Just A Dream or Future ~ Chapter 5

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"Yuna, dad home!" I see my dad at the front door. He kneel down to let me hug him.

"Appa!" I run toward him with my tiny leg and hug tightly. I miss him so much.

"Aww, did my little Yuna miss dad so much." Dad tease me.

"Of course! I miss dad so much. You left mom and me." I broke the hug and pout.

"Hahaha, did my little butterfly angry?" Dad chuckles.

"Yeah!" I crossed my arms.

"Don't be mad at appa. Appa will buy you ice cream. Okay?" He look at me with hope.

I look at him. "Yes! I want ice cream! Buy for me appa! Pretty please.." I begging for appa with puppy eyes.

"Okay, okay. I will buy it. Just for my beautiful daughter." Appa pinch my cheek. Both of we laughed.


"Yes, appa?" I look at appa. Who has worried face.

"Yuna, can you promise me that when you grow up. I want you made your mom proud and everyone you know. And promise that you meet someone special and take care of him." I look at appa with a frown. But I look at him with a smile.

"Sure, I will promise it!"

"Pinky promise?" Dad do a pinky promise and waiting for me.

"Pinky promise." I lock my pinky promise with his.

"That my girl." Appa ruffle my hair.

"Remember appa always love you."


I open my eyes. I realized that I on the bed in the bedroom. The room I don't belong to. I look to my side see the men who was sleep. I should say 'kidnapped men' I try to get off from the bed but I can't because he wrap around me tightly. He keep me here 2 months now. I don't know if I still here for years. I wish someone save me from him. I miss my family. Mom, dad, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook... Mostly Jin. Please someone take me home...

Why this guy so obsessed with me? He's psychopath. He is unknown number who is stalking me whole time. He know anything about me, my childhood, my cousin, my depression, my family and my love of my live. I was stuck. I want to run away from him.. but I know I couldn't. His house is full of CCTV. Why my live will be like this. I deserve be die from be live.

I have to act like I love him. If I say I want to go home. He will be really mad. Like 1 month ago.

I want to be free. Please somebody help....me....


"Hah!" I gasp. I woke up on my bed. I breath heavily. I put my hand on my left chest.

What was that? I dream about dad and me. When I was 6 years old. Why?! I miss him so much.

I cry slightly. I really miss him so much. He hide his secret from us. Why appa, why you keep your secret away from us? If I know about your cancer, I want to spend more time with you.

I miss you, appa....

And who that guy? I stop crying as I thinking who that guy on my dream. That dream says I was kidnapped by that guy. I didn't see him on my life. Ever. Maybe that just a dream. Or not..

I shouldn't thinking that right now. I look at my phone. It early. I off my alarm early before it ring. I grab my towel and go inside bathroom.


After I done change, I take my bag with me and my phone of course. I close the door behind me and go toward to the kitchen.

I see my mom who preparing breakfast for us. She noticed me and she greet me with a smile.

"Oh, sweetie you here. Come on, let breakfast together!" Mom say in happy tone. I look at her who has excited and sadness on her face.

"O-okay..." Weird..

As I took a seat, the boys came to the kitchen.

"Wah, what that smell! It smell so delicious!" Hoseok look on the dinning table.

"Is bacon, egg and toast. Simple for breakfast. Hope you boys enjoy it!" Mom say.

They quickly take a seat, and dig in. I take an egg and toast. I don't like eat bacon. I have my own reason why I don't eat pig meat.

"Yuna, you should eat bacon. Or you don't have a energy for pay attention in the class." Namjoon say to me.

"I don't eat bacon, okay? I just don't eat it." I reply to him without looking at him.

"Why y-"

"Yuna, since she kid. She don't eat pig meat. She said that pig is gross. I even don't know that she will say that. *giggles* When she 12 years old, she watch a TV show. She say to me that there's a woman who has a virus because she eat taco. Because the taco she ate was pig meat. Is because the onwer of the restaurant didn't clean it well. That why she don't eat pig meat. She really take care of her body instead herself. But mom don't care about it. I'm just prepare what she like." Mom cut Namjoon word. I didn't look at mom when she explain to them. I just eating while listening mom explain.

"Ouh. Okay. I get it." Namjoon understand a words that out from mom mouth.

I just ignored it like I wasn't heard anything. Suddenly I feel my phone buzzed, I take out my phone after I finished my breakfast.

I have a message from....... Youngjae.


Good morning, buttercup😘. I miss you.❤

Today I have a school. Ah! I'm so lazy to come.😭

I hope you same school with me. I want to be with you.😭 I miss you a LOT!❤❤

Hey, buttercup. Don't ignore my message. Please reply my message. I begging you!😭😭

*sigh* He like a child sometimes. And he most annoying boy. When we are alone, he always tease me.

