on my phone.


He handed me my phone back. I take my phone and put in my pocket.

Why I feel my cheek is burning ? D-did I-I blushing? Why total silence right now?

"Children! Breakfast ready!"

I heard mom call us. Mom thank you a lot! For saving me from this. I began take a step and walking to the dining room. I stop from my track. I think I forgot something....I guess.


I wait her to handed me her phone. Suddenly she come closer to me. Our body really close. But her scent made me go crazy. I lean to her. My lip almost to touch her lip. Then she take a step back. Her action made me weird about her. Then she take something from her right hand. I slowly eye on her hand. 

W-wait could't it be.

Immediately I searching my phone in my pocket. It GONE! I look at her in guilty. Wah, I can't believe she really clever. I didn't ever notice that she take my phone.

"Yah~ Yuna-ah. I didn't know you were like that." I chuckle.

"Are you think that I like do that?" 

"I know about you andddd my answerrrrr isssss no." Of course I know her. And I know that she really don't like be like that way. The way she do that with me just now. Honestly the way she did is really cute.

"I glad you know that." She handed my phone back. I feel my cheek is burning. Did I blushing? N-no it can't be.

"I think you should give me your number to me. I would never answer the unknown number." She handed me her phone ever looking at me. I take it and put my number. But before I save my contact, I put nickname 'Your Jin❤'. Just for fun. I handed her phone back. I see her face and is blushing. She so cute when blushing. I really want to pinch her cheek.

"Children! Breakfast ready!"

I heard mom call us. I heard Yuna footsteps leading to dining room but I just still standing. Why I feel nervous around her. Every times I with her I feel lovely to her. I think I feel in love Yuna.


I snap it out from my though after heard her voice call me.


"Are you coming?"

Just hearing her voice made me more love to her. "Yes. Come on."

We go to dining room together. And we see our mom are prepare the breakfast for us.


"Oh, Jin and Yuna. Come one eat breakfast I made." Mom call us and give us a smile.

"Alright." We say together and take a seat. And one by one the boys came to dining room and began eat.

These times nobody talk. Cause today is really busy day. So we had to quick.

"We done."

"Okay, just put your plate on sink. Just let mom wash it. Arraseo?" Mom always be kind and caring. I really lucky that I have mom like this.

"Thank mom."

We put our plate on the sink and take our bag. We go to front door and wear a school shoe. Then we get out from the house.

"Wait here guys, I bring a car." Jin tell us.

"Ne." We say it together.

Jin can drive? I didn't know that. We watching him go to the garage. We waiting for him.

"Yuna." Namjoon call me.

"Yes" I look at him.

"When the car arrive, I want you seat at the passenger seat. Okay?"

He give me a smile. I know the reason is. Because all of them is boys and I is their sister. I mean 'stepsister'.

"Okay." I reply.

*Honk Honk*

I see in my front. The car stop in front of us. I look at the driver seat is Jin.

"Come on or we will be late!" He shout. We quickly get into the car. I open the door and sit at the passenger seat. Jin look at me with weird look.

"Namjoon told me to." I talk in cold tone. He made 'o' mouth.

"Shall we go?" Jin look at the back.

"Just go already!" Yoongi said in rude tone.

"O-okay.." Jin start drive. I just keep silent while the boys talking. I really want to wear my earphone but I can't because my earphone at the house.

"Guys I really feel lazy go to school." - Taehyung

"Don't be lazy Tae." - Jin

"Why?! I want go home!" - Taehyung

Aish, so noisy. Can someone just....

"Yah! Can you guys shut up! I try take a nap! Don't be a baby Tae!" - Yoongi


O-okay that was.... At least is was silent. I can't go to noisy place.

10 minutes left

"We here." Jin shut down the enjine. We hop of from the car. I look the school building. It was big! Bigger than my old school. I hope it will better from my old school......or not.

"Come on." Namjoon say. We go into the school.

