chapter 20 lucy William

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Suga pov:

I have no idea why I behaved so immaturely, even I don't know if I'm jealous or worried!! I was flustered when she said she's going with someone else.

maybe jin hyung misunderstand her words, she doesn't like me or whatsoever, I didn't reply to her question and walked and entered the elevator she follows me.

Y/n: if you don't want me to go with him then...

She took my attention by saying this, I raised my eyebrows "then?" She hangs in my arms and wink at me!

Y/n: then you came with me!!

I hold my big rosiness and lent her my poker face! Maybe she likes me right??

We walk out of the hotel, everyone is waiting for me on the other side of the road, we were about to cross the suddenly a red polished car blocked our way!

y/n is standing beside me. the car is remarkable.

I admire the car until I see the owner!! He opens the car door and walks towards
y/n. And I instantly held her hands idk why?!

Sammy: shall we go??

He asks her, she smiles at him and looks at our hands than me.

She slowly takes her hands away from mine, I hated that.

Y/n: why not?

I leave that spot immediately and walk towards the van, I pause holding the door, and see him opening the door for her. she sits in the car and he rushes to the driving seat.

My sight doesn't leave her even after the car starts and I stupidly standstill till that car disappears.


Y/n pov:

I promise Sammy yesterday that I'll go out with him just for a lunch. It's not a date or anything. His girlfriend died 2 years ago and I reassemble of her to him. Yeahh that's what he said!!

He said that he didn't get to goodbye to her properly so he ask me as a favor to have lunch with him, yeah, of course, I said no before, bcoz it's so strange to go out with someone who finds his ex in me!!

but he was sincere about that. And I wanted him to say goodbye to her. So I'm okay if he thinks of me as his dead girlfriend for a moment.

I miss suga all the way, I didn't even go out with him a lot but still!! He was awful when I take my hands away from him but I had no choice...!

Sammy: thinking about that pale guy??

I snap out of my thoughts hearing Sammy!

"What makes you think that??"

He smirks while driving.

Sammy: cause it's obvious! You like him right??

"yeah, I do!!"

Sammy: ohhh look at you not even hesitate to answer!

"I'm always sure about what I want!"

He nods chuckling and parks the car in the corner. We walk into the restaurant!

Sammy: if you're not that busy should we go graveyard after this lunch? But it's okay if you don't want to!

"I want to!! I want to pay my respect to her!"

A bright smile on his face after knowing my answer. He orders the food, it's very tasty. He sees me with lots of love in his eyes I feel awkward a bit but it's Okayy!!

Sammy: don't mind me staring at you like this, you look like her a lot!

As we finish the food he didn't let me pay, then we off to the graveyard!

After an hour we reach the graveyard, he took me to her tombstone we both sit and place a flower on her grave!

Here lies lucy William.

May her soul rest in peace.

As we both close our eyes and pay her our regards. I hear him sniffing he must have really loved her. I rubbed his shoulder and hugged him lightly.

After a moment we get up and walk towards the exit. I don't want to ask this but I'm curious.

"What happened to her??"

He wipes his tear with a handkerchief and replies.

Sammy: She was saving a kid and got herself in an accident.

she used to say to me every day "let's get married" but I was not ready for that, I was just an intern and I wanted to give her a comfortable life.

We started to have arguments a lot, she thought I don't love her anymore. Then I promised her that the day I got my job permanent I'll marry her on which she agrees.

And the day I got my fixed-job, I buy a proposal ring and wanted to surprise her then I got a call from the hospital. It's was a rainy day and hard to find a cab so I run to the hospital.

I was late, she didn't make it. I didn't get to goodbye her. It's been two years now!

"I'm so-sorry you went through so much pain"

Sammy: don't cry y/n and I don't want you to regret like me! if I had fulfilled her wish, maybe I wouldn't be this guilt now! you should confess your love to that pale guy,

At that moment I realize that I have no time to waste I'll confess to him tonight.


(A/n: from this to the next 5-6 chapters will be a little frustrating to read... Don't stop reading or don't skip and I know they can date secretly as an idol too, but not when they just started to become good. I want to show that he can sacrifice his everything for the members. that's what I think💁🏻‍♀️ so keep reading and vote if you like it! 🧟‍♂️ bye to <33)

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