Looks like I don't have a choice. I reply his messages.

Hey, Jae. You miss me a LOT. Huh?😏

YUNA!! Finally you answer! You always blueticks to me. 😡

😂😂 I'm sorry Jae. Is because I too lazy for reply your messages.😂

You so mean.😭

Of course, I just mean to you.😂

You're meanie😝

Yeah, yeah whatever😒

Hey, buttercup. Can you help me?😅

Help what?

Help you what?🤔

Can you help for escape from school. So I can be with you!😭

Aish! Jinjia! I thought he asking me for help. For serious one. He never change *shook head*

Aish! I though you were serious!😤

Hehehe~😅 But seriously can you help me? Jebal~

No! Don't be lazy. And I don't know your school. So dont ever think about for escape from school. You get IT!😠

Woah² okay. I get it. But anyway I just joking.

Huh! Anyways I have to go now.

Awww~ Okay. Bye buttercup. Remember I love you.😘❤

Bye, annoying😉

I put back my phone in my pocket. I realize mom was staring at me whole time.

"Who you chatting with?" She raised her eyebrows for tease me.

"Is Youngjae, mom." I take me plate and wash it.

"Oh, Youngjae. I miss that boy so much. He always make a jokes."Mom laugh.

"And one more, he is annoying." After I wash my plate. I clean my hand with a napkin.

Mom chuckles. "Yeah, but for you, sweetie." Mom wink at me.

"Mom! Hajima!" I really embarrassed right now. I look at the boys who has a question face. "Can you guys quick? We have to go school." I look at each of them. They quickly finish their breakfast and wash it.

"Bye, mom. We go first." Hoseok say in happy tone and waves to mom.

"Okay, bye my angle." Mom waves us as we get out from the house. We wait for Jin bring car out from garage.

"Hey, Yuna."

I look at up for search who call me. Is Jimin. "What?" I say in soft tone. I don't want to be rude towards them.

"Are you okay? When you get out from your room, you look pale." W-what. H-how? D-did he?

"I'm okay but how y-"

"When I walk pass Jin room, you suddenly get out from your room. Then I see you face look like sick." He cut me. Maybe I was a little dizzy about my dream.

"Oh, but I really okay. So don't worry 'bout me. Okay?" I try to cheer he up so he won't worry about me.

"Okay." I turn away from him and look at my phone. "You remind me of her..." He mumbled slightly.

I stop looking at my phone then turn to him. "Err, did you say something?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Huh? Err... N-no. I-I didn't." He began nervous. I smell something wrong this guy.

*Honk Honk*

"Oh! Car here. Come on or we be late!" Jimin start run toward to the car. He hid something from me. I start walk toward to the car and get into passenger seat.

"Everyone here?" Jin look at the back checking we in the car. Then he look worried or something. "Umm.. where is Yuna?"

......Wh-what? I just beside you. Why you didn't notice it?!

I look the boys who has raised their eyebrows that Jin didn't notice I was sit at the passenger seat. BESIDE HE!

"Ehem, Jin. I here." Jin look at the passenger seat who sit by me.

"Oh, I didn't notice you sit at the passenger seat. Ah! Why I so stupid!" He began hit his head with his hand. I take his hand to stop him.

"Hajima, don't hurt yourself. Okay? Mmm?" I look at his eyes. Then his cheek turning pink.

I can feel all of eyes looking at both of two. I take away my hand and act like nothing happened.

"Come on, we should go or we be late." Jin immediately drive out amd heading to the school.

I bit my lip because I embarrassed about earlier. Aish, jinjia! Why I being like this! Ah! Ani ani ani I can't. I should act like nothing happened.

"Yuna, don't bitting your lip or else your lip will bleed." I immediately stop bitting my lip and I quickly look at behind me. Yoongi try to hold a laugh. I glare at him.

"If your guys want to laugh, go ahead. Don't hold it. I don't care." I can sense them try to hold their laugh. I cross my arm.

"Phttt... bwahahahaha!" Jin and me just quiet. They really enjoy this. I look at Jin, who was focus on the road. I sigh.

"Can you stop. Jin have to focus on the road or else we will be accident." They immediately stop laugh somehow. I look at each of them who has wide eyes.


Then I look at Jin, who has same face with them. Did I say something I shouldn't?