"Right now, we had to bring Yuna to the office. Understand?" Jin say to them. They nod. As we walk to hallway I hear some girl shout. Or I should say 'fangirl'....w-wait what.

"Oppa!" -Girl 1

"Jimin oppa! I love you! -Girl 2

"Taehyung oppa! Marry me!" -Girl 4

"Ah! Oppa so cool!"-Girl 3

Wait what? What all of that. Are they...

I look at them who has a small smile. But I want to tell that, that wasn't a smile. That was a fake. Because their smile was not the same at the house yesterday. I really hate a fangirl. We was walking hallway, suddenly we hear something that we auto stop from our track.

"Hey back off!"

I see in front on us. I see 6 girl come toward us. I really have a bad feeling about this. I hide behind Yoongi cause he was beside me.

Finally! They were infront of us. I look at them.

They really pretty but just outside. But they really rude. Right?

"Hi, oppa!" All of them say together. I look at the boys who have a small smile except Jungkook and Yoongi.

"Umm...hi?" Taehyung say in weird tone.

"Aww, oppa don't be shy~" One of them say in cute way. I look at her name tag 'Chou Tzuyu'

Chou Tzuyu. Is she from Japan? She cute but I hate her attitude.

I look at Taehyung who turn away the gaze from them.

"Oppa, did you guys free today? Maybe we can go for a date?"

Pfftt I want to laugh but I hold it. Just laugh inside. I look at her name tag 'Im Nayeon' Of course you can go with your dream.

"I'm sorry girls. We can't because we need to study."

Namjoon said in cold tone.

"Ah, okay then!" I look at again at the name tag 'Park Ji Hyo' Why these girl disturb us in the morning?!

I keep hiding behind Yoongi. Seem like Yoongi know I hiding behind him but he didn't move a bit. He protect me. Maybe he didn't want those girl see me. But not for long.

One of them was caught me. And she really look like mad girl. She look at me with a disgusting face.

"Oppa! Who that girl!?" She shout to us and everyone at the hallway look at me. I heard gasp.

"Woah! She so beautiful!" -Boy 2

"Yeah! She so cute!" -Boy 1

"I want to made her mine!" -Boy 4

"Who that girl. She hiding at behind Yoongi oppa. But she so cute. I want to made her become my friend!" -Girl 5

"Maybe she is their friend? I guess." -Girl 3

"Or maybe she one of them boyfriend? Ahh! If one of them is her boyfriend I totally ship them!" -Girl 1

"Yeah! Me too. I don't want these bitches is couple our king!" -Girl 4

O-okay that was surprising.

"Shut up your mouth!" Tzuyu yell

I jump a little. I really shocked cause she yell really loud.

"She so cute when shocked! I really want to become his boyfriend!" -Boy 1

"She so cute! I want to become her big sister!" -Girl 2

Err.. what the? I really get easily shock. But why they??

I look at girls who glance at everyone. Then they turn their gaze to me.

"Oppa! Tell me who is this girl!"

I look at her name tag 'Sana' Why she don't have a family name on her name tag?

"She ummm....."

I look at Jimin who was thinking to said to them. Because I'm their stepsister so they can't easily tell them.

"She is our childhood friend."

I look at Yoongi who still keep me behind him. Why he still protect me?

"Oh, really?"

Tzuyu look at the boys who was shocked. But they quickly nod.

Okay seem like I have to act like I'm their friend.Ahh! Why my life is so complicated!

"Okay guys, I bring our Yuna to the office. Sooo goodluck!"

Yoongi quickly take my hand and run from them.

Why we run? They didn't chance to answer it!

Then he stop running made me stop too. He look at me.

"I glad we don't handle those bitches."

I was shocked what he saying.


He look at me. He sigh.

"Because they was so annoying. And they always seduce we when we meet them. We don't like them. Anyway they are queenka so you have to be careful."

I look at him who was look at me in deeply.

"I see. Okay I will be careful. That why you let me hide at behind you."

I see my right hand who still with his hand.

"Yeah, I should let you hide from them. And I had to protect you from them. Or not..."

