Morning with The Emperor Family

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It's been a while. There wasn't any storied I wanted to write and I thought I should write this cute little drabble.
Warning tho, this is a Emperor X Eging Jr. oneshot. So if you don't like gay or this ships then leave please.
Thanks and enjoy.


The sun rises and shines throw the curtains of the two monarchs of Team Emperor. Eging Jr. woke up to see his beautiful husband, Emperor himself, asleep. Eging softly chuckles and pull him closer and kiss his forehead, cheeks, nose, then to his lips.

"Emperor~ Babe~" Eging whispers to his ears. Emperor slurred in his sleep and slowly flutter open his beautiful golden eyes. Eging smiles and kiss his husband full on the lips. Emperor tiredly kiss back and cup Egingms shoulders.

They unfortunately have to pull away from each other due to so call thing oxygen. "Good morning, My King~" Eging cooed. Emperor just dug his head into Eging's chest (btw Eging is shirtless and Emperor is wearing nothing but Eging's shirt with boxers). Eging chuckle again and kiss the top of his head. "You're so cute Emp~"

The monarchs then heard a knock on the door. Even tho they knock, the child behind it just open it anyways. The door reveal a small female squiddo (a child in Splatoon basically) in her pajamas and her yellow blanket that she carries around in the house (which was a mansion since they are hella rich).

"Oh, hello Tiara!" Eging called. Tiara is the child of these gay monarchs. And no, it's their official child and they didn't adopt her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). "Papa... dad... I didn't mean to wake you up... but I wanted to sleep with you for the rest of the morning... can I please...?" Tiara asked in a very shy but cute voice.

"Of course you can darling..." Emperor said tiredly. Tiara made her way to the giant bed. Of course even though she was small, Tiara can climb really well. She climbed on the king size bed and snuggles in between her dads. Instantly after she got herself comfortable, Tiara fell sleep. Emperor and Eging quietly aww, at their daughter's cuteness. They snuggle closer to Tiara (mostly Emperor). They family just continued sleeping in the morning together.


I wanted to make this quick and I'm sorry for a bad start and ending, idk what to put.
Anyways, Tiara belongs to me while Emperor and Eging belongs to Coroika!

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