"Ahh! Oppa look at me!" - Girl 8

"Taehyung oppa! Please date with me!" - Girl 5

"Suga! Your are my sugar!" - Girl 12

"Jin, I love you!" - Girl 7

"Jimin! You so hot! Please kiss me!" - Girl 15

Aigoo, why in the morning they always make my mood down. Is just like I don't have a mood to study.

As we walk to hallway, we start walk towards to our locker. I search the number of my locker '1018'.

1013........1014.......1015.....1016....1017....Aha! 1018.

I step in front of my locker and open the password.

Mmmm......6.......5......4 *click* It open.

I open my locker and put some books inside it. I should decorate my locker because I don't want my locker look like ugly. I look at my right, see Jimin take his book from his locker.

"Hey, Jimin - ssi." I call him. He noticed. He look at me.

"Oh, our locker is 4 locker away." He smile.


"You know what, my number locker is easy remember."


"Because my birth date on October 13th. And my number of my locker is 1013." He smile brightly.

"Oh, really? Me too. My birthday on October 18th and my number of my locker is 1018." Wow is really easy to remember my number of my locker.

"Wow, that great! That mean You, Jin and me who same case." I turn to he who was busy put his book in the locker.

"Err.. what do you mean?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Ah, Jin birth date on December 2th so his number of the locker is 1202."

I look at my left see Jin who busy putting his books in the locker.

"His locker so far away from us." I take Science and English book.

"Yup, he always complaining to us that his locker away from us." He chuckled.

"Yeah, he always like a baby." I look at beside me, Yoongi open his locker.

"Your locker is..."

"1019. We're neighbor." He chuckled.

I giggles.

"Hyung, I go to class first. I don't want those girls flirting me." Jimin take his bag with him.

"Okay, go ahead." Then Jimin walk away from us. I watch Jimin back as he walk to the class.

"Oh, Yuna. Before I forget, ummm..... Tomorrow we have dance class sooooo, you have to bring cloth for dance." Yoongi tell me as he scratched back of his neck.

"Ouh. O-okay..." Weird. My old school didn't have dance class. As I done putting my book in my backpack, I close my locker and lock it. I wait for Yoongi as I lean with my locker.

"Yoongi oppa!" I turn my head to the front. I saw a girl who running toward us. Then, she stop running and stand infront of Yoongi.

"Hi, Oppa~" She call Yoongi with aegyo. She playing with her hair while look at Yoongi. But Yoongi just doing his thing, like that never happened. I just wait for Yoongi done and I don't want to stand right here with that girl. I look at her name tag 'Im Nayeon'. I just keep my mouth shut.

"Oppa~ did you heard me?" She look at Yoongi with hope but Yoongi ignore her. "Oppa look at me!" She lost her patient and she force Yoongi by take Yoongi arm. Yoongi look at her eyes with death glare.

"Don't ever touch me, you freak." Yoongi say in cold tone. Yoongi push her hand away from him. I can feel that Nayeon was full of fire. Then she look at me.

"Wae!? Is because of her, right?! *point at me* Huh?! She is freak! Not me!" She shout made student stop their track and look at us.


Yoongi slam his locker hard. I jump a little. Then Yoongi look at Nayeon with death glare. "You ask me why?! Okay, then I tell you WHY?! Is because of YOU! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO FLIRTING ON ME! YOU LIKE DO A ANNOYING AEGYO AT ME. I DON'T LIKE IT. AND I HATE IT. I HATE YOU. AND DON'T CALL YUNA A FREAK. YOU'RE A FREAK. DON'T EVER COME CLOSER TO ME AND YUNA! YOU GET IT!!!" Yoongi shout at Nayeon face. Nayeon her eyes was full of tears. Then she run away from us. I heard Yoongi sigh.Yoongi really have a bad mood today.

"Hey, Yoongi you okay?" Jin approach us. His backpack on his left shoulder. Yoongi look at Jin.

"Yeah, come on we should go to our class or we be late..." Yoongi start walk away from us leaving Jin and me.

Jin sigh. "Let's go, Yuna." Jin look at me. I nod. We start walking to the class but the way was block by fangirls. Both of we hardly pass them. Why in the morning always like this. We enter to the class I look at Yoongi who sit at the back with Hoseok. He has moody face all around his face.

I sigh. I sit on my seat as Jin sit on his seat. I take out my pencil case and English book. I look at my front of me, who has a empty seat who sit beside Jimin.

I began ask Jimin. "Umm... Jimin, the seat beside of you. Are they empty?" Jimin turn at his back look at me.

"Nope. Why?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Because yesterday I realized that seat is empty."

"Oh~ yesterday he absent, but today he will attend the school." He reply with smile.

"Ah~ I get it." I nod as I understand what he say. Then he turn to look at his front.