Suddenly he came close to me.

"They will bully you because of us..."

I know it! Because of them jealously.

I nod to him. Then he take his face away from me.

"Come on we should go to office."

I nod

We start walking but our hand still together.

"Yuna, you know what you are same to me."

I look at him with weird look.


"Because you have depression and same with me. But you different from me."

I didn't know he has depression. But what he mean. I different from him?"

"What do you mean that I different from you?" I ask him with a frown

"I don't know either. But I can feel it."

I look down thinking what that mean.


"Mm?" He look at me.

"Can I call you Yoongi oppa? I think I trust you. I can feel that you same with me."

He look at with shock face.


I nod to him

"Okay then! You can me Oppa. Just you. I don't like hearing them call me oppa."

He pout

I giggles

"Sure, Yoongi oppa!"

We laugh

"And we here. Come on."

He drag me into the office. And he search the officer.

"Sir we have a new student."

The officer look at me.

"Oh, you must be Kim Yuna."

"Yes, is me."

I smile to him and bow.

"Wait here I call your teacher." He walk away from us. We wait for the teacher while we playing our hand together.

Then a women came to us.

"Oh, you must be a new student and Yoongi stepsister."

How she knows that?!

"Hi, my name is Kim Yuna. Nice to meet you." I said in polite and bow to her.

"You so cute and polite." She praise me. I usually get praise by teacher and I did it again.

"Yoongi, you should go to the class. And you both of you so cute." She look at our hands. And we take our hand back.

"Teacher I will go now." He bow to teacher and glance at me for last time. And he get out from office. Leave me and the teacher.

"Yuna, this your schedule and this note is your number of your locker and the password." She give me schedule and a piece of paper. I look at the schedule the name of class is '3-1' and the number of my locker is '1018' the password of my locker is '654'.

"Thank you,teacher." I bow to her.

"You welcome, sweetie." She smile to me.

*Kring Kring*

"Oh! Is bell already. Shall we go to the class?" She look at me while she take her book.

"Yes." I look at her. Her her holding with a lot of book.

"Teacher, may I help you?"

She look at me with sweet smile. "Sure. And thank you, Yuna." She give me book.

"You welcome. Is my job to be student." I give her smile. Then we get out from the office. I let let go first and I follow her behind.

Then she stop and look at me.

"Wait here till I call you."

I nod

She enter the room. I look up and see the name of class '3-1'

I heard teacher talking to them.

"Okay, class we have a new student. New student please come in."

I hear she call me and without hesitate I walk in. I stand beside teacher. I give a book to her. She take it and put on the table. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Students this is your new classmate. Please introduce yourself." She look at me. I look at them. Some of them have  a happy face. Some of them have a disgusting face.

"Annyeongseyo, jeon neun Kim Yuna ib ni da. Please take care of me." I bow to them and give them sweet smile.

I look at the boys classmate who have a pink on their cheeks. I scan my classmate and I see my brothers. They have a exited face. I shook my face at them.

"Yuna, my name is Mrs.Park. Is really nice to meet you. Thank you again for helping me. And please take a seat with......Jin." She search for empty seat and I had to sit with Jin at least I didn't sit with stranger. "Jin, please raise your hand." Didn't teacher know that I their sister. Teacher notice me and she give me a wink.

Ahh, I get it.

I look at Jin who raise his hand. I began walk to him and take a seat beside him.

"Okay, class please take out your book. Open 30 pages." She began write something on the black board

I take out the korean book and open it. I feel my arm was poke by someone. I look at beside me. Is Jin. Of course is him! He look at me with smile.

"Hehehe, just call you."

I raise my eyebrows "Why you call me?"

"What? Is wrong that I call my sister?" He pout

"No, you didn't do wrong. But I had to pay attention to study. Okay?" I look at  him.

"Okay. You sound like Namjoon." He pout and look in front.

I sigh. I look in my front until Jin bring his chair close to me.

