The Fire and Sound in our Hearts

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Pokémon Sun and Moon

I recently started liking Kiawe... (//∇//)

Also don't play the music when I say so.


Eliza was spending the weekend with her crush Kiawe since he asked her. Even though she didn't have to since she's old enough, but Eliza asked her great aunt and said yes.

Right now it was nighttime and everyone just went to bed and is asleep. All expect for Eliza. Eliza couldn't sleep because of the emotional pain in her stomach. Thinking about Kiawe not liking her back was not really the main reason. Eliza sat up and let out a huge sigh, releasing the pain in her heart into the air.

Climb out of bed, Eliza woke her partner Glaceon. Waking up, Glaceon knew exactly why Eliza woke her up. She always does this whenever they are away from their family.

Glaceon jumped out of bed and nodded at Eliza. Eliza grabbed her flute case and climbed out of the window, taking no risk of waking anyone up.

Once Eliza was out and not too far, Eliza opened her case and set her flute up, leaving the case closed on the ground.

Before playing, Eliza looked back at the Wela Volcano. It reminded her of Kiawe, knowing how much he loves the volcano, just like how Eliza loves the breezy night with a full moon, shining down at the land.

Eliza took a another big sigh. And started playing the beautiful music of the flute

(Play the song now)

As Eliza played through the night, it woke Kiawe up. He went to the front porch and saw a person with a Glaceon next to them playing what looks like a flute. The Glaceon was obvious to who it belong.

Kiawe quietly walk up to Eliza playing the flute in the moonlight. He didn't want to interrupt Eliza's beautiful playing of the flute. So he just waited until she was finished.

When Eliza was finished she heard someone clapped and said, "Nice job of playing the flute."

Flustered, Eliza turn her heard slowly while trying not to direct eye contacted. "T-Th... Thank you, Kiawe..."

"I didn't know you play the flute Eliza. But it's really good!" Kiawe smiles. Eliza felt her face heating up but manage to say, "W-Well... I don't w-want to b-brag about..."

"Do you play it every night?" Kiawe asked. Eliza shook her head and explained that she only plays it if she is away from her family members. It helps her calm down and not become to homesick.

Kiawe suddenly hugged Eliza, leaving Eliza with almost a red face and speechless. "Hey, it'll be alright... Wanna sleep with me when we get back inside?"

Eliza's face became cherry like with puffs coming out of her ears like a train. "I-I-I-I—" Eliza didn't know what to say leaving her a stuttering mess. Glaceon just rubbed her head again her legs to calm her down.

Due to Eliza's tongue now got stuck, Eliza just nodded, want to sleep with but at the same time not, with Kiawe.

Kiawe just smiled and broke the hug as Eliza packed her flute up. Immediately after she was done, he grabbed her hand and led her back inside with Glaceon following them behind them of course.


Sorry for the shortness but at least it's cute I hope.

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