"Wae, are you don't want to sit with me?" I look at my right Jin look at me cute.

"I just asking. Don't be a kid." I say. Jin heard what I say, then he put his left hand on his right chest faking his hurt.

"Ow, that hurt~"

"That great." I play with my pen.

"Yuna so mean toward me~" Jin pout.

"Don't be a baby." I said in annoying tone.

"Hahaha!" Jimin heard us. He laugh made classmate look at him weirdo.

"Yah! Jimin can you stop!" Jin kick his chair with his leg. Jimin hold his laugh.

"Ok ok. I will. Ptffff....." Jimin hold his laugh.

"Aish, jinjia." Jin cross his arm while look his front. Glare Jimin back's.

I look at Jin who has a mad baby face. Honestly I want to brust a laugh. But I hold it. I stop playing my pen and put my chin on my left hand palm.

"Are baby Jin mad? Mmm?" I tease Jin. Jin look at me then he turn his head to the side.


"Don't be mad~" I bring my chair closer to him. He just sit there no moving at all. "Jin~" I arm around his lef arm. I look at he who had still angry. But I know he just tease me that way. "Okay, then. I don't want to be cutely with you." I take my arm away from and sit properly. Then Jin look at me with puppy eyes. I look at him. "Wae?" I said in cold tone.

"Yuna, don't be cold toward me~ Jebal~" He keep doing his puppy eyes. I left a sigh.

"I won't."

"Yeah. I love you!" He start to hug my right arm.

"Aish, such a baby..." I mumbled in my breath.

*Kring Kring*

Jin removed his arm around me. He start to sit properly, then he take his book out. I just waiting for the teacher   enter the classroom while I play with my pen. Suddenly a women enter the classroom, she look so young. She walk toward teacher desk and put her bag on the table.

"Good moring class."

We stand up and greet the teacher back. "Good morning, teacher."

"Well, please take a seat." We sit back on our seat. She scan the class then her eyes lay on me. "Oh! You must be a new student! Hello~ My name is Mrs. Song. I will be your English teacher. You must be *look at a paper that name of student* Kim Yuna. Right?" She look at me.

"Yes, miss." I bow to her.

"Well is very nice to meet you." She bow back. "I hope you comfortable with this school." She smile brightly.

"Thank you, miss." I smile back.

"You welcome, sweetheart." She look at me one last time then she take the English book. "Class please turn 48 pag-"

Suddenly a person enter into the classroom. I look at the person. I think I recognize him. But where?

"Miss, I'm sorry for being late." He bow to the Mrs. Song.

"Ah~ It okay. You late because last Saturday you go to the vacation with your family, am I right? Youngjae?"


I look at the boy who stand in front of class. Oh my! Is very Youngjae. Are he same school with me? We are classmate?! How should I do?! He will tease me in the school 24 hours.

I'm dead.

"Yes, miss."

Mrs. Song nod. "You're lucky today. And I won't punish you. So please take a seat." She give smile to him.

Youngjae bow to the teacher. "Thank you so much, miss." He walk toward to Jimin place and take a seat beside Jimin.

W-what!? He the owner of that seat!? He just infront of me!? Oh My! I hope he don't saw me. If he would, I probably haunted by him. I look infront of me, Youngjae was talking to Jimin.

"Okay, class. Please write down this on your book." Mrs. Song began write something on white board. We take our book. I look at Youngjae who turning his back for take his book out.  I glad that my bag on the floor. I duck my head down and take my book from my bag.

"Mmm?" Youngjae hummed. He notice me. But he can't see my face fully cause my hair cover it. Then he ignored me and turn to the front.

Then I take my book from my bag and put it on my desk and write the teacher write on the white board. I heard the conversation between Youngjae and Jimin.

Youngjae: Yah, are we have a new student?

Jimin: Y-yes.

Youngjae: The new student is behind me right? Beside Jin?

Jimin: Yeah.

Youngjae: Oh. Okay then. Later I want to introduce myself to her.

Jimin: Suit yourself.

How should I do? Okay, Yuna just chill. I hope he will forget that. But he not that stupid. I know him too well. I continue write just acting like nothing happened.

"Errr, Yun. Can I borrow your pen? My pen just running of ink" I look at beside me. I glad I bring extra pen.

"Sure." I search blue pen in my pencil case. I found my pen and give him. "Here."

"Thank. Err, Yuna?"

"What?" I look at him question.

"Can I call you 'Yun' for short?"

I think for while. "Sure. You can call my nickname whatever you want." I write whatever it say on my book. Not look at him as I tell him.