"Yah, why you-"

"Please I won't disturb you." He look at me with puppy eyes.

I sigh "Okay..."

"Thank you." He say slightly. He lock our arms together and he lay his head on my arm.

This boy... Such a baby. I glad he is my brother.

I heard some whispers at behind me.

"Look at them. They seem so close." -Girl 6

"Yeah, I think so too." - Girl 2

"That girl so cute. And she is really suit to Jin. What her name again?" -Girl 6

"Is Kim Yuna." -Girl 2

"Oh really!? They really suit together. I ship them Jinyun." -Girl 6

"Jinyun? That really cool. I want to ship them too." -Girl 2

Ehhh! What going on this world! I think my cheek is burning right now!

I look at Jin who was staring at me whole time. "Why you staring at me?"

"Because you so cute when blushing." He pinch my nose. "And I love our name Jinyun is really suit to us."

"Yah, can you pay attention to the class." I said slightly and look in front. I heard he chuckle.

"Okay,okay. Arraseo." He still lay his head on my arm.

What wrong with him? Did he.....*blushing* ani! No,no it can't be. Right?

Aish! I shouldn't think of that. Yoo - I mean Kim Yuna, you should pay attention of class.

Recess Time~

I take my book and put into my bag. I look at Jin who was putting his book at bag. I wait for him and the others too.

"Jin hyung, Yuna come on."

Jungkook call for us. I heard whispers again.

"They knows Yuna?!" -Boy 6

"I'm so jealous." -Boy 5

"I want to be close to her." -Boy 5

I sigh. I look at the boys. I give them a sweet smile. Even though i don't want do it. They realize it and guess what. They blushing. I look at Jin who was look at me.

"Jagiya, come on." He take my hand and stand.

"W-wait.." I try to loose his grip but I lose.

Why he call me that?! Wae!!!

I look at the boys who was shocked. They look at Jin,then they get out from the classroom.

"Come on, we had go to canteen." He drag me out from the classroom. He didn't give me chance to answer!

But I just silent. We walk with the others. As we walk to the canteen, all of gaze look at us. Jin still lock our hand together. Then we reach the table and we take a seat. Jin even not take his hand back.

"Hyung, why you did that earlier."

Jimin look at Jin with weird. Jin look at him with annoying.

"What?! They just want to take Yuna away from us." He put arm around my waist.

"But you even call Noona 'Jagiya' " Jungkook say

I look at Jin who was staring at me. "Don't worry about that." He sigh. "We go buy some food, Yuna stay here okay? *i nod* Good girl *pat my head* Come on guys."

They stand from their seat and go buy some food. I wait for they come back. Suddenly I hear big knock on the table made me look up. I see those girl again.

"Yah! Who told you to sit here! These seat is belong to BTS!"

Ji Hyo say in rude way. So my brothers have a group name. I look at her in cold.

"Why? Is not that your seat anyways."

I heard a loud gasp. She look at me want to slap me.

"I don't care that you is their friend anyway but I want you find other table."

What is her problem?

"What if I don't want to."

She raise her hand to slap me. My hand ready for stop her. But suddenly a hand stop  Ji Hyo hand.

"Yah, don't laid your any hand to her or not you will regret it."

Yoongi stop her. And he push her away from us. I look for the others, they at here too.

Those girl ran away from us.

I look at Yoongi.

"Thank, Yoongi oppa."

Yoongi look at me. "No problem."

They take a seat. Jin give me tray of food. "Here your food."

"Thanks." Before I pick chopsticks I feel someone take my face. Is Jin. He caress my face. "Did they hurt you?"

I blinking my eyes "A- ani."

He let out relief sigh. "I glad. You should eat right now or you will passed out." He slowly take his away from me. I look at my food and dig in.

What was that?! First the queenka. Second the whispers. Third Jin. What wrong this world! Aish jinjia! I shouldn't think about that! His just my brother. But we didn't same blood. Soo that mean.... Ahh! I can't!

Time Skip. School end~

"We home."

We arrive at the house. Our parents still on work. We heading to upstairs. I go into my room and lock it. I see my  study desk has a sticky note. I read it

To Yuna:

       Yuna,my dear. You forgot your keyboard in car boot. So I bring it up. Mum and Dad will come back home lately. So I hope your guys will spent together when we didn't home yet. Take care Yuna. I love you.

                                            From Mom❤

"I love you too,Mom." I look at beside the study desk. Mom right I forgot my keyboard. How clumsy am I. I put down my bag and take a towel with me. I walk into bathroom. I turn water into the bath tub. While I wait for the water I take off my uniform. As the water is full, I slowly get into the bath tub. I usually use the shower instead bath tub. But today is really tired.

I feel relax. And clam. I feel my eyes feel heavy......


Who this guy? I was kidnapped this unknown guy. I really don't know who was is. I run away from him but I know I can't because I at his house. I don't know where I'am. Suddenly I feel a hand grab my wrist and pinned me to the wall. I look at him with frightened. I close my eyes. I feel his hand on my face and caress my hair.

"Jagiya, don't be scare with me."

Who this guys? I didn't know him. "W-who are you? W-what you want from me?"

He tilted his head to the side. "You don't have to know me. I really know about you,Yuna. I have same school with you. At the first time, I see you at the school. I feel in love to you for the first sight. That day I start to know you better." He pinned my both hand above my head.

I let a tears and it falling to my cheek. He noticed it and he wipe my tears.

"Don't cry, sweetheart. I don't do anything for you. I don't hurt you. I promise." Suddenly he came close to me. I can feel his breath on my neck.

I try to escape from him. But I can't. He too strong. He start to kiss my neck. "P-please s-stop it."

"I won't stop easily.." He said between kiss on my neck. I want he stop doing this! Please god help me!

"I don't want anyone take you away from me.Even though Jin. I don't like you with him. I hate him when you with him together. I want you be mine. Forever.


"Hah!" I gasp. I breath heavily. I almost drown. I put my palm on my forehead.

"What was that? Are they a dream or future? But who that guy? I didn't know that guy. What his mean? Why he say Jin name?"

I shook my head. No, is just a dream. Right?

I done my shower and I wear my cloth. Today is really tired.


I heard Namjoon call me.

"Yeah!" I shout back

"Do you want to play game with us?!"

A game sound fun.


I shout back. I comb my hair and get out from my room and go to living room.


Time Skip ~ Nigh time~


"Ah! Today is really tired." I lay on my bed. Today is really tired day. I thinking about earlier Yuna take my phone. Is really embarrassing. I look at my phone searching her contact 'Yuna' I edit the nickname to 'Your Yuna💞' I chuckled.

At the school, I really jealous to our classmate. They always said that they want Yuna to become their girlfriend. That why I call her 'Jagiya' . Is really cute when I see she blushing. I feel that I want to kiss her cheeks. I know that we are family but we not same blood. But that not wrong.

At the class when I was sit closer to her. I heard some whispers at behind us. They totally ship us. Jinyun. Is really cute. I really want her to become her mine. I want to protect her.

I just realized Yuna and Yoongi seem si close. They like real brother and sister. How they become close like that. That not fair *pout* Don't worry Jin you and her will closer than that.

Yuna, I love you.

                                       To Be Continue ~


Author Note

I'm sorry I post this chapter late. I'm truly sorry. Actually I want to post on 3 March but I had a test on 5 March. So I had to study. This chapter is really long.😅

I sorry again for waiting this chapter. For the first line is alarm right? That was song Into You by Ariana Grande. My favourite celebrity😍 She really cute. Right now we (arianator) are waiting her album AG4.

That ship name Jinyun is made by me. My friend and me were discuss of the name ship. So I made these. And guess what. She text "Kyaaa😍😍" 😂😂 She like a child sometimes and lazy too😂😂. But I really lucky have a friend like her.

I hope your guys enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 5 Coming Soon

Stay Tune~

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