"Mm." I nod. I just want to pay attention to the class and forget Youngjae or else my grade will down.


"Class dismissed. See your guys on Thursday. Bye my angle." Mrs. Song waves us. Then she get out from the class. I take English book and put back into my bag. Then I search Science book and put in on my desk. I really tired of English class even though my favorite subject is English. I look at Jin who clean his desk. I just sit my seat, my head down and playing my hand.

*Knock Knock*

I heard my desk in knock by someone. I look up see my front. Is annoying boy. "Hi! My name is Yoo You-" When he see my fully face of mine, he seem so shocked.

"Did dog just bite you mouth, Jae?" I said in cold tone. Because I really tired of that leason.

"Y-Yuna..." He stare at me than he stood and walk to me. Suddenly he hug me tightly. I was surprised of him."Yuna! I miss you, buttercup! You don't know how much I really miss you!" He still hug me. I can scent that our classmate looking at us including my stepbrothers. I don't have any choice so I hug him back.

"Ok, ok. I miss you too, Jae. Can you release me now? I barely b-breath."

"Oops. Mianhe, Yuna." He quickly broke a hug. He lay his hand on my shoulders. "So how are you, Yuna?"

"I'm okay..." I lie. These days I feel depressed and stressed. I don't want he to worry about me.

"Are you sure?" He scan all around my face.


"Okay, then." He removed his hand from my shoulders and walk toward his seat. He sit on his seat then his turn his chair so he can talk to me.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Jin ask both of us.

"Yes. Yuna and I was cousin. So we really close. Right buttercup?" Youngjae look at me.

"Yeah." I say while I play my pen.

"Buttercup?" Jimin ask Youngjae as he raised his eyebrows.

"That her nickname. I made it for her. It suit to her and sound cute for her. So I call her buttercup." Youngjae tell them. Both of them nod understand.

"That cute!" Jimin tell to Youngjae.

"Thanks." Youngjae say as he scratched back of his neck. "Yuna, I want to heard of your story." He give me a puppy eyes.

Should I tell him about they are my stepbrothers? But he is my cousin. We are really close. And I trust him. "Errr, Youngjae I-" My word cut when teacher enter into the class.

"Good moring class." Jimin and Youngjae sit properly quickly. We stand up and greet the teacher.

"Good morning sir!"

"Please take a seat." We take our seat. I look at his name tag. 'Mr. Jung'

"Okay, class. Our leason begin."


I dig in my food. Today the leason of Science is really tiring. Why always Science always made me sleepy. I glad I didn't fall asleep on his class.

Why I feel uncomfortable. I feel that someone wathing me from afar.


I out from my thought I look at beside me. Taehyung look at me worry.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." I continue eat my lunch. Seriously I feel someone watching me.

Jungkook P.O.V

I look at noona who was uncomfortable or something. Is weird. But I can scent that she is afraid. I don't know what it is made she scare.

But not only she weird to me. Jin hyung also weird than noona. These days when noona became our stepsister, Jin hyung act happier than before. When Jin hyung see noona, his face told me anything. His face will blushing when he see noona.

I think Jin hyung like Yuna. Maybe...

Time skip

Yuna P.O.V

I lay my bag beside my study desk. Today is really tiring.

Oh. Yoongi say that tomorrow have a dance class. But tomorrow also has a PE class.

"Ah! Why is always Wednesday!" I left a sigh.

Why today I feel uncomfortable. I feel someone watching me all of time at school. Ani. It couldn't be. Maybe my head just playing with me. I really feel stressed today.

I should go shower and take a nap. I grab my towel and shower. I was done for my shower and walk toward my door and lock it. I sigh. Then I lay on my bed. I let the dark takes me.

??? P.O.V

I look at the photo I take. The photo of her, my sweet Yuna. When the first time I saw her, my heart pounding hard. Mades me want her so bad. I so happy that we are classmate. I think she don't know me yet, cause she new.

When I see her talking to them, I really feel a angry all around my body. I feel that I want to kill them for closer with her. But I can't because they are her stepbrothers. I know they are her stepsister because I stalked her. And I know all about her since yesterday. If someone try to hurt her. I will kill them.

She's mine.

Only mine.

                                       To Be Continue ~


Author Note

I'm sorry for late. It two weeks I don't publish this chapter. Actually in two weeks I was working this chapter but I don't complete it. Because my school made me stressed and I had take a rest. Three days ago, I feel guilty about making my readers waiting this chapter. I really care about my readers.❤

I hope you guys understand about me. I really busy with my school. But don't worry, I will publish new chapter quick.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

I love you guys so much!😘❤

Chapter 6 Coming Soon~

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